path: root/OSX/Makefile
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2019-07-30 16:07:15 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2019-07-30 16:07:15 +0200
commit813ac136e48f60d4c2b13e808107870dafcc4d52 (patch)
tree396a6c98276f6e9a04216933daebdf3af7b81d46 /OSX/Makefile
parentFlush X events before locking if we have an external ungrab command (diff)
parentUpdate to 5.43 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into openslx (5.43)
Diffstat (limited to 'OSX/Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 505 deletions
diff --git a/OSX/Makefile b/OSX/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 456c1bd..0000000
--- a/OSX/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-# XScreenSaver for MacOS X, Copyright (c) 2006-2015 by Jamie Zawinski.
-XCODE_APP = /Applications/
-# To build savers that will run on MacOS 10.6 and 10.7, Xcode 5.0.2 must
-# be used (as that's the latest version of Xcode that ships with a version
-# of clang that implements "-fobjc-gc"). However, Xcode 5.0.2 will not
-# launch on MacOS 10.11 or later.
-# XCODE_APP = /Applications/
-TARGETS = All Savers
-#ARCH = -arch i386 -arch x86_64 ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO
-CERT = 'Developer ID Installer: Jamie Zawinski (4627ATJELP)'
-PKGID = org.jwz.xscreensaver
-THUMBDIR = build/screenshots
-XCODEBUILD = $(XCODE_APP)/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild
-SETFILE = $(XCODE_APP)/Contents/Developer/Tools/SetFile
-default: release
-all: debug release
- -rm -rf build
-# $(XCODEBUILD) -target "$(TARGETS)" clean
- -rm -f config.status config.cache config.log \
- *.bak *.rej TAGS *~ "#"*
- -rm -rf autom4te*.cache
- -rm -rf build Sparkle.framework
-distdepend:: Sparkle.framework
-distdepend:: update_plist_version
-debug: distdepend
- $(XCODEBUILD) $(ARCH) -target "$(TARGETS)" -configuration Debug build
-release:: distdepend
- $(XCODEBUILD) $(ARCH) -target "$(TARGETS)" -configuration Release build
-release:: check_versions
- rm -rf bin sparkle-bin
- tar -vxjf ../archive/Sparkle-1.21.2.tar.bz2 \
- --exclude CHANGELOG \
- --exclude LICENSE \
- --exclude SampleAppcast.xml \
- --exclude Sparkle.framework.dSYM \
- --exclude Sparkle\ Test\ App\*
- mv bin sparkle-bin
-# Download and resize images from
-# This saves us having to include 4MB of images in the tar file
-# that will only be used by a vast minority of people building
-# from source.
-# runs this as needed.
-# Might be better to do this with curl, since that is installed by default.
-BASE = xscreensaver/screenshots/
-WGET = wget -q -U xscreensaver-build-osx --content-on-error=0
-CVT = -thumbnail '200x150^' -gravity center -extent 200x150 \
- \( +clone -alpha extract \
- -draw 'fill black polygon 0,0 0,6 6,0 fill white circle 6,6 6,0' \
- \( +clone -flip \) -compose Multiply -composite \
- \( +clone -flop \) -compose Multiply -composite \
- \) -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite \
- -colorspace sRGB \
- -strip \
- -quality 95 \
- +dither -colors 128
- @\
- FILE1=`echo "$@" | sed 's!^.*/\([^/]*\)\.png$$!\1.jpg!'` ; \
- FILE2="$@" ; \
- TMP="$$FILE2".tmp ; \
- URL="$(URL)$$FILE1" ; \
- URL2="$(URL)retired/$$FILE1" ; \
- if [ ! -d $(THUMBDIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(THUMBDIR) ; fi ; \
- rm -f "$$FILE2" "$$TMP" ; \
- set +e ; \
- if [ -f "$$HOME/www/$(BASE)/$$FILE1" ]; then \
- cp -p "$$HOME/www/$(BASE)/$$FILE1" "$$TMP" ; \
- else \
- echo "downloading $$URL..." ; \
- $(WGET) -O"$$TMP" "$$URL" ; \
- if [ ! -s "$$TMP" ]; then \
- echo "downloading $$URL2..." ; \
- $(WGET) -O"$$TMP" "$$URL2" ; \
- fi ; \
- if [ ! -s "$$TMP" ]; then \
- rm -f "$$TMP" ; \
- echo "failed: $$URL" ; \
- exit 1 ; \
- fi ; \
- fi ; \
- rm -f "$$FILE2" ; \
- convert jpg:- $(CVT) "$$FILE2" < "$$TMP" ; \
- if [ ! -s "$$FILE2" ]; then \
- echo "$$FILE2 failed" >&2 ; \
- rm -f "$$FILE2" "$$TMP" ; \
- exit 1 ; \
- else \
- rm -f "$$TMP" ; \
- fi
- @\
- SRC=../utils/version.h ; \
- V=`sed -n 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\.[0-9][^. ]*\).*/\1/p' $$SRC` ; \
- DIR=build/Release ; \
- RESULT=0 ; \
- for S in $$DIR/*.{saver,app} ; do \
- for P in $$S/Contents/Info.plist ; do \
- V2=`plutil -convert xml1 -o - "$$P" | \
- perl -0000 -n -e \
- 'm@<key>CFBundleVersion</key>\s*<string>(.*?)</string>@si \
- && print $$1'` ; \
- if [ "$$V2" != "$$V" ] ; then \
- echo "Wrong version: $$S ($$V2)" ; \
- RESULT=1 ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- done ; \
- if [ "$$RESULT" = 0 ]; then echo "Versions match ($$V2)" ; fi ; \
- exit $$RESULT
- @\
- DIR="build/Release" ; \
- RESULT=0 ; \
- for S in "$$DIR/"*.saver ; do \
- SS=`echo "$$S" | sed -e 's@^.*/@@' -e 's/.saver$$//'` ; \
- D="$$S/Contents/MacOS/$$SS" ; \
- V=`otool -s __DATA __objc_imageinfo "$$D" \
- | grep ' 00 02 00 '` ; \
- if [ -z "$$V" ]; then \
- echo "$$S does not have GC enabled" ; \
- RESULT=1 ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- \
- for D in "$$DIR"/webcollage-helper \
- "$$DIR"/*.saver/Contents/*/webcollage-helper \
- "$$DIR"/*.app/Contents/*/XScreenSaverUpdater \
- ; do \
- V=`otool -s __DATA __objc_imageinfo "$$D" \
- | grep ' 00 02 00 '` ; \
- if [ ! -z "$$V" ]; then \
- echo "$$D has GC enabled" ; \
- RESULT=1 ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- \
- if [ "$$RESULT" = 0 ]; then echo "GC enabled" ; fi ; \
- exit $$RESULT
- @\
- DIR="build/Release" ; \
- RESULT=0 ; \
- for S in "$$DIR/"*.{saver,app} ; do \
- SS=`echo "$$S" | sed -e 's@^.*/@@' -e 's/[.][a-z]*$$//'` ; \
- D="$$S/Contents/MacOS/$$SS" ; \
- FF=`otool -l "$$D" \
- | fgrep '/CoreText.framework/' \
- | sed -n 's/^ *name \([^ ]*\).*$$/\1/p'` ; \
- if [ -z "$$FF" ] ; then \
- echo "$$S not linked with CoreText" >/dev/null ; \
- else \
- OK=`echo "$$FF" | fgrep -v '/ApplicationServices.framework/'` ; \
- if [ ! -z "$$OK" ]; then \
- echo "$$S is linked with the wrong CoreText: $$FF" ; \
- RESULT=1 ; \
- else \
- echo "$$S linked right: $$FF" >/dev/null ; \
- fi ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- if [ "$$RESULT" = 0 ]; then echo "CoreText linked correctly" ; fi ; \
- exit $$RESULT
-# Arrrrgh
- @./ build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ $@
- @echo `( find . \
- \( \( -name '.??*' -o -name build -o -name CVS -o -name '*~*' \
- -o -name 'jwz.*' -o -name 'Screen Savers' \
- -o -name xscreensaver.xcodeproj \) \
- -prune \) \
- -o \( -type f -o -type l \) -print ; \
- echo xscreensaver.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj ) \
- | sed 's@^\./@@' \
- | sort`
- @ \
- SRC=../utils/version.h ; \
- V=`sed -n 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\.[0-9][^. ]*\).*/\1/p' $$SRC` ; \
- T=/tmp/xs.$$$$ ; \
- for S in *.plist ; do \
- /bin/echo -n "Updating version number in $$S to \"$$V\"... " ; \
- KEYS="CFBundleVersion|CFBundleShortVersionString|CFBundleLongVersionString|CFBundleGetInfoString|NSHumanReadableCopyright" ; \
- perl -0777 -pne \
- "s@(<key>($$KEYS)</key>\s*<string>)[^<>]+(</string>)@\$${1}$$V\$${3}@g" \
- < $$S > $$T ; \
- if cmp -s $$S $$T ; then \
- echo "unchanged." ; \
- else \
- cat $$T > $$S ; \
- echo "done." ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- rm $$T
- ./ xscreensaver ../README ../archive ~/www/xscreensaver
- @$(MAKE) test_sig
- @ \
- U=../utils/version.h ; \
- V=`sed -n 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\.[0-9][^. ;]*\).*/\1/p' < $$U` ; \
- BASE="xscreensaver-$$V" ; \
- OUTDIR="../archive" ; \
- DMG="$$OUTDIR/$$BASE.dmg" ; \
- SIG=`sed -n 's/^.*dsaSignature="\(.*\)".*/\1/p' updates.xml` ; \
- PUB="sparkle_dsa_pub.pem" ; \
- NN="t.$$$$" ; \
- SIGB=/tmp/$$NN.sig ; \
- HASH=/tmp/$$NN.hash ; \
- rm -f "$$SIGB" "$$HASH" ; \
- echo "$$SIG " | base64 -D > "$$SIGB" ; \
- set -e ; \
- for OPENSSL in /usr/bin/openssl /opt/local/bin/openssl ; do \
- $$OPENSSL dgst -sha1 -binary < "$$DMG" > "$$HASH" ; \
- /bin/echo -n "$$OPENSSL `$$OPENSSL version`: " ; \
- $$OPENSSL dgst -dss1 -verify "$$PUB" -signature "$$SIGB" "$$HASH" ; \
- done ; \
- rm -f "$$SIGB" "$$HASH" ; \
-build/Release/installer.pkg: installer.rtf installer.xml installer.png ../utils/version.h
- @\
- set -e ; \
- SRC=../utils/version.h ; \
- V=`sed -n 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\.[0-9][^. ]*\).*/\1/p' $$SRC` ; \
- \
- DIST="installer.xml" ; \
- STAGE="build/Release/pkg_stage" ; \
- FINAL="$@" ; \
- UNSIGNED="$$STAGE/contents.pkg" ; \
- PRODUCT="$$STAGE/product_unsigned.pkg" ; \
- SCRIPTS="$$STAGE/scripts" ; \
- RES="$$STAGE/resources" ; \
- \
- set -x ; \
- rm -rf "$$STAGE" ; \
- mkdir -p "$$SCRIPTS" "$$RES" ; \
- \
- cp -p "$$SCRIPTS/preinstall" ; \
- cp -p installer.png "$$RES/background.png" ; \
- cp -p installer.rtf "$$RES/welcome.rtf" ; \
- \
- pkgbuild --identifier "$(PKGID)" --version "$$V" \
- --scripts "$$SCRIPTS" --nopayload "$$UNSIGNED" ; \
- \
- productbuild --distribution "$$DIST" --resources "$$RES" \
- --package-path "$$STAGE" --version "$$V" "$$PRODUCT" ; \
- \
- productsign --sign $(CERT) "$$PRODUCT" "$$FINAL" ; \
- spctl --assess --verbose=4 --type install "$$FINAL" ; \
- \
- rm -rf "$$STAGE" ; \
-# -format UDBZ saves 4% (~1.2 MB) over UDZO.
-dmg:: distdepend check_versions check_coretext
-#dmg:: check_gc
-dmg:: build/Release/installer.pkg
-dmg:: _dmg notarize
- @ \
- set -e ; \
- SRC=../utils/version.h ; \
- V=`sed -n 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\.[0-9][^. ]*\).*/\1/p' $$SRC` ; \
- TMPDIR="build" ; \
- SRC="build/Release" ; \
- EXTRAS=../../xdaliclock/OSX/build/Release/*.saver ; \
- BASE="xscreensaver-$$V" ; \
- OUTDIR="../archive" ; \
- DMG="$$OUTDIR/$$BASE.dmg" ; \
- TMPDMG="$$TMPDIR/tmp.dmg" ; \
- VOLNAME="XScreenSaver $$V" ; \
- STAGE="$$TMPDIR/dmg_stage" ; \
- DST="$$STAGE/Screen Savers" ; \
- PKG="$$STAGE/Install Everything.pkg" ; \
- rm -f "$$DMG" ; \
- rm -rf "$$STAGE" ; \
- echo + mkdir -p "$$DST" ; \
- mkdir -p "$$DST" ; \
- \
- retired=`perl -0 -ne \
- 's/\\\\\\n//g; m/^RETIRED_EXES\s*=\s*(.*)$$/m && print "$$1\n"' \
- ../hacks/ ; \
- perl -0 -ne \
- 's/\\\\\\n//g; m/^RETIRED_GL_EXES\s*=\s*(.*)$$/m && print "$$1\n"' \
- ../hacks/glx/ ; \
- echo xscreensaver ; \
- echo savertester` ; \
- \
- for f in $$SRC/*.{saver,app} $$EXTRAS ; do \
- f2=`basename "$$f"` ; \
- ok=yes ; \
- ff=`echo $$f | perl -e '$$_=<>; s@^.*/(.*)\..*$$@\L$$1@; print'`; \
- for r in $$retired ; do \
- if [ "$$ff" = "$$r" ]; then ok=no ; fi ; \
- done ; \
- if [ "$$ff" = testx11 ]; then ok=no ; fi ; \
- if [ "$$f2" = "" ]; then \
- DST_HACK="XScreenSaver.updater" ; \
- echo + tar ... "$$DST/$$DST_HACK" ; \
- ( cd $$SRC ; tar -czf - "$$f2" ) > "$$DST/$$DST_HACK" ; \
- elif [ "$$ok" = yes ]; then \
- echo + cp -pR "$$f" "$$DST/" ; \
- cp -pR "$$f" "$$DST/" ; \
- else \
- echo skipping "$$f" ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- \
- set -x ; \
- cp -p bindist.rtf "$$STAGE/Read Me.rtf" ; \
- cp -p build/Release/installer.pkg "$$PKG" ; \
- cp -p bindist-DS_Store "$$STAGE/.DS_Store" ; \
- cp -p bindist*.webloc "$$STAGE/" ; \
- cp -p XScreenSaverDMG.icns "$$STAGE/.VolumeIcon.icns" ; \
- ${SETFILE} -a C "$$STAGE" ; \
- ${SETFILE} -a E "$$STAGE"/*.{rtf,pkg,webloc} ; \
- $(SETICON) -d ../../xdaliclock/OSX/daliclockSaver.icns \
- "$$DST/DaliClock.saver" ; \
- $(SETICON) -d XScreenSaverFolder.icns "$$DST" ; \
- $(SETICON) -d XScreenSaver.icns "$$DST"/*.saver ; \
- $(SETICON) -d SaverRunner.icns "$$DST"/*.app ; \
- $(SETICON) -d XScreenSaverWebloc.icns "$$STAGE"/bindist.webloc ; \
- $(SETICON) -d XScreenSaverAndroidWebloc.icns "$$STAGE"/bindist2.webloc ; \
- $(SETICON) -d XScreenSaverPkg.icns "$$STAGE"/*.pkg ; \
- mv "$$STAGE/bindist.webloc" "$$STAGE/Get the iPhone:iPad Version.webloc" ; \
- mv "$$STAGE/bindist2.webloc" "$$STAGE/Get the Android Version.webloc" ; \
- \
- set +x ; \
- echo "Checking signatures..." ; \
- spctl --assess --type install "$$PKG" ; \
- spctl --assess --type execute "$$SRC/" ; \
- spctl --assess --type execute "$$DST/"*.app ; \
- spctl --assess --type install "$$DST/"*.saver ; \
- set -x ; \
- \
- hdiutil makehybrid -quiet -ov -hfs -hfs-volume-name "$$VOLNAME" \
- -hfs-openfolder "$$STAGE" "$$STAGE" -o "$$TMPDMG" ; \
- rm -rf "$$STAGE" ; \
- \
- hdiutil convert -quiet -ov -format UDBZ -imagekey zlib-level=9 \
- "$$TMPDMG" -o "$$DMG" ; \
- xattr -w "0000;00000000;;" "$$DMG" ; \
- rm -f "$$TMPDMG" ; \
- ls -ldhgF "$$DMG" ; \
- $(MAKE) notarize ; \
-# To set up notarization:
-# - Log in on
-# - Generate App-Specific Password, "altool-notarizer"
-# - Keychain Access / New
-# - Name: "altool-notarizer", Account: "",
-# Pass: the one you just generated.
-# "make notarize", which will upload the DMG (slow).
-# A response will be emailed back in about an hour.
-# When that arrives, "make staple".
-# Note that if Sparkle.framework/.../ is not independently
-# signed, it won't pass. I had to add a build phase for that.
-NOTARGS=-u "" -p "@keychain:altool-notarizer"
- @ \
- set -e ; \
- SRC=../utils/version.h ; \
- V=`sed -n 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\.[0-9][^. ]*\).*/\1/p' $$SRC` ; \
- BASE="xscreensaver-$$V" ; \
- OUTDIR="../archive" ; \
- DMG="$$OUTDIR/$$BASE.dmg" ; \
- set -x ; \
- xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "org.jwz.xscreensaver" \
- --file "$$DMG" $(NOTARGS) ; \
- echo "" ; \
- sleep 3 ; \
- $(MAKE) notarize_wait staple updates.xml
- @while ( xcrun altool --notarization-history 0 $(NOTARGS) | \
- grep -q 'in progress' ); do \
- echo `date +%I:%M:` "waiting for notarization..." ; \
- sleep 15 ; \
- done ; \
- echo '' ; \
- xcrun altool --notarization-history 0 $(NOTARGS) ; \
- @ \
- set -e ; \
- SRC=../utils/version.h ; \
- V=`sed -n 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\.[0-9][^. ]*\).*/\1/p' $$SRC` ; \
- BASE="xscreensaver-$$V" ; \
- OUTDIR="../archive" ; \
- DMG="$$OUTDIR/$$BASE.dmg" ; \
- set -x ; \
- xcrun stapler staple "$$DMG" ; \
- xcrun stapler validate "$$DMG"
- xcrun altool --notarization-history 0 $(NOTARGS)
- @echo 'now do: xcrun altool $(NOTARGS) --notarization-info <UUID>' ; \
- echo 'and wget the LogFileURL'
-# When debugging, sometimes I have to reset the preferences for all
-# the savers. Also I like FPS to be turned on, and them all to be
-# pointed at the same image directory.
- @cd build/Debug ; \
- for f in *.saver ; do \
- f=`echo "$$f" | sed 's/\..*//'` ; \
- echo "########################## $$f" ; \
- defaults -currentHost read org.jwz.xscreensaver."$$f" 2>&- ; \
- done ; \
- for f in Apple2 Phosphor updater ; do \
- echo "########################## $$f" ; \
- defaults read org.jwz.xscreensaver."$$f" 2>&- ; \
- done
- @cd build/Debug ; \
- W1='defaults' ; \
- W2="$$W1 -currentHost write" ; \
- img='~/Pictures/Screensaver' ; \
- for f in *.saver ; do \
- name=`echo "$$f" | sed 's/\..*//'` ; \
- echo "########################## $$name" ; \
- domain="org.jwz.xscreensaver" ; \
- dd="$$domain.$$name" ; \
- $$W1 -currentHost delete "$$dd" 2>&- ; \
- $$W2 "$$dd" doFPS -bool true ; \
- if [ -f $$f/Contents/Resources/xscreensaver-text ] ; then \
- $$W2 "$$dd" textMode url ; \
- fi ; \
- if [ -f $$f/Contents/Resources/xscreensaver-getimage-file ] ; then \
- $$W2 "$$dd" chooseRandomImages -bool true ; \
- $$W2 "$$dd" grabDesktopImages -bool false ; \
- $$W2 "$$dd" imageDirectory "$$img" ; \
- fi ; \
- if ( strings "$$f/Contents/MacOS/$$name" | \
- grep NSOpenGLContext >/dev/null ) ; then \
- $$W2 "$$dd" multiSample -bool true ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- \
- $$W1 delete "$$domain.Apple2" 2>&- ; \
- $$W1 delete "$$domain.Phosphor" 2>&- ; \
- $$W1 delete "$$domain.updater" 2>&- ; \
- $$W1 write "$$domain.updater" SUScheduledCheckIntervalKey 86400; \
- \
- $$W2 "$$domain.BoxFit" grab -bool true ; \
- $$W2 "$$domain.FlipFlop" textured -bool true ; \
- $$W2 "$$domain.GLSlideshow" titles -bool true ; \
- $$W2 "$$domain.Photopile" titles -bool true ; \
- $$W2 "$$domain.SkyTentacles" mode cel ; \
- $$W2 "$$domain.Sonar" ping \
- '/etc/hosts,$$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts,$$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts2' ; \
- $$W2 "$$domain.XMatrix" matrixFont small ; \
- $$W2 "$$domain.XMatrix" textMode literal ; \
- $$W2 "$$domain.XMatrix" textLiteral "MONKEY BUTTER" ; \
-# defaults -currentHost write org.jwz.xscreensaver.FontGlide debugMetrics -bool true
-# defaults -currentHost write org.jwz.xscreensaver.StarWars debug -bool true
-# defaults -currentHost write org.jwz.xscreensaver.StarWars textMode file
-# defaults -currentHost write org.jwz.xscreensaver.StarWars textFile ~/src/xscreensaver/hacks/glx/zalgo.txt