diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2018-06-15 14:05:25 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2018-06-15 14:05:25 +0200
commitba3c5aa40274c11f9cefd4e9842be3488cad07b4 (patch)
parentfileDownloader.* -> filedownloader.* (diff)
Fix indentation, cleanup, refactoring, deletions
* Remove unused methods for adding hostname and user to xml * Avoid copying/(de)serializing XML a thousand times * Fix Session::isValid() or rather make it a bit more usable (although it's unused currently) * baseDir is global, not per VSession, which doesn't make any sense without the legacy approach of recusively loading one xml file per entry
13 files changed, 556 insertions, 630 deletions
diff --git a/src/choosersettings.cpp b/src/choosersettings.cpp
index a67897e..36c9a0f 100644
--- a/src/choosersettings.cpp
+++ b/src/choosersettings.cpp
@@ -12,46 +12,46 @@ bool ChooserSettings::settingsLoaded = false;
ChooserSettings* ChooserSettings::chooserSettings = NULL;
ChooserSettings::ChooserSettings() {
- // test (and make) directory
- QDir saveFileDir(QFileInfo(previousSessionFile).absoluteDir());
- if (!saveFileDir.exists()) {
- if (!saveFileDir.mkpath(saveFileDir.path())) {
- return;
- }
- }
- settings = new QSettings(previousSessionFile, QSettings::IniFormat);
- settings->setIniCodec("UTF-8");
- if (settings->status() != QSettings::NoError) {
- if (debugMode) {
- qDebug() << "Settings: " << previousSessionFile << " contains erros.";
- }
- return;
- }
- settingsLoaded = true;
+ // test (and make) directory
+ QDir saveFileDir(QFileInfo(previousSessionFile).absoluteDir());
+ if (!saveFileDir.exists()) {
+ if (!saveFileDir.mkpath(saveFileDir.path())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ settings = new QSettings(previousSessionFile, QSettings::IniFormat);
+ settings->setIniCodec("UTF-8");
+ if (settings->status() != QSettings::NoError) {
+ if (debugMode) {
+ qDebug() << "Settings: " << previousSessionFile << " contains erros.";
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ settingsLoaded = true;
ChooserSettings::~ChooserSettings() {
- settings->deleteLater();
+ settings->deleteLater();
QString ChooserSettings::getSetting(QString key) {
- if (!settingsLoaded) {
- chooserSettings = new ChooserSettings();
- if (!settingsLoaded) return "";
- }
+ if (!settingsLoaded) {
+ chooserSettings = new ChooserSettings();
+ if (!settingsLoaded) return "";
+ }
- return chooserSettings->settings->value(key).toString();
+ return chooserSettings->settings->value(key).toString();
bool ChooserSettings::setSetting(QString key, QString value) {
- if (!settingsLoaded) {
- chooserSettings = new ChooserSettings();
- if (!settingsLoaded) return false;
- }
- chooserSettings->settings->setValue(key, value);
+ if (!settingsLoaded) {
+ chooserSettings = new ChooserSettings();
+ if (!settingsLoaded) return false;
+ }
+ chooserSettings->settings->setValue(key, value);
// chooserSettings->settings->sync();
- return true;
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/choosersettings.h b/src/choosersettings.h
index 28bf619..ea0bb76 100644
--- a/src/choosersettings.h
+++ b/src/choosersettings.h
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@
// TODO: Proper name. This is the user specific settings, not global
class ChooserSettings {
- static QString getSetting(QString key);
- static bool setSetting(QString key, QString value);
+ static QString getSetting(QString key);
+ static bool setSetting(QString key, QString value);
- static ChooserSettings* chooserSettings;
- static bool settingsLoaded;
+ static ChooserSettings* chooserSettings;
+ static bool settingsLoaded;
- QSettings* settings;
+ QSettings* settings;
- ChooserSettings();
- virtual ~ChooserSettings();
+ ChooserSettings();
+ virtual ~ChooserSettings();
diff --git a/src/command_line_options.cpp b/src/command_line_options.cpp
index 818bc06..2018760 100644
--- a/src/command_line_options.cpp
+++ b/src/command_line_options.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
CommandLineOptions::CommandLineOptions(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
// parse command line arguments (please sort by short option for easier handling)
static const struct option longOptions[] = {
- {"allow-vm-edit", no_argument, NULL, 'vmed'},
+ {"allow-vm-edit", no_argument, NULL, 'vmed'},
{"autoquit", required_argument, NULL, 'aqit'},
{"base", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"path", required_argument, NULL, 'b'}, // Compatibility to v1.0
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ CommandLineOptions::CommandLineOptions(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
options.insert("uuid", optarg);
case 'vmed':
- options.insert("allow-vm-edit", "");
- break;
+ options.insert("allow-vm-edit", "");
+ break;
options.insert("error", "error");
diff --git a/src/dialog.cpp b/src/dialog.cpp
index 926c65b..7e22962 100644
--- a/src/dialog.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog.cpp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Dialog::Dialog(int defaultTab, bool examMode, QWidget *parent)
// ui->filterEdit->installEventFilter(this);
- qApp->installEventFilter(this);
+ QCoreApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this);
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ bool Dialog::selectSession(const QString& name) {
bool Dialog::selectSessionByUuid(const QString& name) {
QModelIndex root(ui->treeView->rootIndex());
- for (int tab = 0; tab < TAB_COUNT; ++tab) {
+ for (int tab = 0; tab < TAB_COUNT; ++tab) {
for (int i = 0; i < model_[tab]->rowCount(root); ++i) {
QModelIndex section(model_[tab]->index(i, 0, root));
if (!section.isValid()) {
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ void Dialog::onCenterTimer() {
if (autoQuit_ > 0) {
if (autoQuit_ == 0) {
- qApp->exit(0);
+ QCoreApplication::instance()->exit(0);
} else if (autoQuit_ < 60) {
ui->lblAutoQuit->setText(this->trUtf8("Auto logout in %1").arg(autoQuit_));
diff --git a/src/filedownloader.cpp b/src/filedownloader.cpp
index 0af2544..7e2574b 100644
--- a/src/filedownloader.cpp
+++ b/src/filedownloader.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
static QNetworkAccessManager m_WebCtrl;
FileDownloader::FileDownloader(const QUrl& fileUrl, QObject *parent) :
- QObject(parent), started(false), url(fileUrl) {
+ QObject(parent), started(false), url(fileUrl) {
FileDownloader::~FileDownloader() {
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ FileDownloader::~FileDownloader() {
bool FileDownloader::downloadFile() {
- if (this->started)
- return true;
- QNetworkReply *reply = m_WebCtrl.get(QNetworkRequest(this->url));
- if (reply == NULL)
- return false;
- this->started = true;
- connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(fileDownloaded()));
- connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
- return true;
+ if (this->started)
+ return true;
+ QNetworkReply *reply = m_WebCtrl.get(QNetworkRequest(this->url));
+ if (reply == NULL)
+ return false;
+ this->started = true;
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(fileDownloaded()));
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
+ return true;
@@ -39,35 +39,35 @@ bool FileDownloader::downloadFile() {
void FileDownloader::downloadFailed(QNetworkReply::NetworkError) {
- QNetworkReply *reply = (QNetworkReply*)this->sender();
- killReply(reply);
- emit downloaded(this->url, QByteArray());
+ QNetworkReply *reply = (QNetworkReply*)this->sender();
+ killReply(reply);
+ emit downloaded(this->url, QByteArray());
void FileDownloader::fileDownloaded() {
- QNetworkReply *reply = (QNetworkReply*)this->sender();
- if (reply == NULL)
- return;
- QByteArray downloadedData(reply->readAll());
- killReply(reply);
- //emit a signal
- emit downloaded(this->url, downloadedData);
+ QNetworkReply *reply = (QNetworkReply*)this->sender();
+ if (reply == NULL)
+ return;
+ QByteArray downloadedData(reply->readAll());
+ killReply(reply);
+ //emit a signal
+ emit downloaded(this->url, downloadedData);
void FileDownloader::downloadProgress(qint64 received, qint64 totalSize) {
- QNetworkReply *reply = (QNetworkReply*)this->sender();
- if (reply == NULL)
- return;
- if (received > MAXSIZE || totalSize > MAXSIZE) {
- killReply(reply);
- emit downloaded(this->url, QByteArray());
- }
+ QNetworkReply *reply = (QNetworkReply*)this->sender();
+ if (reply == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (received > MAXSIZE || totalSize > MAXSIZE) {
+ killReply(reply);
+ emit downloaded(this->url, QByteArray());
+ }
void FileDownloader::killReply(QNetworkReply *reply) {
- if (reply == NULL)
- return;
- reply->blockSignals(true);
- reply->abort();
- reply->deleteLater();
+ if (reply == NULL)
+ return;
+ reply->blockSignals(true);
+ reply->abort();
+ reply->deleteLater();
diff --git a/src/httpxmldownloader.cpp b/src/httpxmldownloader.cpp
index 56b256e..c143995 100644
--- a/src/httpxmldownloader.cpp
+++ b/src/httpxmldownloader.cpp
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@
#include <QUrlQuery>
HttpXmlDownloader::HttpXmlDownloader() {
- nam = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
+ nam = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
QNetworkReply* HttpXmlDownloader::makeRequest(const QString& xmlurl, const QString& locationIds) {
- QUrl url(xmlurl);
- if (!locationIds.isEmpty()) {
- QUrlQuery query(url);
- query.addQueryItem("locations", locationIds);
- url.setQuery(query);
- }
- return nam->get(QNetworkRequest(url));
+ QUrl url(xmlurl);
+ if (!locationIds.isEmpty()) {
+ QUrlQuery query(url);
+ query.addQueryItem("locations", locationIds);
+ url.setQuery(query);
+ }
+ return nam->get(QNetworkRequest(url));
void HttpXmlDownloader::connectSlot(QObject* obj, const char* slot) {
- QObject::connect(nam, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), obj, slot);
+ QObject::connect(nam, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), obj, slot);
diff --git a/src/httpxmldownloader.h b/src/httpxmldownloader.h
index 068a733..dbca643 100644
--- a/src/httpxmldownloader.h
+++ b/src/httpxmldownloader.h
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
#include <QNetworkReply>
class HttpXmlDownloader : public QObject {
- QNetworkAccessManager* nam;
+ QNetworkAccessManager* nam;
- HttpXmlDownloader();
- QNetworkReply* makeRequest(const QString& xmlurl, const QString& locationIds = QString());
- void connectSlot(QObject* obj, const char* slot);
+ HttpXmlDownloader();
+ QNetworkReply* makeRequest(const QString& xmlurl, const QString& locationIds = QString());
+ void connectSlot(QObject* obj, const char* slot);
#endif /* HTTPTEST_H_ */
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 3e94d99..a8ce657 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -22,325 +22,325 @@
#include "choosersettings.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- QApplication a(argc, argv);
- QTranslator translator;
- translator.load(":" + QLocale::system().name());
- a.installTranslator(&translator);
- CommandLineOptions cmdOptions(argc, argv);
- QString autostart_uuid("");
- std::string usage(
- a.translate("Console", "Usage: vmchooser [ OPTIONS ]\n\n"
- " --allow-vm-edit show the 'edit this vm' checkbox\n"
- " --autoquit [secs] automatically exit if no selection is made after secs seconds\n"
- " -b --base base directory where VM images are accessible\n"
- " -d, --default name of default session\n"
- " -c, --config alternative config file\n"
- " -l, --locations location id(s), space separated\n"
- " --location-mode how to treat entries for this location (IGNORE, BUMP or EXCLUSIVE)\n"
- " --exam-mode enable exam mode\n"
- " -P, --pool one or more pool names to display (comma separated)\n"
- " -f, --file direct boot .desktop file\n"
- " -x, --xpath path of X Session .desktop files\n"
- " -u, --url url of vmware .xml file\n"
- " -s, --size window size <width>x<height>\n"
- " -t, --theme theme\n"
- " --template-mode how to treat template entries (IGNORE or BUMP)\n"
- " -p, --pvs show pvs options\n"
- " --pvs-checked check pvs box by default\n"
- " -D, --debug print debug information\n"
- " -v, --version print version and exit\n"
- " -h, --help print usage information and exit\n"
- " -S, --runscript change path to\n"
- " -T --tab default tab (0=xsession, 1=my vms, 2=all vms)\n"
- " --no-vtx Host doesn't support VT-x/AMD-V (mark 64bit guests)\n"
- " --start-uuid start lecture with the given uuid\n"
- "\nFILE can be a vmware .xml or an X .desktop file\n").toUtf8().data());
- if (cmdOptions.contains("error")) {
- std::cerr << usage;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("usage")) {
- std::cout << usage;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("version")) {
- std::cout << "vmchooser " << VMCHOOSER_VERSION << std::endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("uuid")) {
- autostart_uuid = cmdOptions.value("uuid");
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("file")) {
- QString file(cmdOptions.value("file"));
- if (file.endsWith(".desktop")) {
- XSession s;
- if (s.init(file) && {
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- std::cerr
- << a.translate("Console",
- "vmchooser: failed to run session").toUtf8().constData()
- << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- } else {
- std::cerr
- << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid session file").toUtf8().constData()
- << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- }
- // read configuration file:
- // file supplied as command line option or
- // user vmchooser.conf or
- // global vmchooser.conf
- QString confFile;
- if (cmdOptions.contains("config")) {
- if (QFileInfo(cmdOptions.value("config")).exists()) {
- confFile = cmdOptions.value("config");
- } else {
- std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "Requested --config not found: ").toUtf8().constData() << cmdOptions.value("config").toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
- }
- }
- if (confFile.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(userConfFile).exists()) {
- confFile = userConfFile;
- std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "Using user specific config: ").toUtf8().constData() << userConfFile.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
- }
- if (confFile.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(globalConfFile).exists()) {
- confFile = globalConfFile;
- std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "Using global config: ").toUtf8().constData() << globalConfFile.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
- }
- if (confFile.isEmpty()) {
- std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "No config file found or given").toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
- }
- // TODO: This is the system wide settings, give proper name
- QSettings settings(confFile, QSettings::IniFormat);
- settings.setIniCodec("UTF-8");
- if (ChooserSettings::getSetting("last-session").isEmpty()) {
- QString defaultSession;
- if (cmdOptions.contains("default")) {
- defaultSession = cmdOptions.value("default");
- } else if (settings.contains("default")) {
- defaultSession = settings.value("default").toString();
- }
- ChooserSettings::setSetting("last-session", defaultSession);
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("xpath")) {
- xSessionPath = cmdOptions.value("xpath");
- } else if (settings.contains("xpath")) {
- xSessionPath = settings.value("xpath").toString();
- } // else keep default path
- if (cmdOptions.contains("url")) {
- urlBase = cmdOptions.value("url");
- } else if (settings.contains("url")) {
- urlBase = settings.value("url").toString();
- } else {
- std::cerr
- << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: no URL given").toUtf8().data()
- << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- // Change the runVmScript path
- if (cmdOptions.contains("runscript")) {
- runVmScript = cmdOptions.value("runscript");
- } else if (settings.contains("runscript")) {
- runVmScript = settings.value("runscript").toString();
- }
- /* PARSE URL */
- if (!urlBase.startsWith("http://")) {
- std::cerr
- << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid URL").toUtf8().data()
- << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- } else {
- if (!urlBase.endsWith("/")) {
- urlBase += "/";
- }
- }
- QString size;
- if (cmdOptions.contains("fullscreen")) {
- size = "fullscreen";
- } else if (settings.contains("fullscreen")) {
- size = "fullscreen";
- } else if (cmdOptions.contains("size")) {
- size = cmdOptions.value("size");
- } else if (settings.contains("size")) {
- size = settings.value("size").toString();
- }
- if (size != "fullscreen") {
- QRegExp rx("^(\\d+)x(\\d+)$");
- if (rx.indexIn(size) != -1) {
- QStringList list = rx.capturedTexts();
- width = list.value(1).toInt();
- height = list.value(2).toInt();
- } else if (!size.isEmpty()) {
- std::cerr
- << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid size argument").toUtf8().data()
- << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("pool")) {
- pool = cmdOptions.value("pool");
- } else if (settings.contains("pool")) {
- pool = settings.value("pool").toString();
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("theme")) {
- theme = cmdOptions.value("theme");
- } else if (settings.contains("theme")) {
- theme = settings.value("theme").toString();
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("debugMode")) {
- debugMode = true;
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("base")) {
- basePath = cmdOptions.value("base");
- } else if (settings.contains("base")) {
- basePath = settings.value("base").toString();
- } else if (settings.contains("path")) { // Compatibility to v1.0
- basePath = settings.value("path").toString();
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("location-mode")) {
- QString mode = cmdOptions.value("location-mode");
- if (mode == "IGNORE") {
- g_forLocationHandling = LOCATION_IGNORE;
- } else if (mode == "BUMP") {
- g_forLocationHandling = LOCATION_BUMP;
- } else if (mode == "EXCLUSIVE") {
- g_forLocationHandling = LOCATION_EXCLUSIVE;
- } else {
- qDebug() << "Invalid location mode: " << mode;
- QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Error", "Invalid location mode: " + mode);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("template-mode")) {
- QString mode = cmdOptions.value("template-mode");
- if (mode == "IGNORE") {
- g_templateHandling = LOCATION_IGNORE;
- } else if (mode == "BUMP") {
- g_templateHandling = LOCATION_BUMP;
- } else {
- qDebug() << "Invalid template mode: " << mode;
- QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Error", "Invalid template mode: " + mode);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- int defaultTab = -1;
- if (cmdOptions.contains("tab")) {
- defaultTab = cmdOptions.value("tab").toInt();
- }
- QString locationIds;
- if (cmdOptions.contains("locations")) {
- locationIds = cmdOptions.value("locations");
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("no-vtx")) {
- g_noVtx = true;
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("pvs")) {
- g_pvsEnabled = true;
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("pvs-checked")) {
- g_pvsChecked = true;
- }
- if (cmdOptions.contains("autoquit")) {
- bool ok = false;
- g_autoQuitSeconds = cmdOptions.value("autoquit").toInt(&ok, 10);
- if (!ok) {
- g_autoQuitSeconds = 0;
- }
- }
- g_allowVmEdit = cmdOptions.contains("allow-vm-edit");
- /* read session files */
- QList<Session*> xsessions(XSession::readSessions(xSessionPath));
- Dialog w(defaultTab, cmdOptions.contains("exam-mode"));
- HttpXmlDownloader httpxmldownloader;
- httpxmldownloader.connectSlot(&w,
- SLOT(addSessionsAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*)));
- // read xml and add items later
- if (cmdOptions.contains("exam-mode")) {
- httpxmldownloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "list?exams=exam-mode", locationIds);
- } else {
- httpxmldownloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "list", locationIds);
- }
- HttpXmlDownloader news_downloader;
- news_downloader.connectSlot(&w, SLOT(addNewsAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*)));
- news_downloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "news");
- HttpXmlDownloader help_downloader;
- help_downloader.connectSlot(&w, SLOT(addHelpAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*)));
- help_downloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "help");
- w.setTheme();
- w.setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
- QRect desktopRect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(&w);
- if (size == "fullscreen") {
- width = desktopRect.width();
- height = desktopRect.height();
- _fullscreen = true;
- }
- w.resize(width, height);
- if (xsessions.size()) {
- qSort(xsessions.begin(), xsessions.end(), myLessThan);
- w.addItems(xsessions, 0);
- }
- if (autostart_uuid != "") {
- qDebug() << "using startSession() from main.cpp";
- w.startSession(autostart_uuid);
- }
- // center dialog on primary screen
- QPoint center =;
- w.move(center.x() - w.width() * 0.5, center.y() - w.height() * 0.5);
- a.setActiveWindow(&w);
- return a.exec();
+ QApplication a(argc, argv);
+ QTranslator translator;
+ translator.load(":" + QLocale::system().name());
+ a.installTranslator(&translator);
+ CommandLineOptions cmdOptions(argc, argv);
+ QString autostart_uuid("");
+ std::string usage(
+ a.translate("Console", "Usage: vmchooser [ OPTIONS ]\n\n"
+ " --allow-vm-edit show the 'edit this vm' checkbox\n"
+ " --autoquit [secs] automatically exit if no selection is made after secs seconds\n"
+ " -b --base base directory where VM images are accessible\n"
+ " -d, --default name of default session\n"
+ " -c, --config alternative config file\n"
+ " -l, --locations location id(s), space separated\n"
+ " --location-mode how to treat entries for this location (IGNORE, BUMP or EXCLUSIVE)\n"
+ " --exam-mode enable exam mode\n"
+ " -P, --pool one or more pool names to display (comma separated)\n"
+ " -f, --file direct boot .desktop file\n"
+ " -x, --xpath path of X Session .desktop files\n"
+ " -u, --url url of vmware .xml file\n"
+ " -s, --size window size <width>x<height>\n"
+ " -t, --theme theme\n"
+ " --template-mode how to treat template entries (IGNORE or BUMP)\n"
+ " -p, --pvs show pvs options\n"
+ " --pvs-checked check pvs box by default\n"
+ " -D, --debug print debug information\n"
+ " -v, --version print version and exit\n"
+ " -h, --help print usage information and exit\n"
+ " -S, --runscript change path to\n"
+ " -T --tab default tab (0=xsession, 1=my vms, 2=all vms)\n"
+ " --no-vtx Host doesn't support VT-x/AMD-V (mark 64bit guests)\n"
+ " --start-uuid start lecture with the given uuid\n"
+ "\nFILE can be a vmware .xml or an X .desktop file\n").toUtf8().data());
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("error")) {
+ std::cerr << usage;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("usage")) {
+ std::cout << usage;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("version")) {
+ std::cout << "vmchooser " << VMCHOOSER_VERSION << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("uuid")) {
+ autostart_uuid = cmdOptions.value("uuid");
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("file")) {
+ QString file(cmdOptions.value("file"));
+ if (file.endsWith(".desktop")) {
+ XSession s;
+ if (s.init(file) && {
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ std::cerr
+ << a.translate("Console",
+ "vmchooser: failed to run session").toUtf8().constData()
+ << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ } else {
+ std::cerr
+ << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid session file").toUtf8().constData()
+ << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ // read configuration file:
+ // file supplied as command line option or
+ // user vmchooser.conf or
+ // global vmchooser.conf
+ QString confFile;
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("config")) {
+ if (QFileInfo(cmdOptions.value("config")).exists()) {
+ confFile = cmdOptions.value("config");
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "Requested --config not found: ").toUtf8().constData() << cmdOptions.value("config").toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (confFile.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(userConfFile).exists()) {
+ confFile = userConfFile;
+ std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "Using user specific config: ").toUtf8().constData() << userConfFile.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (confFile.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(globalConfFile).exists()) {
+ confFile = globalConfFile;
+ std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "Using global config: ").toUtf8().constData() << globalConfFile.toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (confFile.isEmpty()) {
+ std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "No config file found or given").toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
+ }
+ // TODO: This is the system wide settings, give proper name
+ QSettings settings(confFile, QSettings::IniFormat);
+ settings.setIniCodec("UTF-8");
+ if (ChooserSettings::getSetting("last-session").isEmpty()) {
+ QString defaultSession;
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("default")) {
+ defaultSession = cmdOptions.value("default");
+ } else if (settings.contains("default")) {
+ defaultSession = settings.value("default").toString();
+ }
+ ChooserSettings::setSetting("last-session", defaultSession);
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("xpath")) {
+ xSessionPath = cmdOptions.value("xpath");
+ } else if (settings.contains("xpath")) {
+ xSessionPath = settings.value("xpath").toString();
+ } // else keep default path
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("url")) {
+ urlBase = cmdOptions.value("url");
+ } else if (settings.contains("url")) {
+ urlBase = settings.value("url").toString();
+ } else {
+ std::cerr
+ << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: no URL given").toUtf8().data()
+ << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ // Change the runVmScript path
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("runscript")) {
+ runVmScript = cmdOptions.value("runscript");
+ } else if (settings.contains("runscript")) {
+ runVmScript = settings.value("runscript").toString();
+ }
+ /* PARSE URL */
+ if (!urlBase.startsWith("http://")) {
+ std::cerr
+ << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid URL").toUtf8().data()
+ << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ } else {
+ if (!urlBase.endsWith("/")) {
+ urlBase += "/";
+ }
+ }
+ QString size;
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("fullscreen")) {
+ size = "fullscreen";
+ } else if (settings.contains("fullscreen")) {
+ size = "fullscreen";
+ } else if (cmdOptions.contains("size")) {
+ size = cmdOptions.value("size");
+ } else if (settings.contains("size")) {
+ size = settings.value("size").toString();
+ }
+ if (size != "fullscreen") {
+ QRegExp rx("^(\\d+)x(\\d+)$");
+ if (rx.indexIn(size) != -1) {
+ QStringList list = rx.capturedTexts();
+ width = list.value(1).toInt();
+ height = list.value(2).toInt();
+ } else if (!size.isEmpty()) {
+ std::cerr
+ << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid size argument").toUtf8().data()
+ << std::endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("pool")) {
+ pool = cmdOptions.value("pool");
+ } else if (settings.contains("pool")) {
+ pool = settings.value("pool").toString();
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("theme")) {
+ theme = cmdOptions.value("theme");
+ } else if (settings.contains("theme")) {
+ theme = settings.value("theme").toString();
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("debugMode")) {
+ debugMode = true;
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("base")) {
+ basePath = cmdOptions.value("base");
+ } else if (settings.contains("base")) {
+ basePath = settings.value("base").toString();
+ } else if (settings.contains("path")) { // Compatibility to v1.0
+ basePath = settings.value("path").toString();
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("location-mode")) {
+ QString mode = cmdOptions.value("location-mode");
+ if (mode == "IGNORE") {
+ g_forLocationHandling = LOCATION_IGNORE;
+ } else if (mode == "BUMP") {
+ g_forLocationHandling = LOCATION_BUMP;
+ } else if (mode == "EXCLUSIVE") {
+ g_forLocationHandling = LOCATION_EXCLUSIVE;
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "Invalid location mode: " << mode;
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Error", "Invalid location mode: " + mode);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("template-mode")) {
+ QString mode = cmdOptions.value("template-mode");
+ if (mode == "IGNORE") {
+ g_templateHandling = LOCATION_IGNORE;
+ } else if (mode == "BUMP") {
+ g_templateHandling = LOCATION_BUMP;
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "Invalid template mode: " << mode;
+ QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Error", "Invalid template mode: " + mode);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int defaultTab = -1;
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("tab")) {
+ defaultTab = cmdOptions.value("tab").toInt();
+ }
+ QString locationIds;
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("locations")) {
+ locationIds = cmdOptions.value("locations");
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("no-vtx")) {
+ g_noVtx = true;
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("pvs")) {
+ g_pvsEnabled = true;
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("pvs-checked")) {
+ g_pvsChecked = true;
+ }
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("autoquit")) {
+ bool ok = false;
+ g_autoQuitSeconds = cmdOptions.value("autoquit").toInt(&ok, 10);
+ if (!ok) {
+ g_autoQuitSeconds = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ g_allowVmEdit = cmdOptions.contains("allow-vm-edit");
+ /* read session files */
+ QList<Session*> xsessions(XSession::readSessions(xSessionPath));
+ Dialog w(defaultTab, cmdOptions.contains("exam-mode"));
+ HttpXmlDownloader httpxmldownloader;
+ httpxmldownloader.connectSlot(&w,
+ SLOT(addSessionsAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*)));
+ // read xml and add items later
+ if (cmdOptions.contains("exam-mode")) {
+ httpxmldownloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "list?exams=exam-mode", locationIds);
+ } else {
+ httpxmldownloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "list", locationIds);
+ }
+ HttpXmlDownloader news_downloader;
+ news_downloader.connectSlot(&w, SLOT(addNewsAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*)));
+ news_downloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "news");
+ HttpXmlDownloader help_downloader;
+ help_downloader.connectSlot(&w, SLOT(addHelpAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*)));
+ help_downloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "help");
+ w.setTheme();
+ w.setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
+ QRect desktopRect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(&w);
+ if (size == "fullscreen") {
+ width = desktopRect.width();
+ height = desktopRect.height();
+ _fullscreen = true;
+ }
+ w.resize(width, height);
+ if (xsessions.size()) {
+ qSort(xsessions.begin(), xsessions.end(), myLessThan);
+ w.addItems(xsessions, 0);
+ }
+ if (autostart_uuid != "") {
+ qDebug() << "using startSession() from main.cpp";
+ w.startSession(autostart_uuid);
+ }
+ // center dialog on primary screen
+ QPoint center =;
+ w.move(center.x() - w.width() * 0.5, center.y() - w.height() * 0.5);
+ a.setActiveWindow(&w);
+ return a.exec();
diff --git a/src/sessionsiconholder.cpp b/src/sessionsiconholder.cpp
index 61616ad..872df07 100644
--- a/src/sessionsiconholder.cpp
+++ b/src/sessionsiconholder.cpp
@@ -22,88 +22,88 @@
SessionsIconHolder* SessionsIconHolder::instance = NULL;
static inline QString url2filename(const QString& url) {
- return iconsTempPath + QString(QCryptographicHash::hash(url.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex());
+ return iconsTempPath + QString(QCryptographicHash::hash(url.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex());
SessionsIconHolder::SessionsIconHolder() {
- QDir().mkpath(iconsTempPath);
+ QDir().mkpath(iconsTempPath);
void SessionsIconHolder::afterDownload(const QUrl& url, const QByteArray& downloadedData) {
- // save the data to disk
- QString strUrl(url.toString());
- QString file_path(url2filename(strUrl));
- QFile file(file_path);
- if (! {
- if (debugMode) {
- qDebug() << "Could not write file: " << file_path;
- }
- return;
- }
- file.write(downloadedData);
- if (file.write(downloadedData) != downloadedData.length()) {
- if (debugMode) {
- qDebug() << "Could not write file: " << file_path;
- }
- return;
- }
- file.close();
- QIcon icon(file_path);
- icons.insert(strUrl, icon);
- emit iconDownloaded(url, icon);
+ // save the data to disk
+ QString strUrl(url.toString());
+ QString file_path(url2filename(strUrl));
+ QFile file(file_path);
+ if (! {
+ if (debugMode) {
+ qDebug() << "Could not write file: " << file_path;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ file.write(downloadedData);
+ if (file.write(downloadedData) != downloadedData.length()) {
+ if (debugMode) {
+ qDebug() << "Could not write file: " << file_path;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ file.close();
+ QIcon icon(file_path);
+ icons.insert(strUrl, icon);
+ emit iconDownloaded(url, icon);
QIcon SessionsIconHolder::getIcon(const QString& name) {
- // check if icon was loaded before
- if (icons.contains(name)) {
- return icons[name];
- }
- // else load icon from resource
- QIcon icon;
- QString resName(":" + name.toLower());
- if (QResource(resName).isValid()) {
- icon = QIcon(resName);
- } else if (QFileInfo(name).isAbsolute() && QFile::exists(name)) {
- // absolute icon path and file exists
- icon = QIcon(name);
- } else {
- icon = QIcon();
- }
- // insert icon to hash table
- icons.insert(name, icon);
- return icon;
+ // check if icon was loaded before
+ if (icons.contains(name)) {
+ return icons[name];
+ }
+ // else load icon from resource
+ QIcon icon;
+ QString resName(":" + name.toLower());
+ if (QResource(resName).isValid()) {
+ icon = QIcon(resName);
+ } else if (QFileInfo(name).isAbsolute() && QFile::exists(name)) {
+ // absolute icon path and file exists
+ icon = QIcon(name);
+ } else {
+ icon = QIcon();
+ }
+ // insert icon to hash table
+ icons.insert(name, icon);
+ return icon;
QIcon SessionsIconHolder::getIcon(const QUrl& url) {
- // check if icon was loaded before
- if (icons.contains(url.toString())) {
- return icons[url.toString()];
- }
- // search the icon in the tmp folder
- QString strUrl(url.toString());
- QString file_path(url2filename(strUrl));
- if (QFile::exists(file_path)) {
- QIcon icon(file_path);
- icons.insert(strUrl, icon);
- return icon;
- }
- // Put empty icon in map while we're downloading, so successive calls won't trigger
- // more downloads before the running download finishes
- icons.insert(strUrl, QIcon());
- // else load icon from url
- FileDownloader* fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(url, this);
- QObject::connect(fileDownloader, SIGNAL(downloaded(const QUrl&, const QByteArray&)),
- this, SLOT(afterDownload(const QUrl&, const QByteArray&)));
- fileDownloader->downloadFile();
- return QIcon();
+ // check if icon was loaded before
+ if (icons.contains(url.toString())) {
+ return icons[url.toString()];
+ }
+ // search the icon in the tmp folder
+ QString strUrl(url.toString());
+ QString file_path(url2filename(strUrl));
+ if (QFile::exists(file_path)) {
+ QIcon icon(file_path);
+ icons.insert(strUrl, icon);
+ return icon;
+ }
+ // Put empty icon in map while we're downloading, so successive calls won't trigger
+ // more downloads before the running download finishes
+ icons.insert(strUrl, QIcon());
+ // else load icon from url
+ FileDownloader* fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(url, this);
+ QObject::connect(fileDownloader, SIGNAL(downloaded(const QUrl&, const QByteArray&)),
+ this, SLOT(afterDownload(const QUrl&, const QByteArray&)));
+ fileDownloader->downloadFile();
+ return QIcon();
diff --git a/src/sessionsiconholder.h b/src/sessionsiconholder.h
index 3284bf7..8935606 100644
--- a/src/sessionsiconholder.h
+++ b/src/sessionsiconholder.h
@@ -22,23 +22,23 @@
class SessionTreeModel;
class SessionsIconHolder : public QObject {
- QHash<QString, QIcon> icons;
- SessionsIconHolder();
- static SessionsIconHolder* instance;
+ QHash<QString, QIcon> icons;
+ SessionsIconHolder();
+ static SessionsIconHolder* instance;
- void iconDownloaded(const QUrl& url, const QIcon& icon);
+ void iconDownloaded(const QUrl& url, const QIcon& icon);
- QIcon getIcon(const QString& name);
- QIcon getIcon(const QUrl& url);
- static SessionsIconHolder* get() { if (instance == NULL) instance = new SessionsIconHolder(); return instance; }
+ QIcon getIcon(const QString& name);
+ QIcon getIcon(const QUrl& url);
+ static SessionsIconHolder* get() { if (instance == NULL) instance = new SessionsIconHolder(); return instance; }
public slots:
- void afterDownload(const QUrl& url, const QByteArray& downloadedData);
+ void afterDownload(const QUrl& url, const QByteArray& downloadedData);
diff --git a/src/vsession.cpp b/src/vsession.cpp
index c22e1bd..6344ec8 100644
--- a/src/vsession.cpp
+++ b/src/vsession.cpp
@@ -7,21 +7,21 @@
#include <QStringList>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QMessageBox>
-#if 0
#include <QHostInfo> // available since Qt 4.7
-#include <limits> // for HOST_NAME_MAX
-#include <unistd.h> // for gethostname(), getuid()
-#include <sys/types.h> // for getuid, getpwuid
-#include <pwd.h> // for getpwuid
+#include <unistd.h> // for getuid()
+#include <sys/types.h> // for getuid(), getpwuid()
+#include <pwd.h> // for getpwuid()
#include "globals.h"
#include "vsession.h"
#include "sessionsiconholder.h"
-bool VSession::init(const QString& xml, const QString& baseDirPath) {
- this->baseDirPath_ = baseDirPath;
- _process = new QProcess();
- return this->doc_.setContent(xml);
+static QProcess _process;
+bool VSession::init(const QDomElement& xml) {
+ QDomElement settingsNode = this->doc_.createElement("settings");
+ this->doc_.appendChild(settingsNode);
+ eintrag_ = this->doc_.importNode(xml, true).toElement();
+ return !settingsNode.appendChild(eintrag_).isNull() && !settingsNode.isNull();
void VSession::addNodeWithAttribute(const QString& nodeName,
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ void VSession::addNodeWithAttribute(const QString& nodeName,
const QString& attribute,
bool replace) {
QDomElement node =
- this->doc_.namedItem("eintrag").namedItem(nodeName).toElement();
+ eintrag_.firstChildElement(nodeName);
if (replace == false || node.isNull()) {
// create a new node
node = this->doc_.createElement(nodeName);
- this->doc_.namedItem("eintrag").appendChild(node);
+ eintrag_.appendChild(node);
node.setAttribute(attribute, value);
@@ -94,24 +94,29 @@ QIcon VSession::icon() const {
QString VSession::toXml() const {
- QDomDocument doc;
- doc.appendChild(doc.createElement("settings"));
- doc.firstChild().appendChild(doc.importNode(doc_.documentElement(), true));
+ QDomDocument doc(doc_);
QDomNode xmlNode = doc.createProcessingInstruction(
"xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"");
doc.insertBefore(xmlNode, doc.firstChild());
+ QString image(this->getAttribute("image_name"));
+ QDomElement path = doc.firstChildElement("settings")
+ .firstChildElement("eintrag")
+ .appendChild(doc.createElement("image_path"))
+ .toElement();
+ if (QFileInfo(image).isRelative()) {
+ // make path to image absolute
+ path.setAttribute("param", basePath + "/" + image);
+ } else {
+ path.setAttribute("param", image);
+ }
return doc.toString();
QString VSession::getAttribute(const QString &nodeName,
const QString &attribute) const {
- QDomDocument doc = this->doc_;
- QDomNode n = doc.namedItem("eintrag").namedItem(nodeName);
- return this->doc_.namedItem("eintrag").namedItem(nodeName).toElement()
- .attribute(attribute);
+ QDomNode n = eintrag_.firstChildElement(nodeName);
+ return eintrag_.firstChildElement(nodeName).attribute(attribute);
QList<QString> VSession::keywords() const {
@@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ QList<QString> VSession::keywords() const {
void VSession::readKeywords() {
- QDomNode keywordsNode = this->doc_.namedItem("eintrag").namedItem("keywords");
+ QDomNode keywordsNode = eintrag_.namedItem("keywords");
for (QDomElement el(keywordsNode.firstChildElement("keyword"));
el = el.nextSiblingElement("keyword")) {
@@ -216,8 +221,7 @@ bool VSession::isLocked() const {
bool VSession::isValid() const {
- // default to false
- return QFile::exists(QString(this->baseDirPath_).append("/").append(getAttribute("image_name")));
+ return !getAttribute("image_name").isEmpty();
int VSession::priority() const {
@@ -231,90 +235,21 @@ int VSession::priority() const {
return prio;
-void VSession::addUserAndHostname() {
- QString username(getpwuid(geteuid())->pw_name);
- this->addNodeWithAttribute("username", username);
- // Qt >= 4.7 has <QHostInfo>
- // QString hostname(QHostInfo::localHostName());
- char hname[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1];
- QString hostname;
- if (gethostname(hname, HOST_NAME_MAX) == 0) {
- hostname = QString::fromUtf8(hname);
- } else {
- hostname = QString::fromUtf8("unknown-%1").arg(qrand());
- }
- this->addNodeWithAttribute("hostname", hostname);
- QString image(this->getAttribute("image_name"));
- if (QFileInfo(image).isRelative()) {
- // make path to image absolute
- this->addNodeWithAttribute("image_path",
- this->baseDirPath_ + "/" + image);
- } else {
- this->addNodeWithAttribute("image_path", image);
- }
- // insert computername as the first child of <eintrag>
- // bootpgm needs computername within the first 500 bytes
- QDomElement computername(doc_.createElement("computername"));
- computername.setAttribute("param", hostname.append("-%1").arg(qrand()));
- this->doc_.namedItem("eintrag").insertBefore(computername, QDomNode());
-void VSession::mergePoolXml() {
- QDomDocument doc;
- QString poolXmlFile = etcPath + "/vmchooser-" + pool + ".xml";
- QFile file(poolXmlFile);
- if (! {
- return;
- }
- if (!doc.setContent(&file)) {
- file.close();
- return;
- }
- file.close();
- for (QDomElement envNode(doc.firstChildElement("environment"));
- !envNode.isNull();
- envNode = envNode.nextSiblingElement()) {
- if (envNode.attribute("param") != pool) continue;
- for (QDomElement typeNode(envNode.firstChildElement());
- !typeNode.isNull();
- typeNode = typeNode.nextSiblingElement()) {
- QString type = typeNode.nodeName();
- if (type != "shared_folders" &&
- type != "printers" &&
- type != "scanners") continue;
- QDomElement destinationNode =
- this->doc_.namedItem("eintrag").namedItem(type).toElement();
- if (destinationNode.isNull()) {
- // create new node
- destinationNode = this->doc_.createElement(type);
- this->doc_.namedItem("eintrag").appendChild(destinationNode);
- }
- for (QDomElement el(typeNode.firstChildElement());
- !el.isNull();
- el = el.nextSiblingElement()) {
- destinationNode.appendChild(this->doc_.importNode(el, true));
- }
- }
- }
bool VSession::run() const {
+ if (_process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) {
+ qDebug() << "Cannot start vsession while old one is still running";
+ return false;
+ }
if (debugMode) {
qDebug() << "Sarting session " << this->getAttribute("short_description", "param") << " ...";
if (g_noVtx && is64Bit()) {
- QMessageBox::warning(NULL, QObject::trUtf8("Warning"), QObject::trUtf8("The selected session is based on a 64 bit operating system, but this computer doesn't seem to support this (VT-x/AMD-V not supported by CPU, or disabled in BIOS). You will probably get an error message while the virtualizer is initializing."));
+ QMessageBox::warning(NULL, QObject::trUtf8("Warning"),
+ QObject::trUtf8("The selected session is based on a 64 bit operating system,"
+ " but this computer doesn't seem to support this (VT-x/AMD-V not"
+ " supported by CPU, or disabled in BIOS). You will probably get an"
+ " error message while the virtualizer is initializing."));
QString command = getAttribute("command");
@@ -322,24 +257,22 @@ bool VSession::run() const {
return QProcess::startDetached(command);
- VSession session = *this;
- session.addUserAndHostname();
- session.mergePoolXml();
// write xml to temporary file
QTemporaryFile tmpfile(QDir::tempPath() + "/vmchooser-XXXXXX.xml");
if (! ||
- tmpfile.write(session.toXml().toUtf8()) == -1) {
+ tmpfile.write(this->toXml().toUtf8()) == -1) {
+ qDebug() << "Error writing xml to file" << tmpfile.fileName();
return false;
- tmpfile.close();
+ // Docs say we should call fileName() before closing to prevent deletion
+ QString tmpFileName = tmpfile.fileName();
+ tmpfile.close();
- _process->start(runVmScript, QStringList(tmpfile.fileName()));
- QObject::connect(_process, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), QApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));
- if (_process->state() == QProcess::Starting || _process->state() == QProcess::Running)
+ QObject::connect(&_process, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), QApplication::instance(), SLOT(quit()));
+ _process.start(runVmScript, QStringList(tmpFileName));
+ _process.waitForStarted(10);
+ if (_process.state() == QProcess::Starting || _process.state() == QProcess::Running)
return true;
return false;
@@ -350,7 +283,7 @@ int VSession::type() const {
QList<Session*> VSession::readXmlFile(const QString& filepath) {
- QList<Session*> retval;
+ QList<Session*> sessionList;
QDomDocument doc;
QFile file(filepath);
@@ -360,7 +293,7 @@ QList<Session*> VSession::readXmlFile(const QString& filepath) {
if (debugMode) {
qDebug() << "Cannot read file: " << file.fileName();
- return retval;
+ return sessionList;
if (!doc.setContent(&file)) {
@@ -375,7 +308,7 @@ QList<Session*> VSession::readXmlFile(const QString& filepath) {
if (debugMode) {
qDebug() << "Cannot read backup file " << xml_filename << " either";
- return retval;
+ return sessionList;
if (!doc.setContent(&backup_file)) {
@@ -383,7 +316,7 @@ QList<Session*> VSession::readXmlFile(const QString& filepath) {
qDebug() << "XML file not valid: " << backup_file.fileName();
- return retval;
+ return sessionList;
if (debugMode) {
@@ -404,30 +337,26 @@ QList<Session*> VSession::readXmlFile(const QString& filepath) {
- QString dirName;
- if (basePath.isEmpty()) {
- dirName = QFileInfo(xml_filename).dir().absolutePath();
- } else {
- dirName = basePath;
- }
QDomElement settingsNode = doc.firstChildElement("settings");
for (QDomElement el(settingsNode.firstChildElement("eintrag"));
el = el.nextSiblingElement("eintrag")) {
- QDomDocument dummy;
- dummy.appendChild(dummy.importNode(el, true));
VSession* e = new VSession;
- if (e->init(dummy.toString(), dirName) && e->isActive()) {
+ if (e->init(el) && e->isActive()) {
- retval.append(e);
+ sessionList.append(e);
+ } else {
+ delete e;
- return retval;
+ return sessionList;
bool VSession::is64Bit() const {
- return imgtype() == VMWARE && getAttribute("os").endsWith("64");
- // TODO: vmbox, qemu-kvm, ...
+ ImgType type = imgtype();
+ return (type == VMWARE && getAttribute("os").endsWith("-64"))
+ || (type == VBOX && getAttribute("os").endsWith("_64"));
+ // TODO: qemu-kvm, ...
QVariant VSession::foregroundRole() const {
diff --git a/src/vsession.h b/src/vsession.h
index 2ded3ae..bd0f7a2 100644
--- a/src/vsession.h
+++ b/src/vsession.h
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
#include <QList>
#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QDir>
-#include <QProcess>
#include "session.h"
#include "httpxmldownloader.h"
@@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ enum ImgType {
class VSession : public Session {
- bool init(const QString& xml, const QString& baseDirPath);
+ bool init(const QDomElement& xml);
ImgType imgtype() const;
bool isActive() const;
@@ -79,8 +78,6 @@ class VSession : public Session {
const QString& value,
const QString& attribute = "param",
bool replace = true);
- void addUserAndHostname();
- void mergePoolXml();
QString toXml() const;
@@ -97,11 +94,10 @@ class VSession : public Session {
QList<QString> keywords_;
QDomDocument doc_;
- QString baseDirPath_;
- QProcess *_process;
+ QDomElement eintrag_;
void readKeywords();
diff --git a/src/xsession.cpp b/src/xsession.cpp
index 3583079..0c41136 100644
--- a/src/xsession.cpp
+++ b/src/xsession.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ bool XSession::isActive() const {
bool XSession::isValid() const {
- return true;
+ QFileInfo fi(this->exec_);
+ return !fi.isAbsolute() || (fi.isFile() && fi.isExecutable());
bool XSession::isLocked() const {