Summary of variables in the boot 'config' file The variables follow the form as VAR='value'. Remember to set all variables in inverted commata: '...'! NFS-share related variables: SLX_VM_NFS FQDN/IP:share name for VM image share. Example: SLX_STAGE4 FQDN/IP:share name for stage 4 storage (nfs): Example: or dnbd3 syntax: Example: dnbd3 stage4/default/ubuntu1304.sqfs SLX_STAGE4_RID Use specific revision of stage 4. Only used when using dnbd3 for stage 4. Proxy server related variables: SLX_PROXY_MODE Proxy mode, e.g. 'auto'. SLX_PROXY_IP Proxy server IP. SLX_PROXY_PORT Proxy server port, standard would be 8080. SLX_PROXY_TYPE Proxy type, eg. 'http-connect'. SLX_PROXY_BLACKLIST Proxy blacklist netmask, e.g. ''. Sites in this IP range will not be proxied. Time server variables: SLX_NTP_SERVER Time server FQDN or IP. SLX_BIOS_CLOCK BIOS clock type, e.g. 'local'. Domain related variables: SLX_NET_DOMAIN Network domain, e.g. 'here.there.example.tld'. Configuration server variables: SLX_CONFIG_SERVERS IP of configuration server Addon related variables: SLX_ADDONS Space separated list of sqfs-modules to load. Example: 'vmware vbox debug'. Client root password related variables: SLX_ROOT_PASS Expects a (salted) sha-512 password hash. Such hashes can be created using "mkpasswd -m sha-512". dnbd3 related: SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS Space separated list of dnbd3 servers, eg. '' The list will be randomized on use. SLX_DNBD3_PRIO_SERVERS Space separated list of preferred dnbd3 servers The list will not be randomized and is used before the regular list. remote logging: SLX_REMOTE_LOG URL where to post log to, eg. 'http://server/log.php' POST variables: type, description, longdesc