-- Delete images, lectures, permissions AND users USE sat; DELETE FROM lecturepermission; DELETE FROM imagepermission; DELETE FROM lecture; UPDATE imagebase SET latestversionid=NULL; DELETE FROM imageversion; DELETE FROM imagebase; DELETE FROM user; -- Migrate users (set all to specific organisation) INSERT INTO sat.user (userid, firstname, lastname, email, organizationid, canlogin, emailnotifications) SELECT bw.userID, bw.Vorname, bw.Nachname, Concat('@', bw.mail, '@'), 'hs-offenburg.de', 1, 0 FROM bwLehrpool.m_user AS bw; -- Insert dummy account to which we link all images/lectures without existing real user. -- A SuperAdmin can later change the permissions accordingly or delete the images/lectures INSERT IGNORE INTO sat.user (userid, firstname, lastname, email, organizationid, canlogin) VALUES('dummy@dummy.de', 'Dummy', 'Dummy', 'dummy@dummy.de', 'hs-offenburg.de', 0); -- Migrate images INSERT INTO sat.imagebase (imagebaseid, latestversionid, displayname, description, osid, virtid, createtime, updatetime, ownerid, updaterid, sharemode, istemplate, canlinkdefault, candownloaddefault, caneditdefault, canadmindefault) SELECT bw.GUID_imageID, NULL, -- 'latestversionid' will be filled later with an update bw.image_name, bw.image_description, CASE WHEN bw.content_operatingSystem=0 THEN 10 -- Win7x86 -> Win7x86 WHEN bw.content_operatingSystem=10 THEN 13 -- Deb6x86 -> OtherLinuxx86 WHEN bw.content_operatingSystem=12 THEN 13 -- Deb7x86 -> OtherLinuxx86 WHEN bw.content_operatingSystem=11 THEN 14 -- Deb6x64 -> OtherLinuxx64 WHEN bw.content_operatingSystem=13 THEN 14 -- Deb7x64 -> OtherLinuxx64 WHEN bw.content_operatingSystem=14 THEN 2 -- Win10x86 -> Win8x86 WHEN bw.content_operatingSystem=15 THEN 3 -- Win10x64 -> Win8x64 ELSE bw.content_operatingSystem END, 'vmware', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bw.image_create_time), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bw.image_update_time), IF(bw.image_owner IN (SELECT userid FROM sat.user), bw.image_owner, 'dummy@dummy.de'), -- If an image belongs to an old user which wasn't present at the time of user migration IF(bw.image_change_by IN (SELECT userid FROM sat.user), bw.image_change_by, 'dummy@dummy.de'), -- set the dummy account as image owner/updater 'LOCAL', bw.image_isTemplate, '0', -- canlinkdefault bw.image_isTemplate, -- If the image is an template, everybody can download it '0', -- caneditdefault '0' -- canadmindefault FROM bwLehrpool.m_VLData_imageInfo AS bw; -- Create imageversions from migrated images INSERT INTO sat.imageversion (imageversionid, imagebaseid, createtime, expiretime, filesize, filepath, uploaderid, isrestricted, isvalid, isprocessed) SELECT UUID(), b.imagebaseid, b.createtime, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL +8 MONTH)), -- expiretime is in 8 months (SELECT image_filesize FROM bwLehrpool.m_VLData_imageInfo WHERE GUID_imageID=b.imagebaseid), (SELECT image_path FROM bwLehrpool.m_VLData_imageInfo WHERE GUID_imageID=b.imagebaseid), b.ownerid, 1, -- isrestricted 1, -- isvalid 0 -- isprocessed FROM sat.imagebase AS b; -- Update 'latestversionid' in the imagebase with the just created imageversion UPDATE sat.imagebase b, sat.imageversion v SET b.latestversionid = v.imageversionid WHERE b.imagebaseid = v.imagebaseid; -- Delete image permissions which link to a nonexisting image USE bwLehrpool; DELETE pm FROM pm_VLData_image AS pm LEFT JOIN m_VLData_imageInfo AS img ON pm.GUID_imageID=img.GUID_imageID WHERE img.GUID_imageID IS NULL; -- Migrate image permissions INSERT IGNORE INTO sat.imagepermission(imagebaseid, userid, canlink, candownload, canedit, canadmin) SELECT pm.GUID_imageID, pm.userID, pm.link_allowed, pm.image_read, pm.image_write, pm.image_admin FROM bwLehrpool.pm_VLData_image AS pm; -- Delete lectures which link to a non existing image DELETE lec FROM m_VLData_lecture AS lec LEFT JOIN m_VLData_imageInfo AS img ON lec.imageID=img.GUID_imageID WHERE img.GUID_imageID IS NULL; -- Migrate lectures INSERT IGNORE INTO sat.lecture (lectureid, displayname, description, imageversionid, autoupdate, isenabled, starttime, endtime, createtime, updatetime, ownerid, updaterid, isexam, hasinternetaccess, caneditdefault, canadmindefault) SELECT l.lectureID, l.name, l.description, (SELECT latestversionid FROM sat.imagebase WHERE imagebase.imagebaseid=l.imageID), 1, -- autoupdate l.isActive, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(l.startTime), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(l.endTime), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(l.admin_createTime), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(l.admin_changeTime), IF(l.admin_owner IN (SELECT userid FROM sat.user), l.admin_owner, 'dummy@dummy.de'), IF(l.admin_change_by IN (SELECT userid FROM sat.user), l.admin_change_by, 'dummy@dummy.de'), 0, -- isexam 1, -- hasinternetaccess 0, -- caneditdefault 0 -- canadmindefault FROM bwLehrpool.m_VLData_lecture AS l; -- Delete lecture permissions which link to a nonexisting lecture DELETE pm FROM pm_VLData_lecture AS pm LEFT JOIN m_VLData_lecture AS lec ON pm.lectureID=lec.lectureID WHERE lec.lectureID IS NULL; -- Migrate lecture permissions INSERT IGNORE INTO sat.lecturepermission (lectureid, userid, canedit, canadmin) SELECT pm.lectureID, pm.userID, pm.rec_write, pm.rec_admin FROM bwLehrpool.pm_VLData_lecture AS pm; -- Try to get rid of dummy user. If it's needed this will fail thanks to constraints DELETE IGNORE FROM sat.user WHERE userid = 'dummy@dummy.de';