package org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.mappers; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.Database; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.MysqlConnection; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.MysqlStatement; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.models.LocalImageVersion; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.mail.MailGenerator; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.permissions.User; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.thrift.cache.OperatingSystemList; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.web.VmChooserEntryXml; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.web.VmChooserListXml; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.web.XmlFilterEntry; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.LdapFilter; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.LectureRead; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.LectureSummary; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.LectureWrite; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.NetRule; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.NetShare; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.TNotFoundException; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.UserInfo; import org.openslx.util.Json; import org.openslx.util.Util; import org.openslx.virtualization.configuration.VirtualizationConfiguration; import; import org.openslx.virtualization.configuration.logic.ConfigurationLogicDozModServerToStatelessClient; import org.openslx.virtualization.configuration.transformation.TransformationException; import; public class DbLecture { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DbLecture.class); static { Json.registerThriftClass(NetRule.class); Json.registerThriftClass(NetShare.class); } private static void setWriteFields(MysqlStatement stmt, String lectureId, LectureWrite lecture, UserInfo updatingUser) throws SQLException { if (lecture.lectureName.length() > 100) { lecture.lectureName = lecture.lectureName.substring(0, 100); } String nicsJson = null; if (lecture.nics != null && !lecture.nics.isEmpty()) { for (;;) { nicsJson = Json.serialize(lecture.nics); if (nicsJson.length() < 200) break; lecture.nics.remove(0); } } String netruleJson; if (lecture.networkExceptions == null) { netruleJson = null; } else { netruleJson = Json.serialize(lecture.networkExceptions); } stmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); stmt.setString("displayname", lecture.lectureName); stmt.setString("description", lecture.description); stmt.setString("imageversionid", lecture.imageVersionId); stmt.setBoolean("autoupdate", lecture.autoUpdate); stmt.setBoolean("isenabled", lecture.isEnabled); stmt.setBoolean("isprivate", lecture.limitToAllowedUsers); stmt.setBoolean("islocationprivate", lecture.limitToLocations); stmt.setLong("starttime", lecture.startTime); stmt.setLong("endtime", lecture.endTime); stmt.setString("updaterid", updatingUser.userId); stmt.setString("runscript", lecture.runscript); stmt.setString("nics", nicsJson); stmt.setString("netrules", netruleJson); stmt.setBoolean("isexam", lecture.isExam); stmt.setBoolean("hasinternetaccess", lecture.hasInternetAccess); stmt.setBoolean("hasusbaccess", lecture.hasUsbAccess); stmt.setBoolean("caneditdefault", lecture.defaultPermissions.edit); stmt.setBoolean("canadmindefault", lecture.defaultPermissions.admin); } private static void writeLocations(MysqlConnection connection, String lectureId, List locationIds) throws SQLException { MysqlStatement delStmt = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM lecture_x_location WHERE lectureid = :lectureid"); delStmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); delStmt.executeUpdate(); if (locationIds == null || locationIds.isEmpty()) return; MysqlStatement addStmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO lecture_x_location (lectureid, locationid)" + " VALUES (:lectureid, :locationid)"); addStmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); for (Integer locationId : locationIds) { addStmt.setInt("locationid", locationId); addStmt.executeUpdate(); } } public static String create(UserInfo user, LectureWrite lecture) throws SQLException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO lecture" + " (lectureid, displayname, description, imageversionid, autoupdate," + " isenabled, starttime, endtime, createtime, updatetime," + " isprivate, islocationprivate," + " ownerid, updaterid, runscript, nics, netrules, isexam," + " hasinternetaccess, hasusbaccess, caneditdefault, canadmindefault)" + " VALUES " + " (:lectureid, :displayname, :description, :imageversionid, :autoupdate," + " :isenabled, :starttime, :endtime, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP()," + " :isprivate, :islocationprivate," + " :ownerid, :updaterid, :runscript, :nics, :netrules, :isexam," + " :hasinternetaccess, :hasusbaccess, :caneditdefault, :canadmindefault)"); String lectureId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); setWriteFields(stmt, lectureId, lecture, user); stmt.setString("ownerid", user.userId); stmt.executeUpdate(); writeLocations(connection, lectureId, lecture.locationIds); if (lecture.isSetNetworkShares()) { DbLectureNetshare.writeForLecture(connection, lectureId, lecture.networkShares); } if (lecture.isSetLdapFilters()) { DbLectureFilter.writeForLectureLdap(connection, lectureId, lecture.ldapFilters); } connection.commit(); return lectureId; } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.create()", e); throw e; } } private static void update(MysqlConnection connection, UserInfo user, String lectureId, LectureWrite lecture) throws SQLException { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE lecture SET " + " displayname = :displayname, description = :description, imageversionid = :imageversionid," + " autoupdate = :autoupdate, isenabled = :isenabled, starttime = :starttime," + " endtime = :endtime, updatetime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()," + " isprivate = :isprivate, islocationprivate = :islocationprivate," + " updaterid = :updaterid, runscript = :runscript, nics = :nics," + " netrules = :netrules, isexam = :isexam, hasinternetaccess = :hasinternetaccess, hasusbaccess = :hasusbaccess," + " caneditdefault = :caneditdefault, canadmindefault = :canadmindefault" + " WHERE lectureid = :lectureid"); setWriteFields(stmt, lectureId, lecture, user); writeLocations(connection, lectureId, lecture.locationIds); if (lecture.isSetNetworkShares()) { DbLectureNetshare.writeForLecture(connection, lectureId, lecture.networkShares); } if (lecture.isSetLdapFilters()) { DbLectureFilter.writeForLectureLdap(connection, lectureId, lecture.ldapFilters); } if (lecture.isSetPresetScriptIds()) { DbRunScript.writeLectureRunScripts(connection, lectureId, lecture.presetScriptIds); } if (lecture.isSetPresetNetworkExceptionIds()) { DbLectureNetworkRules.writeLectureNetworkExceptions(connection, lectureId, lecture.presetNetworkExceptionIds); } stmt.executeUpdate(); } public static void update(UserInfo user, String lectureId, LectureWrite lecture) throws SQLException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { update(connection, user, lectureId, lecture); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.update()", e); throw e; } } public static void setOwner(UserInfo user, String lectureId, String newOwnerId) throws SQLException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE lecture" + " SET ownerid = :ownerid, updaterid = :updaterid, updatetime = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()" + " WHERE lectureid = :lectureid"); stmt.setString("ownerid", newOwnerId); stmt.setString("updaterid", user.userId); stmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); stmt.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.setOwner()", e); throw e; } } private static LectureSummary fillSummary(UserInfo user, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { LectureSummary lecture = new LectureSummary(); lecture.setLectureId(rs.getString("lectureid")); lecture.setLectureName(rs.getString("lecturename")); lecture.setDescription(rs.getString("description")); lecture.setImageVersionId(rs.getString("imageversionid")); lecture.setImageBaseId(rs.getString("imagebaseid")); lecture.setIsEnabled(rs.getBoolean("isenabled")); lecture.setStartTime(rs.getLong("starttime")); lecture.setEndTime(rs.getLong("endtime")); lecture.setLastUsed(rs.getLong("lastused")); lecture.setUseCount(rs.getInt("usecount")); lecture.setOwnerId(rs.getString("ownerid")); lecture.setUpdaterId(rs.getString("updaterid")); lecture.setIsExam(rs.getBoolean("isexam")); lecture.setHasInternetAccess(rs.getBoolean("hasinternetaccess")); lecture.setHasUsbAccess(rs.getBoolean("hasusbaccess")); lecture.setDefaultPermissions(DbLecturePermissions.fromResultSetDefault(rs)); lecture.setUserPermissions(DbLecturePermissions.fromResultSetUser(rs)); lecture.setIsImageVersionUsable(rs.getBoolean("imgvalid")); if (user != null) { User.setCombinedUserPermissions(lecture, user); } return lecture; } private static final String summaryBaseSql = "SELECT" + " l.lectureid, l.displayname AS lecturename, l.description, l.imageversionid, i.imagebaseid," + " l.isenabled, l.starttime, l.endtime, l.lastused, l.usecount, l.ownerid, l.updaterid," + " l.isexam, l.hasinternetaccess, l.hasusbaccess, l.caneditdefault, l.canadmindefault," + " i.isvalid AS imgvalid, perm.canedit, perm.canadmin" + " FROM lecture l " + " LEFT JOIN imageversion i USING (imageversionid)" + " LEFT JOIN lecturepermission perm ON (perm.lectureid = l.lectureid AND perm.userid = :userid)"; public static LectureSummary getLectureSummary(UserInfo user, String lectureId) throws SQLException, TNotFoundException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(summaryBaseSql + " WHERE l.lectureid = :lectureid"); stmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); stmt.setString("userid", user == null ? "-" : user.userId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (! throw new TNotFoundException(); return fillSummary(user, rs); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.getLectureSummary()", e); throw e; } } public static List getAll(UserInfo user, int page) throws SQLException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(summaryBaseSql + (User.isStudent(user) ? " WHERE i.isrestricted = 0" : "")); stmt.setString("userid", user == null ? "-" : user.userId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List list = new ArrayList<>(100); while ( { list.add(fillSummary(user, rs)); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.getAll()", e); throw e; } } protected static List getAllUsingImageBase(MysqlConnection connection, String imageBaseId, boolean autoUpdateOnly) throws SQLException { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(summaryBaseSql + " WHERE imagebaseid = :imagebaseid" + (autoUpdateOnly ? " AND autoupdate = 1" : "")); stmt.setString("imagebaseid", imageBaseId); stmt.setString("userid", "-"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(fillSummary(null, rs)); } return list; } protected static List getAllUsingImageVersion(MysqlConnection connection, String imageVersionId, boolean enabledOnly) throws SQLException { String query = summaryBaseSql + " WHERE i.imageversionid = :imageversionid"; if (enabledOnly) { query += " AND l.isenabled = 1"; } MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setString("imageversionid", imageVersionId); stmt.setString("userid", "-"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(fillSummary(null, rs)); } return list; } private static List decodeNetrules(String netrules) { if (netrules == null) return null; try { NetRule[] rules = Json.deserialize(netrules, NetRule[].class); if (rules != null) return Arrays.asList(rules); } catch (JsonParseException e) { LOGGER.warn("Could not deserialize netrules", e); } return null; } public static LectureRead getLectureDetails(UserInfo user, String lectureId) throws SQLException, TNotFoundException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT" + " l.lectureid, l.displayname AS lecturename, l.description, l.imageversionid, i.imagebaseid," + " l.autoupdate, l.isenabled, l.starttime, l.endtime, l.lastused, l.usecount, l.createtime," + " l.updatetime, l.ownerid, l.updaterid, l.runscript, l.nics, l.netrules, l.isexam," + " l.isprivate, l.islocationprivate, l.hasinternetaccess, l.hasusbaccess," + " l.caneditdefault, l.canadmindefault, p.canedit, p.canadmin, n.sharedata" + " FROM lecture l " + " LEFT JOIN imageversion i USING (imageversionid)" + " LEFT JOIN lecturepermission p ON (l.lectureid = p.lectureid AND p.userid = :userid)" + " LEFT JOIN networkshare n ON (l.lectureid = n.lectureid)" + " WHERE l.lectureid = :lectureid LIMIT 1"); stmt.setString("userid", user == null ? "" : user.userId); stmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (! throw new TNotFoundException(); LectureRead lecture = new LectureRead(); lecture.setLectureId(rs.getString("lectureid")); lecture.setLectureName(rs.getString("lecturename")); lecture.setDescription(rs.getString("description")); lecture.setImageVersionId(rs.getString("imageversionid")); lecture.setImageBaseId(rs.getString("imagebaseid")); lecture.setAutoUpdate(rs.getBoolean("autoupdate")); lecture.setIsEnabled(rs.getBoolean("isenabled")); lecture.setLimitToAllowedUsers(rs.getBoolean("isprivate")); lecture.setLimitToLocations(rs.getBoolean("islocationprivate")); lecture.setStartTime(rs.getLong("starttime")); lecture.setEndTime(rs.getLong("endtime")); lecture.setLastUsed(rs.getLong("lastused")); lecture.setUseCount(rs.getInt("usecount")); lecture.setCreateTime(rs.getLong("createtime")); lecture.setUpdateTime(rs.getLong("updatetime")); lecture.setOwnerId(rs.getString("ownerid")); lecture.setUpdaterId(rs.getString("updaterid")); lecture.setRunscript(rs.getString("runscript")); lecture.setNics(null); // TODO fill nics lecture.setNetworkExceptions(decodeNetrules(rs.getString("netrules"))); lecture.setPresetNetworkExceptionIds(DbLectureNetworkRules.getForEdit(connection, lectureId)); lecture.setIsExam(rs.getBoolean("isexam")); lecture.setHasInternetAccess(rs.getBoolean("hasinternetaccess")); lecture.setHasUsbAccess(rs.getBoolean("hasusbaccess")); lecture.setAllowedUsers(getAllowedUsers(connection, lectureId)); lecture.setDefaultPermissions(DbLecturePermissions.fromResultSetDefault(rs)); lecture.setUserPermissions(DbLecturePermissions.fromResultSetUser(rs)); User.setCombinedUserPermissions(lecture, user); lecture.setLocationIds(DbLocation.getLectureLocations(connection, lectureId)); lecture.setNetworkShares(new ArrayList()); lecture.setPresetNetworkShares(new ArrayList()); DbLectureNetshare.getSplitForLecture(connection, lectureId, lecture.networkShares, lecture.presetNetworkShares); lecture.setLdapFilters(new ArrayList()); lecture.setPresetLdapFilters(new ArrayList()); DbLectureFilter.getSplitForLectureLdap(connection, lectureId, lecture.ldapFilters, lecture.presetLdapFilters); lecture.setPresetScriptIds(DbRunScript.getForEdit(connection, lectureId)); return lecture; } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.getLectureDetails()", e); throw e; } } public static List getAllowedUsers(MysqlConnection connection, String lectureId) throws SQLException { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT" + " userlogin FROM lectureuser" + " WHERE lectureid = :lectureid"); stmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(rs.getString("userlogin")); } return list; } public static boolean delete(String lectureId) throws TNotFoundException, SQLException { int affected; try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM lecture WHERE lectureid = :lectureid"); stmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); affected = stmt.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.delete()", e); throw e; } return affected == 1; } /** * Called when a new version for an image is uploaded. Update all lectures * using the same base image which have the autoUpdate-flag set. * * @param connection mysql connection to use * @param imageBaseId base image that got a new version * @param newVersion the latest (valid) version * @throws SQLException */ protected static void autoUpdateUsedImage(MysqlConnection connection, String imageBaseId, LocalImageVersion newVersion) throws SQLException { if (newVersion == null) return; List lectures = getAllUsingImageBase(connection, imageBaseId, true); if (lectures.isEmpty()) return; // Remove lectures that are already on the given latest version from the list... for (Iterator it = lectures.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { LectureSummary lecture =; if (lecture.imageVersionId.equals(newVersion.imageVersionId)) it.remove(); } // Update lectures in DB MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE lecture l, imageversion v SET" + " l.imageversionid = :imageversionid" + " WHERE v.imageversionid = l.imageversionid AND v.imagebaseid = :imagebaseid" + " AND l.autoupdate = 1"); stmt.setString("imageversionid", newVersion.imageVersionId); stmt.setString("imagebaseid", imageBaseId); stmt.executeUpdate(); // Send informative mail to lecture admins MailGenerator.lectureAutoUpdate(lectures, newVersion); } /** * Called when an image version is deleted or marked for deletion, so that * linking lectures switch over to other available versions. */ protected static void forcefullySwitchUsedImage(MysqlConnection connection, LocalImageVersion oldVersion, LocalImageVersion newVersion) throws TNotFoundException, SQLException { if (oldVersion == newVersion || (newVersion != null && newVersion.imageVersionId.equals(oldVersion.imageVersionId))) return; // First, get list of lectures using the image version to switch away from List lectures = getAllUsingImageVersion(connection, oldVersion.imageVersionId, true); if (lectures.isEmpty()) return; MysqlStatement stmt; if (newVersion == null) { stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE lecture SET isenabled = 0 WHERE imageversionid = :oldversionid"); stmt.setString("oldversionid", oldVersion.imageVersionId); MailGenerator.lectureDeactivated(lectures); } else { // Update and send info mail stmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE lecture SET imageversionid = :newversionid" + " WHERE imageversionid = :oldversionid"); stmt.setString("oldversionid", oldVersion.imageVersionId); stmt.setString("newversionid", newVersion.imageVersionId); MailGenerator.lectureForcedUpdate(lectures, newVersion); } stmt.executeUpdate(); } protected static void deletePermanently(MysqlConnection connection, LocalImageVersion image) throws SQLException { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM lecture WHERE imageversionid = :imageversionid"); stmt.setString("imageversionid", image.imageVersionId); stmt.executeUpdate(); } public static List getExpiringLectures(int maxRemainingDays) throws SQLException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(summaryBaseSql + " WHERE endtime < :deadline"); stmt.setString("userid", "-"); stmt.setLong("deadline", Util.unixTime() + (maxRemainingDays * 86400)); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(fillSummary(null, rs)); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.getExpiringLectures()", e); throw e; } } public static VmChooserListXml getUsableListXml(boolean exams, String locationsString) throws SQLException { // Sanitize and clean locations string // Input is in the form of "1 2 3 4" or "1" or " 1 4 5" // We want "1,2,3,4" or "1" or "1,4,5" // Do this since we embed this directly into the query String cleanLocations = null; if (Util.isEmptyString(locationsString)) { cleanLocations = "0"; } else if (locationsString.indexOf(' ') == -1) { cleanLocations = Integer.toString(org.openslx.util.Util.parseInt(locationsString, 0)); } else { String[] array = locationsString.split(" +"); for (String loc : array) { int val = org.openslx.util.Util.parseInt(loc, -1); if (val == -1) continue; if (cleanLocations == null) { cleanLocations = Integer.toString(val); } else { cleanLocations += "," + Integer.toString(val); } } if (cleanLocations == null) { cleanLocations = "0"; } } // Query try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT" + " l.lectureid, l.displayname AS lecturename, l.description," + " l.islocationprivate, loc.lectureid AS loctest," + " l.endtime, l.usecount, o.displayname AS osname, v.virtname, b.istemplate," + " v.virtid, ov.virtoskeyword, i.filepath" + " FROM lecture l " + " INNER JOIN imageversion i USING (imageversionid)" + " INNER JOIN imagebase b USING (imagebaseid)" + " INNER JOIN operatingsystem o USING (osid)" + " INNER JOIN virtualizer v USING (virtid)" + " LEFT JOIN os_x_virt ov USING (osid, virtid)" + " LEFT JOIN (" + " SELECT DISTINCT lectureid FROM lecture_x_location WHERE locationid IN (" + cleanLocations + ")" + " ) loc USING (lectureid)" + " WHERE l.isenabled = 1 AND l.isprivate = 0 AND l.isexam = :isexam" + " AND l.starttime < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND l.endtime > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND i.isvalid = 1"); stmt.setBoolean("isexam", exams); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); VmChooserListXml list = new VmChooserListXml(true); while ( { boolean isForThisLocation = rs.getString("loctest") != null; if (!isForThisLocation && rs.getBoolean("islocationprivate")) continue; // Is limited to location, and we're not in one of the required locations String lectureId = rs.getString("lectureid"); boolean isTemplate = rs.getBoolean("istemplate"); int prio = 100; // Get ldap filters List ldapFilters = DbLectureFilter.getFiltersXml(connection, lectureId); list.add(new VmChooserEntryXml(rs.getString("filepath"), prio, "-", rs.getString("lecturename"), rs.getString("description"), lectureId, rs.getString("virtid"), rs.getString("virtname"), rs.getString("virtoskeyword"), rs.getString("osname"), "", isForThisLocation, isTemplate, ldapFilters)); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.getUsableList()", e); throw e; } } public static LaunchData getClientLaunchData(String lectureId) throws SQLException, TNotFoundException { LaunchData retval = new LaunchData(); byte[] config; try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { // Get required data about lecture and used image MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT" + " l.displayname AS lecturename, l.starttime, l.endtime, l.isenabled, l.hasusbaccess," + " l.runscript, b.osid, o.virtoskeyword, i.virtualizerconfig" + " FROM lecture l " + " INNER JOIN imageversion i USING (imageversionid)" + " INNER JOIN imagebase b USING (imagebaseid)" + " LEFT JOIN os_x_virt o USING (osid, virtid)" + " WHERE l.lectureid = :lectureid"); stmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); long now = Util.unixTime(); if (! || !rs.getBoolean("isenabled") || rs.getLong("starttime") > now || rs.getLong("endtime") < now) { throw new TNotFoundException(); } config = rs.getBytes("virtualizerconfig"); if (config == null) { return null; } final String lectureName = rs.getString("lecturename"); final String osKeyword = rs.getString("virtoskeyword"); final boolean usbAccess = rs.getBoolean("hasusbaccess"); // prepare virtualization configuration as part of the launch data VirtualizationConfiguration virtualizationConfig = null; try { virtualizationConfig = VirtualizationConfiguration.getInstance(OperatingSystemList.get(), config, config.length); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Virtualization configuration could not be initialized", e); return null; } // modify virtualization configuration String configuration = null; try { final ConfigurationLogicDozModServerToStatelessClient downloadLogic = new ConfigurationLogicDozModServerToStatelessClient(); downloadLogic.apply(virtualizationConfig, new ConfigurationDataDozModServerToStatelessClient(lectureName, osKeyword, usbAccess)); configuration = virtualizationConfig.getConfigurationAsString(); } catch (TransformationException e) { LOGGER.error("Virtualization configuration could not be modified", e); return null; } retval.configuration = configuration; retval.legacyRunScript = rs.getString("runscript"); retval.netShares = DbLectureNetshare.getCombinedForLecture(connection, lectureId); retval.runScript = DbRunScript.getRunScriptsForLaunch(connection, lectureId, rs.getInt("osid")); // Everything worked so far, update statistics counters MysqlStatement upStmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE" + " lecture SET lastused = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), usecount = usecount + 1" + " WHERE lectureid = :lectureid"); upStmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); upStmt.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.getClientLaunchData()", e); throw e; } return retval; } public static boolean getFirewallRules(String lectureId, List list) throws SQLException, TNotFoundException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT netrules, hasinternetaccess FROM lecture" + " WHERE lectureid = :lectureid"); stmt.setString("lectureid", lectureId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (! throw new TNotFoundException(); NetRule[] json = Json.deserialize(rs.getString("netrules"), NetRule[].class); if (json != null && json.length != 0) { list.addAll(Arrays.asList(json)); } List others = DbLectureNetworkRules.getForStartup(connection, lectureId); if (others != null) { list.addAll(others); } return rs.getBoolean("hasinternetaccess"); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in getClientLaunchNetworkExceptions()", e); throw e; } } public static void deleteOld(int minAgeDays) throws SQLException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM lecture WHERE endtime < :cutoff"); stmt.setLong("cutoff", Util.unixTime() - TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(minAgeDays)); stmt.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.deleteOld()", e); throw e; } } public static List getLecturesUsingImageVersion(MysqlConnection connection, String imageVersionId) throws SQLException { MysqlStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(summaryBaseSql + " WHERE l.imageversionid = :imageversionid"); stmt.setString("userid", "-"); stmt.setString("imageversionid", imageVersionId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List list = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { list.add(fillSummary(null, rs)); } return list; } public static List getLecturesUsingImageVersion(String imageVersionId) throws SQLException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { return getLecturesUsingImageVersion(connection, imageVersionId); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.getExpiringLectures()", e); throw e; } } public static void unlinkFromImageVersion(String imageVersionId) throws SQLException { try (MysqlConnection connection = Database.getConnection()) { unlinkFromImageVersion(connection, imageVersionId); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Query failed in DbLecture.unlinkFromImageVersion()", e); throw e; } } protected static void unlinkFromImageVersion(MysqlConnection connection, String imageVersionId) throws SQLException { List lectures = getLecturesUsingImageVersion(connection, imageVersionId); MysqlStatement uStmt = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE lecture SET imageversionid = NULL" + " WHERE imageversionid = :imageversionid"); uStmt.setString("imageversionid", imageVersionId); uStmt.executeUpdate(); MailGenerator.lectureDeactivated(lectures); } public static class RunScript { public final String content; public final String extension; public final int visibility; public final boolean passCreds; RunScript(String content, String extension, int visibility, boolean passCreds) { this.content = content; this.extension = extension; this.visibility = visibility; this.passCreds = passCreds; } } public static class LaunchData { public String configuration; public List netShares; public String legacyRunScript; public List runScript; } }