/* celtic, Copyright (c) 2006 Max Froumentin * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * A celtic pattern programme inspired by "Les Entrelacs Celtes", by * Christian Mercat, Dossier Pour La Science, no. 47, april/june 2005. * See */ #include #include "screenhack.h" #include "erase.h" #define SQRT_3 1.73205080756887729352 #undef assert #define assert(EXP) do { if (!((EXP))) abort(); } while(0) /*-----------------------------------------*/ struct params { unsigned long curve_width, shadow_width; double shape1, shape2; unsigned long margin; enum graph_type { polar, tgrid, kennicott, triangle } type; unsigned long edge_size; unsigned long cluster_size; /* only used if type is kennicott */ unsigned long delay; /* controls curve drawing speed (step delay * in microsecs) */ unsigned long nsteps; /* only if triangle: number of subdivisions along the side */ unsigned long nb_orbits; /* only used if type is polar */ unsigned long nb_nodes_per_orbit; /* only used if type is polar */ double angle; /* angle of rotation of the graph around the centre */ }; /*-----------------------------------------*/ typedef enum direction { CLOCKWISE=0, ANTICLOCKWISE=1 } Direction; /*-----------------------------------------*/ typedef struct array { int nb_elements; int nb_allocated_elements; int increment; void **elements; } *Array; typedef struct graph { Array nodes; Array edges; } *Graph; typedef struct edge_couple { int **array; int size; } *EdgeCouple; typedef struct pattern { double shape1, shape2; EdgeCouple ec; Graph graph; Array splines; int ncolors; } *Pattern; struct state { Display *dpy; Window window; eraser_state *eraser; int ncolors; XColor *colors; GC gc,shadow_gc,gc_graph; Bool showGraph; Pattern pattern; Graph graph; XWindowAttributes xgwa; int delay2; int reset, force_reset; double t; struct params params; }; static Array array_new(int increment) { Array new; assert(new=(Array)calloc(1,sizeof(struct array))); new->nb_elements=0; new->nb_allocated_elements=0; new->increment=increment; return new; } static void array_del(Array a, void (*free_element)(void*)) { int i; if (free_element) for (i=0;inb_elements;i++) free_element(a->elements[i]); free(a->elements); free(a); } static void array_add_element(Array a, void *element) { if (a->nb_elements == a->nb_allocated_elements) { /* we must allocate more */ a->nb_allocated_elements+=a->increment; a->elements=realloc(a->elements,a->nb_allocated_elements*sizeof(void *)); } a->elements[a->nb_elements++]=element; } /*-----------------------------------------*/ typedef struct node { double x,y; Array edges; } *Node; typedef struct edge { Node node1, node2; double angle1, angle2; } *Edge; /*-----------------------------------------*/ /* Node functions */ static Node node_new(double x, double y) { Node new; assert(new = (Node)calloc(1,sizeof(struct node))); new->x=x; new->y=y; new->edges = array_new(10); return new; } static void node_del(void *n) { /* not Node * because the function is passed to array_del */ array_del(((Node)n)->edges,NULL); free(n); } #if 0 static void node_to_s(Node n, FILE *f) { fprintf(f,"Node: %g %g\n",n->x,n->y); } #endif static void node_draw(struct state *st, Node n) { XDrawArc(st->dpy,st->window,st->gc_graph,(int)rint(n->x)-5,(int)rint(n->y)-5,10,10,0,360*64); } static void node_add_edge(Node n, Edge e) { array_add_element(n->edges,e); } /*-----------------------------------------*/ /* Edge functions */ static Edge edge_new(Node n1, Node n2) { Edge new; assert(new = (Edge)calloc(1,sizeof(struct edge))); new->node1=n1; new->node2=n2; new->angle1=atan2(new->node2->y - new->node1->y, new->node2->x - new->node1->x); if (new->angle1 < 0) new->angle1+=6.28; new->angle2=atan2(new->node1->y - new->node2->y, new->node1->x - new->node2->x); if (new->angle2 < 0) new->angle2+=6.28; return new; } static void edge_del(void *e) /* not Edge * because the function is passed to array_del */ { free(e); } #if 0 static void edge_to_s(Edge e, FILE *f) { fprintf(f,"Edge: (%g, %g), (%g, %g) angles: %g, %g\n", e->node1->x, e->node1->y, e->node2->x, e->node2->y, e->angle1, e->angle2); } #endif static void edge_draw(struct state *st, Edge e) { XDrawLine(st->dpy,st->window,st->gc_graph, e->node1->x, e->node1->y, e->node2->x, e->node2->y); } static double edge_angle(Edge e, Node n) { /* returns the angle of the edge at Node n */ assert(n==e->node1 || n==e->node2); if (n==e->node1) return e->angle1; else return e->angle2; } static Node edge_other_node(Edge e, Node n) { assert(n==e->node1 || n==e->node2); if (n==e->node1) return e->node2; else return e->node1; } static double edge_angle_to(Edge e, Edge e2, Node node, Direction direction) { /* returns the absolute angle from this edge to "edge2" around "node" following "direction" */ double a; if (direction==CLOCKWISE) a=edge_angle(e,node) - edge_angle(e2,node); else a=edge_angle(e2,node) - edge_angle(e,node); if (a<0) return a+2*M_PI; else return a; } /*-----------------------------------------*/ static Graph graph_new(struct state *st) { Graph new; assert(new = (Graph)calloc(1,sizeof(struct graph))); new->nodes = array_new(100); new->edges = array_new(100); return new; } static void graph_del(Graph g) { array_del(g->nodes, &node_del); array_del(g->edges, &edge_del); free(g); } static void graph_add_node(Graph g, Node n) { array_add_element(g->nodes, n); } static void graph_add_edge(Graph g, Edge e) { array_add_element(g->edges, e); /* for each node n of e, add n to pointer e */ node_add_edge(e->node1, e); node_add_edge(e->node2, e); } static Edge graph_next_edge_around(Graph g, Node n, Edge e, Direction direction) { /* return the next edge after e around node n clockwise */ double angle, minangle=20; Edge next_edge = e, edge; int i; for (i=0;iedges->nb_elements;i++) { edge=n->edges->elements[i]; if (edge != e) { angle = edge_angle_to(e,edge,n,direction); if (angle < minangle) { next_edge=edge; minangle=angle; } } } return next_edge; } #if 0 static void graph_to_s(Graph g, FILE *f) { int i; for (i=0;inodes->nb_elements;i++) node_to_s(g->nodes->elements[i],f); for (i=0;iedges->nb_elements;i++) edge_to_s(g->edges->elements[i],f); } #endif static void graph_draw(struct state *st, Graph g) { int i; for (i=0;inodes->nb_elements;i++) node_draw(st, g->nodes->elements[i]); for (i=0;iedges->nb_elements;i++) edge_draw(st, g->edges->elements[i]); } static void graph_rotate(Graph g, double angle, int cx, int cy) { /* rotate all the nodes of the graph around the centre */ int i; float c=cos(angle),s=sin(angle),x,y; Node n; for (i=0;inodes->nb_elements;i++) { n=g->nodes->elements[i]; x=n->x; y=n->y; n->x = (x-cx)*c-(y-cy)*s + cx; n->y = (x-cx)*s+(y-cy)*c + cy; } } /*---------------------------*/ static Graph make_polar_graph(struct state *st, int xmin, int ymin, int width, int height, int nbp, /* number of points on each orbit */ int nbo /* number of orbits */) /* make a simple grid graph, with edges present or absent randomly */ { int cx = width/2+xmin, cy=height/2+ymin; /* centre */ int os = (widthsegments=array_new(30); new->color=color; return new; } static void spline_del(void *s) { array_del(((Spline)s)->segments,&free); free(s); } static void spline_add_segment(Spline s, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4) { SplineSegment ss=(SplineSegment)calloc(1,sizeof(struct spline_segment)); ss->x1=x1; ss->x2=x2; ss->x3=x3; ss->x4=x4; ss->y1=y1; ss->y2=y2; ss->y3=y3; ss->y4=y4; array_add_element(s->segments,ss); } #if 0 static void spline_to_s(Spline s, FILE *f) { int i; SplineSegment ss; fprintf(f,"Spline: \n"); for (i=0;isegments->nb_elements;i++) { ss=s->segments->elements[i]; fprintf(f," - segment %d: (%g, %g),(%g, %g),(%g, %g),(%g, %g)\n", i,ss->x1,ss->y1,ss->x2,ss->y2,ss->x3,ss->y3,ss->x4,ss->y4); } } #endif static void spline_value_at(Spline s, double *x, double *y, double t, int *segment) { int si; double tt; SplineSegment ss; si = floor(t*s->segments->nb_elements); tt = t*s->segments->nb_elements - si; assert(tt>=0 && tt<1); ss=s->segments->elements[si]; *x = ss->x1*(1-tt)*(1-tt)*(1-tt)+3*ss->x2*tt*(1-tt)*(1-tt)+3*ss->x3*tt*tt*(1-tt)+ss->x4*tt*tt*tt; *y = ss->y1*(1-tt)*(1-tt)*(1-tt)+3*ss->y2*tt*(1-tt)*(1-tt)+3*ss->y3*tt*tt*(1-tt)+ss->y4*tt*tt*tt; *segment=si; } /*---------------------------*/ static EdgeCouple edge_couple_new(int nb_edges) { int i; EdgeCouple new = (EdgeCouple)calloc(1,sizeof(struct edge_couple)); new->array = (int **)calloc(nb_edges, sizeof(int*)); new->size = nb_edges; for (i=0;iarray[i]=(int *)calloc(2,sizeof(int)); new->array[i][CLOCKWISE]=0; new->array[i][ANTICLOCKWISE]=0; } return new; } static void edge_couple_del(EdgeCouple e) { int i; for (i=0;isize;i++) free(e->array[i]); free(e->array); free(e); } /*---------------------------*/ static Pattern pattern_new(struct state *st, Graph g, double shape1, double shape2) { Pattern new; assert(new=(Pattern)calloc(1,sizeof(struct pattern))); new->shape1=shape1; new->shape2=shape2; new->graph=g; new->ec=edge_couple_new(g->edges->nb_elements); new->splines=array_new(10); new->ncolors=st->ncolors; return new; } static void pattern_del(Pattern p) { edge_couple_del(p->ec); array_del(p->splines,&spline_del); free(p); } static void pattern_edge_couple_set(Pattern p, Edge e, Direction d, int value) { int i; for (i=0;igraph->edges->nb_elements;i++) if (p->graph->edges->elements[i]==e) { p->ec->array[i][d]=value; return; } } static void pattern_draw_spline_direction(Pattern p, Spline s, Node node, Edge edge1, Edge edge2, Direction direction) { double x1=(edge1->node1->x+edge1->node2->x)/2.0; double y1=(edge1->node1->y+edge1->node2->y)/2.0; /* P2 (x2,y2) is the middle point of edge1 */ double x4=(edge2->node1->x+edge2->node2->x)/2.0; double y4=(edge2->node1->y+edge2->node2->y)/2.0; double alpha=edge_angle_to(edge1,edge2,node,direction)*p->shape1; double beta=p->shape2; double i1x,i1y,i2x,i2y,x2,y2,x3,y3; if (direction == ANTICLOCKWISE) { /* I1 must stick out to the left of NP1 and I2 to the right of NP4 */ i1x = alpha*(node->y-y1)+x1; i1y = -alpha*(node->x-x1)+y1; i2x = -alpha*(node->y-y4)+x4; i2y = alpha*(node->x-x4)+y4; x2 = beta*(y1-i1y) + i1x; y2 = -beta*(x1-i1x) + i1y; x3 = -beta*(y4-i2y) + i2x; y3 = beta*(x4-i2x) + i2y; } else { /* I1 must stick out to the left of NP1 and I2 to the right of NP4 */ i1x = -alpha*(node->y-y1)+x1; i1y = alpha*(node->x-x1)+y1; i2x = alpha*(node->y-y4)+x4; i2y = -alpha*(node->x-x4)+y4; x2 = -beta*(y1-i1y) + i1x; y2 = beta*(x1-i1x) + i1y; x3 = beta*(y4-i2y) + i2x; y3 = -beta*(x4-i2x) + i2y; } spline_add_segment(s,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4); } static int pattern_next_unfilled_couple(Pattern p, Edge *e, Direction *d) { int i; for (i=0;iec->size;i++) { if (p->ec->array[i][CLOCKWISE]==0) { *e=p->graph->edges->elements[i]; *d=CLOCKWISE; return 1; } else if (p->ec->array[i][ANTICLOCKWISE]==0) { *e=p->graph->edges->elements[i]; *d=ANTICLOCKWISE; return 1; } } return 0; } static void pattern_make_curves(Pattern p) { Edge current_edge, first_edge, next_edge; Node current_node, first_node; Direction current_direction, first_direction; Spline s; while (pattern_next_unfilled_couple(p, &first_edge, &first_direction)) { /* start a new loop */ s=spline_new(random()%(p->ncolors-2)+2); array_add_element(p->splines, s); current_edge=first_edge; current_node=first_node=current_edge->node1; current_direction=first_direction; do { pattern_edge_couple_set(p, current_edge, current_direction, 1); next_edge = graph_next_edge_around(p->graph,current_node,current_edge,current_direction); /* add the spline segment to the spline */ pattern_draw_spline_direction(p,s,current_node, current_edge,next_edge,current_direction); /* cross the edge */ current_edge = next_edge; current_node = edge_other_node(next_edge, current_node); current_direction=1-current_direction; } while (current_node!=first_node || current_edge!=first_edge || current_direction!=first_direction); if (s->segments->nb_elements==2) /* spline is just one point: remove it */ p->splines->elements[p->splines->nb_elements-1]=NULL; } } static void pattern_animate(struct state *st) { Pattern p = st->pattern; double t = st->t; double t2; double x,y,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4; int i,segment,unused; int ticks; double step=0.0001; /* TODO: set the step (or the delay) as a * function of the spline length, so that * drawing speed is constant */ Spline s; XSetLineAttributes(st->dpy,st->gc,st->params.curve_width,LineSolid,CapRound,JoinRound); XSetLineAttributes(st->dpy,st->shadow_gc,st->params.shadow_width,LineSolid,CapRound,JoinRound); for (ticks=0;ticks<100 && t<1;ticks++) { for (i=0;isplines->nb_elements;i++) if ((s=p->splines->elements[i])) { /* skip if one-point spline */ spline_value_at(s, &x, &y, fmod(t,1.0),&segment); spline_value_at(s, &x2, &y2, fmod(t+step,1.0),&unused); /* look ahead for the shadow segment */ t2=t+step; if (t2<=1.0) { spline_value_at(s, &x3, &y3, fmod(t2,1.0),&unused); while (t2+step<1.0 && (x3-x2)*(x3-x2)+(y3-y2)*(y3-y2) < st->params.shadow_width*st->params.shadow_width) { t2+=step; spline_value_at(s, &x3, &y3, fmod(t2,1.0),&unused); } spline_value_at(s, &x4, &y4, fmod(t2+step,1.0),&unused); /* draw shadow line */ XDrawLine(st->dpy,st->window,st->shadow_gc, (int)rint(x3),(int)rint(y3), (int)rint(x4),(int)rint(y4)); } /* draw line segment */ if (p->splines->nb_elements==1) XSetForeground(st->dpy, st->gc, st->colors[segment%(p->ncolors-3)+2].pixel); else XSetForeground(st->dpy, st->gc, st->colors[s->color].pixel); XDrawLine(st->dpy,st->window,st->gc, (int)rint(x),(int)rint(y), (int)rint(x2),(int)rint(y2)); } t+=step; } st->t=t; if (t>=1) { st->reset=1; /* at the end we redraw back to remove shadow spillage */ for (i=0;isplines->nb_elements;i++) { if ((s=p->splines->elements[i])) { double offset=step; XSetForeground(st->dpy, st->gc, st->colors[s->color].pixel); spline_value_at(s, &x, &y, fmod(t,1.0),&unused); spline_value_at(s, &x2, &y2, fmod(t-offset,1.0),&unused); while ((x2-x)*(x2-x)+(y2-y)*(y2-y) < st->params.shadow_width*st->params.shadow_width) { offset+=step; spline_value_at(s, &x2, &y2, fmod(t-offset,1.0),&unused); } XDrawLine(st->dpy,st->window,st->gc, (int)rint(x),(int)rint(y), (int)rint(x2),(int)rint(y2)); } } } } /*======================================================================*/ static const char *celtic_defaults[] = { ".background: black", ".foreground: #333333", "*fpsSolid: true", "*ncolors: 20", "*delay: 10000", "*delay2: 5", "*showGraph: False", #ifdef HAVE_MOBILE "*ignoreRotation: True", #endif 0 }; static XrmOptionDescRec celtic_options[] = { {"-background", ".background", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}, {"-foreground", ".foreground", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}, {"-ncolors", ".ncolors", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}, {"-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}, {"-delay2", ".delay2", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}, {"-graph", ".showGraph", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; #if 0 static void params_to_s(FILE *f) { switch (st->params.type) { case polar: fprintf(f,"type: polar\n"); fprintf(f,"nb_orbits: %ld\n",st->params.nb_orbits); fprintf(f,"nb_nodes_per_orbit: %ld\n",st->params.nb_nodes_per_orbit); break; case tgrid: fprintf(f,"type: grid\n"); fprintf(f,"edge_size: %ld\n",st->params.edge_size); break; case triangle: fprintf(f,"type: triangle\n"); fprintf(f,"edge_size: %ld\n",st->params.edge_size); break; case kennicott: fprintf(f,"type: kennicott\n"); fprintf(f,"edge_size: %ld\n",st->params.edge_size); fprintf(f,"cluster_size: %ld\n",st->params.cluster_size); break; } fprintf(f,"curve width: %ld\n",st->params.curve_width); fprintf(f,"shadow width: %ld\n",st->params.shadow_width); fprintf(f,"shape1: %g\n",st->params.shape1); fprintf(f,"shape2: %g\n",st->params.shape2); fprintf(f,"margin: %ld\n",st->params.margin); fprintf(f,"angle: %g\n",st->params.angle); fprintf(f,"delay: %ld\n",st->params.delay); } #endif #if 0 static void colormap_to_s(int ncolors, XColor *colors) { int i; printf("-- colormap (%d colors):\n",st->ncolors); for (i=0;incolors;i++) printf("%d: %d %d %d\n", i, st->colors[i].red, st->colors[i].green, st->colors[i].blue); printf("----\n"); } #endif static void * celtic_init (Display *d_arg, Window w_arg) { struct state *st = (struct state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st)); XGCValues gcv; st->dpy=d_arg; st->window=w_arg; st->showGraph=get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "showGraph", "Boolean"); st->ncolors = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "ncolors", "Integer"); XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &st->xgwa); assert(st->colors = (XColor *) calloc (st->ncolors,sizeof(XColor))); if (get_boolean_resource(st->dpy, "mono", "Boolean")) { MONO: st->ncolors = 1; st->colors[0].pixel = get_pixel_resource(st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap, "foreground", "Foreground"); } else { #if 0 make_random_colormap (st->xgwa.screen, st->xgwa.visual, st->xgwa.colormap, st->colors, &st->ncolors, True, True, 0, True); #else make_smooth_colormap (st->xgwa.screen, st->xgwa.visual, st->xgwa.colormap, st->colors, &st->ncolors, True, 0, True); #endif if (st->ncolors < 2) goto MONO; else { st->colors[0].pixel = get_pixel_resource(st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap, "foreground", "Foreground"); st->colors[1].pixel = get_pixel_resource(st->dpy, st->xgwa.colormap, "background", "Background"); } } /* graphic context for curves */ gcv.foreground = st->colors[0].pixel; gcv.background = st->colors[1].pixel; gcv.line_width = st->params.curve_width; gcv.cap_style=CapRound; st->gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCLineWidth|GCCapStyle, &gcv); /* graphic context for graphs */ gcv.foreground = st->colors[0].pixel; gcv.background = st->colors[1].pixel; st->gc_graph = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gcv); /* graphic context for shadows */ gcv.foreground = st->colors[1].pixel; gcv.line_width = st->params.shadow_width; gcv.cap_style=CapRound; st->shadow_gc = XCreateGC(st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground|GCLineWidth|GCCapStyle, &gcv); st->delay2 = 1000000 * get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "delay2", "Delay2"); return st; } static unsigned long celtic_draw (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; if (st->eraser) { st->eraser = erase_window (st->dpy, st->window, st->eraser); return 10000; } if (st->reset || st->force_reset) { int delay = (st->force_reset ? 0 : st->delay2); st->reset = 0; st->force_reset = 0; st->t = 1; if (st->pattern != NULL) { pattern_del(st->pattern); } st->pattern = NULL; graph_del(st->graph); /* recolor each time */ st->ncolors = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "ncolors", "Integer"); if (st->ncolors > 2) make_smooth_colormap (st->xgwa.screen, st->xgwa.visual, st->xgwa.colormap, st->colors, &st->ncolors, True, 0, True); st->eraser = erase_window (st->dpy, st->window, st->eraser); return (delay); } if (st->pattern == NULL) { st->params.curve_width=random()%5+4; st->params.shadow_width=st->params.curve_width+4; st->params.shape1=(15+random()%15)/10.0 -1.0; st->params.shape2=(15+random()%15)/10.0 -1.0; st->params.edge_size=10*(random()%5)+20; st->params.delay=get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "delay", "Delay"); st->params.angle=random()%360*2*M_PI/360; st->params.margin=(random()%8)*100-600; switch (random()%4) { case 0: st->params.type=tgrid; st->params.shape1=(random()%1*2-1.0)*(random()%10+3)/10.0; st->params.shape2=(random()%1*2-1.0)*(random()%10+3)/10.0; st->params.edge_size=10*(random()%5)+50; break; case 1: st->params.type=kennicott; st->params.shape1=(random()%20)/10.0 -1.0; st->params.shape2=(random()%20)/10.0 -1.0; st->params.edge_size=10*(random()%3)+70; st->params.cluster_size=st->params.edge_size/(3.0+random()%10)-1; break; case 2: st->params.type=triangle; st->params.edge_size=10*(random()%5)+60; st->params.margin=(random()%10)*100-900; break; case 3: st->params.type=polar; st->params.nb_orbits=2+random()%10; st->params.nb_nodes_per_orbit=4+random()%10; break; } /* st->params.type= polar; */ /* st->params.nb_orbits= 5; */ /* st->params.nb_nodes_per_orbit= 19; */ /* st->params.curve_width= 4; */ /* st->params.shadow_width= 8; */ /* st->params.shape1= 0.5; */ /* st->params.shape2= 1.3; */ /* st->params.margin= 30; */ /* st->params.angle= 5.21853; */ /* st->params.delay= 10000; */ /* params_to_s(stdout); */ /*=======================================================*/ switch (st->params.type) { case tgrid: st->graph=make_grid_graph(st, st->params.margin,st->params.margin, st->xgwa.width-2*st->params.margin, st->xgwa.height-2*st->params.margin, st->params.edge_size); break; case kennicott: st->graph=make_kennicott_graph(st, st->params.margin,st->params.margin, st->xgwa.width-2*st->params.margin, st->xgwa.height-2*st->params.margin, st->params.edge_size, st->params.cluster_size); break; case triangle: st->graph=make_triangle_graph(st, st->params.margin,st->params.margin, st->xgwa.width-2*st->params.margin, st->xgwa.height-2*st->params.margin, st->params.edge_size); break; case polar: st->graph=make_polar_graph(st, st->params.margin,st->params.margin, st->xgwa.width-2*st->params.margin, st->xgwa.height-2*st->params.margin, st->params.nb_nodes_per_orbit, st->params.nb_orbits); break; default: st->graph=make_grid_graph(st, st->params.margin,st->params.margin, st->xgwa.width-2*st->params.margin, st->xgwa.height-2*st->params.margin, st->params.edge_size); break; } graph_rotate(st->graph,st->params.angle,st->xgwa.width/2,st->xgwa.height/2); if (st->showGraph) graph_draw(st, st->graph); st->pattern=pattern_new(st, st->graph, st->params.shape1, st->params.shape2); pattern_make_curves(st->pattern); st->t = 0.0; } pattern_animate(st); return st->params.delay; } static void celtic_reshape (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &st->xgwa); } static Bool celtic_event (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, XEvent *event) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; if (screenhack_event_helper (dpy, window, event)) { st->force_reset = 1; return True; } return False; } static void celtic_free (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; free (st); } XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Celtic", celtic)