path: root/OSX/
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2019-07-30 16:07:15 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2019-07-30 16:07:15 +0200
commit813ac136e48f60d4c2b13e808107870dafcc4d52 (patch)
tree396a6c98276f6e9a04216933daebdf3af7b81d46 /OSX/
parentFlush X events before locking if we have an external ungrab command (diff)
parentUpdate to 5.43 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into openslx (5.43)
Diffstat (limited to 'OSX/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 508 deletions
diff --git a/OSX/ b/OSX/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3e0fb8f..0000000
--- a/OSX/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Copyright © 2006-2017 Jamie Zawinski <>
-# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
-# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
-# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
-# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
-# documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
-# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
-# implied warranty.
-# Updates the NAME.xml file of a .saver bundle to include the current year,
-# version number, etc. Also updates the Info.plist file to include the
-# short documentation, authors, etc. in the Finder "Get Info" properties.
-# This is invoked by a final "Shell Script" build action on each of the
-# .saver targets in the XCode project.
-# Created: 8-Mar-2006.
-require 5;
-#use diagnostics; # Fails on some MacOS 10.5 systems
-use strict;
-use IPC::Open3;
-use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError);
-use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError);
-my ($exec_dir, $progname) = ($0 =~ m@^(.*?)/([^/]+)$@);
-my ($version) = ('$Revision: 1.47 $' =~ m/\s(\d[.\d]+)\s/s);
-$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/local/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; # for seticon
-$ENV{PATH} = "/opt/local/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; # for macports wget
-my $thumbdir = 'build/screenshots';
-my $verbose = 1;
-sub convert_plist($$) {
- my ($data, $to_binary_p) = @_;
- my $is_binary_p = ($data =~ m/^bplist/s);
- if ($data && (!$is_binary_p) != (!$to_binary_p)) {
- print STDERR "$progname: converting plist\n" if ($verbose > 2);
- my $which = ($to_binary_p ? 'binary1' : 'xml1');
- my @cmd = ('plutil', '-convert', $which, '-s', '-o', '-', '-');
- my $pid = open3 (my $in, my $out, undef, @cmd) ||
- error ("pipe: $cmd[0]: $!");
- error ("$cmd[0]: $!") unless $pid;
- print $in $data;
- close $in;
- local $/ = undef; # read entire file
- $data = <$out>;
- close $out;
- waitpid ($pid, 0);
- if ($?) {
- my $exit_value = $? >> 8;
- my $signal_num = $? & 127;
- my $dumped_core = $? & 128;
- error ("$cmd[0]: core dumped!") if ($dumped_core);
- error ("$cmd[0]: signal $signal_num!") if ($signal_num);
- error ("$cmd[0]: exited with $exit_value!") if ($exit_value);
- }
- }
- return $data;
-sub read_info_plist($) {
- my ($app_dir) = @_;
- my $file = "$app_dir/Contents/Info.plist";
- my $file2 = "$app_dir/Info.plist";
- $file =~ s@/+@/@g;
- my $in;
- if (open ($in, '<', $file)) {
- } elsif (open ($in, '<', $file2)) {
- $file = $file2;
- } else {
- error ("$file: $!");
- }
- print STDERR "$progname: read $file\n" if ($verbose > 2);
- local $/ = undef; # read entire file
- my $body = <$in>;
- close $in;
- $body = convert_plist ($body, 0); # convert to xml plist
- return ($file, $body);
-sub read_saver_xml($) {
- my ($app_dir) = @_;
- error ("$app_dir: no name")
- unless ($app_dir =~ m@/([^/.]+).(app|saver)/?$@x);
- my $name = $1;
- return () if ($name eq 'XScreenSaver');
- return () if ($name eq 'SaverTester');
- return () if ($name eq 'XScreenSaverUpdater');
- my $file = "$app_dir/Contents/Resources/" . lc($name) . ".xml";
- my $file2 = "$app_dir/" . lc($name) . ".xml";
- my $file3 = "$app_dir/Contents/PlugIns/$name.saver/Contents/Resources/" .
- lc($name) . ".xml";
- $file =~ s@/+@/@g;
- my $in;
- if (open ($in, '<', $file)) {
- } elsif (open ($in, '<', $file2)) { $file = $file2;
- } elsif (open ($in, '<', $file3)) { $file = $file3;
- } else {
- error ("$file: $!");
- }
- print STDERR "$progname: read $file\n" if ($verbose > 2);
- local $/ = undef; # read entire file
- my $body = <$in>;
- close $in;
- # Uncompress the XML if it is compressed.
- my $body2 = '';
- gunzip (\$body, \$body2) || error ("$app_dir: xml gunzip: $GunzipError");
- my $was_compressed_p = ($body ne $body2);
- return ($file, $body2, $was_compressed_p);
-# This is duplicated in hacks/ for Android
-sub munge_blurb($$$$) {
- my ($filename, $name, $vers, $desc) = @_;
- $desc =~ s/^([ \t]*\n)+//s;
- $desc =~ s/\s*$//s;
- # in case it's done already...
- $desc =~ s@<!--.*?-->@@gs;
- $desc =~ s/^.* version \d[^\n]*\n//s;
- $desc =~ s/^From the XScreenSaver.*\n//m;
- $desc =~ s@^https://www\.jwz\.org/xscreensaver.*\n@@m;
- $desc =~
- s/\nCopyright [^ \r\n\t]+ (\d{4})(-\d{4})? (.*)\.$/\nWritten $3; $1./s;
- $desc =~ s/^\n+//s;
- error ("$filename: description contains markup: $1")
- if ($desc =~ m/([<>&][^<>&\s]*)/s);
- error ("$filename: description contains ctl chars: $1")
- if ($desc =~ m/([\000-\010\013-\037])/s);
- error ("$filename: can't extract authors")
- unless ($desc =~ m@^(.*)\nWritten by[ \t]+(.+)$@s);
- $desc = $1;
- my $authors = $2;
- $desc =~ s/\s*$//s;
- my $year = undef;
- if ($authors =~ m@^(.*?)\s*[,;]\s+(\d\d\d\d)([-\s,;]+\d\d\d\d)*[.]?$@s) {
- $authors = $1;
- $year = $2;
- }
- error ("$filename: can't extract year") unless $year;
- my $cyear = 1900 + ((localtime())[5]);
- $year = "$cyear" unless $year;
- if ($year && ! ($year =~ m/$cyear/)) {
- $year = "$year-$cyear";
- }
- $authors =~ s/[.,;\s]+$//s;
- # List me as a co-author on all of them, since I'm the one who
- # did the OSX port, packaged it up, and built the executables.
- #
- my $curator = "Jamie Zawinski";
- if (! ($authors =~ m/$curator/si)) {
- if ($authors =~ m@^(.*?),? and (.*)$@s) {
- $authors = "$1, $2, and $curator";
- } else {
- $authors .= " and $curator";
- }
- }
- my $desc1 = ("$name, version $vers.\n\n" . # savername.xml
- $desc . "\n" .
- "\n" .
- "From the XScreenSaver collection: " .
- "\n" .
- "Copyright \302\251 $year by $authors.\n");
- my $desc2 = ("$name $vers,\n" . # Info.plist
- "\302\251 $year $authors.\n" .
- "From the XScreenSaver collection:\n" .
- "\n" .
- "\n" .
- $desc .
- "\n");
- # unwrap lines, but only when it's obviously ok: leave blank lines,
- # and don't unwrap if that would compress leading whitespace on a line.
- #
- $desc2 =~ s/^(From |https?:)/\n$1/gm;
- 1 while ($desc2 =~ s/([^\s])[ \t]*\n([^\s])/$1 $2/gs);
- $desc2 =~ s/\n\n(From |https?:)/\n$1/gs;
- return ($desc1, $desc2);
-sub update_saver_xml($$) {
- my ($app_dir, $vers) = @_;
- my ($filename, $body, $was_compressed_p) = read_saver_xml ($app_dir);
- my $obody = $body;
- return () unless defined ($filename);
- $body =~ m@<screensaver[^<>]*?[ \t]_label=\"([^\"]+)\"@m ||
- error ("$filename: no name label");
- my $name = $1;
- $body =~ m@<_description>(.*?)</_description>@s ||
- error ("$filename: no description tag");
- my $desc = $1;
- error ("$filename: description contains non-ASCII and is not UTF-8: $1")
- if ($body !~ m/\Q<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"/s &&
- $desc =~ m/([^\000-\176])/s);
- my ($desc1, $desc2) = munge_blurb ($filename, $name, $vers, $desc);
- $body =~ s@(<_description>)(.*?)(</_description>)@$1$desc1$3@s;
- # NSXMLParser doesn't seem to work properly on Latin1 XML documents,
- # so we convert these to UTF8 when embedding them in the .saver bundle.
- $body =~ s@encoding="ISO-8859-1"@encoding="UTF-8"@gsi;
- if ($obody eq $body && $was_compressed_p) {
- print STDERR "$progname: $filename: unchanged\n" if ($verbose > 1);
- } else {
- # Gzip the XML.
- my $body2 = '';
- gzip (\$body, \$body2) || error ("$app_dir: xml gzip: $GzipError");
- $body = $body2;
- my $file_tmp = "$filename.tmp";
- open (my $out, '>:raw', $file_tmp) || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- print $out $body || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- close $out || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- if (!rename ("$file_tmp", "$filename")) {
- unlink "$file_tmp";
- error ("mv \"$file_tmp\" \"$filename\": $!");
- }
- print STDERR "$progname: wrote $filename\n" if ($verbose);
- }
- return ($desc1, $desc2);
-sub compress_all_xml_files($) {
- my ($dir) = @_;
- opendir (my $dirp, $dir) || error ("$dir: $!");
- my @files = readdir ($dirp);
- closedir $dirp;
- foreach my $f (sort @files) {
- next unless ($f =~ m/\.xml$/si);
- my $filename = "$dir/$f";
- open (my $in, '<', $filename) || error ("$filename: $!");
- print STDERR "$progname: read $filename\n" if ($verbose > 2);
- local $/ = undef; # read entire file
- my $body = <$in>;
- close $in;
- if ($body =~ m/^<\?xml/s) {
- my $body2 = '';
- gzip (\$body, \$body2) || error ("$filename: xml gzip: $GzipError");
- $body = $body2;
- my $file_tmp = "$filename.tmp";
- open (my $out, '>:raw', $file_tmp) || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- print $out $body || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- close $out || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- if (!rename ("$file_tmp", "$filename")) {
- unlink "$file_tmp";
- error ("mv \"$file_tmp\" \"$filename\": $!");
- }
- print STDERR "$progname: compressed $filename\n" if ($verbose);
- } elsif ($verbose > 2) {
- print STDERR "$filename: already compressed\n";
- }
- }
-sub set_plist_key($$$$) {
- my ($filename, $body, $key, $val) = @_;
- if ($body =~ m@^(.*
- \n\t<key>$key</key>
- \n\t<string>)([^<>]*)(</string>
- .*)$@xs) {
-# print STDERR "$progname: $filename: $key was: $2\n" if ($verbose);
- $body = $1 . $val . $3;
- } else {
- error ("$filename: unparsable")
- unless ($body =~ m@^(.*)(\n</dict>\n</plist>\n)$@s);
- $body = ($1 .
- "\n\t<key>$key</key>" .
- "\n\t<string>$val</string>" .
- $2);
- }
- return $body;
-sub set_icon($) {
- my ($app_dir) = @_;
- $app_dir =~ s@/+$@@s;
- my $icon = ($app_dir =~ m/\.saver$/ ? 'XScreenSaver' : 'SaverRunner');
- $icon = "$app_dir/../../../$icon.icns";
- my @cmd = ("$app_dir/../../../", "-d", $icon, $app_dir);
- print STDERR "$progname: exec: " . join(' ', @cmd) . "\n"
- if ($verbose > 1);
- system (@cmd);
-sub set_thumb($) {
- my ($app_dir) = @_;
- return unless ($app_dir =~ m@\.saver/?$@s);
- my $name = $app_dir;
- $name =~ s@^.*/@@s;
- $name =~ s@\..*?$@@s;
- $name = lc($name);
- $name = 'rd-bomb' if ($name eq 'rdbomb'); # sigh
- if (! -f "$thumbdir/$name.png") {
- system ("make", "$thumbdir/$name.png");
- my $exit = $? >> 8;
- exit ($exit) if $exit;
- error ("unable to download $name.png")
- unless (-f "$thumbdir/$name.png");
- }
- $app_dir =~ s@/+$@@s;
- $app_dir .= "/Contents/Resources";
- error ("$app_dir does not exist") unless (-d $app_dir);
- system ("cp", "-p", "$thumbdir/$name.png", "$app_dir/thumbnail.png");
- my $exit = $? >> 8;
- exit ($exit) if $exit;
-sub enable_gc($) {
- my ($app_dir) = @_;
- return unless ($app_dir =~ m@\.saver/?$@s);
- my ($dir, $name) = ($app_dir =~ m@^(.*)/([^/]+)\.saver$@s);
- error ("unparsable: $app_dir") unless $name;
- my $exe = "$app_dir/Contents/MacOS/$name";
- my @cmd = ("$dir/enable_gc", $exe);
- print STDERR "$progname: exec: " . join(' ', @cmd) . "\n"
- if ($verbose > 1);
- system (@cmd);
- my $exit = $? >> 8;
- exit ($exit) if $exit;
-sub fix_coretext($) {
- my ($app_dir) = @_;
- # In MacOS 10.8, they moved CoreText.framework from
- # /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/
- # to /System/Library/Frameworks/ which means that executables compiled
- # on 10.8 and newer won't run on 10.7 and older because they can't find
- # the library. Fortunately, 10.8 and later leave a symlink behind, so
- # the old location still works. So we need our executables to contain
- # an LC_LOAD_DYLIB pointing at the old directory instead of the new
- # one.
- #
- return if ($app_dir =~ m@-iphone@s);
- my ($dir, $name) = ($app_dir =~ m@^(.*)/([^/]+)\.(app|saver)$@s);
- error ("unparsable: $app_dir") unless $name;
- my $exe = "$app_dir/Contents/MacOS/$name";
- my $new = ("/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/" .
- "Versions/A/CoreText");
- my $old = ("/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/" .
- "Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText");
- my @cmd = ("install_name_tool", "-change", $new, $old, $exe);
- print STDERR "$progname: exec: " . join(' ', @cmd) . "\n"
- if ($verbose > 1);
- system (@cmd);
- my $exit = $? >> 8;
- exit ($exit) if $exit;
-sub update($) {
- my ($app_dir) = @_;
- error ("$app_dir: no name")
- unless ($app_dir =~ m@/([^/.]+).(app|saver)/?$@x);
- my $app_name = $1;
- my ($filename, $plist) = read_info_plist ($app_dir);
- my $oplist = $plist;
- error ("$filename: no version number")
- unless ($plist =~ m@<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>\s*
- <string>([^<>]+)</string>@sx);
- my $vers = $1;
- my ($ignore, $info_str) = update_saver_xml ($app_dir, $vers);
- # No, don't do this -- the iOS version reads the XML file in a few
- # different places, and most of those places don't understand gzip.
- if ($app_name eq 'XScreenSaver') {
- compress_all_xml_files ($app_dir);
- } elsif (! defined($info_str)) {
- print STDERR "$progname: $filename: no XML file\n" if ($verbose > 1);
- } else {
- $info_str =~ m@^([^\n]+)\n@s ||
- error ("$filename: unparsable copyright");
- my $copyright = "$1";
- $copyright =~ s/\b\d{4}-(\d{4})\b/$1/;
- # Lose the Wikipedia URLs.
- $info_str =~ s@https?:.*?\b(wikipedia|mathworld)\b[^\s]+[ \t]*\n?@@gm;
- $info_str =~ s/(\n\n)\n+/$1/gs;
- $info_str =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//gs;
- $plist = set_plist_key ($filename, $plist,
- "NSHumanReadableCopyright", $copyright);
- $plist = set_plist_key ($filename, $plist,
- "CFBundleLongVersionString",$copyright);
- $plist = set_plist_key ($filename, $plist,
- "CFBundleGetInfoString", $info_str);
- $plist = set_plist_key ($filename, $plist,
- "CFBundleIdentifier",
- "org.jwz.xscreensaver." . $app_name);
- if ($oplist eq $plist) {
- print STDERR "$progname: $filename: unchanged\n" if ($verbose > 1);
- } else {
- $plist = convert_plist ($plist, 1); # convert to binary plist
- my $file_tmp = "$filename.tmp";
- open (my $out, '>:raw', $file_tmp) || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- print $out $plist || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- close $out || error ("$file_tmp: $!");
- if (!rename ("$file_tmp", "$filename")) {
- unlink "$file_tmp";
- error ("mv \"$file_tmp\" \"$filename\": $!");
- }
- print STDERR "$progname: wrote $filename\n" if ($verbose);
- }
- }
- # MacOS 10.12: codesign says "resource fork, Finder information, or
- # similar detritus not allowed" if any bundle has an Icon\r file.
- # set_icon ($app_dir);
- set_thumb ($app_dir);
-# enable_gc ($app_dir);
- fix_coretext ($app_dir)
-sub error($) {
- my ($err) = @_;
- print STDERR "$progname: $err\n";
- exit 1;
-sub usage() {
- print STDERR "usage: $progname [--verbose] ...\n";
- exit 1;
-sub main() {
- my @files = ();
- while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
- shift @ARGV;
- if (m/^--?verbose$/s) { $verbose++; }
- elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; }
- elsif (m/^--?q(uiet)?$/s) { $verbose = 0; }
- elsif (m/^-/s) { usage(); }
- else { push @files, $_; }
- }
- usage() unless ($#files >= 0);
- foreach (@files) {
- update ($_);
- }
-exit 0;