array( 'unique' => true, 'group' => 'Authentifizierung' ), 'custom' => array( 'unique' => false, 'group' => 'Generisch' ) ); /** * Holds the instance for the currently executing step * @var \AddConfig_Base */ private static $instance = false; /** * * @param type $step * @return \AddConfig_Base */ public static function setStep($step) { if (empty($step) || !class_exists($step) || get_parent_class($step) !== 'AddConfig_Base') { Message::addError('invalid-action', $step); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } self::$instance = new $step(); } protected function tmError() { Message::addError('taskmanager-error'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } protected function taskError($status) { if (isset($status['data']['error'])) { $error = $status['data']['error']; } elseif (isset($status['statusCode'])) { $error = $status['statusCode']; } else { $error = 'Unbekannter Taskmanager-Fehler'; // TODO: No text } Message::addError('task-error', $error); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } /** * Called before any HTML rendering happens, so you can * pepare stuff, validate input, and optionally redirect * early if something is wrong, or you received post * data etc. */ protected function preprocessInternal() { // void } /** * Do page rendering. */ protected function renderInternal() { // void } /** * Handle ajax stuff */ protected function ajaxInternal() { // void } public static function preprocess() { if (self::$instance === false) { Util::traceError('No step instance yet'); } self::$instance->preprocessInternal(); } public static function render() { if (self::$instance === false) { Util::traceError('No step instance yet'); } self::$instance->renderInternal(); } public static function ajax() { if (self::$instance === false) { Util::traceError('No step instance yet'); } self::$instance->ajaxInternal(); } } /** * Start dialog for adding config. Ask for title, * show selection of modules. */ class AddConfig_Start extends AddConfig_Base { protected function renderInternal() { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT moduleid, title, moduletype, filepath FROM configtgz_module" . " ORDER BY title ASC"); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (!isset(self::$types[$row['moduletype']])) { self::$types[$row['moduletype']] = array( 'unique' => false, 'group' => 'Undefined moduletype in' ); } if (!isset(self::$types[$row['moduletype']]['modules'])) { self::$types[$row['moduletype']]['modules'] = array(); self::$types[$row['moduletype']]['groupid'] = $row['moduletype']; } if (empty($row['filepath']) || !file_exists($row['filepath'])) $row['missing'] = true; self::$types[$row['moduletype']]['modules'][] = $row; } Render::addDialog('Konfiguration zusammenstellen', false, 'sysconfig/cfg-start', array( 'token' => Session::get('token'), 'step' => 'AddConfig_Finish', 'groups' => array_values(self::$types) )); } } /** * Start dialog for adding config. Ask for title, * show selection of modules. */ class AddConfig_Finish extends AddConfig_Base { private $task = false; private $destFile = false; private $title = false; private $moduleids = array(); protected function preprocessInternal() { $modules = Request::post('module'); $this->title = Request::post('title'); if (!is_array($modules)) { Message::addError('missing-file'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig&action=addconfig'); } if (empty($this->title)) { Message::addError('empty-field'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig&action=addconfig'); } // Get all input modules $moduleids = '0'; // Passed directly in query. Make sure no SQL injection is possible foreach ($modules as $module) { $moduleids .= ',' . (int)$module; // Casting to int should make it safe } $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT moduleid, filepath FROM configtgz_module WHERE moduleid IN ($moduleids)"); $files = array(); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $files[] = $row['filepath']; $this->moduleids[] = $row['moduleid']; } // Create output file name (config.tgz) do { $this->destFile = CONFIG_TGZ_LIST_DIR . '/config-' . Util::sanitizeFilename($this->title) . '-' . mt_rand() . '.tgz'; } while (file_exists($this->destFile)); // Hand over to tm $this->task = Taskmanager::submit('RecompressArchive', array( 'inputFiles' => $files, 'outputFile' => $this->destFile )); } protected function renderInternal() { if (isset($this->task['statusCode']) && $this->task['statusCode'] === TASK_WAITING) { $this->task = Taskmanager::waitComplete($this->task['id']); } if ($this->task === false) $this->tmError(); if (!isset($this->task['statusCode']) || $this->task['statusCode'] !== TASK_FINISHED) $this->taskError($this->task); Database::exec("INSERT INTO configtgz (title, filepath) VALUES (:title, :filepath)", array( 'title' => $this->title, 'filepath' => $this->destFile )); $confid = Database::lastInsertId(); foreach ($this->moduleids as $moduleid) { Database::exec("INSERT INTO configtgz_x_module (configid, moduleid) VALUES (:configid, :moduleid)", array( 'configid' => $confid, 'moduleid' => $moduleid )); } Render::addDialog('Konfiguration zusammenstellen', false, 'sysconfig/cfg-finish', array( 'token' => Session::get('token'), 'configid' => $confid )); } }