path: root/OSX/README
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'OSX/README')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/OSX/README b/OSX/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0799995
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+This directory contains the MacOS-specific code for building a Cocoa
+version of xscreensaver without using X11.
+To build it, just type "make", or use the included XCode project. The
+executables will show up in the "build/Release/" and/or "build/Debug/"
+If you build using anything later than Xcode 5.0.2, the resultant savers
+will require MacOS 10.7 or later. To support 10.4 through 10.6, you must
+use Xcode 5.0.2 or earlier.
+This is how you add a new screen saver to the Xcode project. It's a
+ridiculously long list of steps!
+ 1: Duplicate a target (Dangerball for GL, or Attraction for X11).
+ 2: Rename it, and drag it to the right spot in the list.
+ 3: Delete the dangerball.c and dangerball.xml files from Build Phases.
+ 4: Delete the "DangerBall copy-Info.plist" file that got created.
+ 5: Delete the "DangerBall copy-Info.plist" from the Build Settings too.
+ 6: Manage Schemes, rename "DangerBall Copy".
+ 7: Move to the right place in the list.
+ 8: Scheme / Run / Info: Executable:
+ 9: Scheme / Run / Arguments: set SELECTED_SAVER environment variable.
+ 10: File / Add Files / the new .c and .xml.
+ 11: Re-order them in the file list. This will bring up an Options dialog.
+ Add To Targets: the new target, and "XScreenSaver-iOS".
+ 12: The files might not have moved. This means Xcode is gonna crash soon.
+ It will repair itself after.
+ 13: In target "All Savers (OpenGL)" add the new target as Build Phases /
+ Target Dependency.
+ 14: In target "XScreenSaver-iOS", reorder new files in Build Phases /
+ "Copy" and "Compile", since they showed up in a random place.
+ 15: In target "XScreenSaver-iOS", add "-DUSE_GL" to the new file's options.
+ 16: Put a 200x150 screen shot in ~/www/xscreensaver/screenshots/
+ 17: ln -s ../../src/xscreensaver/OSX/build/Debug/NEW.saver \
+ ~/Library/Screen\ Savers/
+ 18: git add xscreensaver.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/*/xcschemes/*.xcscheme
+ 19: Don't forget to create a man page from the XML with,
+ and update
+ 20: Make a video: -record-animation 3600 -delay 1 -geom 1920x1080+128+64
+ ./ NAME