path: root/hacks/analogtv.c
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authorSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
commitd3a98cf6cbc3bd0b9efc570f58e8812c03931c18 (patch)
treecbddf8e50f35a9c6e878a5bfe3c6d625d99e12ba /hacks/analogtv.c
Original 5.40
Diffstat (limited to 'hacks/analogtv.c')
1 files changed, 2431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hacks/analogtv.c b/hacks/analogtv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd7f504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacks/analogtv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2431 @@
+/* analogtv, Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Trevor Blackwell <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
+ This is the code for implementing something that looks like a conventional
+ analog TV set. It simulates the following characteristics of standard
+ televisions:
+ - Realistic rendering of a composite video signal
+ - Compression & brightening on the right, as the scan gets truncated
+ because of saturation in the flyback transformer
+ - Blooming of the picture dependent on brightness
+ - Overscan, cutting off a few pixels on the left side.
+ - Colored text in mixed graphics/text modes
+ It's amazing how much it makes your high-end monitor look like at large
+ late-70s TV. All you need is to put a big "Solid State" logo in curly script
+ on it and you'd be set.
+ In DirectColor or TrueColor modes, it generates pixel values
+ directly from RGB values it calculates across each scan line. In
+ PseudoColor mode, it consider each possible pattern of 5 preceding
+ bit values in each possible position modulo 4 and allocates a color
+ for each. A few things, like the brightening on the right side as
+ the horizontal trace slows down, aren't done in PseudoColor.
+ I originally wrote it for the Apple ][ emulator, and generalized it
+ here for use with a rewrite of xteevee and possibly others.
+ A maxim of technology is that failures reveal underlying mechanism.
+ A good way to learn how something works is to push it to failure.
+ The way it fails will usually tell you a lot about how it works. The
+ corollary for this piece of software is that in order to emulate
+ realistic failures of a TV set, it has to work just like a TV set.
+ So there is lots of DSP-style emulation of analog circuitry for
+ things like color decoding, H and V sync following, and more. In
+ 2003, computers are just fast enough to do this at television signal
+ rates. We use a 14 MHz sample rate here, so we can do on the order
+ of a couple hundred instructions per sample and keep a good frame
+ rate.
+ Trevor Blackwell <>
+ 2014-04-20, Dave Odell <>:
+ API change: Folded analogtv_init_signal and *_add_signal into *_draw().
+ Added SMP support.
+ Replaced doubles with floats, including constants and transcendental functions.
+ Fixed a bug or two.
+/* 2015-02-27, Tomasz Sulej <>:
+ - tint_control variable is used now
+ - removed unusable hashnoise code
+ */
+ 2016-10-09, Dave Odell <>:
+ Updated for new xshm.c.
+#ifdef HAVE_JWXYZ
+# include "jwxyz.h"
+#else /* !HAVE_JWXYZ */
+# include <X11/Xlib.h>
+# include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "resources.h"
+#include "analogtv.h"
+#include "yarandom.h"
+#include "grabscreen.h"
+#include "visual.h"
+#include "font-retry.h"
+#include "ximage-loader.h"
+/* #define DEBUG 1 */
+#if defined(DEBUG) && (defined(__linux) || defined(__FreeBSD__))
+/* only works on linux + freebsd */
+#include <machine/cpufunc.h>
+#define DTIME_DECL u_int64_t dtimes[100]; int n_dtimes
+#define DTIME_START do {n_dtimes=0; dtimes[n_dtimes++]=rdtsc(); } while (0)
+#define DTIME dtimes[n_dtimes++]=rdtsc()
+#define DTIME_SHOW(DIV) \
+do { \
+ double _dtime_div=(DIV); \
+ printf("time/%.1f: ",_dtime_div); \
+ for (i=1; i<n_dtimes; i++) \
+ printf(" %0.9f",(dtimes[i]-dtimes[i-1])* 1e-9 / _dtime_div); \
+ printf("\n"); \
+} while (0)
+#define DTIME_DECL
+#define DTIME_START do { } while (0)
+#define DTIME do { } while (0)
+#define DTIME_SHOW(DIV) do { } while (0)
+#define FASTRND_A 1103515245
+#define FASTRND_C 12345
+#define FASTRND (fastrnd = fastrnd*FASTRND_A+FASTRND_C)
+static void analogtv_ntsc_to_yiq(const analogtv *it, int lineno, const float *signal,
+ int start, int end, struct analogtv_yiq_s *it_yiq);
+static float puramp(const analogtv *it, float tc, float start, float over)
+ float pt=it->powerup-start;
+ float ret;
+ if (pt<0.0f) return 0.0f;
+ if (pt>900.0f || pt/tc>8.0f) return 1.0f;
+ ret=(1.0f-expf(-pt/tc))*over;
+ if (ret>1.0f) return 1.0f;
+ return ret*ret;
+ There are actual standards for TV signals: NTSC and RS-170A describe the
+ system used in the US and Japan. Europe has slightly different systems, but
+ not different enough to make substantially different screensaver displays.
+ Sadly, the standards bodies don't do anything so useful as publish the spec on
+ the web. Best bets are:
+ In DirectColor or TrueColor modes, it generates pixel values directly from RGB
+ values it calculates across each scan line. In PseudoColor mode, it consider
+ each possible pattern of 5 preceding bit values in each possible position
+ modulo 4 and allocates a color for each. A few things, like the brightening on
+ the right side as the horizontal trace slows down, aren't done in PseudoColor.
+ I'd like to add a bit of visible retrace, but it conflicts with being able to
+ bitcopy the image when fast scrolling. After another couple of CPU
+ generations, we could probably regenerate the whole image from scratch every
+ time. On a P4 2 GHz it can manage this fine for blinking text, but scrolling
+ looks too slow.
+/* localbyteorder is MSBFirst or LSBFirst */
+static int localbyteorder;
+static const double float_low8_ofs=8388608.0;
+static int float_extraction_works;
+typedef union {
+ float f;
+ int i;
+} float_extract_t;
+static void
+ int i;
+ {
+ unsigned int localbyteorder_loc = (MSBFirst<<24) | (LSBFirst<<0);
+ localbyteorder=*(char *)&localbyteorder_loc;
+ }
+ if (1) {
+ float_extract_t fe;
+ int ans;
+ float_extraction_works=1;
+ for (i=0; i<256*4; i++) {
+ fe.f=float_low8_ofs+(double)i;
+ ans=fe.i&0x3ff;
+ if (ans != i) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("Float extraction failed for %d => %d\n",i,ans);
+ float_extraction_works=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+analogtv_set_defaults(analogtv *it, char *prefix)
+ char buf[256];
+ sprintf(buf,"%sTVTint",prefix);
+ it->tint_control = get_float_resource(it->dpy, buf,"TVTint");
+ sprintf(buf,"%sTVColor",prefix);
+ it->color_control = get_float_resource(it->dpy, buf,"TVColor")/100.0;
+ sprintf(buf,"%sTVBrightness",prefix);
+ it->brightness_control = get_float_resource(it->dpy, buf,"TVBrightness") / 100.0;
+ sprintf(buf,"%sTVContrast",prefix);
+ it->contrast_control = get_float_resource(it->dpy, buf,"TVContrast") / 100.0;
+ it->height_control = 1.0;
+ it->width_control = 1.0;
+ it->squish_control = 0.0;
+ it->powerup=1000.0;
+ it->hashnoise_rpm=0;
+ it->hashnoise_on=0;
+ it->hashnoise_enable=1;
+ it->horiz_desync=frand(10.0)-5.0;
+ it->squeezebottom=frand(5.0)-1.0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("analogtv: prefix=%s\n",prefix);
+ printf(" use: cmap=%d color=%d\n",
+ it->use_cmap,it->use_color);
+ printf(" controls: tint=%g color=%g brightness=%g contrast=%g\n",
+ it->tint_control, it->color_control, it->brightness_control,
+ it->contrast_control);
+/* printf(" freq_error %g: %g %d\n",
+ it->freq_error, it->freq_error_inc, it->flutter_tint); */
+ printf(" desync: %g %d\n",
+ it->horiz_desync, it->flutter_horiz_desync);
+ printf(" hashnoise rpm: %g\n",
+ it->hashnoise_rpm);
+ printf(" vis: %d %d\n",
+ it->visclass, it->visdepth);
+ printf(" shift: %d-%d %d-%d %d-%d\n",
+ it->red_invprec,it->red_shift,
+ it->green_invprec,it->green_shift,
+ it->blue_invprec,it->blue_shift);
+ printf(" size: %d %d %d %d xrepl=%d\n",
+ it->usewidth, it->useheight,
+ it->screen_xo, it->screen_yo, it->xrepl);
+ printf(" ANALOGTV_V=%d\n",ANALOGTV_V);
+ printf(" ANALOGTV_TOP=%d\n",ANALOGTV_TOP);
+ printf(" ANALOGTV_BOT=%d\n",ANALOGTV_BOT);
+ printf(" ANALOGTV_H=%d\n",ANALOGTV_H);
+extern Bool mono_p; /* shoot me */
+static void
+analogtv_free_image(analogtv *it)
+ if (it->image) {
+ destroy_xshm_image(it->dpy, it->image, &it->shm_info);
+ it->image=NULL;
+ }
+static void
+analogtv_alloc_image(analogtv *it)
+ /* On failure, it->image is NULL. */
+ unsigned bits_per_pixel = visual_pixmap_depth(it->screen, it->xgwa.visual);
+ unsigned align = thread_memory_alignment(it->dpy) * 8 - 1;
+ /* Width is in bits. */
+ unsigned width = (it->usewidth * bits_per_pixel + align) & ~align;
+ it->image=create_xshm_image(it->dpy, it->xgwa.visual, it->xgwa.depth,
+ ZPixmap, &it->shm_info,
+ width / bits_per_pixel, it->useheight);
+ if (it->image) {
+ memset (it->image->data, 0, it->image->height * it->image->bytes_per_line);
+ } else {
+ /* Not enough memory. Maybe try a smaller window. */
+ fprintf(stderr, "analogtv: %s\n", strerror(ENOMEM));
+ }
+static void
+analogtv_configure(analogtv *it)
+ int oldwidth=it->usewidth;
+ int oldheight=it->useheight;
+ int wlim,hlim,height_diff;
+ /* If the window is very small, don't let the image we draw get lower
+ than the actual TV resolution (266x200.)
+ If the aspect ratio of the window is close to a 4:3 or 16:9 ratio --
+ or if it is a completely weird aspect ratio --
+ then scale the image to exactly fill the window.
+ Otherwise, center the image either horizontally or vertically,
+ letterboxing or pillarboxing (but not both).
+ If it's very close (2.5%) to a multiple of VISLINES, make it exact
+ For example, it maps 1024 => 1000.
+ */
+ float percent = 0.15;
+ float min_ratio = 4.0 / 3.0 * (1 - percent);
+ float max_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0 * (1 + percent);
+ float crazy_min_ratio = 10;
+ float crazy_max_ratio = 1/crazy_min_ratio;
+ float ratio;
+ float height_snap=0.025;
+ hlim = it->xgwa.height;
+ wlim = it->xgwa.width;
+ ratio = wlim / (float) hlim;
+ /* Fill the whole iPhone screen, even though that distorts the image. */
+ min_ratio = 0;
+ max_ratio = 10;
+ if (wlim < 266 || hlim < 200)
+ {
+ wlim = 266;
+ hlim = 200;
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "size: minimal: %dx%d in %dx%d (%.3f < %.3f < %.3f)\n",
+ wlim, hlim, it->xgwa.width, it->xgwa.height,
+ min_ratio, ratio, max_ratio);
+# endif
+ }
+ else if (ratio > min_ratio && ratio < max_ratio)
+ {
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "size: close enough: %dx%d (%.3f < %.3f < %.3f)\n",
+ wlim, hlim, min_ratio, ratio, max_ratio);
+# endif
+ }
+ else if (ratio >= max_ratio)
+ {
+ wlim = hlim*max_ratio;
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "size: center H: %dx%d in %dx%d (%.3f < %.3f < %.3f)\n",
+ wlim, hlim, it->xgwa.width, it->xgwa.height,
+ min_ratio, ratio, max_ratio);
+# endif
+ }
+ else /* ratio <= min_ratio */
+ {
+ hlim = wlim/min_ratio;
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "size: center V: %dx%d in %dx%d (%.3f < %.3f < %.3f)\n",
+ wlim, hlim, it->xgwa.width, it->xgwa.height,
+ min_ratio, ratio, max_ratio);
+# endif
+ }
+ if (ratio < crazy_min_ratio || ratio > crazy_max_ratio)
+ {
+ if (ratio < crazy_min_ratio)
+ hlim = it->xgwa.height;
+ else
+ wlim = it->xgwa.width;
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "size: aspect: %dx%d in %dx%d (%.3f < %.3f < %.3f)\n",
+ wlim, hlim, it->xgwa.width, it->xgwa.height,
+ min_ratio, ratio, max_ratio);
+# endif
+ }
+ if (height_diff != 0 && abs(height_diff) < hlim * height_snap)
+ {
+ hlim -= height_diff;
+ }
+ /* Most times this doesn't change */
+ if (wlim != oldwidth || hlim != oldheight) {
+ it->usewidth=wlim;
+ it->useheight=hlim;
+ it->xrepl=1+it->usewidth/640;
+ if (it->xrepl>2) it->xrepl=2;
+ it->subwidth=it->usewidth/it->xrepl;
+ analogtv_free_image(it);
+ analogtv_alloc_image(it);
+ }
+ it->screen_xo = (it->xgwa.width-it->usewidth)/2;
+ it->screen_yo = (it->xgwa.height-it->useheight)/2;
+ it->need_clear=1;
+analogtv_reconfigure(analogtv *it)
+ XGetWindowAttributes (it->dpy, it->window, &it->xgwa);
+ analogtv_configure(it);
+/* Can be any power-of-two <= 32. 16 a slightly better choice for 2-3 threads. */
+typedef struct analogtv_thread_s
+ analogtv *it;
+ unsigned thread_id;
+ size_t signal_start, signal_end;
+} analogtv_thread;
+#define SIGNAL_OFFSET(thread_id) \
+ ((ANALOGTV_SIGNAL_LEN * (thread_id) / threads->count) & align)
+static int analogtv_thread_create(void *thread_raw, struct threadpool *threads,
+ unsigned thread_id)
+ analogtv_thread *thread = (analogtv_thread *)thread_raw;
+ unsigned align;
+ thread->it = GET_PARENT_OBJ(analogtv, threads, threads);
+ thread->thread_id = thread_id;
+ align = thread_memory_alignment(thread->it->dpy) /
+ sizeof(thread->it->signal_subtotals[0]);
+ if (!align)
+ align = 1;
+ align = ~(align * ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN - 1);
+ thread->signal_start = SIGNAL_OFFSET(thread_id);
+ thread->signal_end = thread_id + 1 == threads->count ?
+ SIGNAL_OFFSET(thread_id + 1);
+ return 0;
+static void analogtv_thread_destroy(void *thread_raw)
+analogtv *
+analogtv_allocate(Display *dpy, Window window)
+ static const struct threadpool_class cls = {
+ sizeof(analogtv_thread),
+ analogtv_thread_create,
+ analogtv_thread_destroy
+ };
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ analogtv *it=NULL;
+ int i;
+ const size_t rx_signal_len = ANALOGTV_SIGNAL_LEN + 2*ANALOGTV_H;
+ analogtv_init();
+ it=(analogtv *)calloc(1,sizeof(analogtv));
+ if (!it) return 0;
+ it->threads.count=0;
+ it->rx_signal=NULL;
+ it->signal_subtotals=NULL;
+ it->dpy=dpy;
+ it->window=window;
+ if (thread_malloc((void **)&it->rx_signal, dpy,
+ sizeof(it->rx_signal[0]) * rx_signal_len))
+ goto fail;
+ if (thread_malloc((void **)&it->signal_subtotals, dpy,
+ sizeof(it->signal_subtotals[0]) *
+ (rx_signal_len / ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN)))
+ goto fail;
+ if (threadpool_create(&it->threads, &cls, dpy, hardware_concurrency(dpy)))
+ goto fail;
+ assert(it->threads.count);
+ it->shrinkpulse=-1;
+ it->n_colors=0;
+ XGetWindowAttributes (it->dpy, it->window, &it->xgwa);
+ it->screen=it->xgwa.screen;
+ it->colormap=it->xgwa.colormap;
+ it->visclass=visual_class(it->xgwa.screen, it->xgwa.visual);
+ it->visdepth=it->xgwa.depth;
+ if (it->visclass == TrueColor || it->visclass == DirectColor) {
+ if (get_integer_resource (it->dpy, "use_cmap", "Integer")) {
+ it->use_cmap=1;
+ } else {
+ it->use_cmap=0;
+ }
+ it->use_color=!mono_p;
+ }
+ else if (it->visclass == PseudoColor || it->visclass == StaticColor) {
+ it->use_cmap=1;
+ it->use_color=!mono_p;
+ }
+ else {
+ it->use_cmap=1;
+ it->use_color=0;
+ }
+ visual_rgb_masks (it->xgwa.screen, it->xgwa.visual,
+ &it->red_mask, &it->green_mask, &it->blue_mask);
+ it->red_shift=it->red_invprec=-1;
+ it->green_shift=it->green_invprec=-1;
+ it->blue_shift=it->blue_invprec=-1;
+ if (!it->use_cmap) {
+ /* Is there a standard way to do this? Does this handle all cases? */
+ int shift, prec;
+ for (shift=0; shift<32; shift++) {
+ for (prec=1; prec<16 && prec<40-shift; prec++) {
+ unsigned long mask=(0xffffUL>>(16-prec)) << shift;
+ if (it->red_shift<0 && mask==it->red_mask)
+ it->red_shift=shift, it->red_invprec=16-prec;
+ if (it->green_shift<0 && mask==it->green_mask)
+ it->green_shift=shift, it->green_invprec=16-prec;
+ if (it->blue_shift<0 && mask==it->blue_mask)
+ it->blue_shift=shift, it->blue_invprec=16-prec;
+ }
+ }
+ if (it->red_shift<0 || it->green_shift<0 || it->blue_shift<0) {
+ if (0) fprintf(stderr,"Can't figure out color space\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<ANALOGTV_CV_MAX; i++) {
+ int intensity=pow(i/256.0, 0.8)*65535.0; /* gamma correction */
+ if (intensity>65535) intensity=65535;
+ it->red_values[i]=((intensity>>it->red_invprec)<<it->red_shift);
+ it->green_values[i]=((intensity>>it->green_invprec)<<it->green_shift);
+ it->blue_values[i]=((intensity>>it->blue_invprec)<<it->blue_shift);
+ }
+ }
+ gcv.background=get_pixel_resource(it->dpy, it->colormap,
+ "background", "Background");
+ it->gc = XCreateGC(it->dpy, it->window, GCBackground, &gcv);
+# ifdef HAVE_JWXYZ
+ jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (it->dpy, it->gc, False);
+# endif
+ XSetWindowBackground(it->dpy, it->window, gcv.background);
+ XClearWindow(dpy,window);
+ analogtv_configure(it);
+ return it;
+ fail:
+ if (it) {
+ if(it->threads.count)
+ threadpool_destroy(&it->threads);
+ thread_free(it->signal_subtotals);
+ thread_free(it->rx_signal);
+ free(it);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+analogtv_release(analogtv *it)
+ if (it->image) {
+ destroy_xshm_image(it->dpy, it->image, &it->shm_info);
+ it->image=NULL;
+ }
+ if (it->gc) XFreeGC(it->dpy, it->gc);
+ it->gc=NULL;
+ if (it->n_colors) XFreeColors(it->dpy, it->colormap, it->colors, it->n_colors, 0L);
+ it->n_colors=0;
+ threadpool_destroy(&it->threads);
+ thread_free(it->rx_signal);
+ thread_free(it->signal_subtotals);
+ free(it);
+ First generate the I and Q reference signals, which we'll multiply
+ the input signal by to accomplish the demodulation. Normally they
+ are shifted 33 degrees from the colorburst. I think this was convenient
+ for inductor-capacitor-vacuum tube implementation.
+ The tint control, FWIW, just adds a phase shift to the chroma signal,
+ and the color control controls the amplitude.
+ In text modes (colormode==0) the system disabled the color burst, and no
+ color was detected by the monitor.
+ freq_error gives a mismatch between the built-in oscillator and the
+ TV's colorbust. Some II Plus machines seemed to occasionally get
+ instability problems -- the crystal oscillator was a single
+ transistor if I remember correctly -- and the frequency would vary
+ enough that the tint would change across the width of the screen.
+ The left side would be in correct tint because it had just gotten
+ resynchronized with the color burst.
+ If we're using a colormap, set it up.
+analogtv_set_demod(analogtv *it)
+ int y_levels=10,i_levels=5,q_levels=5;
+ /*
+ In principle, we might be able to figure out how to adjust the
+ color map frame-by-frame to get some nice color bummage. But I'm
+ terrified of changing the color map because we'll get flashing.
+ I can hardly believe we still have to deal with colormaps. They're
+ like having NEAR PTRs: an enormous hassle for the programmer just
+ to save on memory. They should have been deprecated by 1995 or
+ so. */
+ cmap_again:
+ if (it->use_cmap && !it->n_colors) {
+ if (it->n_colors) {
+ XFreeColors(it->dpy, it->colormap, it->colors, it->n_colors, 0L);
+ it->n_colors=0;
+ }
+ {
+ int yli,qli,ili;
+ for (yli=0; yli<y_levels; yli++) {
+ for (ili=0; ili<i_levels; ili++) {
+ for (qli=0; qli<q_levels; qli++) {
+ double interpy,interpi,interpq;
+ double levelmult=700.0;
+ int r,g,b;
+ XColor col;
+ interpy=100.0 * ((double)yli/y_levels);
+ interpi=50.0 * (((double)ili-(0.5*i_levels))/(double)i_levels);
+ interpq=50.0 * (((double)qli-(0.5*q_levels))/(double)q_levels);
+ r=(int)((interpy + 1.04*interpi + 0.624*interpq)*levelmult);
+ g=(int)((interpy - 0.276*interpi - 0.639*interpq)*levelmult);
+ b=(int)((interpy - 1.105*interpi + 1.729*interpq)*levelmult);
+ if (r<0) r=0;
+ if (r>65535) r=65535;
+ if (g<0) g=0;
+ if (g>65535) g=65535;
+ if (b<0) b=0;
+ if (b>65535) b=65535;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("%0.2f %0.2f %0.2f => %02x%02x%02x\n",
+ interpy, interpi, interpq,
+ r/256,g/256,b/256);
+ col.pixel=0;
+ if (!XAllocColor(it->dpy, it->colormap, &col)) {
+ if (q_levels > y_levels*4/12)
+ q_levels--;
+ else if (i_levels > y_levels*5/12)
+ i_levels--;
+ else
+ y_levels--;
+ if (y_levels<2)
+ return -1;
+ goto cmap_again;
+ }
+ it->colors[it->n_colors++]=col.pixel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it->cmap_y_levels=y_levels;
+ it->cmap_i_levels=i_levels;
+ it->cmap_q_levels=q_levels;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+unsigned int
+analogtv_line_signature(analogtv_input *input, int lineno)
+ int i;
+ char *origsignal=&input->signal[(lineno+input->vsync)
+ %ANALOGTV_V][input->line_hsync[lineno]];
+ unsigned int hash=0;
+ /* probably lame */
+ for (i=0; i<ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN; i++) {
+ int c=origsignal[i];
+ hash = hash + (hash<<17) + c;
+ }
+ hash += input->line_hsync[lineno];
+ hash ^= hash >> 2;
+ /*
+ hash += input->hashnoise_times[lineno];
+ hash ^= hash >> 2;
+ */
+ return hash;
+/* Here we model the analog circuitry of an NTSC television.
+ Basically, it splits the signal into 3 signals: Y, I and Q. Y
+ corresponds to luminance, and you get it by low-pass filtering the
+ input signal to below 3.57 MHz.
+ I and Q are the in-phase and quadrature components of the 3.57 MHz
+ subcarrier. We get them by multiplying by cos(3.57 MHz*t) and
+ sin(3.57 MHz*t), and low-pass filtering. Because the eye has less
+ resolution in some colors than others, the I component gets
+ low-pass filtered at 1.5 MHz and the Q at 0.5 MHz. The I component
+ is approximately orange-blue, and Q is roughly purple-green. See
+ for details.
+ We actually do an awful lot to the signal here. I suspect it would
+ make sense to wrap them all up together by calculating impulse
+ response and doing FFT convolutions.
+static void
+analogtv_ntsc_to_yiq(const analogtv *it, int lineno, const float *signal,
+ int start, int end, struct analogtv_yiq_s *it_yiq)
+ enum {MAXDELAY=32};
+ int i;
+ const float *sp;
+ int phasecorr=(signal-it->rx_signal)&3;
+ struct analogtv_yiq_s *yiq;
+ int colormode;
+ float agclevel=it->agclevel;
+ float brightadd=it->brightness_control*100.0 - ANALOGTV_BLACK_LEVEL;
+ float delay[MAXDELAY+ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN], *dp;
+ float multiq2[4];
+ {
+ double cb_i=(it->line_cb_phase[lineno][(2+phasecorr)&3]-
+ it->line_cb_phase[lineno][(0+phasecorr)&3])/16.0;
+ double cb_q=(it->line_cb_phase[lineno][(3+phasecorr)&3]-
+ it->line_cb_phase[lineno][(1+phasecorr)&3])/16.0;
+ colormode = (cb_i * cb_i + cb_q * cb_q) > 2.8;
+ if (colormode) {
+ multiq2[0] = (cb_i*it->tint_i - cb_q*it->tint_q) * it->color_control;
+ multiq2[1] = (cb_q*it->tint_i + cb_i*it->tint_q) * it->color_control;
+ multiq2[2]=-multiq2[0];
+ multiq2[3]=-multiq2[1];
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (lineno==100) {
+ printf("multiq = [%0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f] ",
+ it->multiq[60],it->multiq[61],it->multiq[62],it->multiq[63]);
+ printf("it->line_cb_phase = [%0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f]\n",
+ it->line_cb_phase[lineno][0],it->line_cb_phase[lineno][1],
+ it->line_cb_phase[lineno][2],it->line_cb_phase[lineno][3]);
+ printf("multiq2 = [%0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f]\n",
+ multiq2[0],multiq2[1],multiq2[2],multiq2[3]);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<5; i++) dp[i]=0.0f;
+ assert(start>=0);
+ assert(end < ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN+10);
+ for (i=0; i<24; i++) dp[i]=0.0;
+ for (i=start, yiq=it_yiq+start, sp=signal+start;
+ i<end;
+ i++, dp--, yiq++, sp++) {
+ /* Now filter them. These are infinite impulse response filters
+ calculated by the script at
+ This is
+ fixed-point integer DSP, son. No place for wimps. We do it in
+ integer because you can count on integer being faster on most
+ CPUs. We care about speed because we need to recalculate every
+ time we blink text, and when we spew random bytes into screen
+ memory. This is roughly 16.16 fixed point arithmetic, but we
+ scale some filter values up by a few bits to avoid some nasty
+ precision errors. */
+ /* Filter Y with a 4-pole low-pass Butterworth filter at 3.5 MHz
+ with an extra zero at 3.5 MHz, from
+ mkfilter -Bu -Lp -o 4 -a 2.1428571429e-01 0 -Z 2.5e-01 -l
+ Delay about 2 */
+ dp[0] = sp[0] * 0.0469904257251935f * agclevel;
+ dp[8] = (+1.0f*(dp[6]+dp[0])
+ +4.0f*(dp[5]+dp[1])
+ +7.0f*(dp[4]+dp[2])
+ +8.0f*(dp[3])
+ -0.0176648f*dp[12]
+ -0.4860288f*dp[10]);
+ yiq->y = dp[8] + brightadd;
+ }
+ if (colormode) {
+ for (i=0; i<27; i++) dp[i]=0.0;
+ for (i=start, yiq=it_yiq+start, sp=signal+start;
+ i<end;
+ i++, dp--, yiq++, sp++) {
+ float sig=*sp;
+ /* Filter I and Q with a 3-pole low-pass Butterworth filter at
+ 1.5 MHz with an extra zero at 3.5 MHz, from
+ mkfilter -Bu -Lp -o 3 -a 1.0714285714e-01 0 -Z 2.5000000000e-01 -l
+ Delay about 3.
+ */
+ dp[0] = sig*multiq2[i&3] * 0.0833333333333f;
+ yiq->i=dp[8] = (dp[5] + dp[0]
+ +3.0f*(dp[4] + dp[1])
+ +4.0f*(dp[3] + dp[2])
+ -0.3333333333f * dp[10]);
+ dp[16] = sig*multiq2[(i+3)&3] * 0.0833333333333f;
+ yiq->q=dp[24] = (dp[16+5] + dp[16+0]
+ +3.0f*(dp[16+4] + dp[16+1])
+ +4.0f*(dp[16+3] + dp[16+2])
+ -0.3333333333f * dp[24+2]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i=start, yiq=it_yiq+start; i<end; i++, yiq++) {
+ yiq->i = yiq->q = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+analogtv_setup_teletext(analogtv_input *input)
+ int x,y;
+ int teletext=ANALOGTV_BLACK_LEVEL;
+ /* Teletext goes in line 21. But I suspect there are other things
+ in the vertical retrace interval */
+ for (y=19; y<22; y++) {
+ if ((x&7)==0) {
+ }
+ input->signal[y][x]=teletext;
+ }
+ }
+analogtv_setup_frame(analogtv *it)
+ /* int i,x,y;*/
+ it->redraw_all=0;
+ if (it->flutter_horiz_desync) {
+ /* Horizontal sync during vertical sync instability. */
+ it->horiz_desync += -0.10*(it->horiz_desync-3.0) +
+ ((int)(random()&0xff)-0x80) *
+ ((int)(random()&0xff)-0x80) *
+ ((int)(random()&0xff)-0x80) * 0.000001;
+ }
+ /* it wasn't used
+ for (i=0; i<ANALOGTV_V; i++) {
+ it->hashnoise_times[i]=0;
+ }
+ */
+ /* let's leave it to process shrinkpulse */
+ if (it->hashnoise_enable && !it->hashnoise_on) {
+ if (random()%10000==0) {
+ it->hashnoise_on=1;
+ it->shrinkpulse=random()%ANALOGTV_V;
+ }
+ }
+ if (random()%1000==0) {
+ it->hashnoise_on=0;
+ }
+#if 0 /* never used */
+ if (it->hashnoise_on) {
+ it->hashnoise_rpm += (15000.0 - it->hashnoise_rpm)*0.05 +
+ ((int)(random()%2000)-1000)*0.1;
+ } else {
+ it->hashnoise_rpm -= 100 + 0.01*it->hashnoise_rpm;
+ if (it->hashnoise_rpm<0.0) it->hashnoise_rpm=0.0;
+ }
+ if (it->hashnoise_rpm > 0.0) {
+ int hni;
+ double hni_double;
+ int hnc=it->hashnoise_counter; /* in 24.8 format */
+ /* Convert rpm of a 16-pole motor into dots in 24.8 format */
+ hni_double = ANALOGTV_V * ANALOGTV_H * 256.0 /
+ (it->hashnoise_rpm * 16.0 / 60.0 / 60.0);
+ hni = (hni_double <= INT_MAX) ? (int)hni_double : INT_MAX;
+ while (hnc < (ANALOGTV_V * ANALOGTV_H)<<8) {
+ y=(hnc>>8)/ANALOGTV_H;
+ x=(hnc>>8)%ANALOGTV_H;
+ it->hashnoise_times[y]=x;
+ }
+ /* hnc += hni + (int)(random()%65536)-32768; */
+ {
+ hnc += (int)(random()%65536)-32768;
+ if ((hnc >= 0) && (INT_MAX - hnc < hni)) break;
+ hnc += hni;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* 0 */
+/* hnc -= (ANALOGTV_V * ANALOGTV_H)<<8;*/
+ if (it->rx_signal_level != 0.0)
+ it->agclevel = 1.0/it->rx_signal_level;
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+ printf("filter: ");
+ for (i=0; i<ANALOGTV_GHOSTFIR_LEN; i++) {
+ printf(" %0.3f",it->ghostfir[i]);
+ }
+ printf(" siglevel=%g agc=%g\n", siglevel, it->agclevel);
+analogtv_setup_sync(analogtv_input *input, int do_cb, int do_ssavi)
+ int i,lineno,vsync;
+ signed char *sig;
+ int synclevel = do_ssavi ? ANALOGTV_WHITE_LEVEL : ANALOGTV_SYNC_LEVEL;
+ for (lineno=0; lineno<ANALOGTV_V; lineno++) {
+ vsync=lineno>=3 && lineno<7;
+ sig=input->signal[lineno];
+ if (vsync) {
+ while (i<ANALOGTV_H) sig[i++]=synclevel;
+ } else {
+ while (i<ANALOGTV_BP_START) sig[i++]=synclevel;
+ }
+ if (do_cb) {
+ /* 9 cycles of colorburst */
+ sig[i+1] += ANALOGTV_CB_LEVEL;
+ sig[i+3] -= ANALOGTV_CB_LEVEL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+analogtv_sync(analogtv *it)
+ int cur_hsync=it->cur_hsync;
+ int cur_vsync=it->cur_vsync;
+ int lineno = 0;
+ int i,j;
+ float osc,filt;
+ float *sp;
+ float cbfc=1.0f/128.0f;
+/* sp = it->rx_signal + lineno*ANALOGTV_H + cur_hsync;*/
+ for (i=-32; i<32; i++) {
+ lineno = (cur_vsync + i + ANALOGTV_V) % ANALOGTV_V;
+ sp = it->rx_signal + lineno*ANALOGTV_H;
+ filt=0.0f;
+ for (j=0; j<ANALOGTV_H; j+=ANALOGTV_H/16) {
+ filt += sp[j];
+ }
+ filt *= it->agclevel;
+ osc = (float)(ANALOGTV_V+i)/(float)ANALOGTV_V;
+ if (osc >= 1.05f+0.0002f * filt) break;
+ }
+ cur_vsync = (cur_vsync + i + ANALOGTV_V) % ANALOGTV_V;
+ for (lineno=0; lineno<ANALOGTV_V; lineno++) {
+ if (lineno>5 && lineno<ANALOGTV_V-3) { /* ignore vsync interval */
+ unsigned lineno2 = (lineno + cur_vsync + ANALOGTV_V)%ANALOGTV_V;
+ if (!lineno2) lineno2 = ANALOGTV_V;
+ sp = it->rx_signal + lineno2*ANALOGTV_H + cur_hsync;
+ for (i=-8; i<8; i++) {
+ osc = (float)(ANALOGTV_H+i)/(float)ANALOGTV_H;
+ filt=(sp[i-3]+sp[i-2]+sp[i-1]+sp[i]) * it->agclevel;
+ if (osc >= 1.005f + 0.0001f*filt) break;
+ }
+ cur_hsync = (cur_hsync + i + ANALOGTV_H) % ANALOGTV_H;
+ }
+ it->line_hsync[lineno]=(cur_hsync + ANALOGTV_PIC_START +
+ /* Now look for the colorburst, which is a few cycles after the H
+ sync pulse, and store its phase.
+ The colorburst is 9 cycles long, and we look at the middle 5
+ cycles.
+ */
+ if (lineno>15) {
+ sp = it->rx_signal + lineno*ANALOGTV_H + (cur_hsync&~3);
+ for (i=ANALOGTV_CB_START+8; i<ANALOGTV_CB_START+36-8; i++) {
+ it->cb_phase[i&3] = it->cb_phase[i&3]*(1.0f-cbfc) +
+ sp[i]*it->agclevel*cbfc;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ float tot=0.1f;
+ float cbgain;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ tot += it->cb_phase[i]*it->cb_phase[i];
+ }
+ cbgain = 32.0f/sqrtf(tot);
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ it->line_cb_phase[lineno][i]=it->cb_phase[i]*cbgain;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (0) printf("hs=%d cb=[%0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f]\n",
+ cur_hsync,
+ it->cb_phase[0], it->cb_phase[1],
+ it->cb_phase[2], it->cb_phase[3]);
+ /* if (random()%2000==0) cur_hsync=random()%ANALOGTV_H; */
+ }
+ it->cur_hsync = cur_hsync;
+ it->cur_vsync = cur_vsync;
+static double
+analogtv_levelmult(const analogtv *it, int level)
+ static const double levelfac[3]={-7.5, 5.5, 24.5};
+ return (40.0 + levelfac[level]*puramp(it, 3.0, 6.0, 1.0))/256.0;
+static int
+analogtv_level(const analogtv *it, int y, int ytop, int ybot)
+ int level;
+ if (ybot-ytop>=7) {
+ if (y==ytop || y==ybot-1) level=0;
+ else if (y==ytop+1 || y==ybot-2) level=1;
+ else level=2;
+ }
+ else if (ybot-ytop>=5) {
+ if (y==ytop || y==ybot-1) level=0;
+ else level=2;
+ }
+ else if (ybot-ytop>=3) {
+ if (y==ytop) level=0;
+ else level=2;
+ }
+ else {
+ level=2;
+ }
+ return level;
+ The point of this stuff is to ensure that when useheight is not a
+ multiple of VISLINES so that TV scan lines map to different numbers
+ of vertical screen pixels, the total brightness of each scan line
+ remains the same.
+ ANALOGTV_MAX_LINEHEIGHT corresponds to 2400 vertical pixels, beyond which
+ it interpolates extra black lines.
+ */
+static void
+analogtv_setup_levels(analogtv *it, double avgheight)
+ int i,height;
+ static const double levelfac[3]={-7.5, 5.5, 24.5};
+ for (height=0; height<avgheight+2.0 && height<=ANALOGTV_MAX_LINEHEIGHT; height++) {
+ for (i=0; i<height; i++) {
+ it->leveltable[height][i].index = 2;
+ }
+ if (avgheight>=3) {
+ it->leveltable[height][0].index=0;
+ }
+ if (avgheight>=5) {
+ if (height >= 1) it->leveltable[height][height-1].index=0;
+ }
+ if (avgheight>=7) {
+ it->leveltable[height][1].index=1;
+ if (height >= 2) it->leveltable[height][height-2].index=1;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<height; i++) {
+ it->leveltable[height][i].value =
+ (40.0 + levelfac[it->leveltable[height][i].index]*puramp(it, 3.0, 6.0, 1.0)) / 256.0;
+ }
+ }
+static void rnd_combine(unsigned *a0, unsigned *c0, unsigned a1, unsigned c1)
+ *a0 = (*a0 * a1) & 0xffffffffu;
+ *c0 = (c1 + a1 * *c0) & 0xffffffffu;
+static void rnd_seek_ac(unsigned *a, unsigned *c, unsigned dist)
+ unsigned int a1 = *a, c1 = *c;
+ *a = 1, *c = 0;
+ while(dist)
+ {
+ if(dist & 1)
+ rnd_combine(a, c, a1, c1);
+ dist >>= 1;
+ rnd_combine(&a1, &c1, a1, c1);
+ }
+static unsigned int rnd_seek(unsigned a, unsigned c, unsigned rnd, unsigned dist)
+ rnd_seek_ac(&a, &c, dist);
+ return a * rnd + c;
+static void analogtv_init_signal(const analogtv *it, double noiselevel, unsigned start, unsigned end)
+ float *ps=it->rx_signal + start;
+ float *pe=it->rx_signal + end;
+ float *p=ps;
+ unsigned int fastrnd=rnd_seek(FASTRND_A, FASTRND_C, it->random0, start);
+ unsigned int fastrnd_offset;
+ float nm1,nm2;
+ float noisemul = sqrt(noiselevel*150)/(float)0x7fffffff;
+ fastrnd_offset = fastrnd - 0x7fffffff;
+ nm1 = (fastrnd_offset <= INT_MAX ? (int)fastrnd_offset : -1 - (int)(UINT_MAX - fastrnd_offset)) * noisemul;
+ while (p != pe) {
+ nm2=nm1;
+ fastrnd = (fastrnd*FASTRND_A+FASTRND_C) & 0xffffffffu;
+ fastrnd_offset = fastrnd - 0x7fffffff;
+ nm1 = (fastrnd_offset <= INT_MAX ? (int)fastrnd_offset : -1 - (int)(UINT_MAX - fastrnd_offset)) * noisemul;
+ *p++ = nm1*nm2;
+ }
+static void analogtv_add_signal(const analogtv *it, const analogtv_reception *rec, unsigned start, unsigned end, int ec)
+ analogtv_input *inp=rec->input;
+ float *ps=it->rx_signal + start;
+ float *pe=it->rx_signal + end;
+ float *p=ps;
+ signed char *ss=&inp->signal[0][0];
+ signed char *se=&inp->signal[0][0] + ANALOGTV_SIGNAL_LEN;
+ signed char *s=ss + ((start + (unsigned)rec->ofs) % ANALOGTV_SIGNAL_LEN);
+ signed char *s2;
+ int i;
+ float level=rec->level;
+ float hfloss=rec->hfloss;
+ unsigned int fastrnd=rnd_seek(FASTRND_A, FASTRND_C, it->random1, start);
+ float dp[5];
+ const float noise_decay = 0.99995f;
+ float noise_ampl = 1.3f * powf(noise_decay, start);
+ if (ec > end)
+ ec = end;
+ /* assert((se-ss)%4==0 && (se-s)%4==0); */
+ for (i = start; i < ec; i++) { /* Sometimes start > ec. */
+ /* Do a big noisy transition. We can make the transition noise of
+ high constant strength regardless of signal strength.
+ There are two separate state machines. here, One is the noise
+ process and the other is the
+ We don't bother with the FIR filter here
+ */
+ float sig0=(float)s[0];
+ unsigned int fastrnd_offset = fastrnd - 0x7fffffff;
+ float noise = (fastrnd_offset <= INT_MAX ? (int)fastrnd_offset : -1 - (int)(UINT_MAX - fastrnd_offset)) * (50.0f/(float)0x7fffffff);
+ fastrnd = (fastrnd*FASTRND_A+FASTRND_C) & 0xffffffffu;
+ p[0] += sig0 * level * (1.0f - noise_ampl) + noise * noise_ampl;
+ noise_ampl *= noise_decay;
+ p++;
+ s++;
+ if (s>=se) s=ss;
+ }
+ dp[0]=0.0;
+ s2 = s;
+ for (i=1; i<5; i++) {
+ s2 -= 4;
+ if (s2 < ss)
+ dp[i] = (float)((int)s2[0]+(int)s2[1]+(int)s2[2]+(int)s2[3]);
+ }
+ assert(p <= pe);
+ assert(!((pe - p) % 4));
+ while (p != pe) {
+ float sig0,sig1,sig2,sig3,sigr;
+ sig0=(float)s[0];
+ sig1=(float)s[1];
+ sig2=(float)s[2];
+ sig3=(float)s[3];
+ dp[0]=sig0+sig1+sig2+sig3;
+ /* Get the video out signal, and add some ghosting, typical of RF
+ monitor cables. This corresponds to a pretty long cable, but
+ looks right to me.
+ */
+ sigr=(dp[1]*rec->ghostfir[0] + dp[2]*rec->ghostfir[1] +
+ dp[3]*rec->ghostfir[2] + dp[4]*rec->ghostfir[3]);
+ dp[4]=dp[3]; dp[3]=dp[2]; dp[2]=dp[1]; dp[1]=dp[0];
+ p[0] += (sig0+sigr + sig2*hfloss) * level;
+ p[1] += (sig1+sigr + sig3*hfloss) * level;
+ p[2] += (sig2+sigr + sig0*hfloss) * level;
+ p[3] += (sig3+sigr + sig1*hfloss) * level;
+ p += 4;
+ s += 4;
+ if (s>=se) s = ss + (s-se);
+ }
+ assert(p == pe);
+static void analogtv_thread_add_signals(void *thread_raw)
+ const analogtv_thread *thread = (analogtv_thread *)thread_raw;
+ const analogtv *it = thread->it;
+ unsigned i, j;
+ unsigned subtotal_end;
+ unsigned start = thread->signal_start;
+ while(start != thread->signal_end)
+ {
+ float *p;
+ /* Work on 8 KB blocks; these should fit in L1. */
+ /* (Though it doesn't seem to help much on my system.) */
+ unsigned end = start + 2048;
+ if(end > thread->signal_end)
+ end = thread->signal_end;
+ analogtv_init_signal (it, it->noiselevel, start, end);
+ for (i = 0; i != it->rec_count; ++i) {
+ analogtv_add_signal (it, it->recs[i], start, end,
+ !i ? it->channel_change_cycles : 0);
+ }
+ assert (!(start % ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN));
+ assert (!(end % ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN));
+ p = it->rx_signal + start;
+ subtotal_end = end / ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN;
+ for (i = start / ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN; i != subtotal_end; ++i) {
+ float sum = p[0];
+ for (j = 1; j != ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN; ++j)
+ sum += p[j];
+ it->signal_subtotals[i] = sum;
+ }
+ start = end;
+ }
+static int analogtv_get_line(const analogtv *it, int lineno, int *slineno,
+ int *ytop, int *ybot, unsigned *signal_offset)
+ *slineno=lineno-ANALOGTV_TOP;
+ *ytop=(int)((*slineno*it->useheight/ANALOGTV_VISLINES -
+ it->useheight/2)*it->puheight) + it->useheight/2;
+ *ybot=(int)(((*slineno+1)*it->useheight/ANALOGTV_VISLINES -
+ it->useheight/2)*it->puheight) + it->useheight/2;
+#if 0
+ int linesig=analogtv_line_signature(input,lineno)
+ + it->hashnoise_times[lineno];
+ *signal_offset = ((lineno+it->cur_vsync+ANALOGTV_V) % ANALOGTV_V) * ANALOGTV_H +
+ it->line_hsync[lineno];
+ if (*ytop==*ybot) return 0;
+ if (*ybot<0 || *ytop>it->useheight) return 0;
+ if (*ytop<0) *ytop=0;
+ if (*ybot>it->useheight) *ybot=it->useheight;
+ return 1;
+static void
+analogtv_blast_imagerow(const analogtv *it,
+ float *rgbf, float *rgbf_end,
+ int ytop, int ybot)
+ int i,j,x,y;
+ float *rpf;
+ char *level_copyfrom[3];
+ int xrepl=it->xrepl;
+ unsigned lineheight = ybot - ytop;
+ for (i=0; i<3; i++) level_copyfrom[i]=NULL;
+ for (y=ytop; y<ybot; y++) {
+ char *rowdata=it->image->data + y*it->image->bytes_per_line;
+ unsigned line = y-ytop;
+ int level=it->leveltable[lineheight][line].index;
+ float levelmult=it->leveltable[lineheight][line].value;
+ /* Fast special cases to avoid the slow XPutPixel. Ugh. It goes to show
+ why standard graphics sw has to be fast, or else people will have to
+ work around it and risk incompatibility. The quickdraw folks
+ understood this. The other answer would be for X11 to have fewer
+ formats for bitm.. oh, never mind. If neither of these cases work
+ (they probably cover 99% of setups) it falls back on the Xlib
+ routines. */
+ if (level_copyfrom[level]) {
+ memcpy(rowdata, level_copyfrom[level], it->image->bytes_per_line);
+ }
+ else {
+ level_copyfrom[level] = rowdata;
+ if (0) {
+ }
+ else if (it->image->format==ZPixmap &&
+ it->image->bits_per_pixel==32 &&
+ sizeof(unsigned int)==4 &&
+ it->image->byte_order==localbyteorder) {
+ /* int is more likely to be 32 bits than long */
+ unsigned int *pixelptr=(unsigned int *)rowdata;
+ unsigned int pix;
+ for (rpf=rgbf; rpf!=rgbf_end; rpf+=3) {
+ int ntscri=rpf[0]*levelmult;
+ int ntscgi=rpf[1]*levelmult;
+ int ntscbi=rpf[2]*levelmult;
+ if (ntscri>=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX) ntscri=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX-1;
+ if (ntscgi>=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX) ntscgi=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX-1;
+ if (ntscbi>=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX) ntscbi=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX-1;
+ pix = (it->red_values[ntscri] |
+ it->green_values[ntscgi] |
+ it->blue_values[ntscbi]);
+ pixelptr[0] = pix;
+ if (xrepl>=2) {
+ pixelptr[1] = pix;
+ if (xrepl>=3) pixelptr[2] = pix;
+ }
+ pixelptr+=xrepl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (it->image->format==ZPixmap &&
+ it->image->bits_per_pixel==16 &&
+ sizeof(unsigned short)==2 &&
+ float_extraction_works &&
+ it->image->byte_order==localbyteorder) {
+ unsigned short *pixelptr=(unsigned short *)rowdata;
+ float r2,g2,b2;
+ float_extract_t r1,g1,b1;
+ unsigned short pix;
+ for (rpf=rgbf; rpf!=rgbf_end; rpf+=3) {
+ r2=rpf[0]; g2=rpf[1]; b2=rpf[2];
+ r1.f=r2 * levelmult+float_low8_ofs;
+ g1.f=g2 * levelmult+float_low8_ofs;
+ b1.f=b2 * levelmult+float_low8_ofs;
+ pix = (it->red_values[r1.i & 0x3ff] |
+ it->green_values[g1.i & 0x3ff] |
+ it->blue_values[b1.i & 0x3ff]);
+ pixelptr[0] = pix;
+ if (xrepl>=2) {
+ pixelptr[1] = pix;
+ if (xrepl>=3) pixelptr[2] = pix;
+ }
+ pixelptr+=xrepl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (it->image->format==ZPixmap &&
+ it->image->bits_per_pixel==16 &&
+ sizeof(unsigned short)==2 &&
+ it->image->byte_order==localbyteorder) {
+ unsigned short *pixelptr=(unsigned short *)rowdata;
+ unsigned short pix;
+ for (rpf=rgbf; rpf!=rgbf_end; rpf+=3) {
+ int r1=rpf[0] * levelmult;
+ int g1=rpf[1] * levelmult;
+ int b1=rpf[2] * levelmult;
+ pix = it->red_values[r1] | it->green_values[g1] | it->blue_values[b1];
+ pixelptr[0] = pix;
+ if (xrepl>=2) {
+ pixelptr[1] = pix;
+ if (xrepl>=3) pixelptr[2] = pix;
+ }
+ pixelptr+=xrepl;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (x=0, rpf=rgbf; rpf!=rgbf_end ; x++, rpf+=3) {
+ int ntscri=rpf[0]*levelmult;
+ int ntscgi=rpf[1]*levelmult;
+ int ntscbi=rpf[2]*levelmult;
+ if (ntscri>=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX) ntscri=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX-1;
+ if (ntscgi>=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX) ntscgi=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX-1;
+ if (ntscbi>=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX) ntscbi=ANALOGTV_CV_MAX-1;
+ for (j=0; j<xrepl; j++) {
+ XPutPixel(it->image, x*xrepl + j, y,
+ it->red_values[ntscri] | it->green_values[ntscgi] |
+ it->blue_values[ntscbi]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void analogtv_thread_draw_lines(void *thread_raw)
+ const analogtv_thread *thread = (analogtv_thread *)thread_raw;
+ const analogtv *it = thread->it;
+ int lineno;
+ float *raw_rgb_start;
+ float *raw_rgb_end;
+ raw_rgb_start=(float *)calloc(it->subwidth*3, sizeof(float));
+ if (! raw_rgb_start) return;
+ raw_rgb_end=raw_rgb_start+3*it->subwidth;
+ for (lineno=ANALOGTV_TOP + thread->thread_id;
+ lineno<ANALOGTV_BOT;
+ lineno += it->threads.count) {
+ int i,j,x,y;
+ int slineno, ytop, ybot;
+ unsigned signal_offset;
+ const float *signal;
+ int scanstart_i,scanend_i,squishright_i,squishdiv,pixrate;
+ float *rgb_start, *rgb_end;
+ float pixbright;
+ int pixmultinc;
+ float *rrp;
+ struct analogtv_yiq_s yiq[ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN+10];
+ if (! analogtv_get_line(it, lineno, &slineno, &ytop, &ybot,
+ &signal_offset))
+ continue;
+ signal = it->rx_signal + signal_offset;
+ {
+ float bloomthisrow,shiftthisrow;
+ float viswidth,middle;
+ float scanwidth;
+ int scw,scl,scr;
+ bloomthisrow = -10.0f * it->crtload[lineno];
+ if (bloomthisrow<-10.0f) bloomthisrow=-10.0f;
+ if (bloomthisrow>2.0f) bloomthisrow=2.0f;
+ if (slineno<16) {
+ shiftthisrow=it->horiz_desync * (expf(-0.17f*slineno) *
+ (0.7f+cosf(slineno*0.6f)));
+ } else {
+ shiftthisrow=0.0f;
+ }
+ viswidth=ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN * 0.79f - 5.0f*bloomthisrow;
+ middle=ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN/2 - shiftthisrow;
+ scanwidth=it->width_control * puramp(it, 0.5f, 0.3f, 1.0f);
+ scw=it->subwidth*scanwidth;
+ if (scw>it->subwidth) scw=it->usewidth;
+ scl=it->subwidth/2 - scw/2;
+ scr=it->subwidth/2 + scw/2;
+ pixrate=(int)((viswidth*65536.0f*1.0f)/it->subwidth)/scanwidth;
+ scanstart_i=(int)((middle-viswidth*0.5f)*65536.0f);
+ scanend_i=(ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN-1)*65536;
+ squishright_i=(int)((middle+viswidth*(0.25f + 0.25f*puramp(it, 2.0f, 0.0f, 1.1f)
+ - it->squish_control)) *65536.0f);
+ squishdiv=it->subwidth/15;
+ rgb_start=raw_rgb_start+scl*3;
+ rgb_end=raw_rgb_start+scr*3;
+ assert(scanstart_i>=0);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (0) printf("scan %d: %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f scl=%d scr=%d scw=%d\n",
+ lineno,
+ scanstart_i/65536.0f,
+ squishright_i/65536.0f,
+ scanend_i/65536.0f,
+ scl,scr,scw);
+ }
+ if (it->use_cmap) {
+ for (y=ytop; y<ybot; y++) {
+ int level=analogtv_level(it, y, ytop, ybot);
+ float levelmult=analogtv_levelmult(it, level);
+ float levelmult_y = levelmult * it->contrast_control
+ * puramp(it, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) / (0.5f+0.5f*it->puheight) * 0.070f;
+ float levelmult_iq = levelmult * 0.090f;
+ analogtv_ntsc_to_yiq(it, lineno, signal,
+ (scanstart_i>>16)-10, (scanend_i>>16)+10, yiq);
+ pixmultinc=pixrate;
+ x=0;
+ i=scanstart_i;
+ while (i<0 && x<it->usewidth) {
+ XPutPixel(it->image, x, y, it->colors[0]);
+ i+=pixmultinc;
+ x++;
+ }
+ while (i<scanend_i && x<it->usewidth) {
+ float pixfrac=(i&0xffff)/65536.0f;
+ float invpixfrac=(1.0f-pixfrac);
+ int pati=i>>16;
+ int yli,ili,qli,cmi;
+ float interpy=(yiq[pati].y*invpixfrac
+ + yiq[pati+1].y*pixfrac) * levelmult_y;
+ float interpi=(yiq[pati].i*invpixfrac
+ + yiq[pati+1].i*pixfrac) * levelmult_iq;
+ float interpq=(yiq[pati].q*invpixfrac
+ + yiq[pati+1].q*pixfrac) * levelmult_iq;
+ yli = (int)(interpy * it->cmap_y_levels);
+ ili = (int)((interpi+0.5f) * it->cmap_i_levels);
+ qli = (int)((interpq+0.5f) * it->cmap_q_levels);
+ if (yli<0) yli=0;
+ if (yli>=it->cmap_y_levels) yli=it->cmap_y_levels-1;
+ if (ili<0) ili=0;
+ if (ili>=it->cmap_i_levels) ili=it->cmap_i_levels-1;
+ if (qli<0) qli=0;
+ if (qli>=it->cmap_q_levels) qli=it->cmap_q_levels-1;
+ cmi=qli + it->cmap_i_levels*(ili + it->cmap_q_levels*yli);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if ((random()%65536)==0) {
+ printf("%0.3f %0.3f %0.3f => %d %d %d => %d\n",
+ interpy, interpi, interpq,
+ yli, ili, qli,
+ cmi);
+ }
+ for (j=0; j<it->xrepl; j++) {
+ XPutPixel(it->image, x, y,
+ it->colors[cmi]);
+ x++;
+ }
+ if (i >= squishright_i) {
+ pixmultinc += pixmultinc/squishdiv;
+ }
+ i+=pixmultinc;
+ }
+ while (x<it->usewidth) {
+ XPutPixel(it->image, x, y, it->colors[0]);
+ x++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ analogtv_ntsc_to_yiq(it, lineno, signal,
+ (scanstart_i>>16)-10, (scanend_i>>16)+10, yiq);
+ pixbright=it->contrast_control * puramp(it, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
+ / (0.5f+0.5f*it->puheight) * 1024.0f/100.0f;
+ pixmultinc=pixrate;
+ i=scanstart_i; rrp=rgb_start;
+ while (i<0 && rrp!=rgb_end) {
+ rrp[0]=rrp[1]=rrp[2]=0;
+ i+=pixmultinc;
+ rrp+=3;
+ }
+ while (i<scanend_i && rrp!=rgb_end) {
+ float pixfrac=(i&0xffff)/65536.0f;
+ float invpixfrac=1.0f-pixfrac;
+ int pati=i>>16;
+ float r,g,b;
+ float interpy=(yiq[pati].y*invpixfrac + yiq[pati+1].y*pixfrac);
+ float interpi=(yiq[pati].i*invpixfrac + yiq[pati+1].i*pixfrac);
+ float interpq=(yiq[pati].q*invpixfrac + yiq[pati+1].q*pixfrac);
+ /*
+ According to the NTSC spec, Y,I,Q are generated as:
+ y=0.30 r + 0.59 g + 0.11 b
+ i=0.60 r - 0.28 g - 0.32 b
+ q=0.21 r - 0.52 g + 0.31 b
+ So if you invert the implied 3x3 matrix you get what standard
+ televisions implement with a bunch of resistors (or directly in the
+ CRT -- don't ask):
+ r = y + 0.948 i + 0.624 q
+ g = y - 0.276 i - 0.639 q
+ b = y - 1.105 i + 1.729 q
+ */
+ r=(interpy + 0.948f*interpi + 0.624f*interpq) * pixbright;
+ g=(interpy - 0.276f*interpi - 0.639f*interpq) * pixbright;
+ b=(interpy - 1.105f*interpi + 1.729f*interpq) * pixbright;
+ if (r<0.0f) r=0.0f;
+ if (g<0.0f) g=0.0f;
+ if (b<0.0f) b=0.0f;
+ rrp[0]=r;
+ rrp[1]=g;
+ rrp[2]=b;
+ if (i>=squishright_i) {
+ pixmultinc += pixmultinc/squishdiv;
+ pixbright += pixbright/squishdiv/2;
+ }
+ i+=pixmultinc;
+ rrp+=3;
+ }
+ while (rrp != rgb_end) {
+ rrp[0]=rrp[1]=rrp[2]=0.0f;
+ rrp+=3;
+ }
+ analogtv_blast_imagerow(it, raw_rgb_start, raw_rgb_end,
+ ytop,ybot);
+ }
+ }
+ free(raw_rgb_start);
+analogtv_draw(analogtv *it, double noiselevel,
+ const analogtv_reception *const *recs, unsigned rec_count)
+ int i,lineno;
+ /* int bigloadchange,drawcount;*/
+ double baseload;
+ int overall_top, overall_bot;
+ /* AnalogTV isn't very interesting if there isn't enough RAM. */
+ if (!it->image)
+ return;
+ it->rx_signal_level = noiselevel;
+ for (i = 0; i != rec_count; ++i) {
+ const analogtv_reception *rec = recs[i];
+ double level = rec->level;
+ analogtv_input *inp=rec->input;
+ it->rx_signal_level =
+ sqrt(it->rx_signal_level * it->rx_signal_level +
+ (level * level * (1.0 + 4.0*(rec->ghostfir[0] + rec->ghostfir[1] +
+ rec->ghostfir[2] + rec->ghostfir[3]))));
+ /* duplicate the first line into the Nth line to ease wraparound computation */
+ memcpy(inp->signal[ANALOGTV_V], inp->signal[0],
+ ANALOGTV_H * sizeof(inp->signal[0][0]));
+ }
+ analogtv_setup_frame(it);
+ analogtv_set_demod(it);
+ it->random0 = random();
+ it->random1 = random();
+ it->noiselevel = noiselevel;
+ it->recs = recs;
+ it->rec_count = rec_count;
+ threadpool_run(&it->threads, analogtv_thread_add_signals);
+ threadpool_wait(&it->threads);
+ it->channel_change_cycles=0;
+ /* rx_signal has an extra 2 lines at the end, where we copy the
+ first 2 lines so we can index into it while only worrying about
+ wraparound on a per-line level */
+ memcpy(&it->rx_signal[ANALOGTV_SIGNAL_LEN],
+ &it->rx_signal[0],
+ 2*ANALOGTV_H*sizeof(it->rx_signal[0]));
+ /* Repeat for signal_subtotals. */
+ memcpy(&it->signal_subtotals[ANALOGTV_SIGNAL_LEN / ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN],
+ &it->signal_subtotals[0],
+ (2*ANALOGTV_H/ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN)*sizeof(it->signal_subtotals[0]));
+ analogtv_sync(it); /* Requires the add_signals be complete. */
+ baseload=0.5;
+ /* if (it->hashnoise_on) baseload=0.5; */
+ /*bigloadchange=1;
+ drawcount=0;*/
+ it->crtload[ANALOGTV_TOP-1]=baseload;
+ it->puheight = puramp(it, 2.0, 1.0, 1.3) * it->height_control *
+ (1.125 - 0.125*puramp(it, 2.0, 2.0, 1.1));
+ analogtv_setup_levels(it, it->puheight * (double)it->useheight/(double)ANALOGTV_VISLINES);
+ /* calculate tint once per frame */
+ it->tint_i = -cos((103 + it->tint_control)*3.1415926/180);
+ it->tint_q = sin((103 + it->tint_control)*3.1415926/180);
+ for (lineno=ANALOGTV_TOP; lineno<ANALOGTV_BOT; lineno++) {
+ int slineno, ytop, ybot;
+ unsigned signal_offset;
+ if (! analogtv_get_line(it, lineno, &slineno, &ytop, &ybot, &signal_offset))
+ continue;
+ if (lineno==it->shrinkpulse) {
+ baseload += 0.4;
+ /*bigloadchange=1;*/
+ it->shrinkpulse=-1;
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (it->hashnoise_rpm>0.0 &&
+ !(bigloadchange ||
+ it->redraw_all ||
+ (slineno<20 && it->flutter_horiz_desync) ||
+ it->gaussiannoise_level>30 ||
+ ((it->gaussiannoise_level>2.0 ||
+ it->multipath) && random()%4) ||
+ linesig != it->onscreen_signature[lineno])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ it->onscreen_signature[lineno] = linesig;
+ /* drawcount++;*/
+ /*
+ Interpolate the 600-dotclock line into however many horizontal
+ screen pixels we're using, and convert to RGB.
+ We add some 'bloom', variations in the horizontal scan width with
+ the amount of brightness, extremely common on period TV sets. They
+ had a single oscillator which generated both the horizontal scan and
+ (during the horizontal retrace interval) the high voltage for the
+ electron beam. More brightness meant more load on the oscillator,
+ which caused an decrease in horizontal deflection. Look for
+ (bloomthisrow).
+ Also, the A2 did a bad job of generating horizontal sync pulses
+ during the vertical blanking interval. This, and the fact that the
+ horizontal frequency was a bit off meant that TVs usually went a bit
+ out of sync during the vertical retrace, and the top of the screen
+ would be bent a bit to the left or right. Look for (shiftthisrow).
+ We also add a teeny bit of left overscan, just enough to be
+ annoying, but you can still read the left column of text.
+ We also simulate compression & brightening on the right side of the
+ screen. Most TVs do this, but you don't notice because they overscan
+ so it's off the right edge of the CRT. But the A2 video system used
+ so much of the horizontal scan line that you had to crank the
+ horizontal width down in order to not lose the right few characters,
+ and you'd see the compression on the right edge. Associated with
+ compression is brightening; since the electron beam was scanning
+ slower, the same drive signal hit the phosphor harder. Look for
+ (squishright_i) and (squishdiv).
+ */
+ {
+ /* This used to be an int, I suspect by mistake. - Dave */
+ float totsignal=0;
+ float ncl/*,diff*/;
+ unsigned frac;
+ size_t end0, end1;
+ const float *p;
+ frac = signal_offset & (ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN - 1);
+ p = it->rx_signal + (signal_offset & ~(ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN - 1));
+ for (i=0; i != frac; i++) {
+ totsignal -= p[i];
+ }
+ end0 = (signal_offset + ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN);
+ end1 = end0 / ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN;
+ for (i=signal_offset / ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN; i<end1; i++) {
+ totsignal += it->signal_subtotals[i];
+ }
+ frac = end0 & (ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN - 1);
+ p = it->rx_signal + (end0 & ~(ANALOGTV_SUBTOTAL_LEN - 1));
+ for (i=0; i != frac; i++) {
+ totsignal += p[i];
+ }
+ totsignal *= it->agclevel;
+ ncl = 0.95f * it->crtload[lineno-1] +
+ 0.05f*(baseload +
+ (totsignal-30000)/100000.0f +
+ (slineno>184 ? (slineno-184)*(lineno-184)*0.001f * it->squeezebottom
+ : 0.0f));
+ /*diff=ncl - it->crtload[lineno];*/
+ /*bigloadchange = (diff>0.01 || diff<-0.01);*/
+ it->crtload[lineno]=ncl;
+ }
+ }
+ threadpool_run(&it->threads, analogtv_thread_draw_lines);
+ threadpool_wait(&it->threads);
+#if 0
+ /* poor attempt at visible retrace */
+ for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
+ int ytop=(int)((i*it->useheight/15 -
+ it->useheight/2)*puheight) + it->useheight/2;
+ int ybot=(int)(((i+1)*it->useheight/15 -
+ it->useheight/2)*puheight) + it->useheight/2;
+ int div=it->usewidth*3/2;
+ for (x=0; x<it->usewidth; x++) {
+ y = ytop + (ybot-ytop)*x / div;
+ if (y<0 || y>=it->useheight) continue;
+ XPutPixel(it->image, x, y, 0xffffff);
+ }
+ }
+ if (it->need_clear) {
+ XClearWindow(it->dpy, it->window);
+ it->need_clear=0;
+ }
+ /*
+ Subtle change: overall_bot was the bottom of the last scan line. Now it's
+ the top of the next-after-the-last scan line. This is the same until
+ the y-dimension is > 2400, note ANALOGTV_MAX_LINEHEIGHT.
+ */
+ overall_top=(int)(it->useheight*(1-it->puheight)/2);
+ overall_bot=(int)(it->useheight*(1+it->puheight)/2);
+ if (overall_top<0) overall_top=0;
+ if (overall_bot>it->useheight) overall_bot=it->useheight;
+ if (overall_top>0) {
+ XClearArea(it->dpy, it->window,
+ it->screen_xo, it->screen_yo,
+ it->usewidth, overall_top, 0);
+ }
+ if (it->useheight > overall_bot) {
+ XClearArea(it->dpy, it->window,
+ it->screen_xo, it->screen_yo+overall_bot,
+ it->usewidth, it->useheight-overall_bot, 0);
+ }
+ if (overall_bot > overall_top) {
+ put_xshm_image(it->dpy, it->window, it->gc, it->image,
+ 0, overall_top,
+ it->screen_xo, it->screen_yo+overall_top,
+ it->usewidth, overall_bot - overall_top,
+ &it->shm_info);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (0) {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ double fps;
+ char buf[256];
+ gettimeofday(&tv,NULL);
+ fps=1.0/((tv.tv_sec - it->last_display_time.tv_sec)
+ + 0.000001*(tv.tv_usec - it->last_display_time.tv_usec));
+ sprintf(buf, "FPS=%0.1f",fps);
+ XDrawString(it->dpy, it->window, it->gc, 50, it->useheight*2/3,
+ buf, strlen(buf));
+ it->last_display_time=tv;
+ }
+analogtv_input *
+ analogtv_input *ret=(analogtv_input *)calloc(1,sizeof(analogtv_input));
+ return ret;
+ This takes a screen image and encodes it as a video camera would,
+ including all the bandlimiting and YIQ modulation.
+ This isn't especially tuned for speed.
+ xoff, yoff: top left corner of rendered image, in window pixels.
+ w, h: scaled size of rendered image, in window pixels.
+ mask: BlackPixel means don't render (it's not full alpha)
+analogtv_load_ximage(analogtv *it, analogtv_input *input,
+ XImage *pic_im, XImage *mask_im,
+ int xoff, int yoff, int target_w, int target_h)
+ int i,x,y;
+ int img_w,img_h;
+ int fyx[7],fyy[7];
+ int fix[4],fiy[4];
+ int fqx[4],fqy[4];
+ XColor col1[ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN];
+ XColor col2[ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN];
+ char mask[ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN];
+ int multiq[ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN+4];
+ unsigned long black = 0; /* not BlackPixelOfScreen (it->xgwa.screen); */
+ int x_length=ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN;
+ int y_overscan=5; /* overscan this much top and bottom */
+ int y_scanlength=ANALOGTV_VISLINES+2*y_overscan;
+ if (target_w > 0) x_length = x_length * target_w / it->xgwa.width;
+ if (target_h > 0) y_scanlength = y_scanlength * target_h / it->xgwa.height;
+ img_w = pic_im->width;
+ img_h = pic_im->height;
+ xoff = ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN * xoff / it->xgwa.width;
+ yoff = ANALOGTV_VISLINES * yoff / it->xgwa.height;
+ for (i=0; i<x_length+4; i++) {
+ double phase=90.0-90.0*i;
+ double ampl=1.0;
+ multiq[i]=(int)(-cos(3.1415926/180.0*(phase-303)) * 4096.0 * ampl);
+ }
+ for (y=0; y<y_scanlength; y++) {
+ int picy1=(y*img_h)/y_scanlength;
+ int picy2=(y*img_h + y_scanlength/2)/y_scanlength;
+ for (x=0; x<x_length; x++) {
+ int picx=(x*img_w)/x_length;
+ col1[x].pixel=XGetPixel(pic_im, picx, picy1);
+ col2[x].pixel=XGetPixel(pic_im, picx, picy2);
+ if (mask_im)
+ mask[x] = (XGetPixel(mask_im, picx, picy1) != black);
+ else
+ mask[x] = 1;
+ }
+ XQueryColors(it->dpy, it->colormap, col1, x_length);
+ XQueryColors(it->dpy, it->colormap, col2, x_length);
+ for (i=0; i<7; i++) fyx[i]=fyy[i]=0;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) fix[i]=fiy[i]=fqx[i]=fqy[i]=0.0;
+ for (x=0; x<x_length; x++) {
+ int rawy,rawi,rawq;
+ int filty,filti,filtq;
+ int composite;
+ if (!mask[x]) continue;
+ /* Compute YIQ as:
+ y=0.30 r + 0.59 g + 0.11 b
+ i=0.60 r - 0.28 g - 0.32 b
+ q=0.21 r - 0.52 g + 0.31 b
+ The coefficients below are in .4 format */
+ rawy=( 5*col1[x].red + 11*col1[x].green + 2*col1[x].blue +
+ 5*col2[x].red + 11*col2[x].green + 2*col2[x].blue)>>7;
+ rawi=(10*col1[x].red - 4*col1[x].green - 5*col1[x].blue +
+ 10*col2[x].red - 4*col2[x].green - 5*col2[x].blue)>>7;
+ rawq=( 3*col1[x].red - 8*col1[x].green + 5*col1[x].blue +
+ 3*col2[x].red - 8*col2[x].green + 5*col2[x].blue)>>7;
+ /* Filter y at with a 4-pole low-pass Butterworth filter at 3.5 MHz
+ with an extra zero at 3.5 MHz, from
+ mkfilter -Bu -Lp -o 4 -a 2.1428571429e-01 0 -Z 2.5e-01 -l */
+ fyx[0] = fyx[1]; fyx[1] = fyx[2]; fyx[2] = fyx[3];
+ fyx[3] = fyx[4]; fyx[4] = fyx[5]; fyx[5] = fyx[6];
+ fyx[6] = (rawy * 1897) >> 16;
+ fyy[0] = fyy[1]; fyy[1] = fyy[2]; fyy[2] = fyy[3];
+ fyy[3] = fyy[4]; fyy[4] = fyy[5]; fyy[5] = fyy[6];
+ fyy[6] = (fyx[0]+fyx[6]) + 4*(fyx[1]+fyx[5]) + 7*(fyx[2]+fyx[4]) + 8*fyx[3]
+ + ((-151*fyy[2] + 8115*fyy[3] - 38312*fyy[4] + 36586*fyy[5]) >> 16);
+ filty = fyy[6];
+ /* Filter I at 1.5 MHz. 3 pole Butterworth from
+ mkfilter -Bu -Lp -o 3 -a 1.0714285714e-01 0 */
+ fix[0] = fix[1]; fix[1] = fix[2]; fix[2] = fix[3];
+ fix[3] = (rawi * 1413) >> 16;
+ fiy[0] = fiy[1]; fiy[1] = fiy[2]; fiy[2] = fiy[3];
+ fiy[3] = (fix[0]+fix[3]) + 3*(fix[1]+fix[2])
+ + ((16559*fiy[0] - 72008*fiy[1] + 109682*fiy[2]) >> 16);
+ filti = fiy[3];
+ /* Filter Q at 0.5 MHz. 3 pole Butterworth from
+ mkfilter -Bu -Lp -o 3 -a 3.5714285714e-02 0 -l */
+ fqx[0] = fqx[1]; fqx[1] = fqx[2]; fqx[2] = fqx[3];
+ fqx[3] = (rawq * 75) >> 16;
+ fqy[0] = fqy[1]; fqy[1] = fqy[2]; fqy[2] = fqy[3];
+ fqy[3] = (fqx[0]+fqx[3]) + 3 * (fqx[1]+fqx[2])
+ + ((2612*fqy[0] - 9007*fqy[1] + 10453 * fqy[2]) >> 12);
+ filtq = fqy[3];
+ composite = filty + ((multiq[x] * filti + multiq[x+3] * filtq)>>12);
+ composite = ((composite*100)>>14) + ANALOGTV_BLACK_LEVEL;
+ if (composite>125) composite=125;
+ if (composite<0) composite=0;
+ input->signal[y-y_overscan+ANALOGTV_TOP+yoff][x+ANALOGTV_PIC_START+xoff] = composite;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+#if 0
+void analogtv_channel_noise(analogtv_input *it, analogtv_input *s2)
+ int x,y,newsig;
+ int change=random()%ANALOGTV_V;
+ unsigned int fastrnd=random();
+ double hso=(int)(random()%1000)-500;
+ int yofs=random()%ANALOGTV_V;
+ int noise;
+ for (y=change; y<ANALOGTV_V; y++) {
+ int s2y=(y+yofs)%ANALOGTV_V;
+ int filt=0;
+ int noiselevel=60000 / (y-change+100);
+ it->line_hsync[y] = s2->line_hsync[y] + (int)hso;
+ hso *= 0.9;
+ for (x=0; x<ANALOGTV_H; x++) {
+ filt+= (-filt/16) + (int)(fastrnd&0xfff)-0x800;
+ noise=(filt*noiselevel)>>16;
+ newsig=s2->signal[s2y][x] + noise;
+ if (newsig>120) newsig=120;
+ if (newsig<0) newsig=0;
+ it->signal[y][x]=newsig;
+ }
+ }
+ s2->vsync=yofs;
+#ifdef FIXME
+/* add hash */
+ if (it->hashnoise_times[lineno]) {
+ int hnt=it->hashnoise_times[lineno] - input->line_hsync[lineno];
+ if (hnt>=0 && hnt<ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN) {
+ double maxampl=1.0;
+ double cur=frand(150.0)-20.0;
+ int len=random()%15+3;
+ if (len > ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN-hnt) len=ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN-hnt;
+ for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ double sig=signal[hnt];
+ sig += cur*maxampl;
+ cur += frand(5.0)-5.0;
+ maxampl = maxampl*0.9;
+ signal[hnt]=sig;
+ hnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+analogtv_reception_update(analogtv_reception *rec)
+ int i;
+ if (rec->multipath > 0.0) {
+ for (i=0; i<ANALOGTV_GHOSTFIR_LEN; i++) {
+ rec->ghostfir2[i] +=
+ -(rec->ghostfir2[i]/16.0) + rec->multipath * (frand(0.02)-0.01);
+ }
+ if (random()%20==0) {
+ rec->ghostfir2[random()%(ANALOGTV_GHOSTFIR_LEN)]
+ = rec->multipath * (frand(0.08)-0.04);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<ANALOGTV_GHOSTFIR_LEN; i++) {
+ rec->ghostfir[i] = 0.8*rec->ghostfir[i] + 0.2*rec->ghostfir2[i];
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ rec->hfloss2 += -(rec->hfloss2/16.0) + rec->multipath * (frand(0.08)-0.04);
+ rec->hfloss = 0.5*rec->hfloss + 0.5*rec->hfloss2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i=0; i<ANALOGTV_GHOSTFIR_LEN; i++) {
+ rec->ghostfir[i] = (i>=ANALOGTV_GHOSTFIR_LEN/2) ? ((i&1) ? +0.04 : -0.08) /ANALOGTV_GHOSTFIR_LEN
+ : 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+/* jwz: since MacOS doesn't have "6x10", I dumped this font to a PNG...
+ */
+#include "images/gen/6x10font_png.h"
+analogtv_make_font(Display *dpy, Window window, analogtv_font *f,
+ int w, int h, char *fontname)
+ int i;
+ XFontStruct *font;
+ Pixmap text_pm;
+ GC gc;
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ XWindowAttributes xgwa;
+ f->char_w = w;
+ f->char_h = h;
+ XGetWindowAttributes (dpy, window, &xgwa);
+ if (fontname && !strcmp (fontname, "6x10")) {
+ int pix_w, pix_h;
+ XWindowAttributes xgwa;
+ Pixmap m = 0;
+ Pixmap p = image_data_to_pixmap (dpy, window,
+ _6x10font_png, sizeof(_6x10font_png),
+ &pix_w, &pix_h, &m);
+ XImage *im = XGetImage (dpy, p, 0, 0, pix_w, pix_h, ~0L, ZPixmap);
+ XImage *mm = XGetImage (dpy, m, 0, 0, pix_w, pix_h, 1, XYPixmap);
+ unsigned long black = BlackPixelOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (dpy));
+ int x, y;
+ XFreePixmap (dpy, p);
+ XFreePixmap (dpy, m);
+ if (pix_w != 256*7) abort();
+ if (pix_h != 10) abort();
+ XGetWindowAttributes (dpy, window, &xgwa);
+ f->text_im = XCreateImage (dpy, xgwa.visual, 1, XYBitmap, 0, 0,
+ pix_w, pix_h, 8, 0);
+ f->text_im->data = malloc (f->text_im->bytes_per_line * f->text_im->height);
+ /* Convert deep image to 1 bit */
+ for (y = 0; y < pix_h; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < pix_w; x++)
+ XPutPixel (f->text_im, x, y,
+ (XGetPixel (mm, x, y)
+ ? XGetPixel (im, x, y) == black
+ : 0));
+ XDestroyImage (im);
+ XDestroyImage (mm);
+ } else if (fontname) {
+ font = load_font_retry (dpy, fontname);
+ if (!font) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "analogtv: can't load font %s\n", fontname);
+ abort();
+ }
+ text_pm=XCreatePixmap(dpy, window, 256*f->char_w, f->char_h, 1);
+ memset(&gcv, 0, sizeof(gcv));
+ gcv.foreground=1;
+ gcv.background=0;
+ gcv.font=font->fid;
+ gc=XCreateGC(dpy, text_pm, GCFont|GCBackground|GCForeground, &gcv);
+# ifdef HAVE_JWXYZ
+ jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (dpy, gc, False);
+# endif
+ XSetForeground(dpy, gc, 0);
+ XFillRectangle(dpy, text_pm, gc, 0, 0, 256*f->char_w, f->char_h);
+ XSetForeground(dpy, gc, 1);
+ for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
+ char c=i;
+ int x=f->char_w*i+1;
+ int y=f->char_h*8/10;
+ XDrawString(dpy, text_pm, gc, x, y, &c, 1);
+ }
+ f->text_im = XGetImage(dpy, text_pm, 0, 0, 256*f->char_w, f->char_h,
+ 1, XYPixmap);
+# if 0
+ XWriteBitmapFile(dpy, "/tmp/tvfont.xbm", text_pm,
+ 256*f->char_w, f->char_h, -1, -1);
+# endif
+ XFreeGC(dpy, gc);
+ XFreePixmap(dpy, text_pm);
+ } else {
+ f->text_im = XCreateImage(dpy, xgwa.visual, 1, XYPixmap, 0, 0,
+ 256*f->char_w, f->char_h, 8, 0);
+ f->text_im->data = (char *)calloc(f->text_im->height,
+ f->text_im->bytes_per_line);
+ }
+ f->x_mult=4;
+ f->y_mult=2;
+analogtv_font_pixel(analogtv_font *f, int c, int x, int y)
+ if (x<0 || x>=f->char_w) return 0;
+ if (y<0 || y>=f->char_h) return 0;
+ if (c<0 || c>=256) return 0;
+ return XGetPixel(f->text_im, c*f->char_w + x, y) ? 1 : 0;
+analogtv_font_set_pixel(analogtv_font *f, int c, int x, int y, int value)
+ if (x<0 || x>=f->char_w) return;
+ if (y<0 || y>=f->char_h) return;
+ if (c<0 || c>=256) return;
+ XPutPixel(f->text_im, c*f->char_w + x, y, value);
+analogtv_font_set_char(analogtv_font *f, int c, char *s)
+ int value,x,y;
+ if (c<0 || c>=256) return;
+ for (y=0; y<f->char_h; y++) {
+ for (x=0; x<f->char_w; x++) {
+ if (!*s) return;
+ value=(*s==' ') ? 0 : 1;
+ analogtv_font_set_pixel(f, c, x, y, value);
+ s++;
+ }
+ }
+analogtv_lcp_to_ntsc(double luma, double chroma, double phase, int ntsc[4])
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ double w=90.0*i + phase;
+ double val=luma + chroma * (cos(3.1415926/180.0*w));
+ if (val<0.0) val=0.0;
+ if (val>127.0) val=127.0;
+ ntsc[i]=(int)val;
+ }
+analogtv_draw_solid(analogtv_input *input,
+ int left, int right, int top, int bot,
+ int ntsc[4])
+ int x,y;
+ if (right-left<4) right=left+4;
+ if (bot-top<1) bot=top+1;
+ for (y=top; y<bot; y++) {
+ for (x=left; x<right; x++) {
+ input->signal[y][x] = ntsc[x&3];
+ }
+ }
+analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(analogtv_input *input,
+ double left, double right, double top, double bot,
+ double luma, double chroma, double phase)
+ int ntsc[4];
+ int topi=(int)(ANALOGTV_TOP + ANALOGTV_VISLINES*top);
+ int boti=(int)(ANALOGTV_TOP + ANALOGTV_VISLINES*bot);
+ int lefti=(int)(ANALOGTV_VIS_START + ANALOGTV_VIS_LEN*left);
+ int righti=(int)(ANALOGTV_VIS_START + ANALOGTV_VIS_LEN*right);
+ analogtv_lcp_to_ntsc(luma, chroma, phase, ntsc);
+ analogtv_draw_solid(input, lefti, righti, topi, boti, ntsc);
+analogtv_draw_char(analogtv_input *input, analogtv_font *f,
+ int c, int x, int y, int ntsc[4])
+ int yc,xc,ys,xs,pix;
+ for (yc=0; yc<f->char_h; yc++) {
+ for (ys=y + yc*f->y_mult; ys<y + (yc+1)*f->y_mult; ys++) {
+ if (ys<0 || ys>=ANALOGTV_V) continue;
+ for (xc=0; xc<f->char_w; xc++) {
+ pix=analogtv_font_pixel(f, c, xc, yc);
+ for (xs=x + xc*f->x_mult; xs<x + (xc+1)*f->x_mult; xs++) {
+ if (xs<0 || xs>=ANALOGTV_H) continue;
+ if (pix) {
+ input->signal[ys][xs] = ntsc[xs&3];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+analogtv_draw_string(analogtv_input *input, analogtv_font *f,
+ char *s, int x, int y, int ntsc[4])
+ while (*s) {
+ analogtv_draw_char(input, f, *s, x, y, ntsc);
+ x += f->char_w * 4;
+ s++;
+ }
+analogtv_draw_string_centered(analogtv_input *input, analogtv_font *f,
+ char *s, int x, int y, int ntsc[4])
+ int width=strlen(s) * f->char_w * 4;
+ x -= width/2;
+ analogtv_draw_string(input, f, s, x, y, ntsc);