# # copy list of files using tar tarcopy () { if [ $# -gt 0 -a "x$1" == "x-i" ]; then shift local IGNORE_ERROR="--ignore-failed-read" else local IGNORE_ERROR= fi if [ "x$IGNORE_TAR_ERROR" != "x" ]; then unset IGNORE_TAR_ERROR IGNORE_ERROR="--ignore-failed-read" fi [ $# -ne 2 ] && perror "Sanity check failed: tarcopy needs exactly two params, but $# were given." local FROM=$(trim "$1") local TO=$(trim "$2") if [ -z "$FROM" ]; then pwarning "tarcopy called with empty input list (dest was '$TO')" return fi local SHORT=$FROM [ ${#SHORT} -gt 30 ] && SHORT=$(echo "$SHORT" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' | cut -c-25)...$(echo "$SHORT" | cut -c$[${#SHORT} - 4]-) [ -z "$TO" ] && perror "tarcopy called with empty destination." [ ! -d "$TO" ] && { mkdir -p "$TO" || perror "could not create destination "$TO" for tar-copy."; } # TODO count files copied? would remove the need to do it everywhere :) tar $IGNORE_ERROR -cpP $FROM | tar -xp -C "$TO" 2> /dev/null local PS=(${PIPESTATUS[*]}) [ "x$IGNORE_ERROR" == "x" -a "x${PS[0]}" != "x0" ] && perror "packing-part of tar-copy from '$SHORT' to '$TO' failed. (${PS[0]})" [ "x${PS[1]}" != "x0" ] && perror "unpacking-part of tar-copy from '$SHORT' to '$TO' failed. (${PS[1]})" } # get all files of required packages by a module list_packet_files() { [ -z "$REQUIRED_CONTENT_PACKAGES" ] && pinfo "No required packages for $TOOL" && return 1 local PACKAGE="" for PACKAGE in $REQUIRED_CONTENT_PACKAGES; do local OPTIONAL="$(echo "$PACKAGE" | cut -c 1)" [ "x$OPTIONAL" = "x@" ] && PACKAGE="$(echo "$PACKAGE" | cut -c 2-)" local FILES="" if [ "$PACKET_MANAGER" = "apt" ]; then FILES="$(dpkg -L "$PACKAGE" | grep -v -E 'share/(man|doc)|/var/run|/var/log'; echo ":###:${PIPESTATUS[0]}")" elif [ "$PACKET_MANAGER" = "zypper" ]; then FILES="$(rpm -ql "$PACKAGE" | grep -v -E 'share/(doc|man)|/var/run|/var/log'; echo ":###:${PIPESTATUS[0]}")" fi # ugly hack to get our return value #local LPRET=$(echo "$FILES" | tail -1 | sed 's/^.*:###:\([0-9]*\)$/\1/g') #FILES=$(echo "$FILES" | sed 's/^\(.*\):###:[0-9]*$/\1/g') local LPRET=$(echo "$FILES" | awk -F ':###:' '{printf $2}') FILES=$(echo "$FILES" | awk -F ':###:' '{print $1}') if [ "x$LPRET" != "x0" -a "x$OPTIONAL" != "x@" ]; then pdebug "FILES: '$FILES'" perror "dpkg/rpm exited with code '$LPRET' for required package ${PACKAGE}." fi [ "x$LPRET" != "x0" ] && pwarning "dpkg/rpm exited with code '$LPRET' for optional package ${PACKAGE}." && continue [ -z "$FILES" ] && pwarning "list_packet_files empty for packet ${PACKAGE}." && continue pdebug "Packet $PACKAGE has $(echo $FILES | wc -w) files..." for FILE in $FILES; do [ ! -d "$FILE" ] && echo "$FILE" done done } # # Conveniance function # # install all dependencies of a module # goes through all package as given in the variable REQUIRED_INSTALLED_PACKAGES install_dependencies() { [ -z "$REQUIRED_INSTALLED_PACKAGES" ] && return install_packages "$REQUIRED_INSTALLED_PACKAGES" } # # install given packet through system's packet manager # uses PACKET_MANAGER as determined in helper/system.inc # install_packages() { [ $# -eq 0 ] && perror "Sanity check failed: no argument given to install_package" local PACKAGE_LIST="$@" local INSTALLED_PACKAGES="" for PKG in ${PACKAGE_LIST}; do # check if installed if [ "x$PACKET_MANAGER" == "xapt" ]; then dpkg -L ${PKG} > /dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "x$PACKET_MANAGER" == "xzypper" ]; then rpm -ql ${PKG} > /dev/null 2>&1 else perror "No packet manager determined, this should not happen!" fi local LRET=$? if [ "x$LRET" == "x0" ]; then # package installed pdebug "$PKG installed!" elif [ "x$LRET" == "x1" ]; then # package not installed pdebug "$PKG not installed!" if [ "x$PACKET_MANAGER" == "xapt" ]; then apt-get install -y ${PKG} local IRET=$? if [ "x$IRET" == "x0" ]; then # $PGK was installed successfully INSTALLED_PACKAGES+="$PKG " elif [ "x$IRET" == "x1" ]; then # PKG was not installed # TODO error handling pwarning "install_packages: apt-get failed with '$?' for package '$PKG'" fi elif [ "x$PACKET_MANAGER" == "xzypper" ]; then zypper --no-refresh --non-interactive install ${PKG} local IRET=$? if [ "x$IRET" == "x0" ]; then # $PGK was installed successfully INSTALLED_PACKAGES+="$PKG " elif [ "x$IRET" == "x1" ]; then # PKG was not installed # TODO error handling pwarning "install_packages: zypper failed with '$?' for package '$PKG'" fi else perror "No packet manager determined, this should not happen!" fi fi done [ ! -z "$INSTALLED_PACKAGES" ] && pinfo "Packages installed: ${INSTALLED_PACKAGES}" } # # copies static data files from /data/ to # copy_static_data() { [ ! -d "${MODULE_DIR}/data" ] && pinfo "${MODULE} has no static 'data' directory." && return cp -r "${MODULE_DIR}/data/"* ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR} || perror "Could not copy static data of ${MODULE}" } copy_system_files() { [ ! -z "$REQUIRED_SYSTEM_FILES" ] && tarcopy "$REQUIRED_SYSTEM_FILES" "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR" } calc_size() { local CURRENT_BUILD_SIZE=$(du -bc "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}" | awk 'END {print $1}') [ ! -z "${BUILD_SIZE[$MODULE]}" ] && local OLD_MODULE_SIZE=${BUILD_SIZE[$MODULE]} || local OLD_MODULE_SIZE=0 local diff=$((CURRENT_BUILD_SIZE-TARGET_BUILD_SIZE+OLD_MODULE_SIZE)) if [ -z "${BUILD_SIZE[$MODULE]}" ]; then echo "BUILD_SIZE[$MODULE]=${diff}" >> "${ROOT_DIR}/logs/${TARGET}.size" else sed -i "s/^BUILD_SIZE\[${MODULE}\]=.*$/BUILD_SIZE\[${MODULE}\]=${diff}/g" "${ROOT_DIR}/logs/${TARGET}.size" fi MODULE_BUILD_SIZE=$(echo $diff | awk '{ sum=$1; hum[1024^3]="GB"; hum[1024^2]="MB"; hum[1024]="KB"; for (x=1024^3; x>=1024; x/=1024){ if (sum>=x) { printf "%.2f %s\n",sum/x,hum[x]; break } } }') } # # generate initramfs of directory # usage: # generate_initramfs # example: # generate_initramfs "./server/boot/stage32_sqfs" "./mnt/openslx.sqfs" "./server/boot/initramfs2" # generate_initramfs "./server/build/stage31" "." "./server/boot/initramfs" generate_initramfs() { [ $# -ne 3 ] && perror "Sanity check failed: generate_initramfs needs exactly two params, but $# were given." cd "$1" || perror "Cannot cd to '$1'" find $2 | cpio --format="newc" --create | gzip -9 > "$3" local PS=(${PIPESTATUS[*]}) [ "x${PS[0]}" != "x0" ] && perror "'find $2' in '$(pwd)' failed." [ "x${PS[1]}" != "x0" ] && perror "cpio create failed." [ "x${PS[2]}" != "x0" ] && perror "gzip to '$3' failed." cd - &> /dev/null pinfo "Created initramfs of $1 at $3" pinfo "Size: $(du -bsh "$3" | awk 'END {print $1}')" } # generates squashfs of directory # usage: # generate_squashfs generate_squashfs() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && perror "Sanity check failed: generate_squashfs needs exactly two params, but $# were given." [ -d "$1" ] || perror "$1 is not a directory." mksquashfs "$1" "$2" -comp xz -b 1M -no-recovery >&6 \ || perror "mksquashfs failed ($?)." pinfo "Created squashfs of $1 at $2" pinfo "Size: $(du -bsh "$2" | awk 'END {print $1}')" }