/* xanalogtv, Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Trevor Blackwell * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * * Simulate test patterns on an analog TV. Concept similar to xteevee * in this distribution, but a totally different implementation based * on the simulation of an analog TV set in utils/analogtv.c. Much * more realistic, but needs more video card bandwidth. * * It flips around through simulated channels 2 through 13. Some show * pictures from your images directory, some show color bars, and some * just have static. Some channels receive two stations simultaneously * so you see a ghostly, misaligned image. */ #include "screenhack.h" #include "ximage-loader.h" #include "analogtv.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #ifndef HAVE_JWXYZ # include /* for XtDatabase in hack_resources() */ #endif #define USE_TEST_PATTERNS #include "images/gen/logo-180_png.h" #ifdef USE_TEST_PATTERNS # include "images/gen/testcard_rca_png.h" # include "images/gen/testcard_pm5544_png.h" # include "images/gen/testcard_bbcf_png.h" #endif #define countof(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((*x))) enum { N_CHANNELS=12, /* Channels 2 through 13 on VHF */ MAX_MULTICHAN=2, MAX_STATIONS=6 }; typedef struct chansetting_s { analogtv_reception recs[MAX_MULTICHAN]; double noise_level; Bool image_loaded_p; /* char *filename; was only used for diagnostics */ int dur; } chansetting; struct state { Display *dpy; Window window; analogtv *tv; analogtv_font ugly_font; struct timeval basetime; int n_stations; analogtv_input *stations[MAX_STATIONS]; Bool image_loading_p; XImage *logo, *logo_mask; # ifdef USE_TEST_PATTERNS XImage *test_patterns[MAX_STATIONS]; # endif int curinputi; int change_ticks; chansetting chansettings[N_CHANNELS]; chansetting *cs; int change_now; Bool colorbars_only_p, no_colorbars_p; }; static void update_smpte_colorbars(analogtv_input *input) { struct state *st = (struct state *) input->client_data; int col; int xpos, ypos; int black_ntsc[4]; /* SMPTE is the society of motion picture and television engineers, and these are the standard color bars in the US. Following the partial spec at http://broadcastengineering.com/ar/broadcasting_inside_color_bars/ These are luma, chroma, and phase numbers for each of the 7 bars. */ double top_cb_table[7][3]={ {75, 0, 0.0}, /* gray */ {69, 31, 167.0}, /* yellow */ {56, 44, 283.5}, /* cyan */ {48, 41, 240.5}, /* green */ {36, 41, 60.5}, /* magenta */ {28, 44, 103.5}, /* red */ {15, 31, 347.0} /* blue */ }; double mid_cb_table[7][3]={ {15, 31, 347.0}, /* blue */ {7, 0, 0}, /* black */ {36, 41, 60.5}, /* magenta */ {7, 0, 0}, /* black */ {56, 44, 283.5}, /* cyan */ {7, 0, 0}, /* black */ {75, 0, 0.0} /* gray */ }; analogtv_lcp_to_ntsc(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, black_ntsc); analogtv_setup_sync(input, 1, 0); analogtv_setup_teletext(input); for (col=0; col<7; col++) { analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, col*(1.0/7.0), (col+1)*(1.0/7.0), 0.00, 0.68, top_cb_table[col][0], top_cb_table[col][1], top_cb_table[col][2]); analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, col*(1.0/7.0), (col+1)*(1.0/7.0), 0.68, 0.75, mid_cb_table[col][0], mid_cb_table[col][1], mid_cb_table[col][2]); } analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, 0.0, 1.0/6.0, 0.75, 1.00, 7, 40, 303); /* -I */ analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, 1.0/6.0, 2.0/6.0, 0.75, 1.00, 100, 0, 0); /* white */ analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, 2.0/6.0, 3.0/6.0, 0.75, 1.00, 7, 40, 33); /* +Q */ analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, 3.0/6.0, 4.0/6.0, 0.75, 1.00, 7, 0, 0); /* black */ analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, 12.0/18.0, 13.0/18.0, 0.75, 1.00, 3, 0, 0); /* black -4 */ analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, 13.0/18.0, 14.0/18.0, 0.75, 1.00, 7, 0, 0); /* black */ analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, 14.0/18.0, 15.0/18.0, 0.75, 1.00, 11, 0, 0); /* black +4 */ analogtv_draw_solid_rel_lcp(input, 5.0/6.0, 6.0/6.0, 0.75, 1.00, 7, 0, 0); /* black */ ypos=ANALOGTV_V/5; xpos=ANALOGTV_VIS_START + ANALOGTV_VIS_LEN/2; /* if (! st->colorbars_only_p) */ { char localname[256]; if (gethostname (localname, sizeof (localname))==0) { int L; localname[sizeof(localname)-1]=0; /* "The returned name is null- terminated unless insufficient space is provided" */ L = strlen(localname); if (L > 6 && !strcmp(".local", localname+L-6)) localname[L-6] = 0; localname[24]=0; /* limit length */ analogtv_draw_string_centered(input, &st->ugly_font, localname, xpos, ypos, black_ntsc); } } ypos += (st->ugly_font.char_h * ANALOGTV_SCALE)*5/2; if (st->logo) { int w2 = st->tv->xgwa.width * 0.2; int h2 = st->tv->xgwa.height * 0.2; analogtv_load_ximage (st->tv, input, st->logo, st->logo_mask, (st->tv->xgwa.width - w2) / 2, st->tv->xgwa.height * 0.28, w2, h2); } ypos += 58 * ANALOGTV_SCALE; #if 0 analogtv_draw_string_centered(input, &st->ugly_font, "Please Stand By", xpos, ypos); ypos += st->ugly_font.char_h*4; #endif /* if (! st->colorbars_only_p) */ { char timestamp[256]; time_t t = time ((time_t *) 0); struct tm *tm = localtime (&t); /* Y2K: It is OK for this to use a 2-digit year because it's simulating a TV display and is purely decorative. */ strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp)-1, "%y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S ", tm); analogtv_draw_string_centered(input, &st->ugly_font, timestamp, xpos, ypos, black_ntsc); } input->next_update_time += 1.0; } static int getticks(struct state *st) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); return ((tv.tv_sec - st->basetime.tv_sec)*1000 + (tv.tv_usec - st->basetime.tv_usec)/1000); } /* The first time we grab an image, do it the default way. The second and subsequent times, add "-no-desktop" to the command. That way we don't have to watch the window un-map 5+ times in a row. Also, we end up with the desktop on only one channel, and pictures on all the others (or colorbars, if no imageDirectory is set.) */ static void hack_resources (Display *dpy) { #ifndef HAVE_JWXYZ static int count = -1; count++; if (count == 0) return; else if (count == 1) { XrmDatabase db = XtDatabase (dpy); char *res = "desktopGrabber"; char *val = get_string_resource (dpy, res, "DesktopGrabber"); char buf1[255]; char buf2[255]; XrmValue value; sprintf (buf1, "%.100s.%.100s", progname, res); sprintf (buf2, "%.200s -no-desktop", val); value.addr = buf2; value.size = strlen(buf2); XrmPutResource (&db, buf1, "String", &value); free (val); } #endif /* HAVE_JWXYZ */ } static void analogtv_load_random_image(struct state *); static void image_loaded_cb (Screen *screen, Window window, Drawable pixmap, const char *name, XRectangle *geometry, void *closure) { /* When an image has just been loaded, store it into the first available channel. If there are other unloaded channels, then start loading another image. */ struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; int i; int this = -1; int next = -1; if (!st->image_loading_p) abort(); /* only one at a time... */ st->image_loading_p = False; for (i = 0; i < MAX_STATIONS; i++) { if (! st->chansettings[i].image_loaded_p) { if (this == -1) this = i; else if (next == -1) next = i; } } if (this == -1) abort(); /* no unloaded stations? */ /* Load this image into the next channel. */ { analogtv_input *input = st->stations[this]; int width=ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN; int height=width*3/4; XImage *image = XGetImage (st->dpy, pixmap, 0, 0, width, height, ~0L, ZPixmap); XFreePixmap(st->dpy, pixmap); analogtv_setup_sync(input, 1, (random()%20)==0); analogtv_load_ximage(st->tv, input, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (image) XDestroyImage(image); st->chansettings[this].image_loaded_p = True; #if 0 if (name) { const char *s = strrchr (name, '/'); if (s) s++; else s = name; st->chansettings[this].filename = strdup (s); } fprintf(stderr, "%s: loaded channel %d, %s\n", progname, this, st->chansettings[this].filename); #endif } /* If there are still unloaded stations, fire off another loader. */ if (next != -1) analogtv_load_random_image (st); } /* Queues a single image for loading. Only load one at a time. The image is done loading when st->img_loader is null and it->loaded_image is a pixmap. */ static void analogtv_load_random_image(struct state *st) { int width=ANALOGTV_PIC_LEN; int height=width*3/4; Pixmap p; if (st->image_loading_p) /* a load is already in progress */ return; st->image_loading_p = True; p = XCreatePixmap(st->dpy, st->window, width, height, st->tv->visdepth); hack_resources(st->dpy); load_image_async (st->tv->xgwa.screen, st->window, p, image_loaded_cb, st); } static void add_stations(struct state *st) { while (st->n_stations < MAX_STATIONS) { analogtv_input *input=analogtv_input_allocate(); st->stations[st->n_stations++]=input; input->client_data = st; } } static void load_station_images(struct state *st) { int i; char *img_file = get_string_resource (st->dpy, "image", "Image"); XImage *ximage = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_STATIONS; i++) { analogtv_input *input = st->stations[i]; st->chansettings[i].image_loaded_p = True; if (!st->no_colorbars_p && (i == 0 || /* station 0 is always colorbars */ st->colorbars_only_p)) { input->updater = update_smpte_colorbars; input->do_teletext=1; } #ifdef USE_TEST_PATTERNS else if (!st->no_colorbars_p && !(img_file && *img_file) && ((random() % 5) == 0)) { int count = 0, j; for (count = 0; st->test_patterns[count]; count++) ; j=random()%count; analogtv_setup_sync(input, 1, 0); analogtv_load_ximage(st->tv, input, st->test_patterns[j], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); analogtv_setup_teletext(input); } #endif else if (img_file && *img_file) { analogtv_input *input; /* Load a single image file into every free channel. */ if (! ximage) { int w, h; Pixmap p = file_to_pixmap (st->dpy, st->window, img_file, &w, &h, 0); ximage = XGetImage (st->dpy, p, 0, 0, w, h, ~0L, ZPixmap); XFreePixmap (st->dpy, p); } input = st->stations[i]; analogtv_setup_sync(input, 1, (random()%20)==0); analogtv_load_ximage (st->tv, input, ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); analogtv_setup_teletext(input); st->chansettings[i].image_loaded_p = True; } else { analogtv_load_random_image(st); input->do_teletext=1; st->chansettings[i].image_loaded_p = False; } } if (img_file) free (img_file); if (ximage) XDestroyImage (ximage); } static void * xanalogtv_init (Display *dpy, Window window) { struct state *st = (struct state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st)); int i; int last_station=42; int delay = get_integer_resource(dpy, "delay", "Integer"); if (delay < 1) delay = 1; analogtv_make_font(dpy, window, &st->ugly_font, 7, 10, "6x10"); st->dpy = dpy; st->window = window; st->tv=analogtv_allocate(dpy, window); st->colorbars_only_p = get_boolean_resource(dpy, "colorbarsOnly", "ColorbarsOnly"); st->no_colorbars_p = get_boolean_resource(dpy, "noColorbars", "NoColorbars"); /* if (!st->colorbars_only_p) */ { int w, h; Pixmap mask = 0; Pixmap p = image_data_to_pixmap (dpy, window, logo_180_png, sizeof(logo_180_png), &w, &h, &mask); st->logo = XGetImage (dpy, p, 0, 0, w, h, ~0L, ZPixmap); XFreePixmap (dpy, p); if (mask) { st->logo_mask = XGetImage (dpy, mask, 0, 0, w, h, ~0L, ZPixmap); XFreePixmap (dpy, mask); } } # ifdef USE_TEST_PATTERNS { int i = 0; int w, h; Pixmap p; p = image_data_to_pixmap (dpy, window, testcard_rca_png, sizeof(testcard_rca_png), &w, &h, 0); st->test_patterns[i++] = XGetImage (dpy, p, 0, 0, w, h, ~0L, ZPixmap); XFreePixmap (dpy, p); p = image_data_to_pixmap (dpy, window, testcard_pm5544_png, sizeof(testcard_pm5544_png), &w, &h, 0); st->test_patterns[i++] = XGetImage (dpy, p, 0, 0, w, h, ~0L, ZPixmap); XFreePixmap (dpy, p); p = image_data_to_pixmap (dpy, window, testcard_bbcf_png, sizeof(testcard_bbcf_png), &w, &h, 0); st->test_patterns[i++] = XGetImage (dpy, p, 0, 0, w, h, ~0L, ZPixmap); XFreePixmap (dpy, p); } # endif /* USE_TEST_PATTERNS */ add_stations(st); analogtv_set_defaults(st->tv, ""); st->tv->need_clear=1; if (random()%4==0) { st->tv->tint_control += pow(frand(2.0)-1.0, 7) * 180.0; } if (1) { st->tv->color_control += frand(0.3); } for (i=0; ichansettings[i], 0, sizeof(chansetting)); st->chansettings[i].noise_level = 0.06; st->chansettings[i].dur = 1000*delay; if (random()%6==0) { st->chansettings[i].dur=600; } else { int stati; for (stati=0; statichansettings[i].recs[stati]; int station; while (1) { station=random()%st->n_stations; if (station!=last_station) break; if ((random()%10)==0) break; } last_station=station; rec->input = st->stations[station]; rec->level = pow(frand(1.0), 3.0) * 2.0 + 0.05; rec->ofs=random()%ANALOGTV_SIGNAL_LEN; if (random()%3) { rec->multipath = frand(1.0); } else { rec->multipath=0.0; } if (stati) { /* We only set a frequency error for ghosting stations, because it doesn't matter otherwise */ rec->freqerr = (frand(2.0)-1.0) * 3.0; } if (rec->level > 0.3) break; if (random()%4) break; } } } gettimeofday(&st->basetime,NULL); st->curinputi=0; st->cs = &st->chansettings[st->curinputi]; st->change_ticks = st->cs->dur + 1500; st->tv->powerup=0.0; load_station_images(st); return st; } static unsigned long xanalogtv_draw (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; int i; int curticks=getticks(st); double curtime=curticks*0.001; const analogtv_reception *recs[MAX_MULTICHAN]; unsigned rec_count = 0; int auto_change = curticks >= st->change_ticks && st->tv->powerup > 10.0 ? 1 : 0; if (st->change_now || auto_change) { st->curinputi=(st->curinputi+st->change_now+auto_change+N_CHANNELS)%N_CHANNELS; st->change_now = 0; st->cs = &st->chansettings[st->curinputi]; #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "%s: channel %d, %s\n", progname, st->curinputi, st->cs->filename); #endif st->change_ticks = curticks + st->cs->dur; /* Set channel change noise flag */ st->tv->channel_change_cycles=200000; } for (i=0; ics->recs[i]; analogtv_input *inp=rec->input; if (!inp) continue; if (inp->updater) { inp->next_update_time = curtime; (inp->updater)(inp); } rec->ofs += rec->freqerr; } st->tv->powerup=curtime; for (i=0; ics->recs[i]; if (rec->input) { analogtv_reception_update(rec); recs[rec_count] = rec; ++rec_count; } } analogtv_draw(st->tv, st->cs->noise_level, recs, rec_count); #ifdef HAVE_MOBILE return 0; #else return 5000; #endif } static void xanalogtv_reshape (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; analogtv_reconfigure(st->tv); } static Bool xanalogtv_event (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, XEvent *event) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; if (event->type == ButtonPress) { unsigned button = event->xbutton.button; st->change_now = button == 2 || button == 3 || button == 5 ? -1 : 1; return True; } else if (event->type == KeyPress) { KeySym keysym; char c = 0; XLookupString (&event->xkey, &c, 1, &keysym, 0); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || keysym == XK_Up || keysym == XK_Right || keysym == XK_Prior) { st->change_now = 1; return True; } else if (c == '\b' || keysym == XK_Down || keysym == XK_Left || keysym == XK_Next) { st->change_now = -1; return True; } else if (screenhack_event_helper (dpy, window, event)) goto DEF; } else if (screenhack_event_helper (dpy, window, event)) { DEF: st->change_now = ((random() & 1) ? 1 : -1); return True; } return False; } static void xanalogtv_free (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure) { struct state *st = (struct state *) closure; int i; analogtv_release(st->tv); if (st->logo) XDestroyImage (st->logo); if (st->logo_mask) XDestroyImage (st->logo_mask); if (st->ugly_font.text_im) XDestroyImage (st->ugly_font.text_im); for (i = 0; i < MAX_STATIONS; i++) if (st->stations[i]) free (st->stations[i]); # ifdef USE_TEST_PATTERNS { int i; for (i = 0; i < countof(st->test_patterns); i++) if (st->test_patterns[i]) XDestroyImage (st->test_patterns[i]); } # endif free (st); } static const char *xanalogtv_defaults [] = { ".background: black", ".foreground: white", "*delay: 5", "*grabDesktopImages: False", /* HAVE_JWXYZ */ "*chooseRandomImages: True", /* HAVE_JWXYZ */ "*colorbarsOnly: False", "*noColorbars: False", "*image: ", ANALOGTV_DEFAULTS 0, }; static XrmOptionDescRec xanalogtv_options [] = { { "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, { "-colorbars-only", ".colorbarsOnly", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" }, { "-no-colorbars", ".noColorbars", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" }, { "-image", ".image", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }, ANALOGTV_OPTIONS { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("XAnalogTV", xanalogtv)