path: root/virtualization/menulist-creator
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Diffstat (limited to 'virtualization/menulist-creator')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/virtualization/menulist-creator b/virtualization/menulist-creator
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2a4a97ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/virtualization/menulist-creator
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+## Creates vmware and vbox (script creation for vbox is not implented yet)
+## runscripts from xmlfiles.
+## Use template file runvmware-v2 for executeables
+## Structure:
+## ${vmdir}/$image.xml configurationfile
+## ${vmdir}/$image.vmdk vmware image file
+## ${vmdir}/$image.vbox vbox image file
+## ${vmdir}/runscripts/$pool/*.vmware vmware runscript
+## ${vmdir}/runscripts/$pool/*.vbox virtualbox runscript
+## ${vmdir}/templates/runvmware-v2 image exec template script
+#TODO: check first if this xml file should be used, if not jump out of the
+# while loop. reducee checks and resources
+# Just needed if vmdir is somewhere else
+vmdir="." && cd ${vmdir}
+# File for dektopentrys
+#TODO: where to put? temporary test file, we should delete it or move it
+# later, else there isnt a valid entryfile till this script is finished
+# template for runvmware
+# Take all xml files and work with them
+for xml in *.xml;do
+ # converts the XML file to utf-8, whyever we need that
+ # inefficient here, because we don't need utf-8 for every xml file
+ # but most secure place. Else the structure gets screwed.
+ #TODO: perhaps we can kick out the whole UTF-8 shit, if the admins
+ # are not able to give us the correct format, we shouldnt fix it
+ iconv -c -f utf-8 -t utf-8 < ${xml} > ${xml}.utf
+ ##############################################################################
+ ## get needed information from xml file and check them if needed
+ ##############################################################################
+ # get image name
+ image=`grep -i "<image_name param=\"" ${xml} | awk -F "\"" '{ print $2 }'`
+ # Test if correct defined
+ image_type=`echo ${image}|sed 's/.*\.//'`
+ if [ "${image_type}" != "vmdk" -a "${image_type}" != "vdi" ]; then
+ # TODO: Test
+ echo "PANIC, image is not correct defined in ${xml}."
+ echo "Image has to end with vdi or vmdk!"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # get information if the current image should be used
+ # active when active=1 image, else disabled
+ active=`grep -i "<active param=\"true\"" ${xml} | wc -l`
+ # get list where the current image should be used
+ pools=`grep -i "<pools param=\"" ${xml} | awk -F "\"" '{ print $2 }'`
+ # Virtualmachine (vmware or virtualbox)?
+ vm=`grep -i "<virtualmachine param=\"" ${xml} | awk -F "\"" '{ print $2 }'`
+ # Test if correct defined
+ if [ "${vm}" != "vbox" -a "${vm}" != "vmware" ]; then
+ # TODO: Test
+ echo "PANIC, virtualmachine not correct defined in ${xml}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Test if vbox and wrong image
+ if [ "${vm}" = "vbox" -a "${image_type}" != "vdi" ]; then
+ # TODO: Test
+ echo "PANIC, virtualmachine vbox cant use image type defined in ${xml}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Test if vmware and wrong image
+ if [ "${vm}" = "vmware" -a "${image_type}" != "vmdk" ]; then
+ # TODO: Test
+ echo "PANIC, virtualmachine vmware cant use image type defined in ${xml}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Connectiontype of vm (nat or bridged)?
+ network=`grep -i "<network param=\"" ${xml} | awk -F "\"" '{ print $2 }'`
+ # Test if correct defined
+ if [ "${network}" != "nat" -a "${network}" != "bridged" ]; then
+ # TODO: test
+ echo "PANIC, network connection not correct defined in ${xml}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # os running in vmware?
+ os=`grep -i "<os param=\"" ${xml} | awk -F "\"" '{ print $2 }'`
+ if [ "${os}" != "Linux" -a "${os}" != "Windows XP" ]; then
+ # TODO: test
+ echo "PANIC, OS in virtual machine not correct defined in ${xml}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # get short image description
+ short_description=`grep "short_description param=\"" ${xml}.utf | sed -e "s/&.*;/; /g" | awk -F "\"" '{print $2}'`
+ # if ${short_description} not defined use ${image}
+ short_description=${short_description:-"${image}"}
+ # Get the long image description
+ long_description=`grep "long_description param=\"" ${xml}.utf | sed -e "s/&.*;/; /g" | awk -F "\"" '{print $2}'`
+ # Informations if we need for XDM
+ xdm=`grep "xdm param=\"" ${xml} | awk -F "\"" '{print $2}'`
+ # Test if correct defined
+ if [ "${xdm}" != "true" -a "${xdm}" != "false" ]; then
+ # TODO: test
+ echo "PANIC, XDM usage not correct defined in ${xml}"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ ##############################################################################
+ ## main part,
+ ##############################################################################
+ # Main part, creates desktopentry and image run script
+ # check if ${vmdir}/runscripts/ is available
+ if [ ! -d ${vmdir}/runscripts ]; then
+ mkdir ${vmdir}/runscripts
+ fi
+ # work with the different pools and...
+ for i in ${pools}; do
+ # ... make sure we have the different pool directorys, else create it
+ if [ ! -d ${vmdir}/runscripts/${i} ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${vmdir}/runscripts/${i}
+ fi
+ # ... remove startscript if it isn't active.
+ if [ ${active} -ne 1 ]; then
+ if [ -f ${vmdir}/runscripts/${i}/${image}.vmware -o runscripts/${i}/${image}.virtualbox ]; then
+ rm -rf ${vmdir}/runscripts/${i}/${image}.*
+ fi
+ fi
+ # ... create desktopentry
+ if [ ${active} -eq 1 ]; then
+ # create desktopentry
+ echo -e "\nCreating runfiles for ${image} and pool ${i}\n"
+ # create the desktopentry
+ #TODO: change it with < EOF, >> isnt nice for so much lines
+ echo "Desktop entry for ${image}" >> ${desktopentry}
+ echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> ${desktopentry}
+ echo "X-SuSE-translate=true" >> ${desktopentry}
+ echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> ${desktopentry}
+ echo "Type=XSession" >> ${desktopentry}
+ #TODO: Fix path
+ echo "Exec=/path/to/the/execfile/${image}" >> ${desktopentry}
+ echo "Name=${short_description}" >> ${desktopentry}
+ echo "Comment=${comment}" >> ${desktopentry}
+ #TODO: I dont like SLXGrp as variable herein, why we need it here?
+ #echo "SLXGrp=${pools}" >> ${desktopentry}
+ #TODO: do we need XDM configuration? -> Chemie pool
+ #echo "XDM=${xdm}" >> ${desktopentry}
+ echo "" >> ${desktopentry}
+ fi
+## TODO: remember default/ chemie/ option (desktopentrys! and runfiles)
+## delete old desktop list
+## fucking pools/directory hirarchy... test it with running script and find
+## that way the error
+ # If we have vmware, build execute from template
+ if [ "${vm}" = "vmware" ]; then
+ sed -e "s/imagename=\"CHANGEIT\"/imagename=\"${image}\"/" \
+ -e "s/displayname=\"CHANGEIT\"/displayname=\"${short_description}\"/" \
+ -e "s/vmostype=\"CHANGEIT\"/vmostype=\"${os}\"/" \
+ -e "s/network=\"CHANGEIT\"/network=\"${network}\"/" \
+ ${templatevmware} \
+ > ${vmdir}/runscripts/${i}/${image}.runvmware
+ # if we have virtualbox, can only be vbox cause checked above
+ else
+ echo "Currently Virtualbox isn't implented"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+# Delete all .utf files, we dont need them anymore
+rm -f *.xml.utf