path: root/driver/XScreenSaver_ad.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'driver/XScreenSaver_ad.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 417 deletions
diff --git a/driver/XScreenSaver_ad.h b/driver/XScreenSaver_ad.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d7b168..0000000
--- a/driver/XScreenSaver_ad.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-"#error Do not run app-defaults files through xrdb!",
-"#error That does not do what you might expect.",
-"#error Put this file in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver instead.",
-"*mode: random",
-"*timeout: 0:10:00",
-"*cycle: 0:10:00",
-"*lockTimeout: 0:00:00",
-"*passwdTimeout: 0:00:30",
-"*dpmsEnabled: False",
-"*dpmsQuickoffEnabled: False",
-"*dpmsStandby: 2:00:00",
-"*dpmsSuspend: 2:00:00",
-"*dpmsOff: 4:00:00",
-"*grabDesktopImages: True",
-"*grabVideoFrames: False",
-"*chooseRandomImages: True",
-"*imageDirectory: /Library/Desktop Pictures/",
-"*nice: 10",
-"*memoryLimit: 0",
-"*lock: False",
-"*verbose: False",
-"*timestamp: True",
-"*fade: True",
-"*unfade: False",
-"*fadeSeconds: 0:00:03",
-"*fadeTicks: 20",
-"*splash: True",
-"*splashDuration: 0:00:05",
-"*visualID: default",
-"*captureStderr: True",
-"*ignoreUninstalledPrograms: False",
-"*authWarningSlack: 20",
-"*textMode: file",
-"*textLiteral: XScreenSaver",
-"*textFile: ",
-"*textProgram: fortune",
-"*overlayTextForeground: #FFFF00",
-"*overlayTextBackground: #000000",
-"*overlayStderr: True",
-"*font: *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*",
-"*sgiSaverExtension: True",
-"*xidleExtension: True",
-"*procInterrupts: True",
-"*xinputExtensionDev: False",
-"GetViewPortIsFullOfLies: False",
-"*demoCommand: xscreensaver-demo",
-"*prefsCommand: xscreensaver-demo -prefs",
-"*loadURL: firefox '%s' || mozilla '%s' || netscape '%s'",
-"*manualCommand: xterm -sb -fg black -bg gray75 -T '%s manual' \
- -e /bin/sh -c 'man \"%s\" ; read foo'",
-"*dateFormat: %d-%b-%y (%a); %I:%M %p",
-"*installColormap: True",
-"*programs: \
- maze -root \\n\
- GL: superquadrics -root \\n\
- attraction -root \\n\
- blitspin -root \\n\
- greynetic -root \\n\
- helix -root \\n\
- hopalong -root \\n\
- imsmap -root \\n\
-- noseguy -root \\n\
-- pyro -root \\n\
- qix -root \\n\
-- rocks -root \\n\
- rorschach -root \\n\
- decayscreen -root \\n\
- flame -root \\n\
- halo -root \\n\
- slidescreen -root \\n\
- pedal -root \\n\
- bouboule -root \\n\
-- braid -root \\n\
- coral -root \\n\
- deco -root \\n\
- drift -root \\n\
-- fadeplot -root \\n\
- galaxy -root \\n\
- goop -root \\n\
- grav -root \\n\
- ifs -root \\n\
- GL: jigsaw -root \\n\
- julia -root \\n\
-- kaleidescope -root \\n\
- GL: moebius -root \\n\
- moire -root \\n\
- GL: morph3d -root \\n\
- mountain -root \\n\
- munch -root \\n\
- penrose -root \\n\
- GL: pipes -root \\n\
- rd-bomb -root \\n\
- GL: rubik -root \\n\
-- sierpinski -root \\n\
- slip -root \\n\
- GL: sproingies -root \\n\
- starfish -root \\n\
- strange -root \\n\
- swirl -root \\n\
- triangle -root \\n\
- xjack -root \\n\
- xlyap -root \\n\
- GL: atlantis -root \\n\
- bsod -root \\n\
- GL: bubble3d -root \\n\
- GL: cage -root \\n\
-- crystal -root \\n\
- cynosure -root \\n\
- discrete -root \\n\
- distort -root \\n\
- epicycle -root \\n\
- flow -root \\n\
- GL: glplanet -root \\n\
- interference -root \\n\
- kumppa -root \\n\
- GL: lament -root \\n\
- moire2 -root \\n\
- GL: sonar -root \\n\
- GL: stairs -root \\n\
- truchet -root \\n\
-- vidwhacker -root \\n\
- blaster -root \\n\
- bumps -root \\n\
- ccurve -root \\n\
- compass -root \\n\
- deluxe -root \\n\
-- demon -root \\n\
- GL: extrusion -root \\n\
-- loop -root \\n\
- penetrate -root \\n\
- petri -root \\n\
- phosphor -root \\n\
- GL: pulsar -root \\n\
- ripples -root \\n\
- shadebobs -root \\n\
- GL: sierpinski3d -root \\n\
- spotlight -root \\n\
- squiral -root \\n\
- wander -root \\n\
-- webcollage -root \\n\
- xflame -root \\n\
- xmatrix -root \\n\
- GL: gflux -root \\n\
-- nerverot -root \\n\
- xrayswarm -root \\n\
- xspirograph -root \\n\
- GL: circuit -root \\n\
- GL: dangerball -root \\n\
-- GL: dnalogo -root \\n\
- GL: engine -root \\n\
- GL: flipscreen3d -root \\n\
- GL: gltext -root \\n\
- GL: menger -root \\n\
- GL: molecule -root \\n\
- rotzoomer -root \\n\
- speedmine -root \\n\
- GL: starwars -root \\n\
- GL: stonerview -root \\n\
- vermiculate -root \\n\
- whirlwindwarp -root \\n\
- zoom -root \\n\
- anemone -root \\n\
- apollonian -root \\n\
- GL: boxed -root \\n\
- GL: cubenetic -root \\n\
- GL: endgame -root \\n\
- euler2d -root \\n\
- fluidballs -root \\n\
- GL: flurry -root \\n\
-- GL: glblur -root \\n\
- GL: glsnake -root \\n\
- halftone -root \\n\
- GL: juggler3d -root \\n\
- GL: lavalite -root \\n\
-- polyominoes -root \\n\
- GL: queens -root \\n\
-- GL: sballs -root \\n\
- GL: spheremonics -root \\n\
-- thornbird -root \\n\
- twang -root \\n\
-- GL: antspotlight -root \\n\
- apple2 -root \\n\
- GL: atunnel -root \\n\
- barcode -root \\n\
- GL: blinkbox -root \\n\
- GL: blocktube -root \\n\
- GL: bouncingcow -root \\n\
- cloudlife -root \\n\
- GL: cubestorm -root \\n\
- eruption -root \\n\
- GL: flipflop -root \\n\
- GL: flyingtoasters -root \\n\
- fontglide -root \\n\
- GL: gleidescope -root \\n\
- GL: glknots -root \\n\
- GL: glmatrix -root \\n\
-- GL: glslideshow -root \\n\
- GL: hypertorus -root \\n\
-- GL: jigglypuff -root \\n\
- metaballs -root \\n\
- GL: mirrorblob -root \\n\
- piecewise -root \\n\
- GL: polytopes -root \\n\
- pong -root \\n\
- popsquares -root \\n\
- GL: surfaces -root \\n\
- xanalogtv -root \\n\
- abstractile -root \\n\
- anemotaxis -root \\n\
-- GL: antinspect -root \\n\
- fireworkx -root \\n\
- fuzzyflakes -root \\n\
- interaggregate -root \\n\
- intermomentary -root \\n\
- memscroller -root \\n\
- GL: noof -root \\n\
- pacman -root \\n\
- GL: pinion -root \\n\
- GL: polyhedra -root \\n\
-- GL: providence -root \\n\
- substrate -root \\n\
- wormhole -root \\n\
-- GL: antmaze -root \\n\
- GL: boing -root \\n\
- boxfit -root \\n\
- GL: carousel -root \\n\
- celtic -root \\n\
- GL: crackberg -root \\n\
- GL: cube21 -root \\n\
- fiberlamp -root \\n\
- GL: fliptext -root \\n\
- GL: glhanoi -root \\n\
- GL: tangram -root \\n\
- GL: timetunnel -root \\n\
- GL: glschool -root \\n\
- GL: topblock -root \\n\
- GL: cubicgrid -root \\n\
- cwaves -root \\n\
- GL: gears -root \\n\
- GL: glcells -root \\n\
- GL: lockward -root \\n\
- m6502 -root \\n\
- GL: moebiusgears -root \\n\
- GL: voronoi -root \\n\
- GL: hypnowheel -root \\n\
- GL: klein -root \\n\
-- lcdscrub -root \\n\
- GL: photopile -root \\n\
- GL: skytentacles -root \\n\
- GL: rubikblocks -root \\n\
- GL: companioncube -root \\n\
- GL: hilbert -root \\n\
- GL: tronbit -root \\n\
- GL: geodesic -root \\n\
- hexadrop -root \\n\
- GL: kaleidocycle -root \\n\
- GL: quasicrystal -root \\n\
- GL: unknownpleasures -root \\n\
- binaryring -root \\n\
- GL: cityflow -root \\n\
- GL: geodesicgears -root \\n\
- GL: projectiveplane -root \\n\
- GL: romanboy -root \\n\
- tessellimage -root \\n\
- GL: winduprobot -root \\n\
- GL: splitflap -root \\n\
- GL: cubestack -root \\n\
- GL: cubetwist -root \\n\
- GL: discoball -root \\n\
- GL: dymaxionmap -root \\n\
- GL: energystream -root \\n\
- GL: hexstrut -root \\n\
- GL: hydrostat -root \\n\
- GL: raverhoop -root \\n\
- GL: splodesic -root \\n\
- GL: unicrud -root \\n\
- GL: esper -root \\n\
- GL: vigilance -root \\n\
- GL: crumbler -root \\n\
- filmleader -root \\n\
- glitchpeg -root \\n\
- GL: handsy -root \\n\
- GL: maze3d -root \\n\
- GL: peepers -root \\n\
- GL: razzledazzle -root \\n\
- vfeedback -root \\n",
-"XScreenSaver.pointerPollTime: 0:00:05",
-"XScreenSaver.pointerHysteresis: 10",
-"XScreenSaver.initialDelay: 0:00:00",
-"XScreenSaver.windowCreationTimeout: 0:00:30",
-"XScreenSaver.bourneShell: /bin/sh",
-"*Dialog.headingFont: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
-"*Dialog.bodyFont: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
-"*Dialog.labelFont: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
-"*Dialog.unameFont: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
-"*Dialog.buttonFont: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
-"*Dialog.dateFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-80-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
-"*passwd.passwdFont: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
-"*Dialog.foreground: #000000",
-"*Dialog.background: #E6E6E6",
-"*Dialog.Button.foreground: #000000",
-"*Dialog.Button.background: #F5F5F5",
-"*Dialog.text.foreground: #000000",
-"*Dialog.text.background: #FFFFFF",
-"*passwd.thermometer.foreground: #4464AC",
-"*passwd.thermometer.background: #FFFFFF",
-"*Dialog.topShadowColor: #FFFFFF",
-"*Dialog.bottomShadowColor: #CECECE",
-"*Dialog.logo.width: 210",
-"*Dialog.logo.height: 210",
-"*Dialog.internalBorderWidth: 24",
-"*Dialog.borderWidth: 1",
-"*Dialog.shadowThickness: 2",
-"*passwd.heading.label: XScreenSaver %s",
-"*passwd.body.label: This screen is locked.",
-"*passwd.unlock.label: OK",
-"*passwd.login.label: New Login",
-"*passwd.user.label: Username:",
-"*passwd.thermometer.width: 8",
-"*passwd.asterisks: True",
-"*passwd.uname: True",
-"*splash.heading.label: XScreenSaver %s",
-"*splash.body.label: Copyright \\251 1991-2018 by",
-"*splash.body2.label: Jamie Zawinski <>",
-"*splash.demo.label: Settings",
-"* Help",
-"* AntInspect",
-"* AntMaze",
-"* AntSpotlight",
-"* BinaryRing",
-"* BlinkBox",
-"* BlitSpin",
-"* BlockTube",
-"* BouncingCow",
-"* BoxFit",
-"* BSOD",
-"* Bubble3D",
-"* CCurve",
-"* CloudLife",
-"* CompanionCube",
-"* CubeStack",
-"* CubeStorm",
-"* CubeTwist",
-"* CubicGrid",
-"* CWaves",
-"* DangerBall",
-"* DecayScreen",
-"* DNA Logo",
-"* DymaxionMap",
-"* EnergyStream",
-"* Euler2D",
-"* FadePlot",
-"* FilmLeader",
-"* FlipFlop",
-"* FlipScreen3D",
-"* FlipText",
-"* FluidBalls",
-"* FlyingToasters",
-"* FontGlide",
-"* FuzzyFlakes",
-"* GeodesicGears",
-"* GFlux",
-"* Gleidescope",
-"* GLForestFire",
-"* GlitchPEG",
-"* HyperBall",
-"* HyperCube",
-"* IFS",
-"* IMSMap",
-"* JigglyPuff",
-"* Juggler3D",
-"* LCDscrub",
-"* LMorph",
-"* m6502",
-"* Maze3D",
-"* MemScroller",
-"* MetaBalls",
-"* MirrorBlob",
-"* MoebiusGears",
-"* Morph3D",
-"* NerveRot",
-"* NoseGuy",
-"* PopSquares",
-"* QuasiCrystal",
-"* RaverHoop",
-"* RazzleDazzle",
-"* RDbomb",
-"* RDbomb",
-"* RomanBoy",
-"* RotZoomer",
-"* RubikBlocks",
-"* SBalls",
-"* ShadeBobs",
-"* Sierpinski3D",
-"* SkyTentacles",
-"* SlideScreen",
-"* SpeedMine",
-"* SplitFlap",
-"* StarWars",
-"* StonerView",
-"* T3D",
-"* TestX11",
-"* TimeTunnel",
-"* TopBlock",
-"* TronBit",
-"* VFeedback",
-"* VidWhacker",
-"* WebCollage",
-"* WhirlWindWarp",
-"* WindupRobot",
-"* XAnalogTV",
-"* XRaySwarm",
-"*hacks.documentation.isInstalled: True",