path: root/hacks/glx/rotator.c
blob: ab0513073710d0cb795ce88b74c0232993c1a813 (plain) (tree)

/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Jamie Zawinski <>
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
 * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
 * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
 * documentation.  No representations are made about the suitability of this
 * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or 
 * implied warranty.

#include <math.h>

# include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rotator.h"
#include "yarandom.h"

struct rotator {

  double spin_x_speed, spin_y_speed, spin_z_speed; /* scaling factors >= 0. */
  double wander_speed;

  double rotx, roty, rotz;	/* current object rotation, -1 to +1.
                                   Sign indicates direction of motion.
                                   0.25 means +90 deg, positive velocity.
                                   -0.25 means +90 deg, negative velocity
                                   (not +270 deg or -90 deg!)
                                   Yes, this is stupid.
  double dx, dy, dz;		/* current rotational velocity, >= 0. */
  double ddx, ddy, ddz;		/* current rotational acceleration, +/-. */
  double d_max;			/* max rotational velocity, > 0. */

  int wander_frame;		/* position in the wander cycle, >= 0. */

#undef ABS
#define ABS(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x))

#define BELLRAND(n) ((frand((n)) + frand((n)) + frand((n))) / 3)
#define RANDSIGN() ((random() & 1) ? 1 : -1)

/* Stay in the range [0-1). 
    1.01 => 0.01.
   -0.01 => 0.99
#define CLAMP(i) do {   \
    while ((i) <  0) (i)++; \
    while ((i) >= 1) (i)--; \
  } while (0)

#undef EPSILON
#define EPSILON 0.000001

static void
rotate_1 (double *pos, double *v, double *dv, double speed, double max_v)
  /* Sign of *pos is direction of motion.
     Sign of *v is always positive.
     It would make way more sense for *v to indicate direction of motion.
     What was I thinking?

  double ppos = *pos;

  if (speed == 0) return;

  /* tick position */
  if (ppos < 0)
    /* Ignore but preserve the sign on ppos.  It's kind of like: 
       ppos = old_sign * (abs(ppos) + (v * old_sign))
       This is why it would make more sense for that sign bit to be on v.
    ppos = -(ppos + *v);
    ppos += *v;

  CLAMP (ppos);
  *pos = (*pos > 0 ? ppos : -ppos);  /* preserve old sign bit on pos. */

  /* accelerate */
  *v += *dv;

  /* clamp velocity */
  if (*v > max_v || *v < -max_v)
      *dv = -*dv;
  /* If it stops, start it going in the other direction. */
  /* Since *v is always positive, <= 0 means stopped. */
  else if (*v < 0)
      if (random() % 4)
	  *v = 0;	     /* don't let velocity be negative */

	  if (random() % 2)  /* stay stopped, and kill acceleration */
	    *dv = 0;
	  else if (*dv < 0)  /* was decelerating, accelerate instead */
	    *dv = -*dv;
	  *v = -*v;      /* switch to tiny positive velocity, or zero */
	  *dv = -*dv;    /* toggle acceleration */
	  *pos = -*pos;  /* reverse direction of motion */

  /* Alter direction of rotational acceleration randomly. */
  if (! (random() % 120))
    *dv = -*dv;

  /* Change acceleration very occasionally. */
  if (! (random() % 200))
#if 0 /* this might make more sense: */
      if (*dv > -EPSILON && *dv < EPSILON)
	*dv += 10 * (*dv < 0 ? -EPSILON : EPSILON);
      if (*dv == 0)
	*dv = 0.00001;
      else if (random() & 1)
	*dv *= 1.2;
	*dv *= 0.8;

/* Returns a rotator object, which encapsulates rotation and motion state.

   spin_[xyz]_speed indicates the relative speed of rotation.
   Specify 0 if you don't want any rotation around that axis.

   spin_accel specifies a scaling factor for the acceleration that is
   randomly applied to spin: if you want the speed to change faster,
   make this > 1.

   wander_speed indicates the relative speed through space.

   If randomize_initial_state_p is true, then the initial position and
   rotation will be randomized (even if the spin speeds are 0.)  If it
   is false, then all values will be initially zeroed.
rotator *
make_rotator (double spin_x_speed,
              double spin_y_speed,
              double spin_z_speed,
              double spin_accel,
              double wander_speed,
              int randomize_initial_state_p)
  rotator *r = (rotator *) calloc (1, sizeof(*r));
  double d, dd;

  if (!r) return 0;

  if (spin_x_speed < 0 || spin_y_speed < 0 || spin_z_speed < 0 ||
      wander_speed < 0)

  r->spin_x_speed = spin_x_speed;
  r->spin_y_speed = spin_y_speed;
  r->spin_z_speed = spin_z_speed;
  r->wander_speed = wander_speed;

  if (randomize_initial_state_p)
      /* Sign on position is direction of travel. Stripped before returned. */
      r->rotx = frand(1.0) * RANDSIGN();
      r->roty = frand(1.0) * RANDSIGN();
      r->rotz = frand(1.0) * RANDSIGN();

      r->wander_frame = random() % 0xFFFF;
      r->rotx = r->roty = r->rotz = 0;
      r->wander_frame = 0;

  d  = 0.006;
  dd = 0.00006;

  r->dx = BELLRAND(d * r->spin_x_speed);
  r->dy = BELLRAND(d * r->spin_y_speed);
  r->dz = BELLRAND(d * r->spin_z_speed);

  r->d_max = r->dx * 2;

  r->ddx = (dd + frand(dd+dd)) * r->spin_x_speed * spin_accel;
  r->ddy = (dd + frand(dd+dd)) * r->spin_y_speed * spin_accel;
  r->ddz = (dd + frand(dd+dd)) * r->spin_z_speed * spin_accel;

# if 0
  fprintf (stderr, "rotator:\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "   wander: %3d %6.2f\n", r->wander_frame, r->wander_speed);
  fprintf (stderr, "    speed: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n",
           r->spin_x_speed, r->spin_y_speed, r->spin_z_speed);
  fprintf (stderr, "      rot: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n",
           r->rotx, r->roty, r->rotz);
  fprintf (stderr, "        d: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
           r->dx, r->dy, r->dz,
  fprintf (stderr, "       dd: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n",
           r->ddx, r->ddy, r->ddz);
# endif

  return r;

free_rotator (rotator *r)
  free (r);

get_rotation (rotator *rot, double *x_ret, double *y_ret, double *z_ret,
              int update_p)
  double x, y, z;

  if (update_p) {
    rotate_1 (&rot->rotx, &rot->dx, &rot->ddx, rot->spin_x_speed, rot->d_max);
    rotate_1 (&rot->roty, &rot->dy, &rot->ddy, rot->spin_y_speed, rot->d_max);
    rotate_1 (&rot->rotz, &rot->dz, &rot->ddz, rot->spin_z_speed, rot->d_max);

  x = rot->rotx;
  y = rot->roty;
  z = rot->rotz;
  if (x < 0) x = -x;
  if (y < 0) y = -y;
  if (z < 0) z = -z;

  if (x_ret) *x_ret = x;
  if (y_ret) *y_ret = y;
  if (z_ret) *z_ret = z;

get_position (rotator *rot, double *x_ret, double *y_ret, double *z_ret,
              int update_p)
  double x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5;

  if (rot->wander_speed != 0)
      if (update_p)

# define SINOID(F) ((1 + sin((rot->wander_frame * (F)) / 2 * M_PI)) / 2.0)
      x = SINOID (0.71 * rot->wander_speed);
      y = SINOID (0.53 * rot->wander_speed);
      z = SINOID (0.37 * rot->wander_speed);
# undef SINOID

  if (x_ret) *x_ret = x;
  if (y_ret) *y_ret = y;
  if (z_ret) *z_ret = z;