#!/bin/ash # Copyright (c) 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your feedback to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org # # preboot script for user interaction with OpenSLX preloading environment for # Linux stateless clients (fetched by Preboot init over the net) # get configuration . /etc/initramfs-setup # bring the mac address into the standard format 01- client=$(echo 01-$macaddr|sed "s/:/-/g") # check if already a configuration is available to decide if user interaction # is required (path is to be fixed) wget -q -O /tmp/cfg-error $boot_uri/genconfig/${client} # Switch here for several boot TYPE=fastboot/directkiosk/cfgkiosk/slxconfig # fastboot - no interaction use system from client config # directkiosk - start the default slx system into kiosk (using vmchooser) # cfgkiosk - offer the user changes to his kiosk system (GUI environment) # slxconfig - offer the user set of configuration options, like setting a non- # priviledged user, root password, standard gui, plugins to activate ... # we expect to have a system selection dialog file in /preboot/bootmenu.dialog while [ "x$(cat result)" = "x" ] ; do dialog --file bootmenu.dialog 2>result done # source the system to boot configuration ($kernel, $initramfs, $append, # $label) sysname=$(cat result) . ./$sysname sysname=$(readlink $sysname) # set basic post data information postdata="system=${sysname}&preboot_id=${preboot_id}&client=${client}" # ask for desired debug level in stage3 if debug!=0 in preboot echo "0" >result [ x$DEBUGLEVEL != x0 ] && dialog --no-cancel --menu "Choose Debug Level:" \ 20 65 10 "0" "no debug output (splash)" \ "2" "standard debug output" \ "3" "debug output and shell" 2>result # change debug level here if required (adjusted for the rest of the interactive # part) DEBUGLEVEL=$(cat result) if [ x$DEBUGLEVEL != x0 ]; then debug="debug=$DEBUGLEVEL" else debug="" fi # send information to configuration host via http wget --post-data "$postdata" -O /tmp/cfg-error \ $boot_uri/cgi-bin/user_settings.pl [ "x$DEBUGLEVEL" != x0 -a grep -qe "Error:" /tmp/cfg-error 2>/dev/null ] && \ dialog --msgbox "An error occured ..." # to be elaborated # fetch kernel and initramfs of selected system dialog --infobox "Loading kernel of ${sysname} ..." 3 65 wget -q -O /tmp/kernel $boot_uri/$kernel dialog --infobox "Loading initial ramfs of ${sysname} ..." 3 65 wget -q -O /tmp/initramfs $boot_uri/$initramfs # read primary IP configuration to pass it on (behaviour like IPAPPEND=1 of # PXElinux) . /tmp/ipstuff [ "x$DEBUGLEVEL" != x0 ] && { clear; ash; } # start the new kernel with initialramfs and composed cmdline dialog --infobox "Booting OpenSLX client $label ..." 3 65 kexec -l /tmp/kernel --initrd=/tmp/initramfs \ --append="$append file=$boot_uri/${preboot_id}/client-config/${sysname}/${client}.tgz $quiet ip=$ip:$siaddr:$router:$subnet:$dnssrv $debug" 2>/dev/null kexec -e >/dev/null 2>&1