path: root/src/img/redhat.svg
diff options
authorNils Schwabe2014-03-03 15:14:20 +0100
committerNils Schwabe2014-03-03 15:14:20 +0100
commit030d91e628a2ecd5634376c9c4d903a1fa0fb423 (patch)
tree227029e3b48deb1d4d01ce497d9ec3b8d47f7a61 /src/img/redhat.svg
parentInitial commit (diff)
added files from vmchooser1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/img/redhat.svg')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/img/redhat.svg b/src/img/redhat.svg
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