fetch_source() { [ -e "${MODULE_DIR}/src" -a -d "${MODULE_DIR}/src" ] && \ { rm -r "${MODULE_DIR}/src" || perror "Could not delete old src dir."; } mkdir -p "${MODULE_DIR}/src" || perror "Could not mkdir src" cd "${MODULE_DIR}/src" || perror "cd fail." # Get directory listing wget -O "index.html" "$REQUIRED_DOWNLOAD_BASE" || perror "Could not download vmware dir index" VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE=$(grep -E -o -i "href=\"VMware-$REQUIRED_TYPE-[^\"]+[\._\-]$ARCHREGEX[\._\-][^\"]+\"" "index.html" | head -n 1 | awk -F '"' '{printf $2}') [ -z "$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" ] && perror "Could not determine vmware $REQUIRED_TYPE bundle file for current arch from $MODULE_DIR/src/index.html" # Download file wget -O "$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" "$REQUIRED_DOWNLOAD_BASE/$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" || perror "Could not download $VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE from $REQUIRED_DOWNLOAD_BASE" if [[ "$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" == *.tar ]]; then tar -x "${VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE%.tar}" -f "$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" || perror "Could not untar downloaded $VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" unlink "$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE="${VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE%.tar}" fi cd - >/dev/null } build() { local DELETE_FILES DELETE_FILES=$(for LINE in $REQUIRED_VMWARE_DELETIONS;do echo rm -rf $LINE; done) # prepare the build directory with the files needed during the chroot cp "${MODULE_DIR}/src/$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" cp -r "${MODULE_DIR}/patches" "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}" # sanity check to see if KERNEL_HEADERS_PATH is set and exists [ -z "${KERNEL_HEADERS_PATH}" -o ! -e "${KERNEL_HEADERS_PATH}" ] && perror "KERNEL_HEADERS_PATH ('"${KERNEL_HEADERS_PATH}"') not found. Was the kernel module built?" # build in two steps, to be able to use mltk function while patching modules pinfo "Installing vmware per chroot..." chroot_run "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}" <<-EOF # PS1='\[\e[1;33m\](chroot) \u@\h:\w\$ \[\e[1;32m\]' /bin/bash -norc # un-comment for debugging within chroot $DELETE_FILES yes | sh /"${VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE}" --eulas-agreed --console --required EOF # check if we need to patch modules cd "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/usr/lib/vmware/modules/source" \ || perror "Could not cd to '${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/usr/lib/vmware/modules/source'" local KMOD SHORT PATCH MIN_KERN MAX_KERN for KMOD in *.tar; do SHORT="${KMOD%%.tar}" [ -e ".${SHORT}.patched" ] && continue for PATCH in $(find "${MODULE_DIR}/patches/" -name "${SHORT}__*__*.patch"); do parse_patch_name "$PATCH" [ -z "${MIN_KERN}" -o -z "${MAX_KERN}" ] && perror "Could not parse patch filename" if version_lt "$SYS_KERNEL" "$MIN_KERN" || version_gt "$SYS_KERNEL" "$MAX_KERN"; then pinfo "*NOT* applying $PATCH (min=$MIN_KERN max=$MAX_KERN cmp=$SYS_KERNEL)" continue # Not suitable for our kernel fi pinfo "Applying $PATCH (min=$MIN_KERN max=$MAX_KERN cmp=$SYS_KERNEL)" [ ! -d "${SHORT}-only" ] && tar xf "$KMOD" [ ! -d "${SHORT}-only" ] && perror "untar of $KMOD failed." cd "${SHORT}-only" || perror "Where is ${SHORT}-only?" if ! patch -p1 < "$PATCH"; then cd .. rm -rf -- "${SHORT}-only" perror "Applying $PATCH failed." fi cd .. done if [ -d "${SHORT}-only" ]; then tar cf "$KMOD" "${SHORT}-only/" || perror "repacking of $KMOD failed." rm -rf -- "${SHORT}-only" touch ".${SHORT}.patched" fi done cd "${MODULE_DIR}" || perror "Could not cd to '${MODULE_DIR}'" # now build modules inside the chroot chroot_run "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}" <<-EOF vmware-modconfig --console --build-mod -k "${SYS_UTS_RELEASE}" vmnet $(which gcc) "${KERNEL_HEADERS_PATH}/include" vmplayer vmnet vmware-modconfig --console --build-mod -k "${SYS_UTS_RELEASE}" vmmon $(which gcc) "${KERNEL_HEADERS_PATH}/include" vmplayer vmmon EOF # cleanup unneeded files rm -rf -- "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/etc/vmware-installer" rm -rf -- "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/usr/lib/vmware-installer" rm -rf -- "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/usr/lib/vmware-ovftool" unlink "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/$VMWARE_BUNDLE_FILE" } post_copy() { # FIXME: gconftool is copied without dependencies tarcopy "$(find /usr/lib/ /usr/lib64 -name gconv -type d)" "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR" # Update Icon cache for vmplayer gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0 "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/" || pwarning "update-icon-cache-3.0 failed." # fix vmware-usbarbitrator bug date +'%Y.%m.%d' >"${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/etc/arch-release" mkdir -p "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/lib/modules/vmware/" cp "${MODULE_BUILD_DIR}/lib/modules/$SYS_UTS_RELEASE/vmplayer/"* "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/lib/modules/vmware/" || perror "Could not cp vmware modules to target!" } parse_patch_name() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && perror "parse_patch_name: Wrong parameter count." local PATCH="$1" MIN_KERN=$(echo "$PATCH" | sed -r 's/^[^_]+__([0-9\.]+)-[0-9\.]+__[^_]+\.patch$/\1/g') [[ "$MIN_KERN" == /* ]] && MIN_KERN=$(echo "$PATCH" | sed -r 's/^[^_]+__([0-9\.]+)__[^_]+\.patch$/\1/g') MAX_KERN=$(echo "$PATCH" | sed -r 's/^[^_]+__[0-9\.]+-([0-9\.]+)__[^_]+\.patch$/\1/g') [[ "$MAX_KERN" == /* ]] && MAX_KERN=$(echo "$PATCH" | sed -r 's/^[^_]+__([0-9\.]+)__[^_]+\.patch$/\1/g') [[ "$MIN_KERN" == /* ]] && MIN_KERN= [[ "$MAX_KERN" == /* ]] && MAX_KERN= # TODO: Parse min and max vmplayer/workstation version }