path: root/hacks/nerverot.c
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authorSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
commitd3a98cf6cbc3bd0b9efc570f58e8812c03931c18 (patch)
treecbddf8e50f35a9c6e878a5bfe3c6d625d99e12ba /hacks/nerverot.c
Original 5.40
Diffstat (limited to 'hacks/nerverot.c')
1 files changed, 1354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hacks/nerverot.c b/hacks/nerverot.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..081dbca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacks/nerverot.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1354 @@
+/* nerverot, nervous rotation of random thingies, v1.4
+ * by Dan Bornstein,
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Dan Bornstein. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ *
+ * The goal of this screensaver is to be interesting and compelling to
+ * watch, yet induce a state of nervous edginess in the viewer.
+ *
+ * See the included man page for more details.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "screenhack.h"
+#define FLOAT double
+/* random float in the range (-1..1) */
+#define RAND_FLOAT_PM1 \
+ (((FLOAT) ((random() >> 8) & 0xffff)) / ((FLOAT) 0x10000) * 2 - 1)
+/* random float in the range (0..1) */
+#define RAND_FLOAT_01 \
+ (((FLOAT) ((random() >> 8) & 0xffff)) / ((FLOAT) 0x10000))
+/* structure of the model */
+/* each point-like thingy to draw is represented as a blot */
+typedef struct blot_s
+ FLOAT x; /* 3d x position (-1..1) */
+ FLOAT y; /* 3d y position (-1..1) */
+ FLOAT z; /* 3d z position (-1..1) */
+ FLOAT xoff[3][3]; /* display x offset per drawn point (-1..1) */
+ FLOAT yoff[3][3]; /* display x offset per drawn point (-1..1) */
+} Blot;
+/* each drawn line is represented as a LineSegment */
+typedef struct linesegment_s
+ GC gc;
+ int x1;
+ int y1;
+ int x2;
+ int y2;
+} LineSegment;
+/* each blot draws as a simple 2d shape with each coordinate as an int
+ * in the range (-1..1); this is the base shape */
+static const XPoint blotShape[] = { { 0, 0}, { 1, 0}, { 1, 1},
+ { 0, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 0},
+ {-1,-1}, { 0,-1}, { 1,-1} };
+static int blotShapeCount = sizeof (blotShape) / sizeof (XPoint);
+struct state {
+ Display *dpy;
+ Window window;
+ int requestedBlotCount; /* number of blots */
+ int delay; /* delay (usec) between iterations */
+ int maxIters; /* max iterations per model */
+ FLOAT nervousness; /* variability of xoff/yoff per iteration (0..1) */
+ FLOAT maxNerveRadius; /* max nervousness radius (0..1) */
+ FLOAT eventChance; /* chance per iteration that an event will happen */
+ FLOAT iterAmt; /* fraction (0..1) towards rotation target or scale target to move each * iteration */
+ FLOAT minScale; /* min and max scale for drawing, as fraction of baseScale */
+ FLOAT maxScale;
+ int minRadius; /* min and max radius of blot drawing */
+ int maxRadius;
+ int colorCount; /* the number of colors to use */
+ int lineWidth; /* width of lines */
+ Bool doubleBuffer; /* whether or not to do double-buffering */
+ int baseScale; /* base scale factor for drawing, calculated as max(screenWidth,screenHeight) */
+ int windowWidth; /* width and height of the window */
+ int windowHeight;
+ int centerX; /* center position of the window */
+ int centerY;
+ Drawable drawable; /* the thing to directly draw on */
+ GC *gcs; /* array of gcs, one per color used */
+ Blot *blots; /* array of the blots in the model */
+ int blotCount;
+ int segCount; /* two arrays of line segments; one for the ones to erase, and one for the ones to draw */
+ LineSegment *segsToDraw;
+ LineSegment *segsToErase;
+ FLOAT xRot; /* current rotation values per axis, scale factor, and light position */
+ FLOAT yRot;
+ FLOAT zRot;
+ FLOAT curScale;
+ FLOAT lightX;
+ FLOAT lightY;
+ FLOAT lightZ;
+ FLOAT xRotTarget; /* target rotation values per axis, scale factor, and light position */
+ FLOAT yRotTarget;
+ FLOAT zRotTarget;
+ FLOAT scaleTarget;
+ FLOAT lightXTarget;
+ FLOAT lightYTarget;
+ FLOAT lightZTarget;
+ int centerXOff; /* current absolute offsets from the center */
+ int centerYOff;
+ int itersTillNext; /* iterations until the model changes */
+ * generic blot setup and manipulation
+ */
+/* initialize a blot with the given coordinates and random display offsets */
+static void initBlot (Blot *b, FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z)
+ int i, j;
+ b->x = x;
+ b->y = y;
+ b->z = z;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ {
+ b->xoff[i][j] = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ b->yoff[i][j] = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ }
+ }
+/* scale the blots to have a max distance of 1 from the center */
+static void scaleBlotsToRadius1 (struct state *st)
+ FLOAT max = 0.0;
+ int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ FLOAT distSquare =
+ st->blots[n].x * st->blots[n].x +
+ st->blots[n].y * st->blots[n].y +
+ st->blots[n].z * st->blots[n].z;
+ if (distSquare > max)
+ {
+ max = distSquare;
+ }
+ }
+ if (max == 0.0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ max = sqrt (max);
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ st->blots[n].x /= max;
+ st->blots[n].y /= max;
+ st->blots[n].z /= max;
+ }
+/* randomly reorder the blots */
+static void randomlyReorderBlots (struct state *st)
+ int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ int m = RAND_FLOAT_01 * (st->blotCount - n) + n;
+ Blot tmpBlot = st->blots[n];
+ st->blots[n] = st->blots[m];
+ st->blots[m] = tmpBlot;
+ }
+/* randomly rotate the blots around the origin */
+static void randomlyRotateBlots (struct state *st)
+ int n;
+ /* random amounts to rotate about each axis */
+ /* rotation factors */
+ FLOAT sinX = sin (xRot);
+ FLOAT cosX = cos (xRot);
+ FLOAT sinY = sin (yRot);
+ FLOAT cosY = cos (yRot);
+ FLOAT sinZ = sin (zRot);
+ FLOAT cosZ = cos (zRot);
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ FLOAT x1 = st->blots[n].x;
+ FLOAT y1 = st->blots[n].y;
+ FLOAT z1 = st->blots[n].z;
+ FLOAT x2, y2, z2;
+ /* rotate on z axis */
+ x2 = x1 * cosZ - y1 * sinZ;
+ y2 = x1 * sinZ + y1 * cosZ;
+ z2 = z1;
+ /* rotate on x axis */
+ y1 = y2 * cosX - z2 * sinX;
+ z1 = y2 * sinX + z2 * cosX;
+ x1 = x2;
+ /* rotate on y axis */
+ z2 = z1 * cosY - x1 * sinY;
+ x2 = z1 * sinY + x1 * cosY;
+ y2 = y1;
+ st->blots[n].x = x2;
+ st->blots[n].y = y2;
+ st->blots[n].z = z2;
+ }
+ * blot configurations
+ */
+/* set up the initial array of blots to be a at the edge of a sphere */
+static void setupBlotsSphere (struct state *st)
+ int n;
+ st->blotCount = st->requestedBlotCount;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ /* pick a spot, but reject if its radius is < 0.2 or > 1 to
+ * avoid scaling problems */
+ FLOAT x, y, z, radius;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ radius = sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z);
+ if ((radius >= 0.2) && (radius <= 1.0))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ x /= radius;
+ y /= radius;
+ z /= radius;
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n], x, y, z);
+ }
+/* set up the initial array of blots to be a simple cube */
+static void setupBlotsCube (struct state *st)
+ int i, j, k, n;
+ /* derive blotsPerEdge from blotCount, but then do the reverse
+ * since roundoff may have changed blotCount */
+ int blotsPerEdge = ((st->requestedBlotCount - 8) / 12) + 2;
+ FLOAT distBetween;
+ if (blotsPerEdge < 2)
+ {
+ blotsPerEdge = 2;
+ }
+ distBetween = 2.0 / (blotsPerEdge - 1.0);
+ st->blotCount = 8 + (blotsPerEdge - 2) * 12;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ n = 0;
+ /* define the corners */
+ for (i = -1; i < 2; i += 2)
+ {
+ for (j = -1; j < 2; j += 2)
+ {
+ for (k = -1; k < 2; k += 2)
+ {
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n], i, j, k);
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* define the edges */
+ for (i = 1; i < (blotsPerEdge - 1); i++)
+ {
+ FLOAT varEdge = distBetween * i - 1;
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], varEdge, -1, -1);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], varEdge, 1, -1);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], varEdge, -1, 1);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], varEdge, 1, 1);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], -1, varEdge, -1);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], 1, varEdge, -1);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], -1, varEdge, 1);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], 1, varEdge, 1);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], -1, -1, varEdge);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], 1, -1, varEdge);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], -1, 1, varEdge);
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n++], 1, 1, varEdge);
+ }
+ scaleBlotsToRadius1 (st);
+ randomlyReorderBlots (st);
+ randomlyRotateBlots (st);
+/* set up the initial array of blots to be a cylinder */
+static void setupBlotsCylinder (struct state *st)
+ int i, j, n;
+ FLOAT distBetween;
+ /* derive blotsPerEdge and blotsPerRing from blotCount, but then do the
+ * reverse since roundoff may have changed blotCount */
+ FLOAT reqRoot = sqrt ((FLOAT) st->requestedBlotCount);
+ int blotsPerRing = ceil (RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * reqRoot) / 2 + reqRoot;
+ int blotsPerEdge = st->requestedBlotCount / blotsPerRing;
+ if (blotsPerRing < 2)
+ {
+ blotsPerRing = 2;
+ }
+ if (blotsPerEdge < 2)
+ {
+ blotsPerEdge = 2;
+ }
+ distBetween = 2.0 / (blotsPerEdge - 1);
+ st->blotCount = blotsPerEdge * blotsPerRing;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ n = 0;
+ /* define the edges */
+ for (i = 0; i < blotsPerRing; i++)
+ {
+ FLOAT x = sin (2 * M_PI / blotsPerRing * i);
+ FLOAT y = cos (2 * M_PI / blotsPerRing * i);
+ for (j = 0; j < blotsPerEdge; j++)
+ {
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n], x, y, j * distBetween - 1);
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ scaleBlotsToRadius1 (st);
+ randomlyReorderBlots (st);
+ randomlyRotateBlots (st);
+/* set up the initial array of blots to be a squiggle */
+static void setupBlotsSquiggle (struct state *st)
+ FLOAT x, y, z, xv, yv, zv, len;
+ int minCoor, maxCoor;
+ int n;
+ st->blotCount = st->requestedBlotCount;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ maxCoor = (int) (RAND_FLOAT_01 * 5) + 1;
+ minCoor = -maxCoor;
+ xv = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ yv = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ zv = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ len = sqrt (xv * xv + yv * yv + zv * zv);
+ xv /= len;
+ yv /= len;
+ zv /= len;
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ FLOAT newx, newy, newz;
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n], x, y, z);
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ xv += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * 0.1;
+ yv += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * 0.1;
+ zv += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * 0.1;
+ len = sqrt (xv * xv + yv * yv + zv * zv);
+ xv /= len;
+ yv /= len;
+ zv /= len;
+ newx = x + xv * 0.1;
+ newy = y + yv * 0.1;
+ newz = z + zv * 0.1;
+ if ( (newx >= minCoor) && (newx <= maxCoor)
+ && (newy >= minCoor) && (newy <= maxCoor)
+ && (newz >= minCoor) && (newz <= maxCoor))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ x = newx;
+ y = newy;
+ z = newz;
+ }
+ scaleBlotsToRadius1 (st);
+ randomlyReorderBlots (st);
+/* set up the initial array of blots to be near the corners of a
+ * cube, distributed slightly */
+static void setupBlotsCubeCorners (struct state *st)
+ int n;
+ st->blotCount = st->requestedBlotCount;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ FLOAT x = rint (RAND_FLOAT_01) * 2 - 1;
+ FLOAT y = rint (RAND_FLOAT_01) * 2 - 1;
+ FLOAT z = rint (RAND_FLOAT_01) * 2 - 1;
+ x += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * 0.3;
+ y += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * 0.3;
+ z += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * 0.3;
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n], x, y, z);
+ }
+ scaleBlotsToRadius1 (st);
+ randomlyRotateBlots (st);
+/* set up the initial array of blots to be randomly distributed
+ * on the surface of a tetrahedron */
+static void setupBlotsTetrahedron (struct state *st)
+ /* table of corners of the tetrahedron */
+ static const FLOAT cor[4][3] = { { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 },
+ { -0.75, -0.5, -0.433013 },
+ { 0.0, -0.5, 0.866025 },
+ { 0.75, -0.5, -0.433013 } };
+ int n, c;
+ /* derive blotsPerSurface from blotCount, but then do the reverse
+ * since roundoff may have changed blotCount */
+ int blotsPerSurface = st->requestedBlotCount / 4;
+ st->blotCount = blotsPerSurface * 4;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n += 4)
+ {
+ /* pick a random point on a unit right triangle */
+ FLOAT rawx = RAND_FLOAT_01;
+ FLOAT rawy = RAND_FLOAT_01;
+ if ((rawx + rawy) > 1)
+ {
+ /* swap coords into place */
+ FLOAT t = 1.0 - rawx;
+ rawx = 1.0 - rawy;
+ rawy = t;
+ }
+ /* translate the point to be on each of the surfaces */
+ for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+ {
+ FLOAT x, y, z;
+ int c1 = (c + 1) % 4;
+ int c2 = (c + 2) % 4;
+ x = (cor[c1][0] - cor[c][0]) * rawx +
+ (cor[c2][0] - cor[c][0]) * rawy +
+ cor[c][0];
+ y = (cor[c1][1] - cor[c][1]) * rawx +
+ (cor[c2][1] - cor[c][1]) * rawy +
+ cor[c][1];
+ z = (cor[c1][2] - cor[c][2]) * rawx +
+ (cor[c2][2] - cor[c][2]) * rawy +
+ cor[c][2];
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n + c], x, y, z);
+ }
+ }
+ randomlyRotateBlots (st);
+/* set up the initial array of blots to be an almost-evenly-distributed
+ * square sheet */
+static void setupBlotsSheet (struct state *st)
+ int x, y;
+ int blotsPerDimension = floor (sqrt (st->requestedBlotCount));
+ FLOAT spaceBetween;
+ if (blotsPerDimension < 2)
+ {
+ blotsPerDimension = 2;
+ }
+ spaceBetween = 2.0 / (blotsPerDimension - 1);
+ st->blotCount = blotsPerDimension * blotsPerDimension;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ for (x = 0; x < blotsPerDimension; x++)
+ {
+ for (y = 0; y < blotsPerDimension; y++)
+ {
+ FLOAT x1 = x * spaceBetween - 1.0;
+ FLOAT y1 = y * spaceBetween - 1.0;
+ FLOAT z1 = 0.0;
+ x1 += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * spaceBetween / 3;
+ y1 += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * spaceBetween / 3;
+ z1 += RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * spaceBetween / 2;
+ initBlot (&st->blots[x + y * blotsPerDimension], x1, y1, z1);
+ }
+ }
+ scaleBlotsToRadius1 (st);
+ randomlyReorderBlots (st);
+ randomlyRotateBlots (st);
+/* set up the initial array of blots to be a swirlycone */
+static void setupBlotsSwirlyCone (struct state *st)
+ FLOAT radSpace = 1.0 / (st->requestedBlotCount - 1);
+ FLOAT zSpace = radSpace * 2;
+ FLOAT rotAmt = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI / 10;
+ int n;
+ FLOAT rot = 0.0;
+ st->blotCount = st->requestedBlotCount;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ FLOAT radius = n * radSpace;
+ FLOAT x = cos (rot) * radius;
+ FLOAT y = sin (rot) * radius;
+ FLOAT z = n * zSpace - 1.0;
+ rot += rotAmt;
+ initBlot (&st->blots[n], x, y, z);
+ }
+ scaleBlotsToRadius1 (st);
+ randomlyReorderBlots (st);
+ randomlyRotateBlots (st);
+/* forward declaration for recursive use immediately below */
+static void setupBlots (struct state *st);
+/* set up the blots to be two of the other choices, placed next to
+ * each other */
+static void setupBlotsDuo (struct state *st)
+ int origRequest = st->requestedBlotCount;
+ FLOAT tx, ty, tz, radius;
+ Blot *blots1, *blots2;
+ int count1, count2;
+ int n;
+ if (st->requestedBlotCount < 15)
+ {
+ /* special case bottom-out */
+ setupBlotsSphere (st);
+ return;
+ }
+ tx = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ ty = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ tz = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ radius = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty + tz * tz);
+ tx /= radius;
+ ty /= radius;
+ tz /= radius;
+ /* recursive call to setup set 1 */
+ st->requestedBlotCount = origRequest / 2;
+ setupBlots (st);
+ if (st->blotCount >= origRequest)
+ {
+ /* return immediately if this satisfies the original count request */
+ st->requestedBlotCount = origRequest;
+ return;
+ }
+ blots1 = st->blots;
+ count1 = st->blotCount;
+ st->blots = NULL;
+ st->blotCount = 0;
+ /* translate to new position */
+ for (n = 0; n < count1; n++)
+ {
+ blots1[n].x += tx;
+ blots1[n].y += ty;
+ blots1[n].z += tz;
+ }
+ /* recursive call to setup set 2 */
+ st->requestedBlotCount = origRequest - count1;
+ setupBlots (st);
+ blots2 = st->blots;
+ count2 = st->blotCount;
+ /* translate to new position */
+ for (n = 0; n < count2; n++)
+ {
+ blots2[n].x -= tx;
+ blots2[n].y -= ty;
+ blots2[n].z -= tz;
+ }
+ /* combine the two arrays */
+ st->blotCount = count1 + count2;
+ st->blots = calloc (sizeof (Blot), st->blotCount);
+ memcpy (&st->blots[0], blots1, sizeof (Blot) * count1);
+ memcpy (&st->blots[count1], blots2, sizeof (Blot) * count2);
+ free (blots1);
+ free (blots2);
+ scaleBlotsToRadius1 (st);
+ randomlyReorderBlots (st);
+ /* restore the original requested count, for future iterations */
+ st->requestedBlotCount = origRequest;
+ * main blot setup
+ */
+/* free the blots, in preparation for a new shape */
+static void freeBlots (struct state *st)
+ if (st->blots != NULL)
+ {
+ free (st->blots);
+ st->blots = NULL;
+ }
+ if (st->segsToErase != NULL)
+ {
+ free (st->segsToErase);
+ st->segsToErase = NULL;
+ }
+ if (st->segsToDraw != NULL)
+ {
+ free (st->segsToDraw);
+ st->segsToDraw = NULL;
+ }
+/* set up the initial arrays of blots */
+static void setupBlots (struct state *st)
+ int which = RAND_FLOAT_01 * 11;
+ freeBlots (st);
+ switch (which)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ setupBlotsCube (st);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ setupBlotsSphere (st);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ setupBlotsCylinder (st);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ setupBlotsSquiggle (st);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ setupBlotsCubeCorners (st);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ setupBlotsTetrahedron (st);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ setupBlotsSheet (st);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ setupBlotsSwirlyCone (st);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ case 9:
+ case 10:
+ setupBlotsDuo (st);
+ break;
+ }
+/* set up the segments arrays */
+static void setupSegs (struct state *st)
+ /* there are blotShapeCount - 1 line segments per blot */
+ st->segCount = st->blotCount * (blotShapeCount - 1);
+ st->segsToErase = calloc (sizeof (LineSegment), st->segCount);
+ st->segsToDraw = calloc (sizeof (LineSegment), st->segCount);
+ * color setup stuff
+ */
+/* set up the colormap */
+static void setupColormap (struct state *st, XWindowAttributes *xgwa)
+ int n;
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ XColor *colors = (XColor *) calloc (sizeof (XColor), st->colorCount + 1);
+ unsigned short r, g, b;
+ int h1, h2;
+ double s1, s2, v1, v2;
+ r = RAND_FLOAT_01 * 0x10000;
+ g = RAND_FLOAT_01 * 0x10000;
+ b = RAND_FLOAT_01 * 0x10000;
+ rgb_to_hsv (r, g, b, &h1, &s1, &v1);
+ v1 = 1.0;
+ s1 = 1.0;
+ r = RAND_FLOAT_01 * 0x10000;
+ g = RAND_FLOAT_01 * 0x10000;
+ b = RAND_FLOAT_01 * 0x10000;
+ rgb_to_hsv (r, g, b, &h2, &s2, &v2);
+ s2 = 0.7;
+ v2 = 0.7;
+ colors[0].pixel = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, xgwa->colormap,
+ "background", "Background");
+ make_color_ramp (xgwa->screen, xgwa->visual, xgwa->colormap,
+ h1, s1, v1, h2, s2, v2,
+ colors + 1, &st->colorCount, False, True, False);
+ if (st->colorCount < 1)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: couldn't allocate any colors\n", progname);
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ st->gcs = (GC *) calloc (sizeof (GC), st->colorCount + 1);
+ for (n = 0; n <= st->colorCount; n++)
+ {
+ gcv.foreground = colors[n].pixel;
+ gcv.line_width = st->lineWidth;
+ st->gcs[n] = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground | GCLineWidth, &gcv);
+ }
+ free (colors);
+ * overall setup stuff
+ */
+/* set up the system */
+static void setup (struct state *st)
+ XWindowAttributes xgwa;
+ XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &xgwa);
+ st->windowWidth = xgwa.width;
+ st->windowHeight = xgwa.height;
+ st->centerX = st->windowWidth / 2;
+ st->centerY = st->windowHeight / 2;
+ st->baseScale = (xgwa.height < xgwa.width) ? xgwa.height : xgwa.width;
+ if (st->doubleBuffer)
+ {
+ st->drawable = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, xgwa.width, xgwa.height,
+ xgwa.depth);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ st->drawable = st->window;
+ }
+ setupColormap (st, &xgwa);
+ setupBlots (st);
+ setupSegs (st);
+ /* set up the initial rotation, scale, and light values as random, but
+ * with the targets equal to where it is */
+ st->xRot = st->xRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_01 * M_PI;
+ st->yRot = st->yRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_01 * M_PI;
+ st->zRot = st->zRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_01 * M_PI;
+ st->curScale = st->scaleTarget = RAND_FLOAT_01 * (st->maxScale - st->minScale) + st->minScale;
+ st->lightX = st->lightXTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ st->lightY = st->lightYTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ st->lightZ = st->lightZTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ st->itersTillNext = RAND_FLOAT_01 * st->maxIters;
+ * the simulation
+ */
+/* "render" the blots into segsToDraw, with the current rotation factors */
+static void renderSegs (struct state *st)
+ int n;
+ int m = 0;
+ /* rotation factors */
+ FLOAT sinX = sin (st->xRot);
+ FLOAT cosX = cos (st->xRot);
+ FLOAT sinY = sin (st->yRot);
+ FLOAT cosY = cos (st->yRot);
+ FLOAT sinZ = sin (st->zRot);
+ FLOAT cosZ = cos (st->zRot);
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ Blot *b = &st->blots[n];
+ int i, j;
+ int baseX, baseY;
+ FLOAT radius;
+ int x[3][3];
+ int y[3][3];
+ int color;
+ FLOAT x1 = st->blots[n].x;
+ FLOAT y1 = st->blots[n].y;
+ FLOAT z1 = st->blots[n].z;
+ FLOAT x2, y2, z2;
+ /* rotate on z axis */
+ x2 = x1 * cosZ - y1 * sinZ;
+ y2 = x1 * sinZ + y1 * cosZ;
+ z2 = z1;
+ /* rotate on x axis */
+ y1 = y2 * cosX - z2 * sinX;
+ z1 = y2 * sinX + z2 * cosX;
+ x1 = x2;
+ /* rotate on y axis */
+ z2 = z1 * cosY - x1 * sinY;
+ x2 = z1 * sinY + x1 * cosY;
+ y2 = y1;
+ /* the color to draw is based on the distance from the light of
+ * the post-rotation blot */
+ x1 = x2 - st->lightX;
+ y1 = y2 - st->lightY;
+ z1 = z2 - st->lightZ;
+ color = 1 + (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 + z1 * z1) / 4 * st->colorCount;
+ if (color > st->colorCount)
+ {
+ color = st->colorCount;
+ }
+ /* set up the base screen coordinates for drawing */
+ baseX = x2 / 2 * st->baseScale * st->curScale + st->centerX + st->centerXOff;
+ baseY = y2 / 2 * st->baseScale * st->curScale + st->centerY + st->centerYOff;
+ radius = (z2 + 1) / 2 * (st->maxRadius - st->minRadius) + st->minRadius;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ {
+ x[i][j] = baseX +
+ ((i - 1) + (b->xoff[i][j] * st->maxNerveRadius)) * radius;
+ y[i][j] = baseY +
+ ((j - 1) + (b->yoff[i][j] * st->maxNerveRadius)) * radius;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < blotShapeCount; i++)
+ {
+ st->segsToDraw[m].gc = st->gcs[color];
+ st->segsToDraw[m].x1 = x[blotShape[i-1].x + 1][blotShape[i-1].y + 1];
+ st->segsToDraw[m].y1 = y[blotShape[i-1].x + 1][blotShape[i-1].y + 1];
+ st->segsToDraw[m].x2 = x[blotShape[i].x + 1][blotShape[i].y + 1];
+ st->segsToDraw[m].y2 = y[blotShape[i].x + 1][blotShape[i].y + 1];
+ m++;
+ }
+ }
+/* update blots, adjusting the offsets and rotation factors. */
+static void updateWithFeeling (struct state *st)
+ int n, i, j;
+ /* pick a new model if the time is right */
+ st->itersTillNext--;
+ if (st->itersTillNext < 0)
+ {
+ st->itersTillNext = RAND_FLOAT_01 * st->maxIters;
+ setupBlots (st);
+ setupSegs (st);
+ renderSegs (st);
+ }
+ /* update the rotation factors by moving them a bit toward the targets */
+ st->xRot = st->xRot + (st->xRotTarget - st->xRot) * st->iterAmt;
+ st->yRot = st->yRot + (st->yRotTarget - st->yRot) * st->iterAmt;
+ st->zRot = st->zRot + (st->zRotTarget - st->zRot) * st->iterAmt;
+ /* similarly the scale factor */
+ st->curScale = st->curScale + (st->scaleTarget - st->curScale) * st->iterAmt;
+ /* and similarly the light position */
+ st->lightX = st->lightX + (st->lightXTarget - st->lightX) * st->iterAmt;
+ st->lightY = st->lightY + (st->lightYTarget - st->lightY) * st->iterAmt;
+ st->lightZ = st->lightZ + (st->lightZTarget - st->lightZ) * st->iterAmt;
+ /* for each blot... */
+ for (n = 0; n < st->blotCount; n++)
+ {
+ /* add a bit of random jitter to xoff/yoff */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ {
+ FLOAT newOff;
+ newOff = st->blots[n].xoff[i][j] + RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * st->nervousness;
+ if (newOff < -1) newOff = -(newOff + 1) - 1;
+ else if (newOff > 1) newOff = -(newOff - 1) + 1;
+ st->blots[n].xoff[i][j] = newOff;
+ newOff = st->blots[n].yoff[i][j] + RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * st->nervousness;
+ if (newOff < -1) newOff = -(newOff + 1) - 1;
+ else if (newOff > 1) newOff = -(newOff - 1) + 1;
+ st->blots[n].yoff[i][j] = newOff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* depending on random chance, update one or more factors */
+ if (RAND_FLOAT_01 <= st->eventChance)
+ {
+ int which = RAND_FLOAT_01 * 14;
+ switch (which)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ st->xRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ st->yRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ st->zRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ st->xRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ st->yRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ st->xRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ st->zRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5:
+ {
+ st->yRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ st->zRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 6:
+ {
+ st->xRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ st->yRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ st->zRotTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * M_PI * 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 7:
+ {
+ st->centerXOff = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * st->maxRadius;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 8:
+ {
+ st->centerYOff = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * st->maxRadius;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 9:
+ {
+ st->centerXOff = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * st->maxRadius;
+ st->centerYOff = RAND_FLOAT_PM1 * st->maxRadius;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 10:
+ {
+ st->scaleTarget =
+ RAND_FLOAT_01 * (st->maxScale - st->minScale) + st->minScale;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 11:
+ {
+ st->curScale =
+ RAND_FLOAT_01 * (st->maxScale - st->minScale) + st->minScale;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 12:
+ {
+ st->lightX = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ st->lightY = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ st->lightZ = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 13:
+ {
+ st->lightXTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ st->lightYTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ st->lightZTarget = RAND_FLOAT_PM1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* erase segsToErase and draw segsToDraw */
+static void eraseAndDraw (struct state *st)
+ int n;
+ if (st->doubleBuffer)
+ XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->drawable, st->gcs[0], 0, 0,
+ st->windowWidth, st->windowHeight);
+ else
+ XClearWindow (st->dpy, st->drawable);
+ for (n = 0; n < st->segCount; n++)
+ {
+ LineSegment *seg = &st->segsToErase[n];
+#ifdef HAVE_JWXYZ /* Don't second-guess Quartz's double-buffering */
+ XDrawLine (st->dpy, st->drawable, st->gcs[0],
+ seg->x1, seg->y1, seg->x2, seg->y2);
+ seg = &st->segsToDraw[n];
+ XDrawLine (st->dpy, st->drawable, seg->gc,
+ seg->x1, seg->y1, seg->x2, seg->y2);
+ }
+ if (st->doubleBuffer)
+ {
+ XCopyArea (st->dpy, st->drawable, st->window, st->gcs[0], 0, 0,
+ st->windowWidth, st->windowHeight, 0, 0);
+ }
+/* do one iteration */
+static unsigned long
+nerverot_draw (Display *dpy, Window win, void *closure)
+ struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
+ /* switch segsToErase and segsToDraw */
+ LineSegment *temp = st->segsToDraw;
+ st->segsToDraw = st->segsToErase;
+ st->segsToErase = temp;
+ /* update the model */
+ updateWithFeeling (st);
+ /* render new segments */
+ renderSegs (st);
+ /* erase old segments and draw new ones */
+ eraseAndDraw (st);
+ return st->delay;
+/* initialize the user-specifiable params */
+static void initParams (struct state *st)
+ int problems = 0;
+ st->delay = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "delay", "Delay");
+ if (st->delay < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: delay must be at least 0\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->maxIters = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "maxIters", "Integer");
+ if (st->maxIters < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: maxIters must be at least 0\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->doubleBuffer = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "doubleBuffer", "Boolean");
+# ifdef HAVE_JWXYZ /* Don't second-guess Quartz's double-buffering */
+ st->doubleBuffer = False;
+# endif
+ st->requestedBlotCount = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "count", "Count");
+ if (st->requestedBlotCount <= 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: count must be at least 0\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->colorCount = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "colors", "Colors");
+ if (st->colorCount <= 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: colors must be at least 1\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->lineWidth = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "lineWidth", "LineWidth");
+ if (st->lineWidth < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: line width must be at least 0\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->nervousness = get_float_resource (st->dpy, "nervousness", "Float");
+ if ((st->nervousness < 0) || (st->nervousness > 1))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: nervousness must be in the range 0..1\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->maxNerveRadius = get_float_resource (st->dpy, "maxNerveRadius", "Float");
+ if ((st->maxNerveRadius < 0) || (st->maxNerveRadius > 1))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: maxNerveRadius must be in the range 0..1\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->eventChance = get_float_resource (st->dpy, "eventChance", "Float");
+ if ((st->eventChance < 0) || (st->eventChance > 1))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: eventChance must be in the range 0..1\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->iterAmt = get_float_resource (st->dpy, "iterAmt", "Float");
+ if ((st->iterAmt < 0) || (st->iterAmt > 1))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: iterAmt must be in the range 0..1\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->minScale = get_float_resource (st->dpy, "minScale", "Float");
+ if ((st->minScale < 0) || (st->minScale > 10))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: minScale must be in the range 0..10\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->maxScale = get_float_resource (st->dpy, "maxScale", "Float");
+ if ((st->maxScale < 0) || (st->maxScale > 10))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: maxScale must be in the range 0..10\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ if (st->maxScale < st->minScale)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: maxScale must be >= minScale\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->minRadius = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "minRadius", "Integer");
+ if ((st->minRadius < 1) || (st->minRadius > 100))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: minRadius must be in the range 1..100\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ st->maxRadius = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "maxRadius", "Integer");
+ if ((st->maxRadius < 1) || (st->maxRadius > 100))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: maxRadius must be in the range 1..100\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ if (st->maxRadius < st->minRadius)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "error: maxRadius must be >= minRadius\n");
+ problems = 1;
+ }
+ if (problems)
+ {
+ exit (1);
+ }
+static void *
+nerverot_init (Display *dpy, Window window)
+ struct state *st = (struct state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
+ st->dpy = dpy;
+ st->window = window;
+ initParams (st);
+ setup (st);
+ /* make a valid set to erase at first */
+ renderSegs (st);
+ return st;
+static void
+nerverot_reshape (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure,
+ unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
+static Bool
+nerverot_event (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, XEvent *event)
+ return False;
+static void
+nerverot_free (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure)
+ struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
+ freeBlots (st);
+ free (st);
+static const char *nerverot_defaults [] = {
+ ".background: black",
+ ".foreground: white",
+ "*count: 250",
+ "*colors: 4",
+ "*delay: 10000",
+ "*maxIters: 1200",
+ "*doubleBuffer: false",
+ "*eventChance: 0.2",
+ "*iterAmt: 0.01",
+ "*lineWidth: 0",
+ "*minScale: 0.6",
+ "*maxScale: 1.75",
+ "*minRadius: 3",
+ "*maxRadius: 25",
+ "*maxNerveRadius: 0.7",
+ "*nervousness: 0.3",
+ "*ignoreRotation: True",
+ 0
+static XrmOptionDescRec nerverot_options [] = {
+ { "-count", ".count", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-colors", ".colors", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-max-iters", ".maxIters", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-db", ".doubleBuffer", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
+ { "-no-db", ".doubleBuffer", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
+ { "-event-chance", ".eventChance", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-iter-amt", ".iterAmt", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-line-width", ".lineWidth", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-min-scale", ".minScale", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-max-scale", ".maxScale", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-min-radius", ".minRadius", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-max-radius", ".maxRadius", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-max-nerve-radius", ".maxNerveRadius", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-nervousness", ".nervousness", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("NerveRot", nerverot)