# ImageMetaDataPage ImageMetaData.WizardPage.warningMessage.noOS=Select the operating system. ImageMetaData.WizardPage.warningMessage.noDescription=Add a description. ImageMetaData.WizardPage.description=Click on ''Next'' to set permissions \ or ''Finish''. # ImageUploadPage ImageUpload.Message.error.couldNotGetMetadata=Could not read {0} ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.invalidConfigFile=Invalid configuration file selected! ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.hypervisorNotSupported=The hypervisor of the selected VM {0} is not \ supported by the current satellite server. ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.VMTypeChanged=New versions must be of type {0}. ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.noHDD=The selected {0} file contains no virtual hard disk! ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.moreThanOneHDD=The selected {0} file contains more than \ one virtual disk! ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.diskImageNotFound=''{0}'' cannot be found! ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.diskImageNotReadable=''{0}'' cannot be read! ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.diskImageHasUnknownFormat=''{0}'' has unknown file format! ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.diskImageSnapshot=The selected VM is in snapshot state. ImageUpload.Message.warning.diskImageNotSupportedByHypervisor=The format of the virtual hard disk associated \ with this\n VM is not supported by the current hypervisor. ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.diskImageNotSupportedByHypervisor=The disk image file format of the VM is not supported by the current hypervisor ImageUpload.Message.warning.diskImageSnapshot=A snapshot was taken of the selected VM. \ In this state\n the VM unfortunately cannot be loaded into the {0} system. Please consolidate\n\ the snapshot first and try again. ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.diskImageStandalone=The disk image file of the VM has an incompatible format ImageUpload.Message.warning.diskImageStandalone=The format of the virtual hard disk associated with this\n VM is not \ standalone. Please convert the VM\n\into a standalone (single-file) format. ImageUpload.WizardPage.description=You can now start the upload. ImageUpload.Message.yesNo.cancelLockFile=The selected VM seems to be still in use. Please shut down the VM\n\ before uploading and close the VMware Player, otherwise\n\ the VM may be damaged after uploading.\n\n\ Do you want to ignore this warning and continue anyway?\n\ (You should be sure what you are doing if you choose ''Yes'' here.) ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.cancelLockFile=The selected VM is still in use ImageUpload.Message.error.uploadInitiatorFailed=Upload initialization failed ImageUpload.WizardPage.dialog.OvfOvaDetected=The selected virtual machine is in the OVA/OVF format.\n\ If the virtual machine has been created with VMware it can be converted\n\ into a vmx virtual machine using the OVF Tool from VMware.\n\ Do you want to convert the virtual machine?\n\ (The original virtual machine will not be modified.) ImageUpload.WizardPage.dialog.title=Convert virtual machine? ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.noVmxInDir=There was no vmx file found in the selected .vmwarevm directory.\n\ Please make sure that a valid .vmwarevm directory has been selected. ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.multipleVmxInDirFound=There appear to be multiple vmx files in the selected .vmwarevm directory,\n\ of which the first one has been selected. If this does not seem correct\n\ please make sure that only the correct .vmx file is bundled with the\n virtual machine that should be uploaded. ImageUpload.WizardPage.errorMessage.errorWhileSearchingForVmx=An error occured while trying to search for .vmx files in the directory. # ImageOvfConversionPage ImageOvfConversion.MessageBox.notAVmwareOrVboxImage=The selected file does not appear to be a virtual machine\n\ that has been created with VMware or VirtualBox. ImageOvfConversion.MessageBox.VboxDetected=The selected virtual machine appears to have been created with VirtualBox.\n\ The conversion of VirtualBox virtual machine images in the OVA or OVF format is currently not supported.\n\ You can still try to start the conversion but it may fail due to the conversion tool developed by VMware being used.\n\ VirtualBox also supports converting OVA and OVF images by importing them into its library. The resulting image is\n\ also compatible with the BWLehrpool Suite. ImageOvfConversion.StartConversionButton.text=Start conversion ImageOvfConversion.AbortConversionButton.text=Abort conversion ImageOvfConversion.ErrorMessage.ConversionFailed=Conversion failed: ImageOvfConversion.Dialog.DirectoryExists.title=Overwrite directory? ImageOvfConversion.Dialog.DirectoryExists=The directory being used for the converted virtual machine image already exists.\n\ This is probably due to an earlier conversion of a virtual machine and is usually safe to delete.\n\ Should the directory be deleted including all contained files? ImageOvfConversion.Dialog.RemoveTmpDirectory=A directory has been created for the aborted conversion.\n\ Should it be deleted including all contained files? ImageOvfConversion.Dialog.RemoveTmpDirectory.title=Delete temporary directory? # ContainerUploadPage ContainerUploadPage.Description.ContainerDefFinished=Container definition finished ContainerUploadPage.Warning.NoImageRepo=No Image Repository provided ContainerUploadPage.Warning.NoReceipt=No Container Recipe provided! ContainerUploadPage.Warning.NoValidDockerfiler=No valid Dockerfile provided! ContainerUploadPage.Warning.NoGitRepository=No Git Repository provided! ContainerUploadPage.Warning.NoDockerArchive=No Docker Archive provided! ContainerUploadPage.Warning.NoProperName=Set proper Image Name ContainerUploadPage.Warning.NoRunOptions=Set container run options # ImageUploadSummaryPage ImageUploadSummary.UploadInitState.requesting=The upload process is negotiated with the server... ImageUploadSummary.UploadInitState.waitingForSlot=The server is currently overloaded, because too many uploads are \ running at the same time. It waits until the server has free capacity again. \ Please do not close this window. ImageUploadSummary.UploadInitState.uploadStarting=The connection to transfer the VM is established... ImageUploadSummary.UploadInitState.uploadStarted=The upload of your virtual machine has started. \ If you wish, you can close this wizard and continue using the application. \ The transfer continues in the background. ImageUploadSummary.UploadInitState.error=The initialization of the upload to the server has failed. \ You can try to start the process again. If the problem still persists, \ contact the {0} support of your institution. ImageUploadSummary.UploadInitState.errorMoreInfo=

Further information:
{0} ImageUploadSummary.UploadInitState.completed=The virtual machine was successfully uploaded to the server. # LectureCreationPage LectureCreation.WizardPage.title=New LectureCreation.Label.endBeforeStart.text=End time is before start time! LectureCreation.Label.calcPeriod.text={0} day(s) LectureCreation.WizardPage.warningMessage.noName=Enter a lecture name. LectureCreation.WizardPage.warningMessage.noDesc=Add a description. LectureCreation.WizardPage.warningMessage.startAfterEnd=Start time is after end time! LectureCreation.WizardPage.warningMessage.nowAfterEnd=End time is in the past! LectureCreation.WizardPage.warningMessage.endAfterLatestPossibleDate=End time is after the latest possible date: {0} LectureCreation.WizardPage.description.0=Click on ''Next'' to select a virtual machine. LectureCreation.WizardPage.description.1=Click on ''Next'' to set permissions \ or ''Finish''. # LectureImageListPage LectureImageList.WizardPage.description=Click on ''Next'' LectureImageList.WizardPage.errorMessage.containerLinkedWithLecture=This Image is already linked with a lecture. \ Please create a new image. LectureImageList.WizardPage.errorMessage.imageIsDataContainer=This Image is a Data Container and can not linked with a Lecture. LectureImageList.WizardPage.errorMessage.noPerms=Insufficient permissions to link to this VM. LectureImageList.WizardPage.errorMessage.invalidVM=Invalid VM selected # LectureLocationSelectionPage LectureLocationSelection.WizardPage.errorMessage.tooManyLocations=Too many rooms/locations selected # LectureOptionsPage LectureOptions.WizardPage.description=Click on ''Next'' to set permissions \ or ''Finish''.