/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*- */ /* scooter -- a journey through space tunnel and stars */ /* * scooter.c * * Copyright (c) 2001 Sven Thoennissen * * This program is based on the original "scooter", a blanker module from the * Nightshift screensaver which is part of EGS (Enhanced Graphics System) on * the Amiga computer. EGS has been developed by VIONA Development. * * * (now the obligatory stuff) * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. * * This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author * shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights, * trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no * event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or * other special, indirect and consequential damages. * * Changes: * * ??/??/2001 (Sven Thoennissen ): Initial release * 05/08/2019 (EoflaOE ): Ported to XScreenSaver */ #ifdef STANDALONE #define MODE_scooter #define PROGCLASS "Scooter" #define HACK_INIT init_scooter #define HACK_DRAW draw_scooter #define scooter_opts xlockmore_opts #define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \ "*count: 24 \n" \ "*cycles: 5 \n" \ "*size: 100 \n" \ "*ncolors: 200 \n" \ "*fullrandom: True \n" \ "*verbose: False \n" \ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \ "*lowrez: True \n" # define reshape_scooter 0 # define scooter_handle_event 0 #include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */ #else /* STANDALONE */ #include "xlock.h" /* in xlockmore distribution */ #endif /* STANDALONE */ #ifdef MODE_scooter ModeSpecOpt scooter_opts = {0, (XrmOptionDescRec *) NULL, 0, (argtype *) NULL, (OptionStruct *) NULL}; #ifdef USE_MODULES ModStruct scooter_description = {"scooter", "init_scooter", "draw_scooter", "release_scooter", "refresh_scooter", "change_scooter", (char *) NULL, &scooter_opts, 20000, 24, 5, 100, 64, 1.0, "", "Shows a journey through space tunnel and stars", 0, NULL}; /* * count = number of doors * cycles = speed (see MIN/MAX_SPEED below) * size = number of stars * */ #endif typedef struct { int x, y, z; } Vec3D; typedef struct { int x, y, z; } Angle3D; typedef struct { int r, g, b; } ColorRGB; typedef struct { XPoint lefttop, rightbottom; } Rect; typedef struct { Vec3D coords[4]; /* lefttop, righttop, rightbottom, leftbottom */ int zelement; unsigned long color; char freecolor; char pad; } Door; typedef struct { int xpos, ypos; int width, height; int zelement; short draw; } Star; /* define this to see a pixel for each zelement */ /* #define _DRAW_ZELEMENTS */ typedef struct { Vec3D pos; Angle3D angle; } ZElement; typedef struct { Star *stars; Door *doors; ZElement *zelements; int doorcount, ztotal, speed; int zelements_per_door, zelement_distance, spectator_zelement; int projnorm_z, rotationDuration, rotationStep, starcount; Angle3D currentRotation, rotationDelta; /* doors color cycling stuff */ ColorRGB begincolor, endcolor; int colorcount, colorsteps; /* scale all stars and doors to window dimensions */ float aspect_scale; Bool halt_scooter; } scooterstruct; static scooterstruct *scooters = (scooterstruct *) NULL; #define MIN_DOORS 4 #define MIN_SPEED 1 #define MAX_SPEED 10 #define SPACE_XY_FACTOR 10 #define DOOR_WIDTH (600*SPACE_XY_FACTOR) #define DOOR_HEIGHT (400*SPACE_XY_FACTOR) /* stars distance from doors center */ #define STAR_MIN_X (1000*SPACE_XY_FACTOR) #define STAR_MIN_Y (750*SPACE_XY_FACTOR) #define STAR_MAX_X (10000*SPACE_XY_FACTOR) #define STAR_MAX_Y (7500*SPACE_XY_FACTOR) /* star size (random) */ #define STAR_SIZE_MIN (2*SPACE_XY_FACTOR) #define STAR_SIZE_MAX (64*SPACE_XY_FACTOR) /* greater values make scooter run harder curves, smaller values produce calm curves */ #define DOOR_CURVEDNESS 14 /* 3d->2d projection (greater values create more fish-eye effect) */ #define PROJECTION_DEGREE 2.4 /* this is my resolution at which scooter is in its original size, producing a 4:3 aspect ratio. * all variables in this module are adjusted for this screen size; if scooter is run * in windows with different size, it knows how to rescale itself. */ #define ASPECT_SCREENWIDTH 1152 #define ASPECT_SCREENHEIGHT 864 /* we define our own sin/cos macros to be faaast ;-) (good old Amiga times) */ #define SINUSTABLE_SIZE 0x8000 #define SINUSTABLE_MASK 0x7fff #define SIN(a) sintable[a & SINUSTABLE_MASK] #define COS(a) sintable[(a+(SINUSTABLE_SIZE/4)) & SINUSTABLE_MASK] /* signum function */ #define SGN(a) (a < 0 ? -1 : 1) static float *sintable = (float *) NULL; static void randomcolor(ColorRGB *col) { unsigned long n; /* col->r = NRAND(65536); col->g = NRAND(65536); col->b = NRAND(65536); */ /* col->r = LRAND() & 0xffff; col->g = LRAND() & 0xffff; col->b = LRAND() & 0xffff; */ /* this seems best */ n = NRAND(0x1000000); col->r = (n>>16)<<8; col->g = ((n>>8) & 0xff)<<8; col->b = (n & 0xff)<<8; } static void initdoorcolors(scooterstruct *sp) { /* prepare initial values for nextdoorcolor() */ randomcolor(&sp->endcolor); sp->colorcount = 0; sp->colorsteps = 0; } static void nextdoorcolor(ModeInfo *mi, Door *door) { scooterstruct *sp = &scooters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi); XColor xcol; /* comment this to color the doors from xlock's palette (created with saturation value) */ #if 1 if (door->freecolor) { XFreeColors(display, MI_COLORMAP(mi), &(door->color), 1, 0); door->freecolor = 0; } if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) <= 2) { door->color = MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi); return; } if (sp->colorcount >= sp->colorsteps) { /* init next color ramp */ sp->colorcount = 0; sp->colorsteps = 8 + NRAND(32); sp->begincolor = sp->endcolor; randomcolor(&sp->endcolor); } /* compute next color values */ xcol.red = sp->begincolor.r + ((sp-> endcolor.r - sp->begincolor.r) * sp->colorcount / sp->colorsteps); xcol.green = sp->begincolor.g + ((sp-> endcolor.g - sp->begincolor.g) * sp->colorcount / sp->colorsteps); xcol.blue = sp->begincolor.b + ((sp-> endcolor.b - sp->begincolor.b) * sp->colorcount / sp->colorsteps); xcol.pixel = 0; xcol.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; sp->colorcount++; if (!XAllocColor(display, MI_COLORMAP(mi), &xcol)) { /* fail safe */ door->color = MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi); door->freecolor = 0; } else { door->color = xcol.pixel; door->freecolor = 1; } #else if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) { if (++colorcount >= MI_NPIXELS(mi)) colorcount = 0; door->color = MI_PIXEL(mi,colorcount); } else door->color = MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi); return; #endif } static void free_scooter(scooterstruct *sp) { if (sp->doors != NULL) { free(sp->doors); sp->doors = (Door *) NULL; } if (sp->stars != NULL) { free(sp->stars); sp->stars = (Star *) NULL; } if (sp->zelements != NULL) { free(sp->zelements); sp->zelements = (ZElement *) NULL; } } static void release_scooter(ModeInfo *mi) { if (scooters != NULL) { int screen; for (screen = 0; screen < MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi); screen++) free_scooter(&scooters[screen]); free(scooters); scooters = (scooterstruct *) NULL; } if (sintable != NULL) { free(sintable); sintable = (float *) NULL; } } static void init_scooter(ModeInfo *mi) { int i; scooterstruct *sp; if (scooters == NULL) { if ((scooters = (scooterstruct *) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi), sizeof (scooterstruct))) == NULL) return; } sp = &scooters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; sp->doorcount = MAX(MI_COUNT(mi),MIN_DOORS); sp->speed = MI_CYCLES(mi); sp->starcount = MI_SIZE(mi); if (sp->starcount < 1) sp->starcount = 1; if (sp->speed < MIN_SPEED) sp->speed = MIN_SPEED; if (sp->speed > MAX_SPEED) sp->speed = MAX_SPEED; sp->zelements_per_door = 60; sp->zelement_distance = 300; sp->ztotal = sp->doorcount * sp->zelements_per_door; /* sp->z_maxdepth = sp->ztotal * sp->zelement_distance; */ if (sp->starcount > sp->ztotal) sp->starcount = sp->ztotal; sp->halt_scooter = False; initdoorcolors(sp); free_scooter(sp); if (sintable == NULL) { if ((sintable = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * SINUSTABLE_SIZE)) == NULL) { release_scooter(mi); return; } } for (i = 0; i < SINUSTABLE_SIZE; i++) { sintable[i] = SINF(M_PI*2/SINUSTABLE_SIZE*i); } if ((sp->doors = (Door *) malloc(sizeof(Door) * sp->doorcount)) == NULL) { return; } if ((sp->zelements = (ZElement *) malloc(sizeof(ZElement) * sp->ztotal)) == NULL) { free_scooter(sp); return; } for (i = 0; i < sp->doorcount; i++) { sp->doors[i].zelement = (sp->zelements_per_door * (i + 1)) - 1; sp->doors[i].freecolor = 0; nextdoorcolor(mi, &sp->doors[i]); } for (i = 0; i < sp->ztotal; i++) { sp->zelements[i].angle.x = 0; sp->zelements[i].angle.y = 0; sp->zelements[i].angle.z = 0; } if ((sp->stars = (Star *) malloc(sizeof(Star) * sp->starcount)) == NULL) { free_scooter(sp); return; } for (i = 0; i < sp->starcount; i++) { sp->stars[i].zelement = sp->ztotal * i / sp->starcount; sp->stars[i].draw = 0; } sp->projnorm_z = 50 * 240; sp->spectator_zelement = sp->zelements_per_door; sp->currentRotation.x = 0; sp->currentRotation.y = 0; sp->currentRotation.z = 0; sp->rotationDelta.x = 0; sp->rotationDelta.y = 0; sp->rotationDelta.z = 0; sp->rotationDuration = 1; sp->rotationStep = 0; } static void cleardoors(ModeInfo *mi) { /* MI_CLEARWINDOW(mi);*/ XClearWindow(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi)); } /* Should be taken care of already... but just in case */ #if !defined( __GNUC__ ) && !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(c_plusplus) #undef inline #define inline /* */ #endif static inline float projection (scooterstruct *sp, int zval) { return (sp->projnorm_z / (PROJECTION_DEGREE * zval)); /* this is another formula. it is not limited to z>0 but it pulls too strong towards the screen center */ /* return (sp->projnorm_z * pow(1.22,-(zval/200*PROJ_CURVEDNESS)))*/ } /* y ^ | z | . | / | / | / |/ -+------------> x /| rotation angles: a = alpha (x-rotation), b = beta (y-rotation), c = gamma (z-rotation) x-axis rotation: ( z )' = ( cos(a) -sin(a) ) ( z ) ( y ) ( sin(a) cos(a) ) ( y ) y-axis rotation: ( z )' = ( cos(b) -sin(b) ) ( z ) ( x ) ( sin(b) cos(b) ) ( x ) z-axis rotation: ( x )' = ( cos(c) -sin(c) ) ( x ) ( y ) ( sin(c) cos(c) ) ( y ) */ static void rotate_3d(Vec3D *src, Vec3D *dest, Angle3D *angle) { Vec3D tmp; float cosa = COS(angle->x), cosb = COS(angle->y), cosc = COS(angle->z), sina = SIN(angle->x), sinb = SIN(angle->y), sinc = SIN(angle->z); /* rotate around X, Y and Z axis (see formulae above) */ /* X axis */ tmp.z = src->z; tmp.y = src->y; dest->z = (int) (tmp.z * cosa - tmp.y * sina); dest->y = (int) (tmp.z * sina + tmp.y * cosa); /* Y axis */ tmp.z = dest->z; tmp.x = src->x; dest->z = (int) (tmp.z * cosb - tmp.x * sinb); dest->x = (int) (tmp.z * sinb + tmp.x * cosb); /* Z axis */ tmp.x = dest->x; tmp.y = dest->y; dest->x = (int) (tmp.x * cosc - tmp.y * sinc); dest->y = (int) (tmp.x * sinc + tmp.y * cosc); } static void calc_new_element(ModeInfo *mi) { scooterstruct *sp = &scooters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; float rot = SIN((SINUSTABLE_SIZE/2)* sp->rotationStep/sp->rotationDuration); /* change current rotation 3D angle */ if (sp->rotationStep++ >= sp->rotationDuration) { int fps = 1000000/MI_DELAY(mi); /* frames per second as timebase */ /* one rotation interval takes 10-30 seconds at speed 1. */ sp->rotationDuration = 10*fps + NRAND(20*fps); /* -DOOR_CURVEDNESS <= delta <= +DOOR_CURVEDNESS */ sp->rotationDelta.x = NRAND(DOOR_CURVEDNESS*2+1) - DOOR_CURVEDNESS; sp->rotationDelta.y = NRAND(DOOR_CURVEDNESS*2+1) - DOOR_CURVEDNESS; sp->rotationDelta.z = NRAND(DOOR_CURVEDNESS*2+1) - DOOR_CURVEDNESS; sp->rotationStep = 0; } sp->currentRotation.x += (int) (rot * sp->rotationDelta.x); sp->currentRotation.y += (int) (rot * sp->rotationDelta.y); sp->currentRotation.z += (int) (rot * sp->rotationDelta.z); sp->currentRotation.x &= SINUSTABLE_MASK; sp->currentRotation.y &= SINUSTABLE_MASK; sp->currentRotation.z &= SINUSTABLE_MASK; } static void shift_elements(ModeInfo *mi) { scooterstruct *sp = &scooters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; int i, iprev; Vec3D tmpvec; Angle3D tmpangle; /* shift angles from zelements */ for (i = sp->speed; i < sp->ztotal; i++) { sp->zelements[i - sp->speed].angle = sp->zelements[i].angle; } for (i = sp->ztotal - sp->speed; i < sp->ztotal; i++) { calc_new_element(mi); sp->zelements[i].angle = sp->currentRotation; } /* calculate new 3D-coords from ALL zelements */ sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].pos.x = 0; sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].pos.y = 0; sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].pos.z = sp->zelement_distance * sp->spectator_zelement; for (i = sp->spectator_zelement - 1; i >= 0; --i) { iprev = i + 1; tmpvec.x = 0; tmpvec.y = 0; tmpvec.z = - sp->zelement_distance; tmpangle.x = sp->zelements[i].angle.x - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.x; tmpangle.y = sp->zelements[i].angle.y - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.y; tmpangle.z = sp->zelements[i].angle.z - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.z; rotate_3d(&tmpvec, &(sp->zelements[i].pos), &tmpangle); sp->zelements[i].pos.x += sp->zelements[iprev].pos.x; sp->zelements[i].pos.y += sp->zelements[iprev].pos.y; sp->zelements[i].pos.z += sp->zelements[iprev].pos.z; } for (i = sp->spectator_zelement + 1; i < sp->ztotal; i++) { iprev = i - 1; tmpvec.x = 0; tmpvec.y = 0; tmpvec.z = sp->zelement_distance; tmpangle.x = sp->zelements[i].angle.x - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.x; tmpangle.y = sp->zelements[i].angle.y - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.y; tmpangle.z = sp->zelements[i].angle.z - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.z; rotate_3d(&tmpvec, &(sp->zelements[i].pos), &tmpangle); sp->zelements[i].pos.x += sp->zelements[iprev].pos.x; sp->zelements[i].pos.y += sp->zelements[iprev].pos.y; sp->zelements[i].pos.z += sp->zelements[iprev].pos.z; } /* shift doors and wrap around */ for (i = 0; i < sp->doorcount; i++) { if ((sp->doors[i].zelement -= sp->speed) < 0) { sp->doors[i].zelement += sp->ztotal; nextdoorcolor(mi,&sp->doors[i]); } } /* shift stars */ for (i = 0; i < sp->starcount; i++) { if ((sp->stars[i].zelement -= sp->speed) < 0) { int rnd; sp->stars[i].zelement += sp->ztotal; sp->stars[i].draw = 1; /* make sure new stars are outside doors */ rnd = NRAND(2*(STAR_MAX_X - STAR_MIN_X)) - (STAR_MAX_X - STAR_MIN_X); sp->stars[i].xpos = rnd + (STAR_MIN_X * SGN(rnd)); rnd = NRAND(2*(STAR_MAX_Y - STAR_MIN_Y)) - (STAR_MAX_Y - STAR_MIN_Y); sp->stars[i].ypos = rnd + (STAR_MIN_Y * SGN(rnd)); rnd = NRAND(STAR_SIZE_MAX - STAR_SIZE_MIN) + STAR_SIZE_MIN; sp->stars[i].width = rnd; sp->stars[i].height = rnd * 3 / 4; } } } static void door_3d(scooterstruct *sp, Door *door) { ZElement *ze = &sp->zelements[door->zelement]; Vec3D src; Angle3D tmpangle; tmpangle.x = ze->angle.x - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.x; tmpangle.y = ze->angle.y - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.y; tmpangle.z = ze->angle.z - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.z; /* calculate 3d coords of all 4 edges */ src.x = -DOOR_WIDTH/2; src.y = DOOR_HEIGHT/2; src.z = 0; rotate_3d(&src, &(door->coords[0]), &tmpangle); door->coords[0].x += ze->pos.x; door->coords[0].y += ze->pos.y; door->coords[0].z += ze->pos.z; src.x = DOOR_WIDTH/2; rotate_3d(&src, &(door->coords[1]), &tmpangle); door->coords[1].x += ze->pos.x; door->coords[1].y += ze->pos.y; door->coords[1].z += ze->pos.z; src.y = -DOOR_HEIGHT/2; rotate_3d(&src, &(door->coords[2]), &tmpangle); door->coords[2].x += ze->pos.x; door->coords[2].y += ze->pos.y; door->coords[2].z += ze->pos.z; src.x = -DOOR_WIDTH/2; rotate_3d(&src, &(door->coords[3]), &tmpangle); door->coords[3].x += ze->pos.x; door->coords[3].y += ze->pos.y; door->coords[3].z += ze->pos.z; } /* * clip the line p1-p2 at the given rectangle * */ static int clipline(XPoint *p1, XPoint *p2, Rect *rect) { XPoint new1, new2, tmp; float m; new1 = *p1; new2 = *p2; /* entire line may not need clipping */ if (((new1.x >= rect->lefttop.x) && (new1.x <= rect->rightbottom.x)) || ((new1.y >= rect->lefttop.y) && (new1.y <= rect->rightbottom.y)) || ((new2.x >= rect->lefttop.x) && (new2.x <= rect->rightbottom.x)) || ((new2.y >= rect->lefttop.y) && (new2.y <= rect->rightbottom.y))) return 1; /* first: clip y dimension */ /* p1 is above p2 */ if (new1.y > new2.y) { tmp = new1; new1 = new2; new2 = tmp; } /* line could be totally out of view */ if ((new2.y < rect->lefttop.y) || (new1.y > rect->rightbottom.y)) return 0; m = (new2.x == new1.x) ? 0 : ((float)(new2.y - new1.y) / (new2.x - new1.x)); if (new1.y < rect->lefttop.y) { if (m) new1.x += (int) ((rect->lefttop.y - new1.y)/m); new1.y = rect->lefttop.y; } if (new2.y > rect->rightbottom.y) { if (m) new2.x -= (int) ((new2.y - rect->rightbottom.y)/m); new2.y = rect->rightbottom.y; } /* clip x dimension */ /* p1 is left to p2 */ if (new1.x > new2.x) { tmp = new1; new1 = new2; new2 = tmp; } if ((new2.x < rect->lefttop.x) || (new1.x > rect->rightbottom.x)) return 0; m = (new2.x == new1.x) ? 0 : ((float)(new2.y - new1.y) / (new2.x - new1.x)); if (new1.x < rect->lefttop.x) { new1.y += (int) ((rect->lefttop.y - new1.y)*m); new1.x = rect->lefttop.x; } if (new2.y > rect->rightbottom.y) { new2.y -= (int) ((new2.y - rect->rightbottom.y)*m); new2.x = rect->rightbottom.x; } /* push values */ *p1 = new1; *p2 = new2; return 1; } static void drawdoors(ModeInfo *mi) { scooterstruct *sp = &scooters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi); Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi); GC gc = MI_GC(mi); int width = MI_WIDTH(mi), height = MI_HEIGHT(mi), midx = width/2, midy = height/2; int i, j; Rect rect = { {0,0}, {0,0} }; rect.rightbottom.x = width - 1; rect.rightbottom.y = height - 1; XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, 2, LineSolid, CapNotLast, JoinRound); #ifdef _DRAW_ZELEMENTS XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi)); for (i= sp->spectator_zelement; iaspect_scale; p.x = midx + (sp->zelements[i].pos.x * proj / SPACE_XY_FACTOR); p.y = midy - (sp->zelements[i].pos.y * proj / SPACE_XY_FACTOR); XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, p.x, p.y); } #endif for (i = 0; i < sp->doorcount; i++) { register float proj; XPoint lines[4], clip1, clip2; door_3d(sp, &sp->doors[i]); for (j=0; j<4; j++) { if (sp->doors[i].coords[j].z <= 0) break; proj = projection(sp, sp->doors[i].coords[j].z) * sp->aspect_scale; lines[j].x = midx + (int) (sp->doors[i].coords[j].x * proj / SPACE_XY_FACTOR); lines[j].y = midy - (int) (sp->doors[i].coords[j].y * proj / SPACE_XY_FACTOR); } if (j<4) continue; XSetForeground(display, gc, sp->doors[i].color); for (j=0; j<4; j++) { clip1 = lines[j]; clip2 = lines[(j+1)%4]; if (clipline(&clip1, &clip2, &rect)) XDrawLine(display, window, gc, clip1.x, clip1.y, clip2.x, clip2.y); } } } ENTRYPOINT void drawstars(ModeInfo *mi) { scooterstruct *sp = &scooters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi); Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi); GC gc = MI_GC(mi); int width = MI_WIDTH(mi), height = MI_HEIGHT(mi), midx = width/2, midy = height/2; int i; for (i = 0; i < sp->starcount; i++) { float proj; ZElement *ze = &sp->zelements[sp->stars[i].zelement]; Vec3D tmpvec, coords; Angle3D tmpangle; XPoint lefttop, rightbottom; if (!sp->stars[i].draw) continue; /* rotate star around its z-element, then add its position */ tmpangle.x = ze->angle.x - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.x; tmpangle.y = ze->angle.y - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.y; tmpangle.z = ze->angle.z - sp->zelements[sp->spectator_zelement].angle.z; tmpvec.x = sp->stars[i].xpos; tmpvec.y = sp->stars[i].ypos; tmpvec.z = 0; rotate_3d(&tmpvec, &coords, &tmpangle); coords.x += ze->pos.x; coords.y += ze->pos.y; coords.z += ze->pos.z; if (coords.z <= 0) continue; /* projection and clipping (trivial for a rectangle) */ proj = projection(sp, coords.z) * sp->aspect_scale; lefttop.x = midx + (int) ((coords.x - sp->stars[i].width/2) * proj / SPACE_XY_FACTOR); lefttop.y = midy - (int) ((coords.y + sp->stars[i].height/2) * proj / SPACE_XY_FACTOR); if (lefttop.x < 0) lefttop.x = 0; else if (lefttop.x >= width) continue; if (lefttop.y < 0) lefttop.y = 0; else if (lefttop.y >= height) continue; rightbottom.x = midx + (int) ((coords.x + sp->stars[i].width/2) * proj / SPACE_XY_FACTOR); rightbottom.y = midy - (int) ((coords.y - sp->stars[i].height/2) * proj / SPACE_XY_FACTOR); if (rightbottom.x < 0) continue; else if (rightbottom.x >= width) rightbottom.x = width - 1; if (rightbottom.y < 0) continue; else if (rightbottom.y >= height) rightbottom.y = height - 1; /* in white color, small stars look darker than big stars */ XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi)); if ((lefttop.x == rightbottom.x) && (lefttop.y == rightbottom.y)) { /* star is exactly 1 pixel */ XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, lefttop.x, lefttop.y); } else if ((rightbottom.x - lefttop.x) + (rightbottom.y - lefttop.y) == 1) { /* star is 2 pixels wide or high */ XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, lefttop.x, lefttop.y); XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, rightbottom.x, rightbottom.y); } else if ((rightbottom.x - lefttop.x == 1) && (rightbottom.y - lefttop.y == 1)) { /* star is exactly 2x2 pixels. * a 2x2 rectangle should be drawn faster by plotting all 4 pixels * than by filling a rectangle (is this really so under X ?) */ XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, lefttop.x, lefttop.y); XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, rightbottom.x, lefttop.y); XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, lefttop.x, rightbottom.y); XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, rightbottom.x, rightbottom.y); } else { XFillRectangle(display, window, gc, lefttop.x, lefttop.y, rightbottom.x - lefttop.x, rightbottom.y - lefttop.y); } } } ENTRYPOINT void draw_scooter(ModeInfo *mi) { scooterstruct *sp; if (scooters == NULL) return; sp = &scooters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (sp->doors == NULL) return; cleardoors(mi); shift_elements(mi); /* With these scale factors, all doors are sized correctly for any window dimension. * If aspect ratio is not 4:3, the smaller part of the window is used, e.g.: * window = 1000x600 * => door scale factor is like in a 800x600 window (not 1000x750) */ if ((float)MI_WIDTH(mi)/MI_HEIGHT(mi) >= (float)ASPECT_SCREENWIDTH/ASPECT_SCREENHEIGHT) { /* window is wider than or equal 4:3 */ sp->aspect_scale = (float)MI_HEIGHT(mi) / ASPECT_SCREENHEIGHT; } else { /* window is higher than 4:3 */ sp->aspect_scale = (float)MI_WIDTH(mi) / ASPECT_SCREENWIDTH; } drawstars(mi); drawdoors(mi); } #if 0 ENTRYPOINT void refresh_scooter(ModeInfo *mi) { /* MI_CLEARWINDOW(mi); */ XClearWindow(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi)); } ENTRYPOINT void change_scooter(ModeInfo *mi) { scooterstruct *sp; if (scooters == NULL) return; sp = &scooters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; sp->halt_scooter = !sp->halt_scooter; } #endif #define free_scooter 0 XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Scooter", scooter) #endif /* MODE_scooter */