path: root/src/os-plugins/slxos-plugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/os-plugins/slxos-plugin')
1 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/os-plugins/slxos-plugin b/src/os-plugins/slxos-plugin
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ccd3d389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/os-plugins/slxos-plugin
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my $abstract = q[
+ OpenSLX-script to install/remove plugin modules into/from a vendor-OS.
+# add the folder this script lives in and the lib-folder to perl's
+# search path for modules:
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::RealBin";
+use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib";
+use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../config-db";
+# development path to config-db
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
+use Pod::Usage;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Engine;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+my %option;
+ 'help|?' => \$option{helpReq},
+ 'man' => \$option{manReq},
+ 'verbose' => \$option{verbose},
+ 'version' => \$option{versionReq},
+ or pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $option{helpReq};
+if ($option{manReq}) {
+ # avoid dubious problem with perldoc in combination with UTF-8 that
+ # leads to strange dashes and single-quotes being used
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 2);
+if ($option{versionReq}) {
+ system('slxversion');
+ exit 1;
+my $action = shift @ARGV || '';
+if ($action =~ m[^list-at]i) {
+ my $plugin = shift @ARGV;
+ print
+ $plugin
+ ? _tr("List of attributes supported by '%s' plugin:\n", $plugin)
+ : _tr("List of plugin attributes:\n");
+ my $attrs = {};
+ require OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster;
+ OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster->addAllAttributesToHash($attrs, $plugin);
+ print join(
+ '',
+ map {
+ my $attr = $attrs->{$_};
+ my $stage
+ = $attr->{applies_to_vendor_os} ? '[stage 1]' : '[stage 3]';
+ if ($option{verbose}) {
+ my $output;
+ my $fill = ' ' x 28;
+ for my $key (qw( description content_descr )) {
+ $output .= "\n\t $key:" . ( ' ' x (15 - length($key)) );
+ chomp(my $value = $attr->{$key} || '');
+ $value =~ s{\n}{\n$fill}igms;
+ $output .= $value;
+ }
+ "\n\t$stage: $_$output\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ "\t$stage: $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ sort {
+ my $stageDiff
+ = ($attrs->{$b}->{applies_to_vendor_os} || '')
+ cmp ($attrs->{$a}->{applies_to_vendor_os} || '');
+ return $stageDiff ? $stageDiff : $a cmp $b;
+ }
+ keys %$attrs
+ );
+} elsif ($action =~ m[^list-av]i) {
+ print _tr("List of available plugins:\n");
+ require OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster;
+ my $pluginInfo = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster->getAvailablePlugins();
+ print join(
+ '',
+ map {
+ if ($option{verbose}) {
+ my $fill = ' ' x 12;
+ chomp(my $descr = $pluginInfo->{$_}->{description} || '');
+ $descr =~ s{\n}{\n$fill}igms;
+ my $pluginStr = "$_";
+ my $required = $pluginInfo->{$_}->{required} || [];
+ if (@$required) {
+ $pluginStr
+ .= _tr(' (requires: %s)', join(',', @$required));
+ }
+ "\n\t$pluginStr\n\t $descr\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ "\t$_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ sort keys %$pluginInfo
+ );
+} elsif ($action =~ m[^list-i]i) {
+ if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) {
+ print STDERR _tr(
+ "You need to specify exactly one vendor-OS!\n"
+ );
+ pod2usage(2);
+ }
+ my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV;
+ # for convenience, we alias default to <<<default>>>
+ $vendorOSName = '<<<default>>>' if $vendorOSName eq 'default';
+ # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have
+ # a known starting point:
+ chdir($FindBin::RealBin)
+ or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!);
+ # create OSPlugin-engine for given vendor-OS and ask it for the installed
+ # plugins:
+ my $engine = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Engine->new;
+ $engine->initialize(undef, $vendorOSName);
+ my @installedPlugins = $engine->getInstalledPlugins();
+ if (!@installedPlugins) {
+ push @installedPlugins, { plugin_name => '<none>' };
+ }
+ print _tr("List of plugins installed in vendor-OS '$vendorOSName':\n");
+ print join(
+ '',
+ map {
+ if ($option{verbose}) {
+ my $attributes
+ = _tr("The following attributes were applied:")
+ . "\n\t ";
+ my $attrs = $_->{attrs};
+ my $attrInfo = {};
+ OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster->addAllStage1AttributesToHash(
+ $attrInfo, $_->{plugin_name}
+ );
+ $attributes .= join(
+ "\n\t ",
+ map {
+ my $stage
+ = $attrInfo->{$_}->{applies_to_vendor_os}
+ ? '[stage 1]'
+ : '[stage 3]';
+ "$stage $_="
+ . (defined $attrs->{$_} ? $attrs->{$_} : '-')
+ }
+ sort {
+ (($attrInfo->{$b}->{applies_to_vendor_os} || '')
+ cmp ($attrInfo->{$a}->{applies_to_vendor_os} || ''))
+ || ($a cmp $b);
+ }
+ keys %$attrs
+ );
+ "\n\t$_->{plugin_name}\n\t $attributes\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ "\t$_->{plugin_name}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ sort @installedPlugins
+ );
+} elsif ($action =~ m[^install]i) {
+ if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2) {
+ print STDERR _tr(
+ "You need to specify a vendor-OS and at least one plugin-name!\n"
+ );
+ pod2usage(2);
+ }
+ my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV;
+ my $pluginAttrs = parsePluginAttrs(1);
+ # for convenience, we alias default to <<<default>>>
+ $vendorOSName = '<<<default>>>' if $vendorOSName eq 'default';
+ # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have
+ # a known starting point:
+ chdir($FindBin::RealBin)
+ or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!);
+ for my $pluginName (keys %$pluginAttrs) {
+ # create & start OSPlugin-engine for vendor-OS and current plugin:
+ my $engine = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Engine->new;
+ $engine->initialize(
+ $pluginName, $vendorOSName, $pluginAttrs->{$pluginName}
+ );
+ if (!-e $engine->{'plugin-path'}) {
+ die _tr("plugin '%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n",
+ $engine->{'plugin-path'});
+ }
+ if ($vendorOSName ne '<<<default>>>'
+ && !-e $engine->{'vendor-os-path'}) {
+ die _tr(
+ "vendor-OS '%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n",
+ $engine->{'vendor-os-path'}
+ );
+ }
+ if ($engine->installPlugin()) {
+ print _tr(
+ "Plugin $pluginName has been installed into vendor-OS '$vendorOSName'.\n"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+} elsif ($action =~ m[^remove]i) {
+ if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2) {
+ print STDERR _tr(
+ "You need to specify a vendor-OS and at least one plugin-name!\n"
+ );
+ pod2usage(2);
+ }
+ my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV;
+ # for convenience, we alias default to <<<default>>>
+ $vendorOSName = '<<<default>>>' if $vendorOSName eq 'default';
+ my $pluginAttrs = parsePluginAttrs(0);
+ # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have
+ # a known starting point:
+ chdir($FindBin::RealBin)
+ or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!);
+ for my $pluginName (keys %$pluginAttrs) {
+ # create & start OSPlugin-engine for vendor-OS and current plugin:
+ my $engine = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Engine->new;
+ $engine->initialize(
+ $pluginName, $vendorOSName, $pluginAttrs->{$pluginName}
+ );
+ if (!-e $engine->{'plugin-path'}) {
+ die _tr("plugin '%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n",
+ $engine->{'plugin-path'});
+ }
+ if ($vendorOSName ne '<<<default>>>' && !-e $engine->{'vendor-os-path'}) {
+ die _tr("vendor-OS '%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n",
+ $engine->{'vendor-os-path'});
+ }
+ if ($engine->removePlugin()) {
+ print _tr(
+ "Plugin $pluginName has been removed from vendor-OS '$vendorOSName'.\n"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ vlog(0, _tr(unshiftHereDoc(<<' END-OF-HERE'), $0));
+ You need to specify exactly one action:
+ install <vendor-OS-name> <plugin-name> [<plugin-attr>=<value> ...]
+ list-attributes [<plugin-name>]
+ list-available
+ list-installed <vendor-OS-name>
+ remove <vendor-OS-name> <plugin-name>
+ Try '%s --help' for more info.
+sub parsePluginAttrs
+ my $acceptAttributes = shift;
+ my (%pluginAttrs, $pluginName, @attrSpecs);
+ for my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ if ($arg =~ m{^(.+?)=(.*)$}) {
+ next if !$acceptAttributes;
+ my $attr = $1;
+ my $value = $2;
+ if ($value =~ m{^(-|undef)$}) {
+ $value = undef;
+ }
+ if ($attr =~ m{^(.+)::}) {
+ $pluginName = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!defined $pluginName) {
+ die _tr('You have to give a plugin-name before you can specify unscoped attributes!');
+ }
+ $attr = $pluginName . '::' . $attr;
+ }
+ $pluginAttrs{$pluginName}->{$attr} = $value;
+ }
+ else {
+ $pluginName = $arg;
+ $pluginAttrs{$pluginName} = {};
+ }
+ }
+ return \%pluginAttrs;
+=head1 NAME
+slxos-plugin - OpenSLX-script to install/remove an OS-plugin into/from an
+installed vendor-OS.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+slxos-plugin [options] <action>
+=head3 Options
+ --help brief help message
+ --log-level=<int> level of logging verbosity (0-3)
+ --man show full documentation
+ --verbose show more information during execution
+ --version show version
+=head3 Actions
+=over 8
+=item B<< install <vendor-OS-name> <plugin-name> [<attr-name>=<value> ...] [<plugin-name>] ... >>
+Installs the OS-plugin(s) with the given name(s) into the specified
+vendor-OS, using any attribute values as specified.
+In order to spare you RSI, you can leave out the plugin scope, each attribute
+will be searched in the plugin that precedes it (see examples in the manual).
+=item B<< list-attributes [<plugin-name>] >>
+List all attributes supported by the different OS-plugins. If you specify a
+plugin name, only the attributes of that plugin will be listed.
+In verbose mode, more details about the individual attributes are shown.
+=item B<< list-available >>
+List all available OS-plugins.
+In verbose mode a short description of each plugin will be shown, too.
+=item B<< list-installed <vendor-os-name> >>
+List all the plugins installed into the specified vendor-OS.
+In verbose mode all applied attributes are shown, too.
+=item B<< remove <vendor-OS-name> <plugin-name> [<plugin-name>] ... >>
+Removes the OS-plugin(s) with the given name(s) from the specified vendor-OS.
+If you pass in any attributes, they will be ignored.
+B<slxos-plugin> installs or removes specific functionality extensions into/from
+an installed vendor-OS. That extension can be something rather simple (like
+a boot-splash) or something rather complicated (e.g. the automatic detection,
+installation and activation of the graphics driver most appropriate for the
+booting client).
+Installation of any plugin will result in some files being added to the
+vendor-OS (they will live in /opt/openslx/plugins/<plugin-name>/). These files
+can be accessed by the booting order to integrate the required
+functionality into the system.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--help>
+Prints a brief help message and exits.
+=item B<--man>
+Prints the manual page and exits.
+=item B<--verbose>
+Prints more information during execution of any action.
+=item B<--version>
+Prints the version and exits.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=over 8
+=head3 Installing a Plugin
+=item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 example >>
+Installs the plugin named 'example' into the installed vendor-OS 'suse-10.2'.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop gdm=1 kde=1 >>
+Installs the desktop plugin into suse-10.2 and specifies two attributes. These
+attributes will be stored into the vendor-OS and pulled from there by the
+config-demuxer whenever it demuxes a system based on the suse-10.2 vendor-OS.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop desktop::gdm=1 desktop::kde=1 >>
+Same as above, only this time with completely scoped attributes.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop gdm=1 vmware binary=1 >>
+Installs two plugins (desktop and vmware) into suse-10.2. The attribute gdm=1
+will be set for desktop, while binary=1 will be set for vmware.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop vmware binary=1 desktop::gdm=1 >>
+Same as above, only this time with a fully scoped attribute gdm=1, that will
+be set for the desktop plugin.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin install suse-10.2 desktop vmware binary=1 gdm=1 >>
+Bogus example, which will install desktop and vmware, but try to set bianry=1
+and gdm=1 for the vmware plugin. This will fail, as vmware does not support
+an attribute named gdm.
+=head3 Removing a Plugin
+=over 8
+=item B<< slxos-plugin remove suse-10.2 example >>
+Removes the plugin named 'example' from the installed vendor-OS 'suse-10.2'.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin remove suse-10.2 desktop vmware example >>
+Removes the three plugins desktop, vmware and example from suse-10.2.
+=head3 Listing Available Plugins
+=over 8
+=item B<< slxos-plugin list-available >>
+Gives a short list of all available plugins and their description.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin --verbose list-available >>
+Gives a detailed list of all available plugins and their description, including
+the names of all attributes supported by the respective plugin.
+=head3 Listing Attributes Supported by Plugins
+=over 8
+=item B<< slxos-plugin list-attributes >>
+Gives a short list of all supported attributes, sorted by stage and name.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin --verbose list-available desktop >>
+Gives a detailed list of the attributes supported by the 'desktop' plugin,
+including a description of the purpose and possible content values of each
+=head3 Listing Installed Plugins
+=over 8
+=item B<< slxos-plugin list-installed suse-10.2 >>
+Gives a short list of the plugins that were installed into suse-10.2.
+=item B<< slxos-plugin --verbose list-installed suse-10.2 >>
+Gives a detailed list of the plugins that were installed into suse-10.2,
+including a list of all.attributes and their respective values.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+slxsettings, slxos-setup, slxconfig, slxconfig-demuxer
+Being a part of OpenSLX, this script supports several other options
+which can be used to overrule the OpenSLX settings:
+ --db-name=<string> name of database
+ --db-spec=<string> full DBI-specification of database
+ --db-type=<string> type of database to connect to
+ --locale=<string> locale to use for translations
+ --log-level=<int> level of logging verbosity (0-3)
+ --logfile=<string> file to write logging output to
+ --private-path=<string> path to private data
+ --public-path=<string> path to public (client-accesible) data
+ --temp-path=<string> path to temporary data
+Please refer to the C<slxsettings>-manpage for a more detailed description
+of these options.