Howto mltk localization system - config.tgz 1. General aspects The localization system is divided into config modules analogue to mltk build modules. For differentiation these modules do not use the 'remote' directory hierarchy but are to be found in the 'server' directory hierarchy at .../tm-scripts/server/modules. 2. Naming convention Of course these modules, if being newly written, can be named at will, as they will be included by links later on. Anyway we would recommend to follow our established naming scheme to produce informative names. We recommend to use dual branched names connected by hyphens. First part of the name should be the system part to be changed; the second part should denominate the place/location the change applies to. For example a module changing PAM for the needs of the university of Freiburg should be named pam-freiburg (as it is), or pam-uni_freiburg, or perhaps even pam-uni_freiburg_rz. 3. Module activation mltk expects different configurations (localizations) in the directory tree at .../tm-scripts/server/configs/. The name of a subdirectory there will be used as parameter for mltk to pack a local configuration later on. So let's use the configuration 'freiburg' as an example. As mentioned the configuration directory would be .../tm-scripts/server/configs/freiburg. The modules for that configuration reside in .../tm-scripts/server/modules. These modules needed are, then, activated by links: branding-freiburg -> ../../modules/branding-freiburg/, cups-freiburg -> ../../modules/cups-freiburg/, pam-freiburg -> ../../modules/pam-freiburg/ etc. 4. Module internals As said the modules have their place at server/modules/[module name]. It is compulsive to mirror the system directory structure exactly. If, for example, the module pam-freiburg of configuration freiburg includes a file ldap.conf, this file must be placed at .../tm-scripts/server/modules/freiburg/pam-freiburg/etc/ldap.conf. 5. About Packaging / Packing The directories linked as mentioned above will be archived directory by directory using tar and gzip (.tgz). The single archives will be merged using tar's append function. It is important to note that, if a file occurs more than once or otherwise conflicts, mltk will output a warning and then terminate. 6. Usage A given IP adress is used for determining the placing of an archive, as IP adresses are reflected in directory structure (see doc/setup_howto for examples). By the way, [config-name] is the name of the configuration directory located in .../tm-scripts/server/configs/, to be entered without preceding path. So executing # ./mltk server [IP-Adress or 'local'] -k [config-name] will yield a config.tgz placed in .../tm-scripts/server/boot/[IP/local]/configs/[dirname]/config.tgz. This config.tgz file should be copied to or linked in the appropriate boot web server directory. 7. Caveat Is it important to keep in mind that - exactly the same paths as in the system are used in config module folders, so no usage of data directories or the like is allowed, and, - if a file appears in the system, e.g. in Stage 3.2, it will be overwritten at boot time by a file having the same name and path file from config.tgz.