{ "lang_adminInfo": "This is a list of all templates. The \"status\"-column tells if there are translations missing, or unused tags are defined.", "lang_back": "Back", "lang_createTag": "Create TAG", "lang_deleteTAG": "Delete", "lang_editConfigModule": "Edit config module strings", "lang_editHardcoded": "Edit hardcoded strings", "lang_editMessages": "Edit Messages", "lang_editModules": "Edit Module Translations", "lang_editSettings": "Edit configuration variables related strings", "lang_editTemplates": "Edit template strings", "lang_englishTAG": "English TAG", "lang_germanTAG": "German TAG", "lang_langAdministration": "Templates", "lang_module": "Module", "lang_newTAG": "New TAG", "lang_portugueseTAG": "Portuguese TAG", "lang_save": "Save", "lang_status": "Status", "lang_templateAdminHelp": "Here you can translate and edit phrases and texts.", "lang_templateHint": "Hint: Yellow lines indicate a translation is missing and red lines indicate a tag is not being used by the template." }