#!/bin/ash # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2007..2013 - RZ Uni FR # Copyright (c) 2007..2013 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # systemd-vmchooser_env # - This is the preparation script for the configuration of the virtuali- # zation tools used later on. ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### Define default dirs / get configs ################################################################################ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/openslx/bin:/opt/openslx/sbin # source config file with vars (e.g. ipaddr, macaddr, hostname) . /opt/openslx/config # from plugins/vmchooser/XX_vmchooser.sh VMCHOOSER_DIR="/opt/openslx/vmchooser" VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR="$VMCHOOSER_DIR/config" DHCP_NAT_CONF="/opt/openslx/vmchooser/config/udhcpd-nat1.conf" mkdir -p "${VMCHOOSER_DIR}/data/loopimg" mkdir -p "${VMCHOOSER_DIR}/fd-loop" -m 1777 # mount a clean tempfs (bug in UnionFS prevents loopmount to work) grep -qE "unionfs |aufs " /proc/mounts && \ mount -n -o size=1500k -t tmpfs vm-loopimg "${VMCHOOSER_DIR}/data/loopimg" # create an empty floppy image of 1.44 MByte size dd "if=/dev/zero" "of=${VMCHOOSER_DIR}/data/loopimg/fd.img" count=2880 bs=512 2>/dev/null chmod 0777 "${VMCHOOSER_DIR}/data/loopimg/fd.img" # use dos formatter copied into stage3 mkdosfs "${VMCHOOSER_DIR}/data/loopimg/fd.img" mount -n -t msdos -o loop,umask=000 "${VMCHOOSER_DIR}/data/loopimg/fd.img" "${VMCHOOSER_DIR}/fd-loop" # setup more scratch space for virtual machines, if configured mkdir -p /tmp/virt /var/log/samba /run/samba chmod a+rwxt /tmp/virt # enable normal users to setup the extended virtual machine redo file space # and image source via network block device (NBD only at the moment) # allow to start/stop samba on virtual devices (latter one ignores multiple # independent daemons) #cat >> /mnt/etc/sudoers << EOF # allow to start and stop the special /tmp redo file space (RAM + NBD/NFS server RAID) #ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/losetup /dev/loop* #ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/mdadm -C /dev/md0 -l linear --raid-devices=2 /dev/loop* /dev/* #ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/openslx/rootfs/usr/sbin/nbd-client * * /dev/nbd* # allow to configure and start/stop samba services #ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/openslx/rootfs/bin/sed -i /etc/*/smb.conf -e * #ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/nmbd -s /etc/*/smb.conf #ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/smbd -s /etc/*/smb.conf #ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/openslx/rootfs/usr/bin/killall nmbd smbd #EOF ################################################################################ ### Determine hardware configuration ################################################################################ # estimate free mem mem_free=$(grep -i "^memfree:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') mem_cached=$(grep -i "^cached:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') mem_swapcached=$(grep -i "^swapcached:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') [ -z "$mem_free" ] && mem_free="2048000" [ -z "$mem_cached" ] && mem_cached="0" [ -z "$mem_swapcached" ] && mem_swapcached="0" totalmem="$(expr $(expr $mem_free + $mem_cached + $mem_swapcached) / 1024)" echo "totalmem=${totalmem}" > "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" # determine number of cpu cores CPU_CORES=$(grep '^processor.*:' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l) if [ "${CPU_CORES}" -gt "1" 2>/dev/null ]; then echo "cpu_cores=${CPU_CORES}" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" else echo 'cpu_cores=1' >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" fi # general machine architecture (32/64bit) echo "host_arch=$(uname -m)" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" # check for VT enabled CPU if grep -q '^flags.*\' "/proc/cpuinfo"; then echo "vtflag=1" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" echo 'kvm_module="kvm_intel"' >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" elif grep -q '^flags.*\' "/proc/cpuinfo"; then echo "vtflag=1" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" echo 'kvm_module="kvm_amd"' >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" else echo "vtflag=0" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" fi # write mac if [ -n "$SLX_PXE_MAC" ]; then hostmacaddr="${SLX_PXE_MAC}" else ## Fallback: hostmacaddr="$(ip a | grep ether | grep -o -E -i '([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2}' | head -n 1)" fi echo "hostmacaddr='$hostmacaddr'" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" # TODO: We should only generate the suffix here (last 3 octets) as the first 3 are # dependant on the virtualizer/emulator. Check if any run-virt.include still relies on # $macguestpart/$macaddr. If so, fix it to use its specific first 3 bytes # and append $macaddrssuffix macaddrprefix='00:50:56' macaddrsuffix="$(echo "$hostmacaddr" | awk -F ":" '{print "%VMID%:" $(NF-1) ":" $NF}' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')" echo "macaddrprefix='$macaddrprefix'" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" echo "macaddrsuffix='$macaddrsuffix'" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" # read in ip address echo "hostip=${SLX_PXE_CLIENT_IP}" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" # hostname echo "hostname=\"$(hostname -s)\"" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" # get further hw information and check for traces of available optical and floppy drives j=0 for cdrom in $(dmesg|grep -i "Attached scsi CD-ROM sr" | sed "s,.*Attached scsi CD-ROM ,,"); do echo "cdrom_$j=/dev/${cdrom}" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" j=$(expr $j + 1) done j=0 for floppy in $(dmesg|grep -i "Floppy drive"|sed "s,.*(s): ,,;s, is .*,,"); do echo "floppy_$j=/dev/${floppy}" >> "${VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR}/virtualization.conf" j=$(expr $j + 1) done ################################################################################ ### Setup VM networking ################################################################################ # there will be three types of network interfaces for virtual machines available # all will be configured for every type of virtualization tool # a) br0 is the direct host bridge into the local LAN (br0 already exists) # vmnet0 for VMware # vboxnet0 for VirtualBox # kvmnet0* for Qemu/KVM # b) nat1 is an internal bridge which "NATes" into the local LAN (with DHCP) # vmnet1 for VMware # vboxnet1 for VirtualBox # kvmnet1* for Qemu/KVM # c) vsw2 is an internal host bridge to connect software defined LANs to # vmnet2 for VMware # vboxnet2 for VirtualBox # kvmnet2* for Qemu/KVM # creating and configuring nat0 # is vm nat. If you ever change this there are a couple of other files # where you'd need to make changes, so think twice before doing so. ;) brctl addbr nat1 ip link set dev nat1 up ip addr add dev nat1 echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/nat1/forwarding echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/br0/forwarding 2>/dev/null # iptables masquerade rule is now inserted by /opt/openslx/iptables/rules.d/50-virt-nat1-masquerading ### iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o br0 -s -j MASQUERADE for wait in 1 1 2 2 3 end; do grep '^SLX_DNS' "/opt/openslx/config" > /dev/null && break [ "$wait" == "end" ] && echo "No DNS config found, using google dns" && break echo "Waiting for DNS config.." sleep "$wait" done # read the DNS configuration and configure the udhcpd [ -z "${SLX_DNS}" ] && SLX_DNS="" sed -i "s,DNSSERVER,${SLX_DNS},;s,DOMAIN,${SLX_NET_DOMAIN}," \ "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}" echo "static_lease $(echo "$macaddrprefix:$macaddrsuffix" | sed 's/%VMID%/01/')" >> "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}" mkdir -p /var/lib/udhcpd udhcpd -S "${DHCP_NAT_CONF}" # creating and configuring vsw2 brctl addbr vsw2 ip link set dev vsw2 up echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/vsw2/forwarding