'CustomModule_ProcessUpload', 'edit' => $this->edit ? $this->edit->id() : false )); } } /** * Some file has just been uploaded. Try to store it, then try to unpack/analyze it. * If this succeeds, we proceed to the next step where we present the user our findings * and ask what to do with this. */ class CustomModule_ProcessUpload extends AddModule_Base { private $taskId = false; protected function preprocessInternal() { if (!isset($_FILES['modulefile'])) { Message::addError('missing-file'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } if ($_FILES['modulefile']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { Message::addError('upload-failed', Util::uploadErrorString($_FILES['modulefile']['error'])); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } $tempfile = '/tmp/bwlp-' . mt_rand(1, 100000) . '-' . crc32($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . '.tmp'; if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['modulefile']['tmp_name'], $tempfile)) { Message::addError('error-write', $tempfile); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } $this->taskId = 'tgzmod' . mt_rand() . '-' . microtime(true); Taskmanager::submit('ListArchive', array( 'id' => $this->taskId, 'file' => $tempfile ), true); Session::set('mod_temp', $tempfile); } protected function renderInternal() { $status = Taskmanager::waitComplete($this->taskId); Taskmanager::release($this->taskId); $tempfile = Session::get('mod_temp'); if (!isset($status['statusCode'])) { unlink($tempfile); $this->tmError(); } if ($status['statusCode'] != TASK_FINISHED) { unlink($tempfile); $this->taskError($status); } // Sort files for better display $dirs = array(); foreach ($status['data']['entries'] as $file) { if ($file['isdir']) continue; $dirs[dirname($file['name'])][] = $file; } ksort($dirs); $list = array(); foreach ($dirs as $dir => $files) { $list[] = array( 'name' => $dir, 'isdir' => true ); sort($files); foreach ($files as $file) { $file['size'] = Util::readableFileSize($file['size']); $list[] = $file; } } if ($this->edit !== false) $title = $this->edit->title(); elseif (isset($_FILES['modulefile']['name'])) $title = basename($_FILES['modulefile']['name']); else $title = ''; Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translate('config-module', 'custom_title'), false, 'sysconfig/custom-fileselect', array( 'step' => 'CustomModule_CompressModule', 'files' => $list, 'edit' => $this->edit ? $this->edit->id() : false, 'title' => $title )); Session::save(); } } class CustomModule_CompressModule extends AddModule_Base { private $taskId = false; protected function preprocessInternal() { $title = Request::post('title'); $tempfile = Session::get('mod_temp'); if (empty($title) || empty($tempfile) || !file_exists($tempfile)) { Message::addError('empty-field'); return; } // Recompress using task manager $this->taskId = 'tgzmod' . mt_rand() . '-' . microtime(true); $destFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'bwlp-') . '.tgz'; Taskmanager::submit('RecompressArchive', array( 'id' => $this->taskId, 'inputFiles' => array($tempfile), 'outputFile' => $destFile ), true); $status = Taskmanager::waitComplete($this->taskId); unlink($tempfile); if (!isset($status['statusCode'])) { $this->tmError(); } if ($status['statusCode'] != TASK_FINISHED) { $this->taskError($status); } // Seems ok, create entry if ($this->edit === false) $module = ConfigModule::getInstance('CustomModule'); else $module = $this->edit; if ($module === false) { Message::addError('error-read', 'custommodule.inc.php'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig&action=addmodule&step=CustomModule_Start'); } $module->setData('tmpFile', $destFile); if ($this->edit !== false) $ret = $module->update(); else $ret = $module->insert($title); if (!$ret) Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig&action=addmodule&step=CustomModule_Start'); elseif (!$module->generate(true, NULL, 200)) Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig&action=addmodule&step=CustomModule_Start'); Session::set('mod_temp', false); Session::save(); // Yay if ($this->edit !== false) Message::addSuccess('module-edited'); else Message::addSuccess('module-added'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } }