#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command_line_options.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "globals.h" #include "vsession.h" #include "xsession.h" #include "httpxmldownloader.h" #include "choosersettings.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QTranslator translator; translator.load(":" + QLocale::system().name()); a.installTranslator(&translator); CommandLineOptions cmdOptions(argc, argv); std::string usage( a.translate("Console", "Usage: vmchooser [ OPTIONS ]\n\n" " -b --base base directory where VM images are accessible\n" " -d, --default name of default session\n" " -c, --config alternative config file\n" " -P, --pool one or more pool names to display (comma separated)\n" " -f, --file direct boot .desktop file\n" " -x, --xpath path of X Session .desktop files\n" " -u, --url url of vmware .xml file\n" " -s, --size window size x\n" " -t, --theme theme\n" " -p, --pvs show pvs options\n" " -D, --debug print debug information\n" " -v, --version print version and exit\n" " -h, --help print usage information and exit\n" " -S, --runscript change path to run-virt.sh\n" "\nFILE can be a vmware .xml or an X .desktop file\n").toUtf8().data()); if (cmdOptions.contains("error")) { std::cerr << usage; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (cmdOptions.contains("usage")) { std::cout << usage; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (cmdOptions.contains("version")) { std::cout << "vmchooser " << VMCHOOSER_VERSION << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (cmdOptions.contains("file")) { QString file(cmdOptions.value("file")); if (file.endsWith(".desktop")) { XSession s; if (s.init(file) && s.run()) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: failed to run session").toUtf8().data() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid session file").toUtf8().data() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // read configuration file: // file supplied as command line option or // user vmchooser.conf or // global vmchooser.conf QString confFile; if (cmdOptions.contains("config")) { confFile = cmdOptions.value("config"); } else if (QFileInfo(userConfFile).exists()) { confFile = userConfFile; } else { confFile = globalConfFile; } // TODO: This is the system wide settings, give proper name QSettings settings(confFile, QSettings::IniFormat); settings.setIniCodec("UTF-8"); QString defaultSession; if (cmdOptions.contains("default")) { defaultSession = cmdOptions.value("default"); } else if (settings.contains("default")) { defaultSession = settings.value("default").toString(); } else { defaultSession = ChooserSettings::getSetting("last-session"); } if (cmdOptions.contains("xpath")) { xSessionPath = cmdOptions.value("xpath"); } else if (settings.contains("xpath")) { xSessionPath = settings.value("xpath").toString(); } // else keep default path if (cmdOptions.contains("url")) { urlBase = cmdOptions.value("url"); } else if (settings.contains("url")) { urlBase = settings.value("url").toString(); } else { std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: no URL given").toUtf8().data() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Change the runVmScript path if (cmdOptions.contains("runscript")) { runVmScript = cmdOptions.value("runscript"); } else if (settings.contains("runscript")) { runVmScript = settings.value("runscript").toString(); } /* PARSE URL */ if (!urlBase.startsWith("http://")) { std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid URL").toUtf8().data() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { if (!urlBase.endsWith("/")) { urlBase += "/"; } } QString size; if (cmdOptions.contains("size")) { size = cmdOptions.value("size"); } else if (settings.contains("size")) { size = settings.value("size").toString(); } int width, height; QRegExp rx("^(\\d+)x(\\d+)$"); if (rx.indexIn(size) != -1) { QStringList list = rx.capturedTexts(); width = list.value(1).toInt(); height = list.value(2).toInt(); } else if (!size.isEmpty()) { std::cerr << a.translate("Console", "vmchooser: invalid size argument").toUtf8().data() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { width = VMCHOOSER_DEFAULT_WIDTH; height = VMCHOOSER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; } if (cmdOptions.contains("pool")) { pool = cmdOptions.value("pool"); } else if (settings.contains("pool")) { pool = settings.value("pool").toString(); } if (cmdOptions.contains("theme")) { theme = cmdOptions.value("theme"); } else if (settings.contains("theme")) { theme = settings.value("theme").toString(); } if (cmdOptions.contains("debugMode")) { debugMode = true; } if (cmdOptions.contains("base")) { basePath = cmdOptions.value("base"); } else if (settings.contains("base")) { basePath = settings.value("base").toString(); } /* read session files */ QList xsessions(XSession::readSessions(xSessionPath)); Dialog w; /* DOWNLOAD VSESSIONS */ HttpXmlDownloader httpxmldownloader; httpxmldownloader.connectSlot(&w, SLOT(addSessionsAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*))); // read xml and add items later httpxmldownloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "list.php"); /* DOWNLOAD NEWS */ HttpXmlDownloader news_downloader; news_downloader.connectSlot(&w, SLOT(addNewsAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*))); news_downloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "news.php"); /* DOWNLOAD HELP-SECTION */ HttpXmlDownloader help_downloader; help_downloader.connectSlot(&w, SLOT(addHelpAfterDownload(QNetworkReply*))); help_downloader.makeRequest(urlBase + "help.php"); w.setTheme(); w.setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); if (cmdOptions.contains("pvs")) { pvsEnabled = true; } else if (settings.contains("pvs")) { if (settings.value("pvs").toInt() == 1) pvsEnabled = true; } if (pvsEnabled) w.showSettingsPVS(); w.resize(width, height); if (xsessions.size()) { qSort(xsessions.begin(), xsessions.end(), myLessThan); w.addItems(xsessions, 0); } w.addLabelItem(a.translate("Dialog", "Loading..."), 1); QSettings SLXsettings(OPENSLXCONFIG, QSettings::NativeFormat); if (SLXsettings.contains("SLX_BENCHMARK_VM")) { QString vm = SLXsettings.value("SLX_BENCHMARK_VM").toString(); vm.remove('\''); w.startSession(vm); } w.show(); // center dialog on primary screen QRect desktopRect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(&w); QPoint center = desktopRect.center(); w.move(center.x() - w.width() * 0.5, center.y() - w.height() * 0.5); a.setActiveWindow(&w); return a.exec(); }