path: root/hacks/glx/
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
commitd3a98cf6cbc3bd0b9efc570f58e8812c03931c18 (patch)
treecbddf8e50f35a9c6e878a5bfe3c6d625d99e12ba /hacks/glx/
Original 5.40
Diffstat (limited to 'hacks/glx/')
1 files changed, 729 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hacks/glx/ b/hacks/glx/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ed470c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacks/glx/
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright © 2003-2014 Jamie Zawinski <>
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+# documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+# implied warranty.
+# Reads a DXF file, and emits C data suitable for use with OpenGL's
+# glInterleavedArrays() and glDrawArrays() routines.
+# Options:
+# --normalize Compute the bounding box of the object, and scale all
+# coordinates so that the object fits inside a unit cube.
+# --smooth When computing normals for the vertexes, average the
+# normals at any edge which is less than 90 degrees.
+# If this option is not specified, planar normals will be
+# used, resulting in a "faceted" object.
+# --wireframe Emit lines instead of faces.
+# --layers Emit a separate set of polygons for each layer in the
+# input file, instead of emitting the whole file as a
+# single unit.
+# Created: 8-Mar-2003.
+require 5;
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(mktime strftime);
+use Math::Trig qw(acos);
+use Text::Wrap;
+my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g;
+my ($version) = ('$Revision: 1.11 $' =~ m/\s(\d[.\d]+)\s/s);
+my $verbose = 0;
+# convert a vector to a unit vector
+sub normalize($$$) {
+ my ($x, $y, $z) = @_;
+ my $L = sqrt (($x * $x) + ($y * $y) + ($z * $z));
+ if ($L != 0) {
+ $x /= $L;
+ $y /= $L;
+ $z /= $L;
+ } else {
+ $x = $y = $z = 0;
+ }
+ return ($x, $y, $z);
+# Calculate the unit normal at p0 given two other points p1,p2 on the
+# surface. The normal points in the direction of p1 crossproduct p2.
+sub face_normal($$$$$$$$$) {
+ my ($p0x, $p0y, $p0z,
+ $p1x, $p1y, $p1z,
+ $p2x, $p2y, $p2z) = @_;
+ my ($nx, $ny, $nz);
+ my ($pax, $pay, $paz);
+ my ($pbx, $pby, $pbz);
+ $pax = $p1x - $p0x;
+ $pay = $p1y - $p0y;
+ $paz = $p1z - $p0z;
+ $pbx = $p2x - $p0x;
+ $pby = $p2y - $p0y;
+ $pbz = $p2z - $p0z;
+ $nx = $pay * $pbz - $paz * $pby;
+ $ny = $paz * $pbx - $pax * $pbz;
+ $nz = $pax * $pby - $pay * $pbx;
+ return (normalize ($nx, $ny, $nz));
+my $pi = 3.141592653589793;
+my $radians_to_degrees = 180.0 / $pi;
+# Calculate the angle (in degrees) between two vectors.
+sub vector_angle($$$$$$) {
+ my ($x1, $y1, $z1,
+ $x2, $y2, $z2) = @_;
+ my $L1 = sqrt ($x1*$x1 + $y1*$y1 + $z1*$z1);
+ my $L2 = sqrt ($x2*$x2 + $y2*$y2 + $z2*$z2);
+ return 0 if ($L1 == 0 || $L2 == 0);
+ return 0 if ($x1 == $x2 && $y1 == $y2 && $z1 == $z2);
+ # dot product of two vectors is defined as:
+ # $L1 * $L1 * cos(angle between vectors)
+ # and is also defined as:
+ # $x1*$x2 + $y1*$y2 + $z1*$z2
+ # so:
+ # $L1 * $L1 * cos($angle) = $x1*$x2 + $y1*$y2 + $z1*$z2
+ # cos($angle) = ($x1*$x2 + $y1*$y2 + $z1*$z2) / ($L1 * $L2)
+ # $angle = acos (($x1*$x2 + $y1*$y2 + $z1*$z2) / ($L1 * $L2));
+ #
+ my $cos = ($x1*$x2 + $y1*$y2 + $z1*$z2) / ($L1 * $L2);
+ $cos = 1 if ($cos > 1); # avoid fp rounding error (1.000001 => sqrt error)
+ my $angle = acos ($cos);
+ return ($angle * $radians_to_degrees);
+# given a list of triangles ( [ X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, X3, Y3, Z3, ]+ )
+# returns a list of the normals for each vertex. These are the smoothed
+# normals: the average of the normals of the participating faces.
+sub compute_vertex_normals(@) {
+ my (@points) = @_;
+ my $npoints = ($#points+1) / 3;
+ my $nfaces = $npoints / 3;
+ my @face_normals = ();
+ my %point_faces;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $nfaces; $i++) {
+ my ($ax, $ay, $az, $bx, $by, $bz, $cx, $cy, $cz) =
+ @points[($i*9) .. ($i*9)+8];
+ # store the normal for each face in the $face_normals array
+ # indexed by face number.
+ #
+ my @norm = face_normal ($ax, $ay, $az,
+ $bx, $by, $bz,
+ $cx, $cy, $cz);
+ $face_normals[$i] = \@norm;
+ # store in the %point_faces hash table a list of every face number
+ # in which a point participates
+ foreach my $p ("$ax $ay $az", "$bx $by $bz", "$cx $cy $cz") {
+ my @flist = (defined($point_faces{$p}) ? @{$point_faces{$p}} : ());
+ push @flist, $i;
+ $point_faces{$p} = \@flist;
+ }
+ }
+ # compute the normal for each vertex of each face.
+ # (these points are not unique -- because there might be multiple
+ # normals associated with the same vertex for different faces,
+ # in the case where it's a sharp angle.)
+ #
+ my @normals = ();
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $nfaces; $i++) {
+ my @verts = @points[($i*9) .. ($i*9)+8];
+ error ("overshot in points?") unless defined($verts[8]);
+ my @norm = @{$face_normals[$i]};
+ error ("no normal $i?") unless defined($norm[2]);
+ # iterate over the (three) vertexes in this face.
+ #
+ for (my $j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
+ my ($x, $y, $z) = @verts[($j*3) .. ($j*3)+2];
+ error ("overshot in verts?") unless defined($z);
+ # Iterate over the faces in which this point participates.
+ # But ignore any other faces that are at more than an N degree
+ # angle from this point's face. Those are sharp edges.
+ #
+ my ($nx, $ny, $nz) = (0, 0, 0);
+ my @faces = @{$point_faces{"$x $y $z"}};
+ foreach my $fn (@faces) {
+ my ($ax, $ay, $az, $bx, $by, $bz, $cx, $cy, $cz) =
+ @points[($fn*9) .. ($fn*9)+8];
+ my @fnorm = @{$face_normals[$fn]};
+ # ignore any adjascent faces that are more than N degrees off.
+ my $angle = vector_angle ($norm[0], $norm[1], $norm[2],
+ $fnorm[0], $fnorm[1], $fnorm[2]);
+ next if ($angle >= 30);
+ $nx += $fnorm[0];
+ $ny += $fnorm[1];
+ $nz += $fnorm[2];
+ }
+ push @normals, normalize ($nx, $ny, $nz);
+ }
+ }
+ return @normals;
+sub parse_dxf($$$$$) {
+ my ($filename, $dxf, $normalize_p, $wireframe_p, $layers_p) = @_;
+ $dxf =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs; # CRLF
+ $dxf =~ s/^[ \t\n]+|[ \t\n]+$//s; # leading/trailing whitespace
+ # Convert whitespace within a line to _, e.g., "ObjectDBX Classes".
+ # What the hell is up with this file format!
+ 1 while ($dxf =~ s/([^ \t\n])[ \t]+([^ \t\n])/$1_$2/gs);
+ $dxf =~ s/\r/\n/gs;
+ # Turn blank lines into "", e.g., "$DIMBLK \n 1 \n \n 9 \n"
+ $dxf =~ s/\n\n/\n""\n/gs;
+ my @tokens = split (/[ \t\n]+/, $dxf); # tokenize
+ my @entities = (); # parse
+ while (@tokens) {
+ my @elts = ();
+ my $key = shift @tokens; # sectionize at "0 WORD"
+ do {
+ my $val = shift @tokens;
+ push @elts, [ $key, $val ]; # contents are [CODE VAL]
+ $key = shift @tokens;
+ } while ($key && $key ne 0);
+ unshift @tokens, $key if defined($key);
+ push @entities, \@elts;
+ }
+ my %triangles; # list of points, indexed by layer name
+ my %lines;
+ my $error_count = 0;
+ foreach my $entity (@entities) {
+ my $header = shift @$entity;
+ my ($code, $name) = @$header;
+ if ($name eq 'SECTION' ||
+ $name eq 'HEADER' ||
+ $name eq 'ENDSEC' ||
+ $name eq 'EOF') {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename: ignoring \"$code $name\"\n"
+ if ($verbose > 1);
+ } elsif ($name eq '3DFACE') {
+ my @points = ();
+ my $pc = 0;
+ my $layer = '';
+ foreach my $entry (@$entity) {
+ my ($key, $val) = @$entry;
+ if ($key eq 8) { $layer = $val; # layer name
+ } elsif ($key eq 10) { $pc++; $points[0] = $val; # X1
+ } elsif ($key eq 20) { $pc++; $points[1] = $val; # Y1
+ } elsif ($key eq 30) { $pc++; $points[2] = $val; # Z1
+ } elsif ($key eq 11) { $pc++; $points[3] = $val; # X2
+ } elsif ($key eq 21) { $pc++; $points[4] = $val; # Y2
+ } elsif ($key eq 31) { $pc++; $points[5] = $val; # Z2
+ } elsif ($key eq 12) { $pc++; $points[6] = $val; # X3
+ } elsif ($key eq 22) { $pc++; $points[7] = $val; # Y3
+ } elsif ($key eq 32) { $pc++; $points[8] = $val; # Z3
+ } elsif ($key eq 13) { $pc++; $points[9] = $val; # X4
+ } elsif ($key eq 23) { $pc++; $points[10] = $val; # Y4
+ } elsif ($key eq 33) { $pc++; $points[11] = $val; # Z4
+ } elsif ($key eq 62) { # color number
+ } elsif ($key eq 70) { # invisible edge flag
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename: WARNING:" .
+ " unknown $name: \"$key $val\"\n";
+ $error_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ error ("got $pc points in $name") unless ($pc == 12);
+ if ($points[6] != $points[9] ||
+ $points[7] != $points[10] ||
+ $points[8] != $points[11]) {
+ error ("$filename: got a quad, not a triangle\n");
+ } else {
+ @points = @points[0 .. 8];
+ }
+ foreach (@points) { $_ += 0; } # convert strings to numbers
+ $layer = '' unless $layers_p;
+ $triangles{$layer} = [] unless defined ($triangles{$layer});
+ push @{$triangles{$layer}}, @points;
+ } elsif ($name eq 'LINE') {
+ my @points = ();
+ my $pc = 0;
+ my $layer = '';
+ foreach my $entry (@$entity) {
+ my ($key, $val) = @$entry;
+ if ($key eq 8) { $layer = $val; # layer name
+ } elsif ($key eq 10) { $pc++; $points[0] = $val; # X1
+ } elsif ($key eq 20) { $pc++; $points[1] = $val; # Y1
+ } elsif ($key eq 30) { $pc++; $points[2] = $val; # Z1
+ } elsif ($key eq 11) { $pc++; $points[3] = $val; # X2
+ } elsif ($key eq 21) { $pc++; $points[4] = $val; # Y2
+ } elsif ($key eq 31) { $pc++; $points[5] = $val; # Z2
+ } elsif ($key eq 39) { # thickness
+ } elsif ($key eq 62) { # color number
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename: WARNING:" .
+ " unknown $name: \"$key $val\"\n";
+ $error_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ error ("got $pc points in $name") unless ($pc == 6);
+ foreach (@points) { $_ += 0; } # convert strings to numbers
+ $layer = '' unless $layers_p;
+ $lines{$layer} = [] unless defined ($lines{$layer});
+ push @{$lines{$layer}}, @points;
+ } elsif ($name =~ m/^\d+$/s) {
+ error ("sequence lost: \"$code $name\"");
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename: WARNING: unknown: \"$code $name\"\n";
+ $error_count++;
+ }
+ error ("too many errors: bailing!") if ($error_count > 50);
+ }
+ if ($wireframe_p) {
+ # Convert faces to lines.
+ # Don't duplicate shared edges.
+ foreach my $layer (keys %triangles) {
+ my %dups;
+ my @triangles = @{$triangles{$layer}};
+ while (@triangles) {
+ my $x1 = shift @triangles; # 0
+ my $y1 = shift @triangles; # 1
+ my $z1 = shift @triangles; # 2
+ my $x2 = shift @triangles; # 3
+ my $y2 = shift @triangles; # 4
+ my $z2 = shift @triangles; # 5
+ my $x3 = shift @triangles; # 6
+ my $y3 = shift @triangles; # 7
+ my $z3 = shift @triangles; # 8
+ my $p = sub(@) {
+ my ($x1, $y1, $z1, $x2, $y2, $z2) = @_;
+ my $key1 = "$x1, $y1, $z1, $x2, $y2, $z2";
+ my $key2 = "$x2, $y2, $z2, $x1, $y1, $z1";
+ my $dup = $dups{$key1} || $dups{$key2};
+ $dups{$key1} = 1;
+ $dups{$key2} = 1;
+ push @{$lines{$layer}}, @_ unless $dup;
+ }
+ ;
+ $p->($x1, $y1, $z1, $x2, $y2, $z2);
+ $p->($x2, $y2, $z2, $x3, $y3, $z3);
+ $p->($x3, $y3, $z3, $x1, $y1, $z1);
+ }
+ @{$triangles{$layer}} = ();
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach my $layer (keys %lines) {
+ my $n = @{$lines{$layer}};
+ @{$lines{$layer}} = ();
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename: $layer: WARNING:" .
+ " ignored $n stray LINE" . ($n == 1 ? "" : "s") . ".\n"
+ if ($n);
+ }
+ }
+ # find bounding box, and normalize
+ #
+ if ($normalize_p || $verbose) {
+ my $minx = 999999999;
+ my $miny = 999999999;
+ my $minz = 999999999;
+ my $maxx = -999999999;
+ my $maxy = -999999999;
+ my $maxz = -999999999;
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach my $layer (keys %triangles) {
+ my %dups;
+ my @triangles = @{$triangles{$layer}};
+ foreach my $n (@{$lines{$layer}}, @{$triangles{$layer}}) {
+ if ($i == 0) { $minx = $n if ($n < $minx);
+ $maxx = $n if ($n > $maxx); }
+ elsif ($i == 1) { $miny = $n if ($n < $miny);
+ $maxy = $n if ($n > $maxy); }
+ else { $minz = $n if ($n < $minz);
+ $maxz = $n if ($n > $maxz); }
+ $i = 0 if (++$i == 3);
+ }
+ }
+ my $w = ($maxx - $minx);
+ my $h = ($maxy - $miny);
+ my $d = ($maxz - $minz);
+ my $sizea = ($w > $h ? $w : $h);
+ my $sizeb = ($w > $d ? $w : $d);
+ my $size = ($sizea > $sizeb ? $sizea : $sizeb);
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename: bbox is " .
+ sprintf("%.2f x %.2f x %.2f\n", $w, $h, $d)
+ if ($verbose);
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename: center is " .
+ sprintf("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n",
+ $minx + $w / 2,
+ $miny + $h / 2,
+ $minz + $d / 2)
+ if ($verbose);
+ if ($normalize_p) {
+ $w /= $size;
+ $h /= $size;
+ $d /= $size;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename: dividing by " .
+ sprintf("%.2f", $size) . " for bbox of " .
+ sprintf("%.2f x %.2f x %.2f\n", $w, $h, $d)
+ if ($verbose);
+ foreach my $layer (keys %triangles) {
+ foreach my $n (@{$triangles{$layer}}) { $n /= $size; }
+ foreach my $n (@{$lines{$layer}}) { $n /= $size; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($wireframe_p ? \%lines : \%triangles);
+sub generate_c_1($$$$$@) {
+ my ($name, $outfile, $smooth_p, $wireframe_p, $normalize_p, @points) = @_;
+ my $ccw_p = 1; # counter-clockwise winding rule for computing normals
+ my $npoints = ($#points + 1) / 3;
+ my $nfaces = ($wireframe_p ? $npoints/2 : $npoints/3);
+ my @normals;
+ if ($smooth_p && !$wireframe_p) {
+ @normals = compute_vertex_normals (@points);
+ if ($#normals != $#points) {
+ error ("computed " . (($#normals+1)/3) . " normals for " .
+ (($#points+1)/3) . " points?");
+ }
+ }
+ my $code .= "\nstatic const float ${name}_data[] = {\n";
+ if ($wireframe_p) {
+ my %dups;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $nfaces; $i++) {
+ my $ax = $points[$i*6];
+ my $ay = $points[$i*6+1];
+ my $az = $points[$i*6+2];
+ my $bx = $points[$i*6+3];
+ my $by = $points[$i*6+4];
+ my $bz = $points[$i*6+5];
+ my $lines = sprintf("\t" . "%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,\n" .
+ "\t" . "%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,\n",
+ $ax, $ay, $az,
+ $bx, $by, $bz);
+ $lines =~ s/([.\d])0+,/$1,/g; # lose trailing insignificant zeroes
+ $lines =~ s/\.,/,/g;
+ $lines =~ s/-0,/0,/g;
+ $code .= $lines;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $nfaces; $i++) {
+ my $ax = $points[$i*9];
+ my $ay = $points[$i*9+1];
+ my $az = $points[$i*9+2];
+ my $bx = $points[$i*9+3];
+ my $by = $points[$i*9+4];
+ my $bz = $points[$i*9+5];
+ my $cx = $points[$i*9+6];
+ my $cy = $points[$i*9+7];
+ my $cz = $points[$i*9+8];
+ my ($nax, $nay, $naz,
+ $nbx, $nby, $nbz,
+ $ncx, $ncy, $ncz);
+ if ($smooth_p) {
+ $nax = $normals[$i*9];
+ $nay = $normals[$i*9+1];
+ $naz = $normals[$i*9+2];
+ $nbx = $normals[$i*9+3];
+ $nby = $normals[$i*9+4];
+ $nbz = $normals[$i*9+5];
+ $ncx = $normals[$i*9+6];
+ $ncy = $normals[$i*9+7];
+ $ncz = $normals[$i*9+8];
+ } else {
+ if ($ccw_p) {
+ ($nax, $nay, $naz) = face_normal ($ax, $ay, $az,
+ $bx, $by, $bz,
+ $cx, $cy, $cz);
+ } else {
+ ($nax, $nay, $naz) = face_normal ($ax, $ay, $az,
+ $cx, $cy, $cz,
+ $bx, $by, $bz);
+ }
+ ($nbx, $nby, $nbz) = ($nax, $nay, $naz);
+ ($ncx, $ncy, $ncz) = ($nax, $nay, $naz);
+ }
+ my $lines = sprintf("\t" . "%.6f,%.6f,%.6f," . "%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,\n" .
+ "\t" . "%.6f,%.6f,%.6f," . "%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,\n" .
+ "\t" . "%.6f,%.6f,%.6f," . "%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,\n",
+ $nax, $nay, $naz, $ax, $ay, $az,
+ $nbx, $nby, $nbz, $bx, $by, $bz,
+ $ncx, $ncy, $ncz, $cx, $cy, $cz);
+ $lines =~ s/([.\d])0+,/$1,/g; # lose trailing insignificant zeroes
+ $lines =~ s/\.,/,/g;
+ $lines =~ s/-0,/0,/g;
+ $code .= $lines;
+ }
+ }
+ my $format = ($wireframe_p ? 'GL_V3F' : 'GL_N3F_V3F');
+ my $primitive = ($wireframe_p ? 'GL_LINES' : 'GL_TRIANGLES');
+ $code =~ s/,\n$//s;
+ $code .= "\n};\n";
+ $code .= "static const struct gllist ${name}_frame = {\n";
+ $code .= " $format, $primitive, $npoints, ${name}_data, 0\n};\n";
+ $code .= "const struct gllist *$name = &${name}_frame;\n";
+ print STDERR "$progname: $outfile: $name: $npoints points, $nfaces faces.\n"
+ if ($verbose);
+ return ($code, $npoints, $nfaces);
+sub generate_c($$$$$$) {
+ my ($infile, $outfile, $smooth_p, $wireframe_p, $normalize_p, $layers) = @_;
+ my $code = '';
+ my $token = $outfile; # guess at a C token from the filename
+ $token =~ s/\<[^<>]*\>//;
+ $token =~ s@^.*/@@;
+ $token =~ s/\.[^.]*$//;
+ $token =~ s/[^a-z\d]/_/gi;
+ $token =~ s/__+/_/g;
+ $token =~ s/^_//g;
+ $token =~ s/_$//g;
+ $token =~ tr [A-Z] [a-z];
+ $token = 'foo' if ($token eq '');
+ my @layers = sort (keys %$layers);
+ $infile =~ s@^.*/@@s;
+ $code .= ("/* Generated from \"$infile\" on " .
+ strftime ("%d-%b-%Y", localtime ()) . ".\n" .
+ " " . ($wireframe_p
+ ? "Wireframe."
+ : ($smooth_p ?
+ "Smoothed vertex normals." :
+ "Faceted face normals.")) .
+ ($normalize_p ? " Normalized to unit bounding box." : "") .
+ "\n" .
+ (@layers > 1
+ ? wrap (" ", " ", "Components: " . join (", ", @layers)) . ".\n"
+ : "") .
+ " */\n\n");
+ $code .= "#include \"gllist.h\"\n";
+ my $npoints = 0;
+ my $nfaces = 0;
+ foreach my $layer (@layers) {
+ my $name = $layer ? "${token}_${layer}" : $token;
+ my ($c, $np, $nf) =
+ generate_c_1 ($name, $outfile,
+ $smooth_p, $wireframe_p, $normalize_p,
+ @{$layers->{$layer}});
+ $code .= $c;
+ $npoints += $np;
+ $nfaces += $nf;
+ }
+ print STDERR "$progname: $outfile: total: $npoints points, $nfaces faces.\n"
+ if ($verbose && @layers > 1);
+ return $code;
+# Returns true if the two files differ (by running "cmp")
+sub cmp_files($$) {
+ my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
+ my @cmd = ("cmp", "-s", "$file1", "$file2");
+ print STDERR "$progname: executing \"" . join(" ", @cmd) . "\"\n"
+ if ($verbose > 3);
+ system (@cmd);
+ my $exit_value = $? >> 8;
+ my $signal_num = $? & 127;
+ my $dumped_core = $? & 128;
+ error ("$cmd[0]: core dumped!") if ($dumped_core);
+ error ("$cmd[0]: signal $signal_num!") if ($signal_num);
+ return $exit_value;
+sub dxf_to_gl($$$$$$) {
+ my ($infile, $outfile, $smooth_p, $normalize_p, $wireframe_p, $layers_p) = @_;
+ open (my $in, "<$infile") || error ("$infile: $!");
+ my $filename = ($infile eq '-' ? "<stdin>" : $infile);
+ print STDERR "$progname: reading $filename...\n"
+ if ($verbose);
+ local $/ = undef; # read entire file
+ my $dxf = <$in>;
+ close $in;
+ my $data = parse_dxf ($filename, $dxf, $normalize_p, $wireframe_p, $layers_p);
+ $filename = ($outfile eq '-' ? "<stdout>" : $outfile);
+ my $code = generate_c ($infile, $filename, $smooth_p, $wireframe_p,
+ $normalize_p, $data);
+ if ($outfile eq '-') {
+ print STDOUT $code;
+ } else {
+ my $tmp = "$outfile.tmp";
+ open (my $out, '>', $tmp) || error ("$tmp: $!");
+ print $out $code || error ("$filename: $!");
+ close $out || error ("$filename: $!");
+ if (cmp_files ($filename, $tmp)) {
+ if (!rename ($tmp, $filename)) {
+ unlink $tmp;
+ error ("mv $tmp $filename: $!");
+ }
+ print STDERR "$progname: wrote $filename\n";
+ } else {
+ unlink "$tmp" || error ("rm $tmp: $!\n");
+ print STDERR "$progname: $filename unchanged\n" if ($verbose);
+ }
+ }
+sub error() {
+ ($_) = @_;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $_\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub usage() {
+ print STDERR "usage: $progname " .
+ "[--verbose] [--normalize] [--smooth] [--wireframe] [--layers]\n" .
+ "[infile [outfile]]\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub main() {
+ my ($infile, $outfile);
+ my $normalize_p = 0;
+ my $smooth_p = 0;
+ my $wireframe_p = 0;
+ my $layers_p = 0;
+ while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
+ shift @ARGV;
+ if ($_ eq "--verbose") { $verbose++; }
+ elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; }
+ elsif ($_ eq "--normalize") { $normalize_p = 1; }
+ elsif ($_ eq "--smooth") { $smooth_p = 1; }
+ elsif ($_ eq "--wireframe") { $wireframe_p = 1; }
+ elsif ($_ eq "--layers") { $layers_p = 1; }
+ elsif (m/^-./) { usage; }
+ elsif (!defined($infile)) { $infile = $_; }
+ elsif (!defined($outfile)) { $outfile = $_; }
+ else { usage; }
+ }
+ $infile = "-" unless defined ($infile);
+ $outfile = "-" unless defined ($outfile);
+ dxf_to_gl ($infile, $outfile, $smooth_p, $normalize_p, $wireframe_p, $layers_p);
+exit 0;