/* * @(#) vermiculate.c * @(#) Copyright (C) 2001 Tyler Pierce (tyler@alumni.brown.edu) * The full program, with documentation, is available at: * http://freshmeat.net/projects/fdm * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. */ #include "screenhack.h" #include #include #define degs 360 #define degs2 (degs/2) #define degs4 (degs/4) #define degs8 (degs/8) #define dtor 0.0174532925 /* pi / degs2; */ #define thrmax 120 #define tailmax (thrmax * 2 + 1) #define tmodes '7' #define ymax (st->hei - 1) #define ymin 0 #define xmax (st->wid - 1) #define xmin 0 #define rlmax 200 #define SPEEDINC 10 #define SPEEDMAX 1000 #define wraparound(VAL,LOWER,UPPER) { \ if (VAL >= UPPER) \ VAL -= UPPER - LOWER; \ else if (VAL < LOWER) \ VAL += UPPER - LOWER; } #define arrcpy(DEST,SRC) memcpy (DEST, SRC, sizeof(DEST)) typedef double real; typedef unsigned char banktype[thrmax]; typedef struct linedata { int deg, spiturn, turnco, turnsize; unsigned char col; Bool dead; char orichar; real x, y; int tmode, tsc, tslen, tclim, otslen, ctinc, reclen, recpos, circturn, prey, slice; int xrec[rlmax + 1], yrec[rlmax + 1]; int turnseq[50]; Bool filled, killwalls, vhfollow, selfbounce, tailfollow, realbounce, little; } linedata; static const struct stringAndSpeed { const char * const str; int speed; } sampleStrings[] = { /* { "]]]]]]]]7ces123400-9-8#c123456#s9998880004#ma3#car9ma6#c-#r1", 600} , { "bmarrrr#c1234#lc5678#lyet]", 600} , */ { "AEBMN222222223#CAR9CAD4CAOV", 150} , { "mn333#c23#f1#]]]]]]]]]]]3bc9#r9#c78#f9#ma4#", 600} , { "AEBMN22222#CAD4CAORc1#f2#c1#r6", 100} , /* { "mn6666666#c1i#f1#y2#sy2#vyety1#ry13i#l", 40} , */ { "aebmnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr#", 500} , /* { "bg+++++++++++++++++++++++#mnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr#y1#k", 500}, */ /* { "BMN22222223#CAD4CAOVYAS", 150}, */ /* { "aebmnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr#yaryakg--#", 100} , */ { "mn6rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr#by1i#lcalc1#fnyav" , 200 } , { "mn1rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr#by1i#lcalc1#fn", 2000 }, { "baeMn333333333333333333333333#CerrYerCal", 800 }, { "baeMn1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111#Cer9YesYevYerCal", 1200 }, { "baMn111111222222333333444444555555#Ct1#lCt2#lCt3#lCt4#lCt5#lCerrYerYet", 1400 }, { "baMn111111222222333333444444555555#Ct1#lCt2#lCt3#lCt4#lCt5#lCerrYerYetYt1i#lYt1i#sYt1#v", 1400 } }; struct state { Display *dpy; Window window; GC mygc; Colormap mycmap; XWindowAttributes xgwa; XColor mycolors[tailmax]; int hei, wid, speed; Bool erasing, cleared, autopal; char *oinstring; /* allocated */ const char *instring; /* consumed */ int max_ticks; real sinof[degs], cosof[degs], tanof[degs]; unsigned char *point; linedata thread[thrmax]; banktype bank; int bnkt; int boxw, boxh, curviness, gridden, ogd, bordcorn; unsigned char bordcol, threads; char ch, boolop; int reset_p; int cyc; }; static void consume_instring(struct state *st); static Bool wasakeypressed (struct state *st) { if (*st->instring != 0) return True; else return False; } static char readkey (struct state *st) { char readkey_result; if (*st->instring == 0) { readkey_result = '#'; } else { readkey_result = *st->instring; st->instring++; }; return toupper (readkey_result); } static unsigned int random1 (unsigned int i) { return (ya_random () % i); } static unsigned long waitabit (struct state *st) { int result = 0; st->cyc += st->threads; while (st->cyc > st->speed) { result += 10000; st->cyc -= st->speed; } return result; } static void clearscreen (struct state *st) { XClearWindow (st->dpy, st->window); memset (st->point, 0, st->wid * st->hei); } static void sp (struct state *st, int x, int y, int c) { XSetForeground (st->dpy, st->mygc, st->mycolors[c].pixel); XDrawPoint (st->dpy, st->window, st->mygc, x, y); st->point[(st->wid * y) + x] = c; } static int gp (struct state *st, int x, int y) { return st->point[(st->wid * y) + x]; } static void redraw (struct state *st, int x, int y, int width, int height) { int xc, yc; for (xc = x; xc <= x + width - 1; xc++) for (yc = y; yc <= y + height - 1; yc++) if (st->point[st->wid * yc + xc] != 0) sp (st, xc, yc, st->point[st->wid * yc + xc]); } static void palupdate (struct state *st, Bool forceUpdate) { if (forceUpdate || *st->instring == 0) { redraw (st, xmin, ymin, st->wid, st->hei); } } static void randpal (struct state *st) { int ncolors = tailmax - 1; make_random_colormap (st->xgwa.screen, st->xgwa.visual, st->mycmap, &st->mycolors[1], &ncolors, True, True, 0, True); if (ncolors < tailmax - 1) { int c; for (c = 1; c < tailmax; c++) st->mycolors[c].pixel = WhitePixel (st->dpy, DefaultScreen (st->dpy)); } } static void gridupdate (struct state *st, Bool interruptible) { int x, y; if (st->gridden > 0) for (x = 0; x <= xmax && !(wasakeypressed (st) && interruptible); x += st->boxw) for (y = 0; y <= ymax; y += st->boxh) { if (random1 (15) < st->gridden) { #define lesser(A,B) ( ((A)<(B)) ? (A) : (B) ) int max = lesser (x + st->boxw, xmax); int xc; for (xc = x; xc <= max; xc++) sp (st, xc, y, 1); } if (random1 (15) < st->gridden) { int max = lesser (y + st->boxh, ymax); int yc; for (yc = y; yc <= max; yc++) sp (st, x, yc, 1); } } } static void bordupdate (struct state *st) { int xbord, ybord; if (st->bordcorn == 0 || st->bordcorn == 1) ybord = ymin; else ybord = ymax; if (st->bordcorn == 0 || st->bordcorn == 3) xbord = xmin; else xbord = xmax; { int x, y; for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) sp (st, x, ybord, st->bordcol); for (y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) sp (st, xbord, y, st->bordcol); } } static Bool inbank (struct state *st, unsigned char thr) { int c; if (st->bnkt > 0) for (c = 1; c <= st->bnkt; c++) if (st->bank[c - 1] == thr) return True; return False; } static void pickbank (struct state *st) { unsigned char thr = 1; st->bnkt = 0; st->ch = '\0'; do { while (inbank (st, thr)) thr = thr % st->threads + 1; palupdate (st, False); st->ch = readkey (st); palupdate (st, False); switch (st->ch) { case '+': case '-': do { if (st->ch == '+') thr++; else thr--; wraparound (thr, 1, st->threads + 1); } while (inbank (st, thr)); break; case ' ': st->bank[++st->bnkt - 1] = thr; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': st->bank[++st->bnkt - 1] = st->ch - '0'; if (st->bank[st->bnkt - 1] > st->threads) st->bnkt--; break; case 'I': { banktype tbank; int tbankt = 0; int c; for (c = 1; c <= st->threads; c++) if (!inbank (st, c)) tbank[++tbankt - 1] = c; st->bnkt = tbankt; arrcpy (st->bank, tbank); } break; case 'T': st->ch = readkey (st); switch (st->ch) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { int c; for (c = 1; c <= st->threads; c++) if (st->thread[c - 1].tmode == st->ch - '0') st->bank[++st->bnkt - 1] = c; } break; } break; case 'A': for (st->bnkt = 1; st->bnkt <= st->threads; st->bnkt++) st->bank[st->bnkt - 1] = st->bnkt; st->bnkt = st->threads; break; case 'E': for (st->bnkt = 1; st->bnkt <= thrmax; st->bnkt++) st->bank[st->bnkt - 1] = st->bnkt; st->bnkt = thrmax; break; } } while (!(st->bnkt >= st->threads || st->ch == 'N' || st->ch == '\15' || st->ch == '#')); if (st->bnkt == 0 && st->ch != 'N') { st->bnkt = 1; st->bank[0] = thr; } palupdate (st, False); } static void bankmod (char boolop, Bool * Bool_) { switch (boolop) { case 'T': *Bool_ = !*Bool_; break; case 'Y': *Bool_ = True; break; case 'N': *Bool_ = False; break; } } static void newonscreen (struct state *st, unsigned char thr) { linedata *LP = &st->thread[thr - 1]; LP->filled = False; LP->dead = False; LP->reclen = (LP->little) ? random1 (10) + 5 : random1 (rlmax - 30) + 30; LP->deg = random1 (degs); LP->y = random1 (st->hei); LP->x = random1 (st->wid); LP->recpos = 0; LP->turnco = 2; LP->turnsize = random1 (4) + 2; } static void firstinit (struct state *st, unsigned char thr) { linedata *LP = &st->thread[thr - 1]; LP->col = thr + 1; LP->prey = 0; LP->tmode = 1; LP->slice = degs / 3; LP->orichar = 'R'; LP->spiturn = 5; LP->selfbounce = False; LP->realbounce = False; LP->vhfollow = False; LP->tailfollow = False; LP->killwalls = False; LP->little = False; LP->ctinc = random1 (2) * 2 - 1; LP->circturn = ((thr % 2) * 2 - 1) * ((thr - 1) % 7 + 1); LP->tsc = 1; LP->tslen = 6; LP->turnseq[0] = 6; LP->turnseq[1] = -6; LP->turnseq[2] = 6; LP->turnseq[3] = 6; LP->turnseq[4] = -6; LP->turnseq[5] = 6; LP->tclim = (unsigned char) (((real) degs) / 2 / 12); } static void maininit (struct state *st) { if (!st->instring) { int n = random1 (sizeof (sampleStrings) / sizeof (sampleStrings[0])); if (st->oinstring) free (st->oinstring); st->instring = st->oinstring = strdup (sampleStrings[n].str); st->speed = sampleStrings[n].speed; } st->boxh = 10; st->boxw = 10; st->gridden = 0; st->bordcorn = 0; st->threads = 4; st->curviness = 30; st->bordcol = 1; st->ogd = 8; st->ch = '\0'; st->erasing = True; { unsigned char thr; for (thr = 1; thr <= thrmax; thr++) { firstinit (st, thr); newonscreen (st, thr); } } { int d; for (d = degs - 1; d >= 0; d--) { st->sinof[d] = sin (d * dtor); st->cosof[d] = cos (d * dtor); if (d % degs4 == 0) st->tanof[d] = st->tanof[d + 1]; else st->tanof[d] = tan (d * dtor); } } randpal (st); } static Bool move (struct state *st, unsigned char thr) { linedata *LP = &st->thread[thr - 1]; if (LP->dead) return (False); if (LP->prey == 0) switch (LP->tmode) { case 1: LP->deg += random1 (2 * LP->turnsize + 1) - LP->turnsize; break; case 2: if (LP->slice == degs || LP->slice == degs2 || LP->slice == degs4) { if (LP->orichar == 'D') { if (LP->deg % degs4 != degs8) LP->deg = degs4 * random1 (4) + degs8; } else if (LP->orichar == 'V') if (LP->deg % degs4 != 0) LP->deg = degs4 * random1 (4); } if (random1 (100) == 0) { if (LP->slice == 0) LP->deg = LP->deg - degs4 + random1 (degs2); else LP->deg += (random1 (2) * 2 - 1) * LP->slice; } break; case 3: LP->deg += LP->circturn; break; case 4: if (abs (LP->spiturn) > 11) LP->spiturn = 5; else LP->deg += LP->spiturn; if (random1 (15 - abs (LP->spiturn)) == 0) { LP->spiturn += LP->ctinc; if (abs (LP->spiturn) > 10) LP->ctinc *= -1; } break; case 5: LP->turnco = abs (LP->turnco) - 1; if (LP->turnco == 0) { LP->turnco = st->curviness + random1 (10); LP->circturn *= -1; } LP->deg += LP->circturn; break; case 6: if (abs (LP->turnco) == 1) LP->turnco *= -1 * (random1 (degs2 / abs (LP->circturn)) + 5); else if (LP->turnco == 0) LP->turnco = 2; else if (LP->turnco > 0) { LP->turnco--; LP->deg += LP->circturn; } else LP->turnco++; break; case 7: LP->turnco++; if (LP->turnco > LP->tclim) { LP->turnco = 1; LP->tsc = (LP->tsc % LP->tslen) + 1; } LP->deg += LP->turnseq[LP->tsc - 1]; break; } else { int desdeg; real dy, dx; if (LP->tailfollow || LP->prey == thr) { dx = st->thread[LP->prey - 1].xrec[st->thread[LP->prey - 1].recpos] - LP->x; dy = st->thread[LP->prey - 1].yrec[st->thread[LP->prey - 1].recpos] - LP->y; } else { dx = st->thread[LP->prey - 1].x - LP->x; dy = st->thread[LP->prey - 1].y - LP->y; } desdeg = (LP->vhfollow) ? ((fabs (dx) > fabs (dy)) ? ((dx > 0) ? 0 * degs4 : 2 * degs4) : ((dy > 0) ? 1 * degs4 : 3 * degs4)) : ((dx > 0) ? ((dy > 0) ? 1 * degs8 : 7 * degs8) : ((dy > 0) ? 3 * degs8 : 5 * degs8)); if (desdeg - desdeg % degs4 != LP->deg - LP->deg % degs4 || LP->vhfollow) { if (!LP->vhfollow) { /* Using atan2 here doesn't seem to slow things down: */ desdeg = atan2 (dy, dx) / dtor; wraparound (desdeg, 0, degs); } if (abs (desdeg - LP->deg) <= abs (LP->circturn)) LP->deg = desdeg; else LP->deg += (desdeg > LP->deg) ? ((desdeg - LP->deg > degs2) ? -abs (LP->circturn) : abs (LP->circturn)) : ((LP->deg - desdeg > degs2) ? abs (LP->circturn) : -abs (LP->circturn)); } else LP->deg += (st->tanof[LP->deg] > dy / dx) ? -abs (LP->circturn) : abs (LP->circturn); } wraparound (LP->deg, 0, degs); { unsigned char oldcol; real oldy = LP->y, oldx = LP->x; LP->x += st->cosof[LP->deg]; wraparound (LP->x, xmin, xmax + 1); LP->y += st->sinof[LP->deg]; wraparound (LP->y, ymin, ymax + 1); #define xi ((int) LP->x) #define yi ((int) LP->y) oldcol = gp (st, xi, yi); if (oldcol != 0) { Bool vertwall = False, horiwall = False; if (oldcol == 1 && ((LP->killwalls && st->gridden > 0) || LP->realbounce)) { vertwall = (gp (st, xi, (int) oldy) == 1); horiwall = (gp (st, (int) oldx, yi) == 1); } if (oldcol == 1 && LP->realbounce && (vertwall || horiwall)) { if (vertwall) LP->deg = -LP->deg + degs2; else LP->deg = -LP->deg; } else { if ((oldcol != LP->col && LP->realbounce) || (oldcol == LP->col && LP->selfbounce)) LP->deg += degs4 * (random1 (2) * 2 - 1); else if (oldcol != LP->col) LP->deg += degs2; } if (LP->killwalls && st->gridden > 0 && oldcol == 1) { if (vertwall && xi + 1 <= xmax) { int yy; for (yy = yi - yi % st->boxh; yy <= yi - yi % st->boxh + st->boxh && yy <= ymax; yy++) if (gp (st, xi + 1, yy) != 1 || yy == ymax) sp (st, xi, yy, 0); } if (horiwall && yi + 1 <= ymax) { int xx; for (xx = xi - xi % st->boxw; xx <= xi - xi % st->boxw + st->boxw && xx <= xmax; xx++) if (gp (st, xx, yi + 1) != 1 || xx == xmax) sp (st, xx, yi, 0); } } if (oldcol != LP->col || LP->selfbounce) { LP->x = oldx; LP->y = oldy; } wraparound (LP->deg, 0, degs); } } sp (st, xi, yi, LP->col); if (LP->filled) { if (st->erasing) sp (st, LP->xrec[LP->recpos], LP->yrec[LP->recpos], 0); else sp (st, LP->xrec[LP->recpos], LP->yrec[LP->recpos], LP->col + thrmax); } LP->yrec[LP->recpos] = yi; LP->xrec[LP->recpos] = xi; if (LP->recpos == LP->reclen - 1) LP->filled = True; if (LP->filled && !st->erasing) { int co = LP->recpos; LP->dead = True; do { int nextco = co + 1; wraparound (nextco, 0, LP->reclen); if (LP->yrec[co] != LP->yrec[nextco] || LP->xrec[co] != LP->xrec[nextco]) LP->dead = False; co = nextco; } while (!(!LP->dead || co == LP->recpos)); } LP->recpos++; wraparound (LP->recpos, 0, LP->reclen); return (!LP->dead); } static unsigned long vermiculate_draw (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; int had_instring = (st->instring != 0); int tick = 0; int this_delay = 0; int loop = 0; AGAIN: if (st->reset_p) { st->reset_p = 0; clearscreen (st); { unsigned char thr; for (thr = 1; thr <= st->threads; thr++) newonscreen (st, thr); } if (st->autopal) { randpal (st); palupdate (st, False); } bordupdate (st); gridupdate (st, False); } { Bool alltrap = True; unsigned char thr; for (thr = 1; thr <= st->threads; thr++) if (move (st, thr)) alltrap = False; if (alltrap) /* all threads are trapped */ st->reset_p = True; if (st->speed != SPEEDMAX) this_delay = waitabit (st); } if (tick++ > st->max_ticks && !had_instring) { tick = 0; if (st->oinstring) free (st->oinstring); st->instring = st->oinstring = 0; maininit(st); st->reset_p = True; st->autopal = False; } if (this_delay == 0 && loop++ < 1000) goto AGAIN; return this_delay; } static void * vermiculate_init (Display *d, Window w) { struct state *st = (struct state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st)); st->dpy = d; st->window = w; st->reset_p = 1; st->oinstring = get_string_resource (st->dpy, "instring", "Instring"); if (st->oinstring && !*st->oinstring) { free (st->oinstring); st->oinstring = 0; } st->instring = st->oinstring; st->max_ticks = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "ticks", "Integer"); st->speed = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "speed", "Speed"); if (st->speed <= 0) st->speed = 1; st->mycolors[0].pixel = BlackPixel (st->dpy, DefaultScreen (st->dpy)); XSetWindowBackground (st->dpy, st->window, BlackPixel (st->dpy, DefaultScreen (st->dpy))); { XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &st->xgwa); st->wid = st->xgwa.width; st->hei = st->xgwa.height; st->mycmap = st->xgwa.colormap; } { XGCValues mygcv; st->mygc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, 0, &mygcv); } st->point = (unsigned char *) calloc (1, st->wid * st->hei); maininit (st); palupdate (st, True); consume_instring(st); return st; } static void vermiculate_reshape (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; st->wid = w; st->hei = h; free (st->point); st->point = (unsigned char *) calloc (1, st->wid * st->hei); } static Bool vermiculate_event (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, XEvent *event) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; if (screenhack_event_helper (dpy, window, event)) { st->reset_p = 1; return True; } return False; } static void consume_instring(struct state *st) { char boolop; while (wasakeypressed (st)) { st->ch = readkey (st); switch (st->ch) { case 'M': st->ch = readkey (st); switch (st->ch) { case 'A': case 'N': { unsigned char othreads = st->threads; if (st->ch == 'N') st->threads = 0; do { st->ch = readkey (st); switch (st->ch) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': st->thread[++st->threads - 1].tmode = st->ch - '0'; break; case 'R': st->thread[++st->threads - 1].tmode = random1 (tmodes - '0') + 1; break; } } while (!(st->ch == '\15' || st->ch == '#' || st->threads == thrmax)); if (st->threads == 0) st->threads = othreads; st->reset_p = 1; } break; } break; case 'C': pickbank (st); if (st->bnkt > 0) { st->ch = readkey (st); switch (st->ch) { case 'D': st->ch = readkey (st); switch (st->ch) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': /* Careful! The following macro needs to be at the beginning of any block in which it's invoked, since it declares variables: */ #define forallinbank(LDP) linedata *LDP; int bankc; \ for (bankc = 1; \ ((bankc <= st->bnkt) ? ( \ (LDP = &st->thread[st->bank[bankc - 1] - 1], 1) \ ) : 0) ; bankc++) { forallinbank (L) L->slice = degs / (st->ch - '0'); } break; case 'M': { forallinbank (L) L->slice = 0; } break; } break; case 'S': { forallinbank (L) { L->otslen = L->tslen; L->tslen = 0; } } do { char oldch = st->ch; st->ch = readkey (st); { forallinbank (L) { switch (st->ch) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': L->tslen++; L->turnseq[L->tslen - 1] = st->ch - '0'; if (oldch == '-') L->turnseq[L->tslen - 1] *= -1; if (bankc % 2 == 0) L->turnseq[L->tslen - 1] *= -1; break; } } } } while (!(st->ch == '\15' || st->ch == '#' || st->thread[st->bank[0] - 1].tslen == 50)); { forallinbank (L) { int seqSum = 0, c; if (L->tslen == 0) L->tslen = L->otslen; for (c = 1; c <= L->tslen; c++) seqSum += L->turnseq[c - 1]; if (seqSum == 0) L->tclim = 1; else L->tclim = (int) (((real) degs2) / abs (seqSum)); L->tsc = random1 (L->tslen) + 1; } } break; case 'T': { st->ch = readkey (st); { forallinbank (L) { switch (st->ch) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': L->tmode = st->ch - '0'; break; case 'R': L->tmode = random1 (tmodes - '0') + 1; break; } } } } break; case 'O': st->ch = readkey (st); { forallinbank (L) L->orichar = st->ch; } break; case 'F': { banktype fbank; arrcpy (fbank, st->bank); { int fbnkt = st->bnkt; int bankc; pickbank (st); for (bankc = 1; bankc <= fbnkt; bankc++) { linedata *L = &st->thread[fbank[bankc - 1] - 1]; if (st->ch == 'N') L->prey = 0; else L->prey = st->bank[0 + (bankc - 1) % st->bnkt]; } } } break; case 'L': { forallinbank (L) L->prey = st->bank[bankc % st->bnkt]; } break; case 'R': st->ch = readkey (st); { forallinbank (L) switch (st->ch) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': L->circturn = 10 - (st->ch - '0'); break; case 'R': L->circturn = random1 (7) + 1; break; } } break; } } break; case 'T': case 'Y': case 'N': boolop = st->ch; pickbank (st); if (st->bnkt > 0) { st->ch = readkey (st); { forallinbank (L) { switch (st->ch) { case 'S': bankmod (boolop, &L->selfbounce); break; case 'V': bankmod (boolop, &L->vhfollow); break; case 'R': bankmod (boolop, &L->realbounce); break; case 'L': bankmod (boolop, &L->little); st->cleared = True; break; case 'T': bankmod (boolop, &L->tailfollow); break; case 'K': bankmod (boolop, &L->killwalls); break; } } } } break; case 'R': if (st->bordcol == 1) { st->bordcol = 0; bordupdate (st); st->bordcorn = (st->bordcorn + 1) % 4; st->bordcol = 1; bordupdate (st); } break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { int c; for (c = 1; c <= thrmax; c++) st->thread[c - 1].tmode = st->ch - '0'; } break; case '\40': st->cleared = True; break; case 'E': st->erasing = !st->erasing; break; case 'P': randpal (st); palupdate (st, True); break; case 'G': { char dimch = 'B'; Bool gridchanged = True; if (st->gridden == 0) st->gridden = st->ogd; do { int msize = 0; if (gridchanged) { clearscreen (st); gridupdate (st, True); } st->ch = readkey (st); gridchanged = True; switch (st->ch) { case '+': msize = 1; break; case '-': msize = -1; break; case ']': if (st->gridden < 15) st->gridden++; break; case '[': if (st->gridden > 0) st->gridden--; break; case 'O': st->ogd = st->gridden; st->gridden = 0; break; case 'S': st->boxw = st->boxh; case 'W': case 'H': case 'B': dimch = st->ch; break; default: gridchanged = False; } if (dimch == 'W' || dimch == 'B') st->boxw += msize; if (dimch == 'H' || dimch == 'B') st->boxh += msize; if (st->boxw == 0) st->boxw = 1; if (st->boxh == 0) st->boxh = 1; } while (!(st->ch == '\15' || st->ch == '#' || st->ch == 'O')); st->cleared = True; } break; case 'A': st->autopal = !st->autopal; break; case 'B': st->bordcol = 1 - st->bordcol; bordupdate (st); break; case '-': st->speed -= SPEEDINC; if (st->speed < 1) st->speed = 1; break; case '+': st->speed += SPEEDINC; if (st->speed > SPEEDMAX) st->speed = SPEEDMAX; break; case '/': if (st->curviness > 5) st->curviness -= 5; break; case '*': if (st->curviness < 50) st->curviness += 5; break; case ']': if (st->threads < thrmax) newonscreen (st, ++st->threads); break; case '[': if (st->threads > 1) { linedata *L = &st->thread[st->threads - 1]; int lastpos = (L->filled) ? L->reclen - 1 : L->recpos; int c; for (c = 0; c <= lastpos; c++) sp (st, L->xrec[c], L->yrec[c], 0); st->threads--; } break; } } } static void vermiculate_free (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; XFreeGC (dpy, st->mygc); if (st->oinstring) free (st->oinstring); if (st->point) free(st->point); free (st); } static const char *vermiculate_defaults[] = { ".lowrez: true", ".background: Black", "*ticks: 20000", "*fpsSolid: true", "*speed: 1", "*instring: ", #ifdef HAVE_MOBILE "*ignoreRotation: True", #endif 0 }; static XrmOptionDescRec vermiculate_options[] = { {"-speed", ".speed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}, {"-instring", ".instring", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Vermiculate", vermiculate)