path: root/hacks/images/m6502/sflake.asm
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
commitd3a98cf6cbc3bd0b9efc570f58e8812c03931c18 (patch)
treecbddf8e50f35a9c6e878a5bfe3c6d625d99e12ba /hacks/images/m6502/sflake.asm
Original 5.40
Diffstat (limited to 'hacks/images/m6502/sflake.asm')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hacks/images/m6502/sflake.asm b/hacks/images/m6502/sflake.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb72e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacks/images/m6502/sflake.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+;; Jeremy English 01-December-2008
+;; Snowflakes
+;; Main loop Count
+lda #7
+sta $f
+;; pattern number
+lda #0
+sta $10
+lda #$00
+sta $4
+lda #$10
+sta $5
+lda #$00
+sta $6
+lda #$11
+sta $7
+;;Init Cells Buffer
+ldy #$ff
+lda #0
+sta ($4),y
+sta ($6),y
+bne initCells
+;;Set start position
+ldy #115
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+;;Setup offset
+lda #15
+sta $d
+lda #16
+sta $e
+;;Start of main loop
+;;init indent
+;;We want to indent every other line
+lda #0
+sta $a
+lda #0
+sta $9
+;; Display Cells
+;; 248 is the total number of cells
+ldy #248
+lda #0
+sta $8
+lda $a
+beq stop16
+lda #15
+sta $b
+lda #1
+sta $8
+jmp toggle
+lda #16
+sta $b
+lda $a
+eor #1
+sta $a
+;; Set the stop position
+ldx $b
+lda ($4),y
+beq display_continue
+ldx $8
+ldy $9
+lda #1
+jsr paint
+ldx $8
+ldy $9
+jsr paint
+ldx $8
+ldy $9
+jsr paint
+ldx $8
+ldy $9
+jsr paint
+inc $8
+inc $8
+;;Life Cycle
+pha ;;Store y on the stack
+lda ($4),y
+adc ($4),y
+sta $c
+sbc $d
+lda $c
+adc ($4),y
+sta $c
+sbc $e
+lda $c
+adc ($4),y
+sta $c
+adc $d
+lda $c
+adc ($4),y
+sta $c
+adc $e
+lda $c
+adc ($4),y
+sta $c
+tay ;;Pull Y off of the stack
+lda $c
+and #1
+beq dontset
+sta ($6),y
+tax ;;Pull x off of the stack
+beq exit_inner_display
+jmp inner_display
+inc $9
+inc $9
+beq display_exit
+jmp display
+;;Copy Temporary Buffer
+ldy #248
+lda ($6),y
+sta ($4),y
+bne copybuf
+dec $f
+lda $f
+beq reset_main
+jmp mainloop
+;;Reset main counter
+lda #7
+sta $f
+lda #$ff ;;Delay Count
+sta $11
+ldy #$a0
+bne inner_delay
+dec $11
+lda $11
+bne delay
+;; init buffer
+;; and clear screen
+lda $fe
+and $f
+cmp #1
+beq clrscr ;We don't want a white background
+ldy #$00
+ldx #$0
+sta $200,x
+sta $300,x
+sta $400,x
+sta $500,x
+lda #0
+sta ($6),y
+sta ($4),y
+bne cs_loop
+;; Setup new pattern
+inc $10
+lda $10
+and #3
+sta $10
+cmp #0
+beq pattern1
+cmp #1
+beq pattern2
+cmp #2
+beq pattern3
+cmp #3
+beq pattern4
+ldy #114
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+ldy #115
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+ldy #116
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+jmp mainloop
+ldy #113
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+ldy #118
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+jmp mainloop
+ldy #115
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+jmp mainloop
+ldy #102
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+ldy #128
+lda #1
+sta ($4),y
+jmp mainloop
+;;Paint subroutine
+ pha
+ lda yl,y
+ sta $2
+ lda yh,y
+ sta $3
+ txa
+ tay
+ pla
+ sta ($2),y
+ rts
+ ;; Y cord MSB
+ dcb $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02, $02
+ dcb $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03, $03
+ dcb $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04, $04
+ dcb $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05, $05
+ ;; Y cord LSB
+ dcb $00, $20, $40, $60, $80, $a0, $c0, $e0
+ dcb $00, $20, $40, $60, $80, $a0, $c0, $e0
+ dcb $00, $20, $40, $60, $80, $a0, $c0, $e0
+ dcb $00, $20, $40, $60, $80, $a0, $c0, $e0