#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright © 2008-2021 Jamie Zawinski # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that # the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting # documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or # implied warranty. # # This parses the .c and .xml files and makes sure they are in sync: that # options are spelled the same, and that all the numbers are in sync. # # It also converts the hacks/config/ XML files into the Android XML files. # # Created: 1-Aug-2008. require 5; use diagnostics; use strict; my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g; my ($version) = ('$Revision: 1.36 $' =~ m/\s(\d[.\d]+)\s/s); my $verbose = 0; my $debug_p = 0; my $text_default_opts = ''; foreach (qw(text-mode text-literal text-file text-url text-program)) { my $s = $_; $s =~ s/-(.)/\U$1/g; $s =~ s/url/URL/si; $text_default_opts .= "{\"-$_\", \".$s\", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},\n"; } my $image_default_opts = ''; foreach (qw(choose-random-images grab-desktop-images)) { my $s = $_; $s =~ s/-(.)/\U$1/g; $image_default_opts .= "{\"-$_\", \".$s\", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},\n"; } my $xlockmore_default_opts = ''; foreach (qw(count cycles delay ncolors size font)) { $xlockmore_default_opts .= "{\"-$_\", \".$_\", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},\n"; } $xlockmore_default_opts .= "{\"-wireframe\", \".wireframe\", XrmoptionNoArg, \"true\"},\n" . "{\"-3d\", \".use3d\", XrmoptionNoArg, \"true\"},\n" . "{\"-no-3d\", \".use3d\", XrmoptionNoArg, \"false\"},\n"; my $thread_default_opts = "{\"-threads\", \".useThreads\", XrmoptionNoArg, \"True\"},\n" . "{\"-no-threads\", \".useThreads\", XrmoptionNoArg, \"False\"},\n"; my $analogtv_default_opts = ''; foreach (qw(color tint brightness contrast)) { $analogtv_default_opts .= "{\"-tv-$_\", \".TV$_\", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},\n"; } $analogtv_default_opts .= $thread_default_opts; # Returns two tables: # - A table of the default resource values. # - A table of "-switch" => "resource: value", or "-switch" => "resource: %" # sub parse_src($) { my ($saver) = @_; my $file = lc($saver) . ".c"; # kludge... $file = 'apple2-main.c' if ($file eq 'apple2.c'); $file = 'sproingiewrap.c' if ($file eq 'sproingies.c'); $file = 'b_lockglue.c' if ($file eq 'bubble3d.c'); $file = 'polyhedra-gl.c' if ($file eq 'polyhedra.c'); $file = 'companion.c' if ($file eq 'companioncube.c'); $file = 'rd-bomb.c' if ($file eq 'rdbomb.c'); my $ofile = $file; $file = "glx/$ofile" unless (-f $file); $file = "../hacks/$ofile" unless (-f $file); $file = "../hacks/glx/$ofile" unless (-f $file); my $body = ''; open (my $in, '<:utf8', $file) || error ("$ofile: $!"); while (<$in>) { $body .= $_; } close $in; $file =~ s@^.*/@@; my $xlockmore_p = 0; my $thread_p = ($body =~ m/THREAD_DEFAULTS/); my $analogtv_p = ($body =~ m/ANALOGTV_DEFAULTS/); my $text_p = ($body =~ m/"textclient\.h"/); my $grab_p = ($body =~ m/load_image_async/); $body =~ s@/\*.*?\*/@@gs; $body =~ s@^#\s*(if|ifdef|ifndef|elif|else|endif).*$@@gm; $body =~ s/(THREAD|ANALOGTV)_(DEFAULTS|OPTIONS)(_XLOCK)?//gs; $body =~ s/__extension__//gs; print STDERR "$progname: $file: defaults:\n" if ($verbose > 2); my %res_to_val; if ($body =~ m/_defaults\s*\[\]\s*=\s*{(.*?)}\s*;/s) { foreach (split (/,\s*\n/, $1)) { s/^\s*//s; s/\s*$//s; next if m/^0?$/s; s/"[ \t]*\n\s*"//s; # string-append continuation lines my ($key, $val) = m@^\"([^:\s]+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*\"$@; print STDERR "$progname: $file: unparsable: $_\n" unless $key; $key =~ s/^[.*]//s; $res_to_val{$key} = $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: $key = $val\n" if ($verbose > 2); } } elsif ($body =~ m/\#\s*define\s*DEFAULTS\s*\\?\s*(.*?)\n[\n#]/s) { $xlockmore_p = 1; my $str = $1; $str =~ s/\"\s*\\\n\s*\"//gs; $str =~ m/^\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*\\?\s*$/ || error ("$file: unparsable defaults: $str"); $str = $1; $str =~ s/\s*\\n\s*/\n/gs; foreach (split (/\n/, $str)) { my ($key, $val) = m@^([^:\s]+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$@; print STDERR "$progname: $file: unparsable: $_\n" unless $key; $key =~ s/^[.*]//s; $val =~ s/"\s*"\s*$//s; $res_to_val{$key} = $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: $key = $val\n" if ($verbose > 2); } while ($body =~ s/^#\s*define\s+(DEF_([A-Z\d_]+))\s+\"([^\"]+)\"//m) { my ($key1, $key2, $val) = ($1, lc($2), $3); $key2 =~ s/_(.)/\U$1/gs; # "foo_bar" -> "fooBar" $key2 =~ s/Rpm/RPM/; # kludge $res_to_val{$key2} = $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: $key1 ($key2) = $val\n" if ($verbose > 2); } } else { error ("$file: no defaults"); } $body =~ m/XSCREENSAVER_MODULE(_2)?\s*\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/ || error ("$file: no module name"); $res_to_val{progclass} = $2; $res_to_val{doFPS} = 'false'; $res_to_val{textMode} = 'date'; $res_to_val{textLiteral} = ''; $res_to_val{textURL} = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:NewPages&feed=rss'; $res_to_val{grabDesktopImages} = 'true'; $res_to_val{chooseRandomImages} = 'true'; print STDERR "$progname: $file: progclass = $2\n" if ($verbose > 2); print STDERR "$progname: $file: switches to resources:\n" if ($verbose > 2); my %switch_to_res; $switch_to_res{'-fps'} = 'doFPS: true'; $switch_to_res{'-fg'} = 'foreground: %'; $switch_to_res{'-bg'} = 'background: %'; $switch_to_res{'-no-grab-desktop-images'} = 'grabDesktopImages: false'; $switch_to_res{'-no-choose-random-images'} = 'chooseRandomImages: false'; my ($ign, $opts) = ($body =~ m/(_options|\bopts)\s*\[\]\s*=\s*{(.*?)}\s*;/s); if ($xlockmore_p || $thread_p || $analogtv_p || $opts) { $opts = '' unless $opts; $opts .= ",\n$text_default_opts" if ($text_p); $opts .= ",\n$image_default_opts" if ($grab_p); $opts .= ",\n$xlockmore_default_opts" if ($xlockmore_p); $opts .= ",\n$thread_default_opts" if ($thread_p); $opts .= ",\n$analogtv_default_opts" if ($analogtv_p); foreach (split (/,\s*\n/, $opts)) { s/^\s*//s; s/\s*$//s; next if m/^$/s; next if m/^\{\s*0\s*,/s; my ($switch, $res, $type, $v0, $v1, $v2) = m@^ \s* { \s * \"([^\"]+)\" \s* , \s * \"([^\"]+)\" \s* , \s * ([^\s]+) \s* , \s * (\"([^\"]*)\"|([a-zA-Z\d_]+)) \s* }@xi; print STDERR "$progname: $file: unparsable: $_\n" unless $switch; my $val = defined($v1) ? $v1 : $v2; $val = '%' if ($type eq 'XrmoptionSepArg'); $res =~ s/^[.*]//s; $res =~ s/^[a-z\d]+\.//si; $switch =~ s/^\+/-no-/s; $val = "$res: $val"; if (defined ($switch_to_res{$switch})) { print STDERR "$progname: $file: DUP! $switch = \"$val\"\n" if ($verbose > 2); } else { $switch_to_res{$switch} = $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: $switch = \"$val\"\n" if ($verbose > 2); } } } else { error ("$file: no options"); } return (\%res_to_val, \%switch_to_res); } my %video_dups; # Returns a list of: # "resource = default value" # or "resource != non-default value" # # Also a hash of the simplified XML contents. # sub parse_xml($$$) { my ($saver, $switch_to_res, $src_opts) = @_; my $saver_title = undef; my $gl_p = 0; my $file = "config/" . lc($saver) . ".xml"; my $ofile = $file; $file = "../hacks/$ofile" unless (-f $file); my $body = ''; open (my $in, '<:utf8', $file) || error ("$ofile: $!"); while (<$in>) { $body .= $_; } close $in; $file =~ s@^.*/@@; my @result = (); $body =~ s@@ @gs; $body =~ s@@ @gs; $body =~ s// /gsi; $body =~ s@(<(_description)>.*?)@{ $_ = $1; s/\n/\002/gs; $_; }@gsexi; $body =~ s/\s+/ /gs; $body =~ s/ 2); foreach (split (m/\001/, $body)) { next if (m/^\s*$/s); my ($type, $args) = m@^<([?/]?[-_a-z]+)\b\s*(.*)$@si; error ("$progname: $file: unparsable: $_") unless $type; next if ($type =~ m@^/@); my $ctrl = { type => $type }; if ($type =~ m/^( [hv]group | \?xml | command | file | xscreensaver-image | xscreensaver-updater )/sx) { $ctrl = undef; } elsif ($type eq '_description') { $args =~ s/\002/\n/gs; $args =~ s@^>\s*@@s; $args =~ s/^\n*|\s*$//gs; $ctrl->{text} = $args; } elsif ($type eq 'screensaver') { ($saver_title) = ($args =~ m/\b_label\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/s); ($gl_p) = ($args =~ m/\bgl="?yes/s); my $s = $saver_title; $s =~ s/\s+//gs; my $val = "progclass = $s"; push @result, $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: name: $saver_title\n" if ($verbose > 2); $ctrl = undef; } elsif ($type eq 'video') { error ("$file: multiple videos") if $video; ($video) = ($args =~ m/\bhref="(.*?)"/); error ("$file: unparsable video") unless $video; error ("$file: unparsable video URL") unless ($video =~ m@^https?://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=[^?&]+$@s); $ctrl = undef; } elsif ($type eq 'select') { $args =~ s/\s*$@@s; while ($opt =~ s/^\s*([^\s]+)\s*=\s*"(.*?)"\s*(.*)/$3/s) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); $item{$k} = $v; } error ("unparsable XML option line: $_ [$opt]") if ($opt); push @menu, \%item; my ($set) = $item{'arg-set'}; if ($set) { my ($set2, $val) = ($set =~ m/^(.*?) (.*)$/s); $set = $set2 if ($set2); my ($res) = $switch_to_res->{$set}; error ("$file: no resource for select switch \"$set\"") unless $res; my ($res2, $val2) = ($res =~ m/^(.*?): (.*)$/s); error ("$file: unparsable select resource: $res") unless $res2; $res = $res2; $val = $val2 unless ($val2 eq '%'); $item{value} = $val; error ("$file: mismatched resources: $res vs $this_res") if (defined($this_res) && $this_res ne $res); $this_res = $res; $val = "$res != $val"; push @result, $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: select: $val\n" if ($verbose > 2); } else { error ("$file: multiple default options: $set") if ($unset_p); $unset_p++; } } $ctrl->{resource} = $this_res; $ctrl->{default} = $src_opts->{$this_res}; $ctrl->{menu} = \@menu; } else { my $rest = $args; $rest =~ s@[/?]*>\s*$@@s; while ($rest =~ s/^\s*([^\s]+)\s*=\s*"(.*?)"\s*(.*)/$3/s) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); $ctrl->{$k} = $v; } error ("unparsable XML line: $args [$rest]") if ($rest); if ($type eq 'number') { my ($arg) = $ctrl->{arg}; my ($val) = $ctrl->{default}; $val = '' unless defined($val); my $switch = $arg; $switch =~ s/\s+.*$//; my ($res) = $switch_to_res->{$switch}; error ("$file: no resource for $type switch \"$arg\"") unless $res; $res =~ s/: \%$//; error ("$file: unparsable value: $res") if ($res =~ m/:/); $ctrl->{resource} = $res; $val = "$res = $val"; push @result, $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: number: $val\n" if ($verbose > 2); } elsif ($type eq 'boolean') { my ($set) = $ctrl->{'arg-set'}; my ($unset) = $ctrl->{'arg-unset'}; my ($arg) = $set || $unset || error ("$file: unparsable: $args"); my ($res) = $switch_to_res->{$arg}; error ("$file: no resource for boolean switch \"$arg\"") unless $res; my ($res2, $val) = ($res =~ m/^(.*?): (.*)$/s); error ("$file: unparsable boolean resource: $res") unless $res2; $res = $res2; $ctrl->{resource} = $res; $ctrl->{convert} = 'invert' if ($val =~ m/off|false|no/i); $ctrl->{default} = ($ctrl->{convert} ? 'true' : 'false'); # $val = ($set ? "$res != $val" : "$res = $val"); $val = "$res != $val"; push @result, $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: boolean: $val\n" if ($verbose > 2); } elsif ($type eq 'string') { my ($arg) = $ctrl->{arg}; my $switch = $arg; $switch =~ s/\s+.*$//; my ($res) = $switch_to_res->{$switch}; error ("$file: no resource for $type switch \"$arg\"") unless $res; $res =~ s/: \%$//; error ("$file: unparsable value: $res") if ($res =~ m/:/); $ctrl->{resource} = $res; $ctrl->{default} = $src_opts->{$res}; my $val = "$res = %"; push @result, $val; print STDERR "$progname: $file: string: $val\n" if ($verbose > 2); } else { error ("$file: unknown type \"$type\" for no arg"); } } push @widgets, $ctrl if $ctrl; } # error ("$file: no video") unless $video; print STDERR "\n$file: WARNING: no video\n\n" unless $video; if ($video && $video_dups{$video} && $video_dups{$video} ne $saver_title) { print STDERR "\n$file: WARNING: $saver_title: dup video with " . $video_dups{$video} . "\n"; } $video_dups{$video} = $saver_title if ($video); return ($saver_title, $gl_p, \@result, \@widgets); } sub check_config($$) { my ($saver, $android_p) = @_; # kludge return 0 if ($saver =~ m/(-helper)$/); return 0 if ($saver =~ m/(xscreensaver-)/); my ($src_opts, $switchmap) = parse_src ($saver); my ($saver_title, $gl_p, $xml_opts, $widgets) = parse_xml ($saver, $switchmap, $src_opts); my $failures = 0; foreach my $claim (@$xml_opts) { my ($res, $compare, $xval) = ($claim =~ m/^(.*) (=|!=) (.*)$/s); error ("$saver: unparsable xml claim: $claim") unless $compare; my $sval = $src_opts->{$res}; if ($res =~ m/^TV|^text-mode/) { print STDERR "$progname: $saver: OK: skipping \"$res\"\n" if ($verbose > 1); } elsif (!defined($sval)) { print STDERR "$progname: $saver: $res: not in source\n"; } elsif ($res eq 'progclass') { # Ignore this one } elsif ($claim !~ m/ = %$/s && ($compare eq '!=' ? $sval eq $xval : $sval ne $xval)) { print STDERR "$progname: $saver: " . "src has \"$res = $sval\", xml has \"$claim\"\n"; $failures++; } elsif ($verbose > 1) { print STDERR "$progname: $saver: OK: \"$res = $sval\" vs \"$claim\"\n"; } } # Now make sure the progclass in the source and XML also matches # the XCode target name. # my $obd = "../OSX/build/Debug"; if (!$android_p && -d $obd) { my $progclass = $src_opts->{progclass}; $progclass = 'DNAlogo' if ($progclass eq 'DNALogo'); my $f = (glob("$obd/$progclass.saver*"))[0]; if (!$f && $progclass ne 'Flurry') { print STDERR "$progname: $progclass.saver does not exist\n"; $failures++; } } print STDERR "$progname: $saver: OK\n" if ($verbose == 1 && $failures == 0); return $failures; } # Returns true if the two files differ (by running "cmp") # sub cmp_files($$) { my ($file1, $file2) = @_; my @cmd = ("cmp", "-s", "$file1", "$file2"); print STDERR "$progname: executing \"" . join(" ", @cmd) . "\"\n" if ($verbose > 3); system (@cmd); my $exit_value = $? >> 8; my $signal_num = $? & 127; my $dumped_core = $? & 128; error ("$cmd[0]: core dumped!") if ($dumped_core); error ("$cmd[0]: signal $signal_num!") if ($signal_num); return $exit_value; } sub diff_files($$) { my ($file1, $file2) = @_; my @cmd = ("diff", "-U1", # "-w", "--unidirectional-new-file", "$file1", "$file2"); print STDERR "$progname: executing \"" . join(" ", @cmd) . "\"\n" if ($verbose > 3); system (@cmd); my $exit_value = $? >> 8; my $signal_num = $? & 127; my $dumped_core = $? & 128; error ("$cmd[0]: core dumped!") if ($dumped_core); error ("$cmd[0]: signal $signal_num!") if ($signal_num); return $exit_value; } # If the two files differ: # mv file2 file1 # else # rm file2 # sub rename_or_delete($$;$) { my ($file, $file_tmp, $suffix_msg) = @_; my $changed_p = cmp_files ($file, $file_tmp); if ($changed_p && $debug_p) { print STDOUT "\n" . ('#' x 79) . "\n"; diff_files ("$file", "$file_tmp"); $changed_p = 0; } if ($changed_p) { if (!rename ("$file_tmp", "$file")) { unlink "$file_tmp"; error ("mv $file_tmp $file: $!"); } print STDERR "$progname: wrote $file" . ($suffix_msg ? " $suffix_msg" : "") . "\n"; } else { unlink "$file_tmp" || error ("rm $file_tmp: $!\n"); print STDERR "$file unchanged" . ($suffix_msg ? " $suffix_msg" : "") . "\n" if ($verbose); print STDERR "$progname: rm $file_tmp\n" if ($verbose > 2); } } # Write the given body to the file, but don't alter the file's # date if the new content is the same as the existing content. # sub write_file_if_changed($$;$) { my ($outfile, $body, $suffix_msg) = @_; my $file_tmp = "$outfile.tmp"; open (my $out, '>:utf8', $file_tmp) || error ("$file_tmp: $!"); (print $out $body) || error ("$file_tmp: $!"); close $out || error ("$file_tmp: $!"); rename_or_delete ($outfile, $file_tmp, $suffix_msg); } # Read the template file and splice in the @KEYWORDS@ in the hash. # sub read_template($$) { my ($file, $subs) = @_; my $body = ''; open (my $in, '<:utf8', $file) || error ("$file: $!"); while (<$in>) { $body .= $_; } close $in; $body =~ s@/\*.*?\*/@@gs; # omit comments $body =~ s@//.*$@@gm; foreach my $key (keys %$subs) { my $val = $subs->{$key}; $body =~ s/@\Q$key\E@/$val/gs; } if ($body =~ m/(@[-_A-Z\d]+@)/s) { error ("$file: unmatched: $1 [$body]"); } $body =~ s/[ \t]+$//gm; $body =~ s/(\n\n)\n+/$1/gs; return $body; } # This is duplicated in OSX/update-info-plist.pl # sub munge_blurb($$$$) { my ($filename, $name, $vers, $desc) = @_; $desc =~ s/^([ \t]*\n)+//s; $desc =~ s/\s*$//s; # in case it's done already... $desc =~ s@@@gs; $desc =~ s/^.* version \d[^\n]*\n//s; $desc =~ s/^From the XScreenSaver.*\n//m; $desc =~ s@^https://www\.jwz\.org/xscreensaver.*\n@@m; $desc =~ s/\nCopyright [^ \r\n\t]+ (\d{4})(-\d{4})? (.*)\.$/\nWritten $3; $1./s; $desc =~ s/^\n+//s; error ("$filename: description contains markup: $1") if ($desc =~ m/([<>&][^<>&\s]*)/s); error ("$filename: description contains ctl chars: $1") if ($desc =~ m/([\000-\010\013-\037])/s); error ("$filename: can't extract authors") unless ($desc =~ m@^(.*)\nWritten by[ \t]+(.+)$@s); $desc = $1; my $authors = $2; $desc =~ s/\s*$//s; my $year = undef; if ($authors =~ m@^(.*?)\s*[,;]\s+(\d\d\d\d)([-\s,;]+\d\d\d\d)*[.]?$@s) { $authors = $1; $year = $2; } error ("$filename: can't extract year") unless $year; my $cyear = 1900 + ((localtime())[5]); $year = "$cyear" unless $year; if ($year && ! ($year =~ m/$cyear/)) { $year = "$year-$cyear"; } $authors =~ s/[.,;\s]+$//s; # List me as a co-author on all of them, since I'm the one who # did the OSX port, packaged it up, and built the executables. # my $curator = "Jamie Zawinski"; if (! ($authors =~ m/$curator/si)) { if ($authors =~ m@^(.*?),? and (.*)$@s) { $authors = "$1, $2, and $curator"; } else { $authors .= " and $curator"; } } my $desc1 = ("$name, version $vers.\n\n" . # savername.xml $desc . "\n" . "\n" . "From the XScreenSaver collection: " . "https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/\n" . "Copyright \302\251 $year by $authors.\n"); my $desc2 = ("$name $vers,\n" . # Info.plist "\302\251 $year $authors.\n" . #"From the XScreenSaver collection:\n" . #"https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/\n" . "\n" . $desc . "\n"); utf8::decode($desc1); # Pack UTF-8 into wide chars. utf8::decode($desc2); # unwrap lines, but only when it's obviously ok: leave blank lines, # and don't unwrap if that would compress leading whitespace on a line. # $desc2 =~ s/^(From |https?:)/\n$1/gm; 1 while ($desc2 =~ s/([^\s])[ \t]*\n([^\s])/$1 $2/gs); $desc2 =~ s/\n\n(From |https?:)/\n$1/gs; return ($desc1, $desc2); } sub build_android(@) { my (@savers) = @_; my $package = "org.jwz.xscreensaver"; my $project_dir = "xscreensaver"; my $xml_dir = "$project_dir/res/xml"; my $values_dir = "$project_dir/res/values"; my $java_dir = "$project_dir/src/org/jwz/xscreensaver/gen"; my $gen_dir = "gen"; my $xml_header = "\n"; my $manifest = ''; my $daydream_java = ''; my $settings_java = ''; my $wallpaper_java = ''; my $fntable_h2 = ''; my $fntable_h3 = ''; my $arrays = ''; my $strings = ''; my %write_files; my %string_dups; my $vers; { my $file = "../utils/version.h"; my $body = ''; open (my $in, '<:utf8', $file) || error ("$file: $!"); while (<$in>) { $body .= $_; } close $in; ($vers) = ($body =~ m@ (\d+\.[0-9a-z]+) @s); error ("$file: no version number") unless $vers; } foreach my $saver (@savers) { next if ($saver =~ m/(-helper)$/); $saver = 'rdbomb' if ($saver eq 'rd-bomb'); my ($src_opts, $switchmap) = parse_src ($saver); my ($saver_title, $gl_p, $xml_opts, $widgets) = parse_xml ($saver, $switchmap, $src_opts); # The Android daydream list sorts the $saver_title strings with strcmp, # meaning capitals come before lower case, and "ö" comes after "z". # It doesn't matter how we order them in the XML files. $saver_title =~ s/^([a-z])/\U$1/gs; # upcase first letter # This is a Java class name, so it could just be $saver, but it turns # out that unicrud is allowed in class names, so why not. my $saver_class = $saver_title; $saver_class =~ s/\]\[/2/gs; $saver_class =~ s/[-_\s]//gs; my $settings = ''; my $localize0 = sub($$) { my ($key, $string) = @_; $string =~ s@([\\\"\'])@\\$1@gs; # backslashify $string =~ s@\n@\\n@gs; # quote newlines $key =~ s@[^a-z\d_]+@_@gsi; # illegal characters my $old = $string_dups{$key}; error ("dup string: $key: \"$old\" != \"$string\"") if (defined($old) && $old ne $string); $string_dups{$key} = $string; my $fmt = ($string =~ m/%/ ? ' formatted="false"' : ''); $strings .= "$string\n" unless defined($old); return "\@string/$key"; }; $localize0->('app_name', 'XScreenSaver'); $settings .= ("('reset_to_defaults', 'Reset to defaults') . "\"\n" . " />\n"); my $daydream_desc = ''; foreach my $widget (@$widgets) { my $type = $widget->{type}; my $rsrc = $widget->{resource}; my $label = $widget->{_label}; my $def = $widget->{default}; my $invert_p = (($widget->{convert} || '') eq 'invert'); my $key = "${saver}_$rsrc" if $rsrc; #### The menus don't actually have titles on X11 or Cocoa... $label = $widget->{resource} unless $label; my $localize = sub($;$) { my ($string, $suf) = @_; $suf = 'title' unless $suf; return $localize0->("${saver}_${rsrc}_${suf}", $string); }; if ($type eq 'slider' || $type eq 'spinbutton') { my $low = $widget->{low}; my $high = $widget->{high}; my $float_p = $low =~ m/[.]/; my $low_label = $widget->{'_low-label'}; my $high_label = $widget->{'_high-label'}; $low_label = $low unless defined($low_label); $high_label = $high unless defined($high_label); ($low, $high) = ($high, $low) if (($widget->{convert} || '') eq 'invert'); $settings .= ("<$package.SliderPreference\n" . " android:layout=\"\@layout/slider_preference\"\n" . " android:key=\"${key}\"\n" . " android:title=\"" . $localize->($label) . "\"\n" . " android:defaultValue=\"$def\"\n" . " low=\"$low\"\n" . " high=\"$high\"\n" . " lowLabel=\"" . $localize->($low_label, 'low_label') . "\"\n" . " highLabel=\"" . $localize->($high_label, 'high_label') . "\"\n" . " integral=\"" .($float_p ? 'false' : 'true'). "\" />\n"); } elsif ($type eq 'boolean') { my $def = ($invert_p ? 'true' : 'false'); $settings .= ("($label) . "\"\n" . " android:defaultValue=\"$def\" />\n"); } elsif ($type eq 'select') { $label =~ s/^(.)/\U$1/s; # upcase first letter of menu title $label =~ s/[-_]/ /gs; $label =~ s/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1 $2/gs; $def = '' unless defined ($def); $settings .= ("($label, 'menu') . "\"\n" . " android:entries=\"\@array/${key}_entries\"\n" . " android:defaultValue=\"$def\"\n" . " android:entryValues=\"\@array/${key}_values\" />\n"); my $a1 = ''; foreach my $item (@{$widget->{menu}}) { my $val = $item->{value}; if (! defined($val)) { $val = $src_opts->{$widget->{resource}}; error ("$saver: no default resource in option menu " . $item->{_label}) unless defined($val); } $val =~ s@([\\\"\'])@\\$1@gs; # backslashify $a1 .= " $val\n"; } my $a2 = ''; foreach my $item (@{$widget->{menu}}) { my $val = $item->{value}; $val = $src_opts->{$widget->{resource}} unless defined($val); $a2 .= (" " . $localize->($item->{_label}, $val) . "\n"); } my $fmt1 = ($a1 =~ m/%/ ? ' formatted="false"' : ''); my $fmt2 = ($a2 =~ m/%/ ? ' formatted="false"' : ''); $arrays .= ("\n" . $a1 . "\n" . "\n" . $a2 . "\n"); } elsif ($type eq 'string') { $def =~ s/&/&/gs; $settings .= ("($label) . "\"\n" . " android:defaultValue=\"$def\" />\n"); } elsif ($type eq 'file') { } elsif ($type eq '_description') { $type = 'description'; $rsrc = $type; my $desc = $widget->{text}; (undef, $desc) = munge_blurb ($saver, $saver_title, $vers, $desc); # Lose the Wikipedia URLs. $desc =~ s@https?:.*?\b(wikipedia|mathworld)\b[^\s]+[ \t]*\n?@@gm; $desc =~ s/(\n\n)\n+/$1/s; $desc =~ s/\s*$/\n\n\n/s; $daydream_desc = $desc; my ($year) = ($daydream_desc =~ m/\b((19|20)\d\d)\b/s); error ("$saver: no year") unless $year; $daydream_desc =~ s/^.*?\n\n//gs; $daydream_desc =~ s/\n.*$//gs; $daydream_desc = "$year: $daydream_desc"; $daydream_desc =~ s/^(.{72}).+$/$1.../s; $settings .= ("($desc) . "\">\n" . " \n" . "\n"); } else { error ("unhandled type: $type"); } } my $heading = "XScreenSaver: $saver_title"; $settings =~ s/^/ /gm; $settings = ($xml_header . "("${saver}_settings_title", $heading) . "\">\n" . $settings . "\n"); my $saver_underscore = $saver; $saver_underscore =~ s/-/_/g; $write_files{"$xml_dir/${saver_underscore}_settings.xml"} = $settings; $manifest .= ("("${saver_underscore}_saver_title", $saver_title) . "\"\n" . " android:summary=\"" . $localize0->("${saver_underscore}_saver_desc", $daydream_desc) . "\"\n" . " android:name=\".gen.Daydream\$$saver_class\"\n" . " android:permission=\"android.permission" . ".BIND_DREAM_SERVICE\"\n" . " android:exported=\"true\"\n" . " android:icon=\"\@drawable/${saver_underscore}\">\n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . "\n" . "("${saver_underscore}_saver_title", $saver_title) . "\"\n" . " android:summary=\"" . $localize0->("${saver_underscore}_saver_desc", $daydream_desc) . "\"\n" . " android:name=\".gen.Wallpaper\$$saver_class\"\n" . " android:permission=\"android.permission" . ".BIND_WALLPAPER\">\n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . # TODO: Is the DEFAULT category needed? " \n" . " \n" . "\n" . "("${saver}_settings_title", $heading) . "\"\n" . " android:name=\"$package.gen.Settings\$$saver_class\"\n" . " android:exported=\"true\">\n" . "\n" ); my $dream = ("\n"); $write_files{"$xml_dir/${saver_underscore}_dream.xml"} = $dream; my $wallpaper = ("\n"); $write_files{"$xml_dir/${saver_underscore}_wallpaper.xml"} = $wallpaper; $daydream_java .= (" public static class $saver_class extends $package.Daydream {\n" . " }\n" . "\n"); $wallpaper_java .= (" public static class $saver_class extends $package.Wallpaper {\n" . " }\n" . "\n"); $settings_java .= (" public static class $saver_class extends $package.Settings\n" . " implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {\n" . " }\n" . "\n"); $fntable_h2 .= ",\n " if $fntable_h2 ne ''; $fntable_h3 .= ",\n " if $fntable_h3 ne ''; $fntable_h2 .= "${saver}_xscreensaver_function_table"; $fntable_h3 .= "{\"${saver}\", &${saver}_xscreensaver_function_table}"; } $arrays =~ s/^/ /gm; $arrays = ($xml_header . "\n" . $arrays . "\n"); $strings =~ s/^/ /gm; $strings = ($xml_header . "\n" . $strings . "\n"); $manifest .= "\n"; $manifest .= ("\n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . "\n"); $manifest .= ("\n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . "\n"); # Android wants this to be an int my $versb = $vers; $versb =~ s/^(\d+)\.(\d+).*$/{ $1 * 10000 + $2 * 100 }/sex; $versb++ if ($versb == 53500); # Herp derp $manifest =~ s/^/ /gm; $manifest = ($xml_header . "\n" . # Without this shit we get "APP_PLATFORM android-18 is higher # than android:minSdkVersion 1 in AndroidManifest.xml" # # But with it "lintVitalRelease" complains with: # "The minSdk version should not be declared in the android # manifest file. You can move the version from the manifest to # the defaultConfig in the build.gradle file." # # That crap is already in android/xscreensaver/build.gradle. # # " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . $manifest . " \n" . "\n"); $daydream_java = ("package $package.gen;\n" . "\n" . "import $package.jwxyz;\n" . "\n" . "public class Daydream {\n" . $daydream_java . "}\n"); $wallpaper_java = ("package $package.gen;\n" . "\n" . "import $package.jwxyz;\n" . "\n" . "public class Wallpaper {\n" . $wallpaper_java . "}\n"); $settings_java = ("package $package.gen;\n" . "\n" . "import android.content.SharedPreferences;\n" . "\n" . "public class Settings {\n" . $settings_java . "}\n"); $write_files{"$project_dir/AndroidManifest.xml"} = $manifest; $write_files{"$values_dir/settings.xml"} = $arrays; $write_files{"$values_dir/strings.xml"} = $strings; $write_files{"$java_dir/Daydream.java"} = $daydream_java; $write_files{"$java_dir/Wallpaper.java"} = $wallpaper_java; $write_files{"$java_dir/Settings.java"} = $settings_java; my $fntable_h = ("extern struct xscreensaver_function_table\n" . " " . $fntable_h2 . ";\n" . "\n" . "static const struct function_table_entry" . " function_table[] = {\n" . " " . $fntable_h3 . "\n" . "};\n"); $write_files{"$gen_dir/function-table.h"} = $fntable_h; $write_files{"$values_dir/attrs.xml"} = # This file doesn't actually have any substitutions in it, so it could # just be static, somewhere... # SliderPreference.java refers to this via "R.styleable.SliderPreference". ("\n" . "\n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . "\n"); foreach my $file (sort keys %write_files) { my ($dir) = ($file =~ m@^(.*)/[^/]*$@s); system ("mkdir", "-p", $dir) if (! -d $dir && !$debug_p); my $body = $write_files{$file}; $body = "// Generated by $progname\n$body" if ($file =~ m/\.(java|[chm])$/s); write_file_if_changed ($file, $body); } # Unlink any .xml files from a previous run that shouldn't be there: # if a hack is removed from $ANDROID_HACKS in android/Makefile but # the old XML files remain behind, the build blows up. # foreach my $dd ($xml_dir, $gen_dir, $java_dir) { opendir (my $dirp, $dd) || error ("$dd: $!"); my @files = readdir ($dirp); closedir $dirp; foreach my $f (sort @files) { next if ($f eq '.' || $f eq '..'); $f = "$dd/$f"; next if (defined ($write_files{$f})); if ($f =~ m/_(settings|wallpaper|dream)\.xml$/s || $f =~ m/(Settings|Daydream)\.java$/s) { print STDERR "$progname: rm $f\n"; unlink ($f) unless ($debug_p); } else { print STDERR "$progname: warning: unrecognised file: $f\n"; } } } } sub error($) { my ($err) = @_; print STDERR "$progname: $err\n"; exit 1; } sub usage() { print STDERR "usage: $progname [--verbose] [--debug]" . " [--build-android] files ...\n"; exit 1; } sub main() { binmode (STDOUT, ':utf8'); binmode (STDERR, ':utf8'); my $android_p = 0; my @files = (); while ($#ARGV >= 0) { $_ = shift @ARGV; if (m/^--?verbose$/) { $verbose++; } elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; } elsif (m/^--?debug$/s) { $debug_p++; } elsif (m/^--?build-android$/s) { $android_p++; } elsif (m/^-./) { usage; } else { push @files, $_; } # else { usage; } } usage unless ($#files >= 0); my $failures = 0; foreach my $file (@files) { $failures += check_config ($file, $android_p); } build_android (@files) if ($android_p); exit ($failures); } main();