# load dracut functions command -v getarg >/dev/null || . /lib/dracut-lib.sh # read SLX_SERVER and SLX_BASE from the kernel command line SLX_SERVER=$(getarg slxsrv) SLX_BASE=$(getarg slxbase) SLX_CONFIG_DIR="/opt/openslx" SLX_CONFIG_FILE="/opt/openslx/config" if [ -z "$SLX_SERVER" ]; then warn "No 'slxsrv' parameter found in the kernel command line!" warn "Skipping OpenSLX configuration..." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$SLX_BASE" ]; then warn "No 'slxbase' parameter found in the kernel command line!" warn "Skipping OpenSLX configuration..." exit 1 fi info "Getting configuration from OPENSLX-Server..." WGET="$(busybox which wget)" if [ -z $WGET ]; then # do nothing warn "'wget' not found. Skipping openslx configuration..." exit 1 fi # ok then we are ready to download the config mkdir -p "${SLX_CONFIG_DIR}" $WGET -T 5 -q "http://${SLX_SERVER}/${SLX_BASE}/config" -O "${SLX_CONFIG_FILE}"