actionConfigureHttps(); break; case 'password': User::assertPermission("edit.password"); $this->actionShowHidePassword(); break; case 'customization': User::assertPermission(""); $this->actionCustomization(); break; } if (Request::isPost()) { Util::redirect('?do=webinterface'); } User::assertPermission('access-page'); } private function actionConfigureHttps() { $mode = Request::post('mode'); switch ($mode) { case 'off': $task = $this->setHttpsOff(); break; case 'random': $task = $this->setHttpsRandomCert(); break; case 'custom': $task = $this->setHttpsCustomCert(); break; default: $task = $this->setRedirectMode(); break; } if ($mode !== 'off') { Property::set(self::PROP_HSTS, Request::post('usehsts', false, 'string') === 'on' ? 'True' : 'False'); } if (isset($task['id'])) { Session::set('https-id', $task['id']); Util::redirect('?do=WebInterface&show=httpsupdate'); } Util::redirect('?do=WebInterface'); } private function actionShowHidePassword() { Property::setPasswordFieldType(Request::post('mode') === 'show' ? 'text' : 'password'); Util::redirect('?do=WebInterface'); } private function actionCustomization() { $prefix = Request::post('prefix', '', 'string'); if (!empty($prefix) && !preg_match('/[\]\)\}\-_\s\&\$\!\/\+\*\^\>]$/', $prefix)) { $prefix .= ' '; } Property::set('page-title-prefix', $prefix); Property::set('logo-background', Request::post('bgcolor', '', 'string')); Util::redirect('?do=WebInterface'); } protected function doRender() { Render::addTemplate("heading"); // // HTTPS // if (Request::get('show') === 'httpsupdate') { Render::addTemplate('httpd-restart', array('taskid' => Session::get('https-id'))); } $type = Property::get(self::PROP_TYPE); $force = Property::get(self::PROP_REDIRECT) === 'True'; $hsts = Property::get(self::PROP_HSTS) === 'True'; $https = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off'; $exists = file_exists('/etc/lighttpd/server.pem'); $data = array( 'httpsUsed' => $https, 'redirect_checked' => ($force ? 'checked' : ''), 'hsts_checked' => ($hsts ? 'checked' : '') ); // Type should be 'off', 'generated', 'supplied' if ($type === 'off') { if ($exists) { // HTTPS is set to off, but a certificate exists if ($https) { // User is using https, just warn to prevent lockout Message::addWarning('https-want-off-is-used'); } else { // User is not using https, try to delete stray certificate $this->setHttpsOff(); } } elseif ($https) { // Set to off, no cert found, but still using HTTPS apparently // Admin might have modified web server config in another way Message::addWarning('https-used-without-cert'); } } elseif ($type === 'generated' || $type === 'supplied') { $data['httpsEnabled'] = true; if ($force && !$https) { Message::addWarning('https-want-redirect-is-plain'); } if (!$exists) { Message::addWarning('https-on-cert-missing'); } } else { // Unknown config - maybe upgraded old install that doesn't keep track if ($exists || $https) { $type = 'unknown'; // Legacy fallback } else { $type = 'off'; } } $data[$type . 'Selected'] = true; Permission::addGlobalTags($data['perms'], null, ['edit.https']); Render::addTemplate('https', $data); // // Password fields // $data = array(); if (Property::getPasswordFieldType() === 'text') $data['selected_show'] = 'checked'; else $data['selected_hide'] = 'checked'; Permission::addGlobalTags($data['perms'], null, ['edit.password']); Render::addTemplate('passwords', $data); // // Colors/Prefix // $data = array('prefix' => Property::get('page-title-prefix')); $data['colors'] = array_map(function ($i) { return array('color' => $i ? '#' . $i : '', 'text' => Render::readableColor($i)); }, array('', 'f00', '0f0', '00f', 'ff0', 'f0f', '0ff', 'fff', '000', 'f90', '09f', '90f', 'f09', '9f0')); $color = Property::get('logo-background'); foreach ($data['colors'] as &$c) { if ($c['color'] === $color) { $c['selected'] = 'selected'; $color = false; break; } } unset($c); if ($color) { $data['colors'][] = array('color' => $color, 'selected' => 'selected'); } Permission::addGlobalTags($data['perms'], null, ['']); Render::addTemplate('customization', $data); } private function setHttpsOff() { Property::set(self::PROP_TYPE, 'off'); Property::set(self::PROP_HSTS, 'off'); Header('Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=0', true); Session::deleteCookie(); return Taskmanager::submit('LighttpdHttps', array()); } private function setHttpsRandomCert() { $force = Request::post('httpsredirect', false, 'string') === 'on'; Property::set(self::PROP_TYPE, 'generated'); Property::set(self::PROP_REDIRECT, $force ? 'True' : 'False'); return Taskmanager::submit('LighttpdHttps', array( 'proxyip' => Property::getServerIp(), 'redirect' => $force, )); } private function setHttpsCustomCert() { $force = Request::post('httpsredirect', false, 'string') === 'on'; Property::set(self::PROP_TYPE, 'supplied'); Property::set(self::PROP_REDIRECT, $force ? 'True' : 'False'); return Taskmanager::submit('LighttpdHttps', array( 'importcert' => Request::post('certificate', 'bla'), 'importkey' => Request::post('privatekey', 'bla'), 'importchain' => Request::post('cachain', ''), 'redirect' => $force, )); } private function setRedirectMode() { $force = Request::post('httpsredirect', false, 'string') === 'on'; Property::set(self::PROP_REDIRECT, $force ? 'True' : 'False'); if (Property::get(self::PROP_TYPE) === 'off') { // Don't bother running the task if https isn't enabled - just // update the state in DB return false; } return Taskmanager::submit('LighttpdHttps', array( 'redirectOnly' => true, 'redirect' => $force, )); } }