builtInSections = array('template', 'messages', 'module', 'menucategory', 'custom'); } private function isValidSection(string $section): bool { return in_array($section, $this->builtInSections); } private function loadCustomHandler(string $moduleName): ?array { $path = 'modules/' . $moduleName . '/hooks/translation.inc.php'; $HANDLER = array(); if (file_exists($path)) { require $path; } $backup = $HANDLER; foreach (glob('modules/*/hooks/translation-global.inc.php', GLOB_NOSORT) as $path) { $HANDLER = array(); require $path; if (empty($HANDLER['subsections'])) continue; foreach ($HANDLER['subsections'] as $sub) { $suf = ''; while (isset($backup['subsections']) && in_array($sub . $suf, $backup['subsections'])) { $suf = mt_rand(); } $backup['subsections'][] = $sub . $suf; if (isset($HANDLER['grep_' . $sub])) { $backup['grep_' . $sub . $suf] = $HANDLER['grep_' . $sub]; } } } if (empty($backup)) return null; return $backup; } /** * Redirect to the closest matching page, as extracted from * get/post parameters. */ #[NoReturn] private function redirect(int $level = 99): void { $params = array('do' => 'translation'); if ($level > 0 && $this->module !== false) { $params['module'] = $this->module->getIdentifier(); } if ($level > 1 && $this->section !== false && $this->destLang !== false && in_array($this->destLang, Dictionary::getLanguages())) { $params['section'] = $this->section; $params['destlang'] = $this->destLang; } Util::redirect('?' . http_build_query($params)); } protected function doPreprocess() { User::load(); if (!User::isLoggedIn()) { Message::addError('main.no-permission'); Util::redirect('?do=Main'); } // Set up variables // Module to be edited $moduleName = Request::any('module', false, 'string'); if ($moduleName !== false) { $this->module = Module::get($moduleName, true); if ($this->module === false) { Message::addError('main.no-such-module', $moduleName); $this->redirect(); } elseif ($this->module->hasMissingDependencies()) { Message::addError('main.module-missing-deps', $moduleName); $this->redirect(); } $this->customHandler = $this->loadCustomHandler($moduleName); } if ($this->module !== false) { // Section $sectionName = Request::any('section', false, 'string'); if ($sectionName !== false) { if (!$this->isValidSection($sectionName)) { Message::addError('invalid-section', $sectionName); $this->redirect(); } } $this->section = $sectionName; } // Subsection (being checked when used) $this->subsection = Request::any('subsection', false, 'string'); // LANG (verify if needed) $this->destLang = Request::any('destlang', false, 'string'); if (Request::post('update')) { $this->updateJson(); $this->redirect(1); } } private function ensureValidDestLanguage() { if (!in_array($this->destLang, Dictionary::getLanguages())) { Message::addError('i18n-invalid-lang', $this->destLang); $this->redirect(); } } protected function doRender() { // Overview (list of modules) if ($this->module === false) { $this->showListOfModules(); return; } // One module - overview if ($this->section === false) { $this->showModule(); return; } // Edit template string if ($this->section === 'template') { $this->ensureValidDestLanguage(); $this->showTemplateEdit(); return; } // Messugiz if ($this->section === 'messages') { $this->ensureValidDestLanguage(); $this->showMessagesEdit(); return; } // Module if ($this->section === 'module') { $this->ensureValidDestLanguage(); $this->showModuleEdit(); return; } // Menu Category if ($this->section === 'menucategory') { $this->ensureValidDestLanguage(); $this->showMenuCategoryEdit(); return; } // Custom if ($this->section === 'custom') { $this->ensureValidDestLanguage(); $this->showCustomEdit(); return; } $this->redirect(1); } private function showListOfModules() { $table = array(); $modules = Module::getAll(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $msgs = $this->buildStatusStringForOverview($module); $table[] = array( 'module' => $module->getIdentifier(), 'depfail' => $module->hasMissingDependencies(), 'status' => $msgs ); } sort($table); Render::addTemplate('module-list', array( 'table' => $table )); } private function showModule() { // Heading Render::addTemplate('module-heading', array( 'module' => $this->module->getIdentifier(), 'moduleName' => $this->module->getDisplayName() )); Render::openTag('div', array('class' => 'row')); // Templates $this->showModuleTemplates(); // Messages $this->showModuleMessages(); // Other/hardcoded strings $this->showModuleStrings(); // Menu categories $this->showModuleMenuCategories(); // Dict::translateFile calls $this->getModuleOtherFiles(); // Module specific $this->showModuleCustom(); Render::closeTag('div'); } private function showModuleTemplates() { $templateTags = $this->loadUsedTemplateTags(); $data = array('module' => $this->module->getIdentifier()); $templateNames = array(); $data['tagcount'] = 0; foreach ($templateTags as $templates) { $templateNames = array_merge($templateNames, $templates); $data['tagcount']++; } foreach (Dictionary::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { list($missing, $unused) = $this->getModuleTemplateStatus($lang['cc'], $templateTags); $data['langs'][] = array( 'cc' => $lang['cc'], 'name' => $lang['name'], 'missing' => $missing, 'unused' => $unused ); } $data['templates'] = array(); foreach (array_unique($templateNames) as $template) { $data['templates'][] = array('template' => $template); } Render::addTemplate('template-list', $data); } private function showModuleMessages() { $messageTags = $this->loadUsedMessageTags(); $data = array('module' => $this->module->getIdentifier()); $phpFiles = array(); $data['messagecount'] = 0; foreach ($messageTags as $templates) { $phpFiles = array_merge($phpFiles, array_keys($templates['files'])); $data['messagecount']++; } foreach (Dictionary::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { list($missing, $unused) = $this->getModuleTranslationStatus($lang['cc'], 'messages', false, $messageTags); $data['langs'][] = array( 'cc' => $lang['cc'], 'name' => $lang['name'], 'missing' => $missing, 'unused' => $unused ); } $data['files'] = array(); foreach (array_unique($phpFiles) as $template) { $data['files'][] = array('file' => $template); } Render::addTemplate('message-list', $data); } private function showModuleStrings() { $moduleTags = $this->loadUsedModuleTags(); $data = array('module' => $this->module->getIdentifier()); $data['tagcount'] = count($moduleTags); foreach (Dictionary::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { list($missing, $unused) = $this->getModuleTranslationStatus($lang['cc'], 'module', true, $moduleTags); $data['langs'][] = array( 'cc' => $lang['cc'], 'name' => $lang['name'], 'missing' => $missing, 'unused' => $unused ); } Render::addTemplate('string-list', $data); } private function showModuleMenuCategories() { $moduleTags = $this->loadUsedMenuCategories(); $data = array('module' => $this->module->getIdentifier()); $data['tagcount'] = count($moduleTags); foreach (Dictionary::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { list($missing, $unused) = $this->getModuleTranslationStatus($lang['cc'], 'categories', true, $moduleTags); $data['langs'][] = array( 'cc' => $lang['cc'], 'name' => $lang['name'], 'missing' => $missing, 'unused' => $unused ); } Render::addTemplate('menu-category-list', $data); } private function showModuleCustom(): void { if ($this->customHandler === null) return; foreach ($this->customHandler['subsections'] as $subsection) { $this->showModuleCustomSubsection($subsection); } } private function showModuleCustomSubsection($subsection) { $moduleTags = $this->loadUsedCustomTags($subsection); $data = array( 'subsection' => $subsection, 'module' => $this->module->getIdentifier(), 'tagcount' => $moduleTags === false ? '???' : count($moduleTags), ); foreach (Dictionary::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { if ($moduleTags !== false) { list($missing, $unused) = $this->getModuleTranslationStatus($lang['cc'], $subsection, false, $moduleTags); } else { $missing = $unused = '???'; } $data['langs'][] = array( 'cc' => $lang['cc'], 'name' => $lang['name'], 'missing' => $missing, 'unused' => $unused ); } Render::addTemplate('custom-list', $data); } private function showTemplateEdit() { Render::addTemplate('edit', array( 'destlang' => $this->destLang, 'language' => Dictionary::getLanguageName($this->destLang), 'tags' => $this->loadTemplateEditArray(), 'module' => $this->module->getIdentifier(), 'section' => $this->section )); } private function showMessagesEdit() { Render::addTemplate('edit', array( 'destlang' => $this->destLang, 'language' => Dictionary::getLanguageName($this->destLang), 'tags' => $this->loadMessagesEditArray(), 'module' => $this->module->getIdentifier(), 'section' => $this->section )); } private function showModuleEdit() { Render::addTemplate('edit', array( 'destlang' => $this->destLang, 'language' => Dictionary::getLanguageName($this->destLang), 'tags' => $this->loadModuleEditArray(), 'module' => $this->module->getIdentifier(), 'section' => $this->section )); } private function showMenuCategoryEdit() { Render::addTemplate('edit', array( 'destlang' => $this->destLang, 'language' => Dictionary::getLanguageName($this->destLang), 'tags' => $this->loadMenuCategoryEditArray(), 'module' => $this->module->getIdentifier(), 'section' => $this->section )); } private function showCustomEdit() { Render::addTemplate('edit', array( 'destlang' => $this->destLang, 'language' => Dictionary::getLanguageName($this->destLang), 'tags' => $this->loadCustomEditArray(), 'module' => $this->module->getIdentifier(), 'section' => $this->section, 'subsection' => $this->subsection )); } /** * Get all tags used by templates of the given module. * @param \Module $module module in question, null to use the one being edited. * * @return array of array(tag => array of templates using that tag) */ private function loadUsedTemplateTags(Module $module = null): array { if ($module === null) { $module = $this->module; } $tags = array(); $path = 'modules/' . $module->getIdentifier() . '/templates'; if (is_dir($path)) { // Return an array with the module language tags foreach ($this->getAllFiles($path, '.html') as $name) { $relTemplateName = substr($name, strlen($path), -5); foreach ($this->getTagsFromTemplate($name) as $tag) { $tags[$tag][] = $relTemplateName; } } } return $tags; } /** * Get all message tags of the given module. * Returns array indexed by tag, value is * array( * 'data' => rest of arguments to message * 'files' => array(filename => occurencecount, ...) * ) * * @param \Module $module module in question, null to use the one being edited * @return array see above */ private function loadUsedMessageTags(Module $module = null): array { if ($module === null) { $module = $this->module; } $allFiles = $this->getAllFiles('modules', '.php'); if ($module->getIdentifier() === 'main') { $allFiles = array_merge($allFiles, $this->getAllFiles('apis', '.php'), $this->getAllFiles('inc', '.php')); $allFiles[] = 'index.php'; } $full = $this->loadTagsFromPhp(['/Message\s*::\s*add\w+\s*\(\s*[\'"](?[^\'"\.]*\.[^\'"]*)[\'"]\s*(?\)|\,.*)/i'], $allFiles); $tags = []; // Filter out tags that don't refer to this module foreach ($full as $tag) { $p = explode('.', $tag['tag'], 2); // Figure out if this is a message from this module or not if ($p[0] === $module->getIdentifier()) { // Direct reference to this module via module.id $tag['tag'] = $p[1]; $tags[$p[1]] = $tag; } } return $this->loadTagsFromPhp(['/Message\s*::\s*add\w+\s*\(\s*[\'"](?[^\'"\.]*)[\'"]\s*(?\)|\,.*)/i'], $this->getModulePhpFiles($module), $tags); } /** * Get all module tags used/required. * * @return array ( => (bool)required) */ private function loadUsedModuleTags(Module $module = null): array { if ($module === null) { $module = $this->module; } $emod = preg_quote($module->getIdentifier(), '/'); $tags = $this->loadTagsFromPhp([ '/Dictionary\s*::\s*translate\s*\(\s*[\'"](?[^\'"\.]*)[\'"]\s*[\),]/i', '/Dictionary\s*::\s*translateFile\s*\(\s*[\'"]module[\'"]\s*,\s*[\'"](?[^\'"\.]*)[\'"]\s*[\),]/i', '/Dictionary\s*::\s*translateFileModule\s*\(\s*[\'"]'.$emod.'[\'"]\s*,\s*[\'"]module[\'"]\s*,\s*[\'"](?[^\'"\.]*)[\'"]\s*[\),]/i', ], $this->getModulePhpFiles($module)); foreach ($tags as &$tag) { $tag = true; } unset($tag); // Fixup special tags if (!file_exists('modules/' . $module->getIdentifier() . '/page.inc.php')) { unset($tags['module_name']); unset($tags['page_title']); } else { $tags['module_name'] = true; $tags['page_title'] = false; } return $tags; } private function loadUsedMenuCategories(): array { $module = $this->module; $skip = strlen($module->getIdentifier()) + 1; $match = $module->getIdentifier() . '.'; $want = array(); foreach (Module::getAll() as $module) { $cat = $module->getCategory(); if ($cat !== null && substr($cat, 0, $skip) === $match) { $want[substr($cat, $skip)] = true; } } return $want; } /** * Return list of existing tags needing translation. This calls * the function defined by the module. which is expected to return * an array serving as a list, where the KEYS are the tags expected, * the value of each entry can be false if the tag is optional. * * @param string $subsection Name of subsection * @return ?array List of tags as KEYS of array */ private function loadUsedCustomTags(string $subsection): ?array { if (isset($this->customHandler['grep_'.$subsection])) { return $this->customHandler['grep_' . $subsection]($this->module); } $byFile = $this->getDictTranslateFileArray($this->module); if (isset($byFile[$subsection])) { foreach ($byFile[$subsection] as &$tag) { $tag = true; } return $byFile[$subsection]; } return null; } private function getTagsFromTemplate(string $templateFile) { //checks if the template is valid if (!file_exists($templateFile)) { Message::addError('invalid-template', $templateFile); return false; } //finds every mustache tag within the html template $htmlTemplate = file_get_contents($templateFile); preg_match_all('/{{(lang_.*?)}}/s', $htmlTemplate, $matches); if (!isset($matches[1]) || !is_array($matches[1])) return array(); return array_unique($matches[1]); } /** * Get missing and unused counters for given module's templates. * * @param string $lang lang to use * @param array $tags Array of tags, where the tag names are the keys * @param Module $module the module to work with, defaults to the currently edited module * @return array{0: int, 1 :int} (missing, unused) */ private function getModuleTemplateStatus(string $lang, array $tags, Module $module = null): array { return $this->getModuleTranslationStatus($lang, 'template-tags', true, $tags, $module); } private function getDictTranslateFileArray(Module $module): array { $tags = $this->loadTagsFromPhp( ['/Dictionary\s*::\s*translateFile\s*\(\s*[\'"](?[^\'".]*)[\'"]\s*,\s*[\'"](?[^\'".]*)[\'"]\s*[),]/i'], $this->getModulePhpFiles($module)); $byFile = []; foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($tag['json'] === 'messages' || $tag['json'] === 'module' || $tag['json'] === 'permissions' || $tag['json'] === 'template-tags') continue; if (!isset($byFile[$tag['json']])) { $byFile[$tag['json']] = []; } $byFile[$tag['json']][$tag['tag']] = $tag; } return $byFile; } /** @return array{0: int, 1 :int} (missing, unused) */ private function getModuleOtherFileStatus(string $lang, Module $module = null, array $byFile = null): array { if ($module === null) { $module = $this->module; } if ($byFile === null) { $byFile = $this->getDictTranslateFileArray($module); } $missing = $unused = 0; foreach ($byFile as $file => $list) { $translation = Dictionary::getArray($module->getIdentifier(), $file, $lang); foreach ($list as $tag) { $tag = $tag['tag']; if (isset($translation[$tag])) { unset($translation[$tag]); } else { $missing++; } } $unused += count($translation); } return [$missing, $unused]; } /** @return array{missingCount: int, unusedCount :int} */ private function getModuleOtherFiles(): void { $module = $this->module; $this->renderDictFileOneLang($module); } private function renderDictFileOneLang(Module $module): void { $byFile = $this->getDictTranslateFileArray($module); foreach ($byFile as $file => $list) { $data = [ 'subsection' => $file, 'module' => $this->module->getIdentifier(), 'tagcount' => count($list), ]; foreach (Dictionary::getLanguages(true) as $lang) { list($missing, $unused) = $this->getModuleOtherFileStatus($lang['cc'], $module, $byFile); $data['langs'][] = array( 'cc' => $lang['cc'], 'name' => $lang['name'], 'missing' => $missing, 'unused' => $unused ); } Render::addTemplate('custom-list', $data); } } /** * Get missing and unused counters for given translation unit. * This is a more general version of the getModuleTemplateStatus function, * which is special since it uses fallback to global translations. * * @param string $lang lang cc to use * @param string $file the name of the translation file to load for checking * @param bool $fallback whether to check the global-tags of the main module as fallback * @param array $tags list of tags that are expected to exist. Tags are the array keys! * @param Module $module the module to work with, defaults to the currently edited module * @return array [missingCount, unusedCount] */ private function getModuleTranslationStatus(string $lang, string $file, bool $fallback, array $tags, Module $module = null): array { if ($module === null) { $module = $this->module; } if ($fallback) { $globalTranslation = Dictionary::getArray('main', 'global-tags', $lang); } else { $globalTranslation = array(); } $translation = Dictionary::getArray($module->getIdentifier(), $file, $lang) + $globalTranslation; $matches = 0; $unused = 0; $expected = 0; foreach ($tags as $v) { if ($v !== false) { $expected++; } } foreach (array_keys($translation) as $key) { if(!isset($tags[$key])) { if (!isset($globalTranslation[$key])) { $unused++; } } else { // Only if mandatory, since $expected is also calculated accordingly if ($tags[$key] !== false) { $matches++; } } } $missing = $expected - $matches; return array($missing, $unused); } private function buildStatusStringForOverview(Module $module): string { $templateTags = $this->loadUsedTemplateTags($module); $messageTags = $this->loadUsedMessageTags($module); $moduleTags = $this->loadUsedModuleTags($module); $msgs = ''; foreach (Dictionary::getLanguages() as $lang) { list($m1, $u1) = $this->getModuleTemplateStatus($lang, $templateTags, $module); list($m2, $u2) = $this->getModuleTranslationStatus($lang, 'messages', true, $messageTags, $module); list($m3, $u3) = $this->getModuleTranslationStatus($lang, 'module', true, $moduleTags, $module); list($m4, $u4) = $this->getModuleOtherFileStatus($lang, $module); $missing = $m1 + $m2 + $m3 + $m4; $unused = $u1 + $u2 + $u3 + $u4; $msg = ""; if ($missing > 0) { $msg .= " [$missing missing] "; } if ($unused > 0) { $msg .= " [$unused not being used] "; } if(!empty($msg)) { $msgs .= '
' . Dictionary::getFlagHtml(false, $lang) . '
' . $msg . '
'; } } if(empty($msgs)) { $msgs = 'OK'; } return $msgs; } /** * Finds and returns all PHP files of slxadmin. * * @return array of all php file names */ private function getAllFiles(string $dir, string $extension): array { $php = array(); $extLen = -strlen($extension); foreach (scandir($dir, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE) as $name) { if ($name === '.' || $name === '..') continue; $name = $dir . '/' . $name; if (substr($name, $extLen) === $extension && is_file($name)) { $php[] = $name; } else if (is_dir($name)) { $php = array_merge($php, $this->getAllFiles($name, $extension)); } } return $php; } /** * Finds and returns all PHP files of current module. * * @param Module $module Module to get the php files of * @return array of php file names */ private function getModulePhpFiles(Module $module): array { return $this->getAllFiles('modules/' . $module->getIdentifier(), '.php'); } /** * Get array to pass to edit page with all the tags and translations. * * @return array structure to pass to the tags list in the edit template */ private function loadTemplateEditArray(): array { $tags = $this->loadUsedTemplateTags(); $table = $this->buildTranslationTable('template-tags', array_keys($tags), true); $global = Dictionary::getArray($this->module->getIdentifier(), 'global-tags', $this->destLang); foreach ($table as &$entry) { if (empty($entry['translation']) && isset($global[$entry['tag']])) { $entry['placeholder'] = $global[$entry['tag']]; } if (!isset($tags[$entry['tag']])) continue; $entry['notes'] = implode('
', $tags[$entry['tag']]); } return $table; } /** * Get array to pass to edit page with all the message ids. * * @return array structure to pass to the tags list in the edit template */ private function loadMessagesEditArray(): array { $tags = $this->loadUsedMessageTags(); $table = $this->buildTranslationTable('messages', array_keys($tags), true); foreach ($table as &$entry) { if (!isset($tags[$entry['tag']])) continue; $tag =& $tags[$entry['tag']]; // Add tag information if (isset($tag['data']) && is_string($tag['data'])) { $entry['notes'] = 'Params: ' . $this->countMessageParams($tag['data']) . ''; } else { $entry['notes'] = ''; } foreach ($tag['files'] as $file => $count) { $entry['notes'] .= '
' . htmlspecialchars($file) . ': ' . $count . '×'; } } return $table; } /** * Get array to pass to edit page with all the message ids. * * @return array structure to pass to the tags list in the edit template */ private function loadModuleEditArray(): array { $tags = $this->loadUsedModuleTags(); return $this->buildTranslationTable('module', array_keys($tags), true); } private function loadMenuCategoryEditArray(): array { $tags = $this->loadUsedMenuCategories(); return $this->buildTranslationTable('categories', array_keys($tags), true); } /** * Get array to pass to edit page with all the message ids. * * @return array structure to pass to the tags list in the edit template */ private function loadCustomEditArray(): array { $tags = $this->loadUsedCustomTags($this->subsection); if ($tags === null) { Message::addError('invalid-custom-handler', $this->subsection); $this->redirect(1); } return $this->buildTranslationTable($this->subsection, array_keys($tags), true); } /** * Quick and dirty method to count the parameters of a message/translate invocation. * Expects the rest of an invocation, so e.g. addMessage('foo-foo', 'hi'); becomes * , 'hi'); or addMessage('foo'); becomes just ); * This obviously fails if the call is spread over multiple lines. * * @param string $str the partial method call * @return int number of arguments to the method, minus the message id */ private function countMessageParams(string $str): int { $quote = false; $escape = false; $count = 0; $len = strlen($str); $depth = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $char = $str[$i]; // Last char was backslash? Ignore this char if ($escape) { $escape = false; continue; } // We're inside quotes, watch for end or backslash if ($quote !== false) { if ($char === $quote) { $quote = false; } elseif ($char === '\\') { $escape = true; } continue; } // We're not inside quotes // Check if we have a parameter delimiter if ($char === ',') { // Check we're not in a nested method call if ($depth === 0) { $count++; // Increase parameter counter } } elseif ($char === '"' || $char === "'") { // Start of string $quote = $char; } elseif ($char === '{' || $char === '(' || $char === '[') { // Nested method etc. $depth++; } elseif ($char === '}' || $char === ')' || $char === ']') { // End nested method $depth--; } } // QnD special case for Message::add* using true as second param to add "go to" link. if (preg_match('/^\s*,\s*true\b/i', $str)) return $count - 1; return $count; } /** * Load array of tags used in all the php files, by given regexp. * The capture group containing the tag name must be named tag, which * can be achieved by using (?..). All other capture groups will * be returned in the resulting array. * The return value is an array indexed by tag, and the value for each tag is of type * array('captureX' => captureX, 'captureY' => captureY, 'files' => array( * file1 => count, * fileN => count * )). * * @param string[] $regexp regular expressions * @param string[] $files list of files to scan * @param string[] $tags existing tag array to append to * @return array of all tags found, where the tag is the key, and the value is as described above */ private function loadTagsFromPhp(array $regexps, array $files, array $tags = []): array { // Get all php files, so we can find all strings that need to be translated // Now find all tags in all php files. Only works for literal usage, not something like $foo = 'bar'; Dictionary::translate($foo); foreach ($files as $file) { $content = file_get_contents($file); if ($content === false) continue; $out = []; foreach ($regexps as $regexp) { $tmp = []; if (preg_match_all($regexp, $content, $tmp, PREG_SET_ORDER) < 1) continue; $out = array_merge($out, $tmp); } foreach ($out as $set) { if (!isset($tags[$set['tag']])) { $tags[$set['tag']] = $set; $tags[$set['tag']]['files'] = array(); } if (isset($tags[$set['tag']]['files'][$file])) { $tags[$set['tag']]['files'][$file]++; } else { $tags[$set['tag']]['files'][$file] = 1; } } } return $tags; } /** * @param string $file Source dictionary * @param string[] $requiredTags Tags that are considered required * @param bool $findAlreadyTranslated If true, try to find a translation for this string in another language * @return array numeric array suitable for passing to mustache */ private function buildTranslationTable(string $file, array $requiredTags, bool $findAlreadyTranslated = false): array { $tags = array(); foreach ($requiredTags as $tagName) { $tags[$tagName] = array('tag' => $tagName, 'required' => true); } // Sort here, so all tags known to be used are in alphabetical order ksort($tags); // Finds every tag within the JSON language file $jsonTags = Dictionary::getArray($this->module->getIdentifier(), $file, $this->destLang); // Sort these separately so unused tags will be at the bottom of the list, but still ordered alphabetically ksort($jsonTags); foreach ($jsonTags as $tag => $translation) { $tags[$tag]['translation'] = $translation; if (strpos($translation, "\n") !== false) { $tags[$tag]['big'] = true; } $tags[$tag]['tag'] = $tag; } if ($findAlreadyTranslated) { // For each tag, include a translated string from another language as reference $this->findTranslationSamples($file, $tags); } if ($file === 'template-tags' || $file === 'module') { $globals = Dictionary::getArray('main', 'global-tags', $this->destLang); } else { $globals = array(); } $tagid = 0; foreach ($tags as &$tag) { $tag['tagid'] = $tagid++; // We have a list of required tags, so mark those that are missing or unused if (!isset($tag['required'])) { $tag['unused'] = true; } elseif (!isset($tag['translation']) && !isset($globals[$tag['tag']])) { $tag['missing'] = true; } if (isset($globals[$tag['tag']])) { $tag['isglobal'] = true; $tag['placeholder'] = $globals[$tag['tag']]; } } // Finally remove tagname from the keys so mustache will iterate over them via {{#..}} return array_values($tags); } /** * Finds translation samples for the given tags in the given file, looking in all * languages except the one currently being translated to. Prefers the language the * user selected, then english, then everything else. * * @param string $file translation unit * @param array $tags list of tags, formatted as used in buildTranslationTable() */ private function findTranslationSamples(string $file, array &$tags): void { $srcLangs = array_unique(array_merge(array(LANG), array('en'), Dictionary::getLanguages())); if (($key = array_search($this->destLang, $srcLangs)) !== false) { unset($srcLangs[$key]); } foreach ($srcLangs as $lang) { $otherLang = Dictionary::getArray($this->module->getIdentifier(), $file, $lang); $missing = false; foreach (array_keys($tags) as $tag) { if (isset($tags[$tag]['samplelang'])) continue; if (!isset($otherLang[$tag])) { $missing = true; } else { $tags[$tag]['samplelang'] = $lang; $tags[$tag]['sampletext'] = $otherLang[$tag]; } } if (!$missing) break; } } private function getJsonFile(): string { $prefix = 'modules/' . $this->module->getIdentifier() . '/lang/' . $this->destLang; // File if ($this->section === 'messages') { return $prefix . '/messages.json'; } if ($this->section === 'template') { return $prefix . '/template-tags.json'; } if ($this->section === 'module') { return $prefix . '/module.json'; } if ($this->section === 'menucategory') { return $prefix . '/categories.json'; } // Custom submodule if ($this->section === 'custom') { if (isset($this->customHandler['subsections']) && in_array($this->subsection, $this->customHandler['subsections'], true)) { return $prefix . '/' . $this->subsection . '.json'; } $byFile = $this->getDictTranslateFileArray($this->module); if (isset($byFile[$this->subsection])) { return $prefix . '/' . $this->subsection . '.json'; } Message::addError('invalid-custom-handler', $this->subsection); $this->redirect(1); } Message::addError('invalid-section', $this->section); $this->redirect(1); } /** * Updates a JSON file with it's new tags or/and tags values */ private function updateJson(): void { $this->ensureValidDestLanguage(); if ($this->module === false) { Message::addError('no-module-given'); $this->redirect(); } $file = $this->getJsonFile(); $data = array(); //find the tag requests to change the file $tags = Request::post('langtag', array(), 'array'); foreach ($tags as $tag => $value) { $tag = trim($tag); if (empty($tag)) { Message::addWarning('i18n-empty-tag'); continue; } if (empty($value)) { unset($data[$tag]); } else { $data[$tag] = $value; } } $translation = Request::post('new-text', array(), 'array'); foreach (Request::post('new-id', array(), 'array') as $k => $tag) { if (empty($translation[$k]) || empty($tag)) continue; $data[(string)$tag] = (string)$translation[$k]; } //saves the new values on the file $path = dirname($file); if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path, 0775, true); } if (empty($data)) { if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } else { ksort($data); // Sort by key, so the diff on the output is cleaner $json = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); // Also for better diffability of the json files, we pretty print //exits the function in case the action was unsuccessful if (file_put_contents($file, $json) === false) { Message::addError('main.error-write', $file); return; } } Message::addSuccess('updated-tags'); } }