path: root/OSX/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SUUpdater.h
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authorSimon Rettberg2019-07-30 16:07:15 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2019-07-30 16:07:15 +0200
commit813ac136e48f60d4c2b13e808107870dafcc4d52 (patch)
tree396a6c98276f6e9a04216933daebdf3af7b81d46 /OSX/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SUUpdater.h
parentFlush X events before locking if we have an external ungrab command (diff)
parentUpdate to 5.43 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into openslx (5.43)
Diffstat (limited to 'OSX/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SUUpdater.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/OSX/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SUUpdater.h b/OSX/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SUUpdater.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc1d491..0000000
--- a/OSX/Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SUUpdater.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-// SUUpdater.h
-// Sparkle
-// Created by Andy Matuschak on 1/4/06.
-// Copyright 2006 Andy Matuschak. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef SUUPDATER_H
-#define SUUPDATER_H
-#if __has_feature(modules)
-@import Cocoa;
-#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-#import "SUExport.h"
-#import "SUVersionComparisonProtocol.h"
-#import "SUVersionDisplayProtocol.h"
-@class SUAppcastItem, SUAppcast;
-@protocol SUUpdaterDelegate;
- The main API in Sparkle for controlling the update mechanism.
- This class is used to configure the update paramters as well as manually
- and automatically schedule and control checks for updates.
- */
-SU_EXPORT @interface SUUpdater : NSObject
-@property (unsafe_unretained) IBOutlet id<SUUpdaterDelegate> delegate;
- The shared updater for the main bundle.
- This is equivalent to passing [NSBundle mainBundle] to SUUpdater::updaterForBundle:
- */
-+ (SUUpdater *)sharedUpdater;
- The shared updater for a specified bundle.
- If an updater has already been initialized for the provided bundle, that shared instance will be returned.
- */
-+ (SUUpdater *)updaterForBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;
- Designated initializer for SUUpdater.
- If an updater has already been initialized for the provided bundle, that shared instance will be returned.
- */
-- (instancetype)initForBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;
- Explicitly checks for updates and displays a progress dialog while doing so.
- This method is meant for a main menu item.
- Connect any menu item to this action in Interface Builder,
- and Sparkle will check for updates and report back its findings verbosely
- when it is invoked.
- This will find updates that the user has opted into skipping.
- */
-- (IBAction)checkForUpdates:(id)sender;
- The menu item validation used for the -checkForUpdates: action
- */
-- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem;
- Checks for updates, but does not display any UI unless an update is found.
- This is meant for programmatically initating a check for updates. That is,
- it will display no UI unless it actually finds an update, in which case it
- proceeds as usual.
- If automatic downloading of updates it turned on and allowed, however,
- this will invoke that behavior, and if an update is found, it will be downloaded
- in the background silently and will be prepped for installation.
- This will not find updates that the user has opted into skipping.
- */
-- (void)checkForUpdatesInBackground;
- A property indicating whether or not to check for updates automatically.
- Setting this property will persist in the host bundle's user defaults.
- The update schedule cycle will be reset in a short delay after the property's new value is set.
- This is to allow reverting this property without kicking off a schedule change immediately
- */
-@property BOOL automaticallyChecksForUpdates;
- A property indicating whether or not updates can be automatically downloaded in the background.
- Note that automatic downloading of updates can be disallowed by the developer
- or by the user's system if silent updates cannot be done (eg: if they require authentication).
- In this case, -automaticallyDownloadsUpdates will return NO regardless of how this property is set.
- Setting this property will persist in the host bundle's user defaults.
- */
-@property BOOL automaticallyDownloadsUpdates;
- A property indicating the current automatic update check interval.
- Setting this property will persist in the host bundle's user defaults.
- The update schedule cycle will be reset in a short delay after the property's new value is set.
- This is to allow reverting this property without kicking off a schedule change immediately
- */
-@property NSTimeInterval updateCheckInterval;
- Begins a "probing" check for updates which will not actually offer to
- update to that version.
- However, the delegate methods
- SUUpdaterDelegate::updater:didFindValidUpdate: and
- SUUpdaterDelegate::updaterDidNotFindUpdate: will be called,
- so you can use that information in your UI.
- Updates that have been skipped by the user will not be found.
- */
-- (void)checkForUpdateInformation;
- The URL of the appcast used to download update information.
- Setting this property will persist in the host bundle's user defaults.
- If you don't want persistence, you may want to consider instead implementing
- SUUpdaterDelegate::feedURLStringForUpdater: or SUUpdaterDelegate::feedParametersForUpdater:sendingSystemProfile:
- This property must be called on the main thread.
- */
-@property (copy) NSURL *feedURL;
- The host bundle that is being updated.
- */
-@property (readonly, strong) NSBundle *hostBundle;
- The bundle this class (SUUpdater) is loaded into.
- */
-@property (strong, readonly) NSBundle *sparkleBundle;
- The user agent used when checking for updates.
- The default implementation can be overrided.
- */
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *userAgentString;
- The HTTP headers used when checking for updates.
- The keys of this dictionary are HTTP header fields (NSString) and values are corresponding values (NSString)
- */
-@property (copy) NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *httpHeaders;
- A property indicating whether or not the user's system profile information is sent when checking for updates.
- Setting this property will persist in the host bundle's user defaults.
- */
-@property BOOL sendsSystemProfile;
- A property indicating the decryption password used for extracting updates shipped as Apple Disk Images (dmg)
- */
-@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *decryptionPassword;
- This function ignores normal update schedule, ignores user preferences,
- and interrupts users with an unwanted immediate app update.
- WARNING: this function should not be used in regular apps. This function
- is a user-unfriendly hack only for very special cases, like unstable
- rapidly-changing beta builds that would not run correctly if they were
- even one day out of date.
- Instead of this function you should set `SUAutomaticallyUpdate` to `YES`,
- which will gracefully install updates when the app quits.
- For UI-less/daemon apps that aren't usually quit, instead of this function,
- you can use the delegate method
- SUUpdaterDelegate::updater:willInstallUpdateOnQuit:immediateInstallationInvocation:
- to immediately start installation when an update was found.
- A progress dialog is shown but the user will never be prompted to read the
- release notes.
- This function will cause update to be downloaded twice if automatic updates are
- enabled.
- You may want to respond to the userDidCancelDownload delegate method in case
- the user clicks the "Cancel" button while the update is downloading.
- */
-- (void)installUpdatesIfAvailable;
- Returns the date of last update check.
- \returns \c nil if no check has been performed.
- */
-@property (readonly, copy) NSDate *lastUpdateCheckDate;
- Appropriately schedules or cancels the update checking timer according to
- the preferences for time interval and automatic checks.
- This call does not change the date of the next check,
- but only the internal NSTimer.
- */
-- (void)resetUpdateCycle;
- A property indicating whether or not an update is in progress.
- Note this property is not indicative of whether or not user initiated updates can be performed.
- Use SUUpdater::validateMenuItem: for that instead.
- */
-@property (readonly) BOOL updateInProgress;