SHORT_OPTS=":vfdh" LONG_OPTS="version,force,debug,help" KERNEL="kernel-preboot-latest" INITRAMFS="initramfs-default" LOG_DIR="/tmp/pbmtk" TMP_DIR=/tmp/openslx-iso run_module_checks () { if [ ! -z $1 ]; then perror "Too many parameters. \n" print_usage exit 1 fi if [ -z $(which genisoimage) ]; then perror "'genisoimage' is missing (if you are on a debian/ubuntu system: apt-get install genisoimage)" exit 1 fi } init_params () { FORCE=0 DEBUG=0 } print_usage() { echo "Usage: $(basename $SELF) iso [OPTIONS]" echo -e " -d --debug \t give more debug output" echo -e " -f --force \t don't ask questions" echo -e " -h --help \t print help" echo -e " -v --version \t print version information" } read_params() { getopt_start $@ eval set -- "$GETOPT_TEMP" while true ; do case "$1" in -v|--version) echo "OpenSLX PreBoot .. ($VERSION - $VDATE)." exit 0 ;; -h|--help) print_usage exit 0 ;; -f|--force) pinfo "Disable user-interaction."; FORCE=1; shift ;; -d|--debug) pinfo "Enabled debugmode."; DEBUG=1; unset_quiet; shift ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) perror "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;; esac done } pre_start_cleanup () { pinfo "Cleanup installer tmp." rm -rfv $TMP_DIR } setup_dir_structure () { pinfo "Create dir structure." mkdir -p $TMP_DIR/isolinux mkdir -p $TMP_DIR/pbs } copy_files () { pinfo "Copy required files." cp -v $ROOT_DIR/build/kernel-preboot-latest $TMP_DIR/isolinux/kernel cp -v $ROOT_DIR/build/initramfs-default $TMP_DIR/isolinux/initramfs cp -v $TMP_DIR/initramfs-serial $TMP_DIR/isolinux/serial cp -v $SYSLINUX/com32/menu/menu.c32 $TMP_DIR/isolinux/ cp -v $SYSLINUX/com32/menu/vesamenu.c32 $TMP_DIR/isolinux/ # exchange this for another theme cp -v ${ROOT_DIR}/config/extlinux/pbs2.png $TMP_DIR/isolinux/ sed -e "s,USB,ISO," $ROOT_DIR/config/extlinux/extlinux.conf \ > $TMP_DIR/isolinux/isolinux.cfg cp -v ${SYSLINUX}/core/isolinux.bin $TMP_DIR/isolinux/ # create an autorun.inf file echo -en "icon=\boot\openslx.ico,0\r\nlabel=OpenSLX PreBoot Linux\r\n" \ > $TMP_DIR/autorun.inf cp ${ROOT_DIR}/COPYING $TMP_DIR/copying.txt } get_preboot_serial() { pinfo "Retrieving Serials..." unset_quiet wget -qO- | cat set_quiet pechon "Choose serial to use for the image.\n\tPress the corresponding number, or r for random serial or empty for default serial: " read serial_choice if [ "x$serial_choice" = "xr" ] then : # get random serial from pbs else wget -O $TMP_DIR/pbs/serial$serial_choice fi } write_preboot_serial() { cd $TMP_DIR/pbs $ROOT_DIR/bin/ cd - } create_iso () { pinfo "Create ISO." genisoimage \ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \ -r -J -l -boot-info-table -hide-list config/hide.conf \ -abstract /tmp/openslx-iso/isolinux/info.txt -relaxed-filenames \ -biblio /tmp/openslx-iso/isolinux/info.txt -publisher "OpenSLX GmbH" \ -p "OpenSLX Project,," \ -V "OpenSLX PreBoot Linux ISO Image" -input-charset iso8859-1 \ -volset "PreBoot Linux of the OpenSLX Project" -joliet-long \ -copyright /tmp/openslx-iso/copying.txt \ -o $ROOT_DIR/openslx.iso $TMP_DIR } run () { set_quiet pre_start_cleanup setup_dir_structure get_preboot_serial write_preboot_serial copy_files create_iso unset_quiet pinfo "FINISHED: ISO can be found here: $ROOT_DIR/openslx.iso!" }