#!/bin/ash . /opt/openslx/config if [ "x$SLX_CRON_MAIL" = "xslxlog" ]; then # slxlog handling - special case TMP=$(mktemp) cat > "$TMP" SUBJ=$(grep '^Subject: .*$' "$TMP" | cut -c 10-) if [ -n "$SUBJ" ]; then slxlog "cron" "$SUBJ" "$TMP" fi rm -f -- "$TMP" elif [ -n "$SLX_CRON_MAIL" ] && [ -x "$SLX_CRON_MAIL" ]; then # see if SLX_CRON_MAIL is a valid binary and use that $SLX_CRON_MAIL $@ elif which sendmail 2> /dev/null; then # fallback to sendmail sendmail $@ elif which logger 2> /dev/null; then # nothing worked, write to syslog if logger is present TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/cron.XXXXXXXX) cat > "$TMP" chmod 0600 "$TMP" logger "cron tried to mail, but no mailer found! Mail dumped to $TMP" fi