package org.openslx.bwlp.sat.fileserv; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.mappers.DbImage; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.mappers.DbImageBlock; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.mappers.DbUser; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.models.ImageVersionMeta; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.database.models.LocalImageVersion; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.util.Constants; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.util.FileSystem; import org.openslx.bwlp.sat.util.Formatter; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.ImageDetailsRead; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.ImagePublishData; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.ImageSummaryRead; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.InvocationError; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.TAuthorizationException; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.TInvocationException; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.TNotFoundException; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.TTransferRejectedException; import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.TransferInformation; import org.openslx.thrifthelper.ThriftManager; import org.openslx.util.GrowingThreadPoolExecutor; import org.openslx.util.PrioThreadFactory; import org.openslx.util.QuickTimer; import org.openslx.util.QuickTimer.Task; /** * Manages file transfers between this satellite and the master server. */ public class SyncTransferHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(SyncTransferHandler.class); private static final GrowingThreadPoolExecutor transferPool = new GrowingThreadPoolExecutor(1, Constants.MAX_MASTER_UPLOADS + Constants.MAX_MASTER_DOWNLOADS, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, new ArrayBlockingQueue(1), new PrioThreadFactory("MTransf", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 3)); /** * All currently running downloads from master, indexed by token, which is == versionId */ private static final Map downloads = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * All currently running uploads from master, indexed by token */ private static final Map uploadsByTransferId = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * All currently running uploads to master, by image version id */ private static final Map uploadsByVersionId = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static Task heartBeatTask = new Task() { private int skips = 0; private final Runnable worker = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Iterator it = downloads.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { IncomingDataTransfer download =; if (download.isActive()) download.heartBeat(transferPool); if (download.isComplete(now)) {"Download <" + download.getId() + "> from master server complete"); it.remove(); } else if (download.hasReachedIdleTimeout(now) || download.connectFailCount() > 50) {"Download <" + download.getId() + "> errored out"); it.remove(); } } for (Iterator it = uploadsByTransferId.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { OutgoingDataTransfer upload =; if (upload.isActive()) upload.heartBeat(transferPool); if (upload.isComplete(now)) {"Upload <" + upload.getId() + "> to master server complete"); it.remove(); } else if (upload.hasReachedIdleTimeout(now) || upload.connectFailCount() > 50) {"Upload <" + upload.getId() + "> errored out"); it.remove(); } } for (Iterator it = uploadsByVersionId.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { OutgoingDataTransfer upload =; if (upload.isComplete(now)) { it.remove(); } else if (upload.hasReachedIdleTimeout(now) || upload.connectFailCount() > 50) { it.remove(); } } } }; @Override public synchronized void fire() { if (uploadsByTransferId.isEmpty() && uploadsByVersionId.isEmpty() && downloads.isEmpty()) return; // Nothing to do anyways, don't wake up another thread if (transferPool.getMaximumPoolSize() - transferPool.getActiveCount() < 2 && ++skips < 10) return; // Quite busy, don't trigger heartbeat skips = 0; transferPool.execute(worker); } }; // static { QuickTimer.scheduleAtFixedDelay(heartBeatTask, 123, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(56)); } public synchronized static String requestImageUpload(String userToken, ImageSummaryRead imgBase, LocalImageVersion imgVersion) throws SQLException, TNotFoundException, TInvocationException, TAuthorizationException, TTransferRejectedException { TransferInformation transferInfo; OutgoingDataTransfer existing = uploadsByVersionId.get(imgVersion.imageVersionId); if (existing != null) {"Client wants to upload image " + imgVersion.imageVersionId + " which is already in progess via " + existing.getId()); return existing.getId(); } File absFile = FileSystem.composeAbsoluteImagePath(imgVersion); if (!absFile.isFile() || !absFile.canRead()) { LOGGER.error("Cannot upload " + imgVersion.imageVersionId + ": file missing: " + absFile.getAbsolutePath()); DbImage.markValid(false, true, imgVersion); throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Source file not readable"); } if (absFile.length() != imgVersion.fileSize) { LOGGER.error("Cannot upload" + imgVersion.imageVersionId + ": wrong file size - expected " + imgVersion.fileSize + ", got " + absFile.length()); DbImage.markValid(false, true, imgVersion); throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "File corrupted on satellite server"); } checkUploadCount(); ImageVersionMeta versionDetails = DbImage.getVersionDetails(imgVersion.imageVersionId); if (versionDetails == null || versionDetails.machineDescription == null || versionDetails.machineDescription.length == 0) throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.MISSING_DATA, "Given virtual machine has no hardware description"); ImageDetailsRead details = DbImage.getImageDetails(null, imgVersion.imageBaseId); List blockHashes = DbImageBlock.getBlockHashes(imgVersion.imageVersionId); ImagePublishData publishData = new ImagePublishData(); publishData.createTime = imgVersion.createTime; publishData.description = details.description; publishData.fileSize = imgVersion.fileSize; publishData.imageBaseId = imgVersion.imageBaseId; publishData.imageName = details.imageName; publishData.imageVersionId = imgVersion.imageVersionId; publishData.isTemplate = details.isTemplate; publishData.osId = details.osId; publishData.uploader = DbUser.getOrNull(imgVersion.uploaderId); publishData.owner = DbUser.getOrNull(imgBase.ownerId); publishData.virtId = details.virtId; publishData.machineDescription = ByteBuffer.wrap(versionDetails.machineDescription); try { transferInfo = ThriftManager.getMasterClient().submitImage(userToken, publishData, blockHashes); } catch (TAuthorizationException e) { LOGGER.warn("Master server rejected our session on uploadImage", e); throw e; } catch (TInvocationException e) { LOGGER.warn("Master server made a boo-boo on uploadImage", e); throw e; } catch (TTransferRejectedException e) { LOGGER.warn("Master server rejected our upload request", e); throw e; } catch (TException e) { LOGGER.warn("Unknown exception on uploadImage to master server", e); throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Communication with master server failed"); } OutgoingDataTransfer transfer = new OutgoingDataTransfer(transferInfo, absFile, imgVersion.imageVersionId); uploadsByVersionId.put(imgVersion.imageVersionId, transfer); uploadsByTransferId.put(transfer.getId(), transfer);"Client wants to upload image " + imgVersion.imageVersionId + ", created transfer " + transfer.getId());; return transfer.getId(); } public synchronized static String requestImageDownload(String userToken, ImagePublishData image) throws TInvocationException, TAuthorizationException, TNotFoundException { TransferInformation transferInfo; // Already replicating this one? IncomingDataTransfer existing = downloads.get(image.imageVersionId); if (existing != null) return existing.getId(); checkDownloadCount(); try { transferInfo = ThriftManager.getMasterClient().downloadImage(userToken, image.imageVersionId); } catch (TAuthorizationException e) { LOGGER.warn("Master server rejected our session on downloadImage", e); throw e; } catch (TInvocationException e) { LOGGER.warn("Master server made a boo-boo on downloadImage", e); throw e; } catch (TNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.warn("Master server couldn't find image on downloadImage", e); throw e; } catch (TException e) { LOGGER.warn("Master server made a boo-boo on downloadImage", e); throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Communication with master server failed"); } // Already exists? Already complete? LocalImageVersion localImageData; try { localImageData = DbImage.getLocalImageData(image.imageVersionId); } catch (TNotFoundException e) { localImageData = null; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Database error"); } File tmpFile; if (localImageData == null) { // New tmpFile = null; do { tmpFile = Formatter.getTempImageName(); } while (tmpFile.exists()); } else { tmpFile = FileSystem.composeAbsoluteImagePath(localImageData); } tmpFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { IncomingDataTransfer transfer = new IncomingDataTransfer(image, tmpFile, transferInfo, localImageData != null); downloads.put(transfer.getId(), transfer);; return transfer.getId(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.warn("Could not open " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath()); throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Could not access local file for writing"); } } private static void checkDownloadCount() throws TInvocationException { Iterator it = downloads.values().iterator(); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); int activeDownloads = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { IncomingDataTransfer upload =; if (upload.isComplete(now) || upload.hasReachedIdleTimeout(now)) { upload.cancel(); it.remove(); continue; } if (upload.countsTowardsConnectionLimit(now)) { activeDownloads++; } } if (activeDownloads >= Constants.MAX_MASTER_DOWNLOADS) { throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Server busy. Too many running downloads (" + activeDownloads + "/" + Constants.MAX_MASTER_DOWNLOADS + ")."); } } private static void checkUploadCount() throws TInvocationException { Iterator it = uploadsByTransferId.values().iterator(); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); int activeUploads = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { OutgoingDataTransfer download =; if (download.isComplete(now) || download.hasReachedIdleTimeout(now)) { download.cancel(); it.remove(); continue; } if (download.countsTowardsConnectionLimit(now)) { activeUploads++; } } if (activeUploads >= Constants.MAX_MASTER_UPLOADS) { throw new TInvocationException(InvocationError.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Server busy. Too many running uploads (" + activeUploads + "/" + Constants.MAX_MASTER_UPLOADS + ")."); } } /** * Get an upload instance by given token. * * @param uploadToken * @return */ public static OutgoingDataTransfer getUploadByToken(String uploadToken) { if (uploadToken == null) return null; return uploadsByTransferId.get(uploadToken); } public static IncomingDataTransfer getDownloadByToken(String downloadToken) { if (downloadToken == null) return null; return downloads.get(downloadToken); } /** * Check whether the given imageVersionId refers to an active transfer. */ public static boolean isActiveTransfer(String baseId, String versionId) { if (versionId != null) { OutgoingDataTransfer odt = uploadsByVersionId.get(versionId); if (odt != null && !odt.isComplete(System.currentTimeMillis()) && odt.isActive()) return true; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (IncomingDataTransfer idt : downloads.values()) { if (idt.isComplete(now) || !idt.isActive()) continue; if (versionId != null && versionId.equals(idt.getVersionId())) return true; if (baseId != null && baseId.equals(idt.getBaseId())) return true; } return false; } }