/* glschool.c, Copyright (c) 2005-2006 David C. Lambert * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. */ #include "xlockmore.h" #include "glschool.h" #define sws_opts xlockmore_opts #define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \ "*showFPS: False \n" \ "*wireframe: False \n" \ #define release_glschool (0) #define glschool_handle_event (xlockmore_no_events) #define DEF_NFISH "100" #define DEF_FOG "False" #define DEF_DRAWBBOX "True" #define DEF_DRAWGOAL "False" #define DEF_GOALCHGF "50" #define DEF_MAXVEL "7.0" #define DEF_MINVEL "1.0" #define DEF_ACCLIMIT "8.0" #define DEF_DISTEXP "2.2" #define DEF_AVOIDFACT "1.5" #define DEF_MATCHFACT "0.15" #define DEF_CENTERFACT "0.1" #define DEF_TARGETFACT "80" #define DEF_MINRADIUS "30.0" #define DEF_MOMENTUM "0.9" #define DEF_DISTCOMP "10.0" static int NFish; static Bool DoFog; static Bool DoDrawBBox; static Bool DoDrawGoal; static int GoalChgFreq; static float MinVel; static float MaxVel; static float DistExp; static float AccLimit; static float AvoidFact; static float MatchFact; static float TargetFact; static float CenterFact; static float MinRadius; static float Momentum; static float DistComp; static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = { { "-nfish", ".nfish", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-fog", ".fog", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" }, { "+fog", ".fog", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" }, { "-drawgoal", ".drawgoal", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" }, { "+drawgoal", ".drawgoal", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" }, { "-drawbbox", ".drawbbox", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" }, { "+drawbbox", ".drawbbox", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" }, { "-goalchgf", ".goalchgf", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-maxvel", ".maxvel", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-minvel", ".minvel", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-acclimit", ".acclimit", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-distexp", ".distexp", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-avoidfact", ".avoidfact", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-matchfact", ".matchfact", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-centerfact",".centerfact", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-targetfact",".targetfact", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-minradius", ".minradius", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-distcomp", ".distcomp", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-momentum", ".momentum", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, }; static argtype vars[] = { {&NFish, "nfish", "NFish", DEF_NFISH, t_Int}, {&DoFog, "fog", "DoFog", DEF_FOG, t_Bool}, {&DoDrawBBox, "drawbbox", "DoDrawBBox", DEF_DRAWBBOX, t_Bool}, {&DoDrawGoal, "drawgoal", "DoDrawGoal", DEF_DRAWGOAL, t_Bool}, {&GoalChgFreq, "goalchgf", "GoalChgFreq", DEF_GOALCHGF, t_Int}, {&MaxVel, "maxvel", "MaxVel", DEF_MAXVEL, t_Float}, {&MinVel, "minvel", "MinVel", DEF_MINVEL, t_Float}, {&AccLimit, "acclimit", "AccLimit", DEF_ACCLIMIT, t_Float}, {&DistExp, "distexp", "DistExp", DEF_DISTEXP, t_Float}, {&AvoidFact, "avoidfact", "AvoidFact", DEF_AVOIDFACT, t_Float}, {&MatchFact, "matchfact", "MatchFact", DEF_MATCHFACT, t_Float}, {&CenterFact, "centerfact", "CenterFact", DEF_CENTERFACT, t_Float}, {&TargetFact, "targetfact", "TargetFact", DEF_TARGETFACT, t_Float}, {&MinRadius, "minradius", "MinRadius", DEF_MINRADIUS, t_Float}, {&Momentum, "momentum", "Momentum", DEF_MOMENTUM, t_Float}, {&DistComp, "distcomp", "DistComp", DEF_DISTCOMP, t_Float}, }; ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt glschool_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL}; typedef struct { int nColors; int rotCounter; int goalCounter; Bool drawGoal; Bool drawBBox; GLuint bboxList; GLuint goalList; GLuint fishList; int fish_polys, box_polys; XColor *colors; School *school; GLXContext *context; } glschool_configuration; static glschool_configuration *scs = NULL; ENTRYPOINT void reshape_glschool(ModeInfo *mi, int width, int height) { Bool wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi); double aspect = (double)width/(double)height; glschool_configuration *sc = &scs[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *sc->context); if (sc->school != (School *)0) { glschool_setBBox(sc->school, -aspect*160, aspect*160, -130, 130, -450, -50.0); glDeleteLists(sc->bboxList, 1); glschool_createBBoxList(&SCHOOL_BBOX(sc->school), &sc->bboxList, wire); } glschool_reshape(width, height); } ENTRYPOINT void init_glschool(ModeInfo *mi) { int width = MI_WIDTH(mi); int height = MI_HEIGHT(mi); Bool wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi); glschool_configuration *sc; MI_INIT (mi, scs); sc = &scs[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; sc->drawGoal = DoDrawGoal; sc->drawBBox = DoDrawBBox; sc->nColors = 360; sc->context = init_GL(mi); sc->colors = (XColor *)calloc(sc->nColors, sizeof(XColor)); make_color_ramp(0, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 359.0, 1.0, 1.0, sc->colors, &sc->nColors, False, 0, False); sc->school = glschool_initSchool(NFish, AccLimit, MaxVel, MinVel, DistExp, Momentum, MinRadius, AvoidFact, MatchFact, CenterFact, TargetFact, DistComp); if (sc->school == (School *)0) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't initialize TheSchool, exiting\n"); exit(1); } reshape_glschool(mi, width, height); glschool_initGLEnv(DoFog); glschool_initFishes(sc->school); glschool_createDrawLists(&SCHOOL_BBOX(sc->school), &sc->bboxList, &sc->goalList, &sc->fishList, &sc->fish_polys, &sc->box_polys, wire); glschool_computeAccelerations(sc->school); } ENTRYPOINT void draw_glschool(ModeInfo *mi) { Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi); Display *dpy = MI_DISPLAY(mi); glschool_configuration *sc = &scs[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (!sc->context) { fprintf(stderr, "no context\n"); return; } glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *sc->context); mi->polygon_count = 0; if ((sc->goalCounter % GoalChgFreq) == 0) glschool_newGoal(sc->school); sc->goalCounter++; sc->rotCounter++; sc->rotCounter = (sc->rotCounter%360); glschool_applyMovements(sc->school); glschool_drawSchool(sc->colors, sc->school, sc->bboxList, sc->goalList, sc->fishList, sc->rotCounter, sc->drawGoal, sc->drawBBox, sc->fish_polys, sc->box_polys, &mi->polygon_count); glschool_computeAccelerations(sc->school); if (mi->fps_p) do_fps(mi); glFinish(); glXSwapBuffers(dpy, window); } ENTRYPOINT void free_glschool(ModeInfo *mi) { glschool_configuration *sc = &scs[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (!sc->context) return; glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *sc->context); if (sc->school) glschool_freeSchool (sc->school); if (sc->colors) free (sc->colors); if (glIsList(sc->bboxList)) glDeleteLists(sc->bboxList, 1); if (glIsList(sc->goalList)) glDeleteLists(sc->goalList, 1); if (glIsList(sc->fishList)) glDeleteLists(sc->fishList, 1); } XSCREENSAVER_MODULE("GLSchool", glschool)