# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BootEnvironment::Base.pm # - provides empty base of the BootEnvironment API. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package OpenSLX::BootEnvironment::Base; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = 1.01; # API-version . implementation-version use Clone qw(clone); use File::Basename; use File::Path; use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::ConfigDB; use OpenSLX::MakeInitRamFS::Engine; use OpenSLX::Utils; our %initramfsMap; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; return bless $self, $class; } sub initialize { my $self = shift; my $params = shift; $self->{'dry-run'} = $params->{'dry-run'}; return 1; } sub finalize { my $self = shift; my $delete = shift; return 1 if $self->{'dry-run'}; my $rsyncDeleteClause = $delete ? '--delete' : ''; my $rsyncCmd = "rsync -a $rsyncDeleteClause --delay-updates $self->{'target-path'}/ $self->{'original-path'}/"; slxsystem($rsyncCmd) == 0 or die _tr( "unable to rsync files from '%s' to '%s'! (%s)", $self->{'target-path'}, $self->{'original-path'}, $! ); rmtree([$self->{'target-path'}]); return 1; } sub writeBootloaderMenuFor { my $self = shift; my $client = shift; my $externalClientID = shift; my $systemInfos = shift; return; } sub writeFilesRequiredForBooting { my $self = shift; my $info = shift; my $buildPath = shift; my $slxVersion = shift; my $kernelFile = $info->{'kernel-file'}; my $kernelName = basename($kernelFile); my $vendorOSPath = "$self->{'target-path'}/$info->{'vendor-os'}->{name}"; mkpath $vendorOSPath unless -e $vendorOSPath || $self->{'dry-run'}; my $targetKernel = "$vendorOSPath/$kernelName"; if (!-e $targetKernel) { vlog(1, _tr('copying kernel %s to %s', $kernelFile, $targetKernel)); slxsystem(qq[cp -p "$kernelFile" "$targetKernel"]) unless $self->{'dry-run'}; } # reuse initramfs if it has already been created for another boot # environment, create it otherwise: my $initramfsName = "$vendorOSPath/$info->{'initramfs-name'}"; my $initramfsID = $info->{'initramfs-name'}; my $cached = $initramfsMap{$initramfsID}; if ($cached) { my $file = $cached->{file}; vlog(1, _tr('copying initialramfs %s from %s', $initramfsName, $file)); slxsystem("cp -a $file $initramfsName") unless $self->{'dry-run'}; $info->{kernel_params} = $cached->{kernel_params}; return 0; } else { vlog(1, _tr('generating initialramfs %s', $initramfsName)); $self->_makeInitRamFS($info, $initramfsName, $slxVersion); $initramfsMap{$initramfsID} = { file => $initramfsName, kernel_params => $info->{kernel_params}, }; return 1; } } sub _makeInitRamFS { my $self = shift; my $info = shift; my $initramfs = shift; my $slxVersion = shift; my $vendorOS = $info->{'vendor-os'}; my $kernelFile = basename(followLink($info->{'kernel-file'})); my $attrs = clone($info->{attrs} || {}); my $params = { 'attrs' => $attrs, 'export-name' => $info->{export}->{name}, 'export-uri' => $info->{'export-uri'}, 'initramfs' => $initramfs, 'kernel-params' => [ split ' ', ($info->{kernel_params} || '') ], 'kernel-version' => $kernelFile =~ m[-(.+)$] ? $1 : '', 'plugins' => $info->{'active-plugins'}, 'root-path' => "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/stage1/$vendorOS->{name}", 'slx-version' => $slxVersion, 'system-name' => $info->{name}, }; # TODO: make debug-level an explicit attribute, it's used in many places! my $kernelParams = $info->{kernel_params} || ''; if ($kernelParams =~ m{debug(?:=(\d+))?}) { my $debugLevel = defined $1 ? $1 : '1'; $params->{'debug-level'} = $debugLevel; } my $makeInitRamFSEngine = OpenSLX::MakeInitRamFS::Engine->new($params); $makeInitRamFSEngine->execute($self->{'dry-run'}); # copy back kernel-params, as they might have been changed (by plugins) $info->{kernel_params} = join ' ', $makeInitRamFSEngine->kernelParams(); return; } 1;