# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package OpenSLX::ConfigDB; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $VERSION); $VERSION = 1; # API-version ################################################################################ ### This module defines the data abstraction layer for the OpenSLX configuration ### database. ### Aim of this abstraction is to hide the details of the data layout and ### the peculiarities of individual database types behind a simple interface ### that offers straightforward access to and manipulation of the ### OpenSLX-systems and -clients (without the need to use SQL). ### The interface is divided into four parts: ### - data access methods (getting data) ### - data manipulation methods (adding, removing and changing data) ### - data aggregation methods (combining data in ways useful for apps) ### - support methods ################################################################################ use Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); my @supportExports = qw( isAttribute mergeAttributes pushAttributes externalIDForSystem externalIDForClient externalConfigNameForClient externalAttrName generatePlaceholderFor ); @EXPORT = (); @EXPORT_OK = (@supportExports); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'support' => [ @supportExports ], ); ################################################################################ ### private stuff ################################################################################ use Carp; use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::DBSchema; sub _checkAndUpgradeDBSchemaIfNecessary { my $metaDB = shift; vlog 2, "trying to determine schema version..."; my $currVersion = $metaDB->schemaFetchDBVersion(); if (!defined $currVersion) { # that's bad, someone has messed with our DB, as there is a # database, but the 'meta'-table is empty. There might still # be data in the other tables, but we have no way to find out # which schema version they're in. So it's safer to give up: croak _tr('Could not determine schema version of database'); } if ($currVersion < $DbSchema->{version}) { vlog 1, _tr('Our schema-version is %s, DB is %s, upgrading DB...', $DbSchema->{version}, $currVersion); foreach my $v (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %DbSchemaHistory) { next if $v <= $currVersion; my $changeSet = $DbSchemaHistory{$v}; foreach my $c (0..scalar(@$changeSet)-1) { my $changeDescr = @{$changeSet}[$c]; my $cmd = $changeDescr->{cmd}; if ($cmd eq 'add-table') { $metaDB->schemaAddTable($changeDescr->{'table'}, $changeDescr->{'cols'}, $changeDescr->{'vals'}); } elsif ($cmd eq 'drop-table') { $metaDB->schemaDropTable($changeDescr->{'table'}); } elsif ($cmd eq 'rename-table') { $metaDB->schemaRenameTable($changeDescr->{'old-table'}, $changeDescr->{'new-table'}, $changeDescr->{'cols'}); } elsif ($cmd eq 'add-columns') { $metaDB->schemaAddColumns($changeDescr->{'table'}, $changeDescr->{'new-cols'}, $changeDescr->{'new-default-vals'}, $changeDescr->{'cols'}); } elsif ($cmd eq 'drop-columns') { $metaDB->schemaDropColumns($changeDescr->{'table'}, $changeDescr->{'drop-cols'}, $changeDescr->{'cols'}); } elsif ($cmd eq 'rename-columns') { $metaDB->schemaRenameColumns($changeDescr->{'table'}, $changeDescr->{'col-renames'}, $changeDescr->{'cols'}); } else { confess _tr('UnknownDbSchemaCommand', $cmd); } } } vlog 1, _tr('upgrade done'); } else { vlog 1, _tr('DB matches current schema version %s', $currVersion); } } sub _aref { # transparently converts the given reference to an array-ref my $ref = shift; return [] unless defined $ref; $ref = [ $ref ] unless ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY'; return $ref; } sub _unique { # return given array filtered to unique elements my %seenIDs; return grep { !$seenIDs{$_}++; } @_; } ################################################################################ ### data access interface ################################################################################ sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; return bless $self, $class; } sub connect { my $self = shift; my $dbParams = shift; # hash-ref with any additional info that might be required by # specific metadb-module (not used yet) my $dbType = $openslxConfig{'db-type'}; # name of underlying database module... # map db-type to name of module, such that the user doesn't have # to type the correct case: my %dbTypeMap = ( 'csv' => 'CSV', 'mysql' => 'mysql', 'sqlite' => 'SQLite', ); my $lcType = lc($dbType); if (exists $dbTypeMap{$lcType}) { $dbType = $dbTypeMap{$lcType}; } my $dbModule = "OpenSLX::MetaDB::$dbType"; unless (eval "require $dbModule") { if ($! == 2) { die _tr("Unable to load DB-module <%s>\nthat database type is not supported (yet?)\n", $dbModule); } else { die _tr("Unable to load DB-module <%s> (%s)\n", $dbModule, $@); } } my $modVersion = $dbModule->VERSION; if ($modVersion < $VERSION) { confess _tr('Could not load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)', $dbModule, $VERSION, $modVersion); } my $metaDB = $dbModule->new(); if (!eval '$metaDB->connect($dbParams);1') { warn _tr("Unable to connect to DB-module <%s>\n%s", $dbModule, $@); warn _tr("These DB-modules seem to work ok:"); foreach my $dbMod ('CSV', 'mysql', 'SQLite') { if (eval "require DBD::$dbMod;") { vlog 0, "\t$dbMod\n"; } } die _tr('Please use slxsettings if you want to switch to another db-type.'); } $self->{'db-type'} = $dbType; $self->{'meta-db'} = $metaDB; foreach my $tk (keys %{$DbSchema->{tables}}) { $metaDB->schemaDeclareTable($tk, $DbSchema->{tables}->{$tk}); } _checkAndUpgradeDBSchemaIfNecessary($metaDB); } sub disconnect { my $self = shift; $self->{'meta-db'}->disconnect(); } sub start_transaction { my $self = shift; $self->{'meta-db'}->start_transaction(); } sub commit_transaction { my $self = shift; $self->{'meta-db'}->commit_transaction(); } sub rollback_transaction { my $self = shift; $self->{'meta-db'}->rollback_transaction(); } sub fetchVendorOSByFilter { my $self = shift; my $filter = shift; my $resultCols = shift; my @vendorOS = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchVendorOSByFilter($filter, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @vendorOS : shift @vendorOS; } sub fetchVendorOSByID { my $self = shift; my $ids = _aref(shift); my $resultCols = shift; my @vendorOS = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchVendorOSByID($ids, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @vendorOS : shift @vendorOS; } sub fetchExportByFilter { my $self = shift; my $filter = shift; my $resultCols = shift; my @exports = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchExportByFilter($filter, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @exports : shift @exports; } sub fetchExportByID { my $self = shift; my $ids = _aref(shift); my $resultCols = shift; my @exports = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchExportByID($ids, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @exports : shift @exports; } sub fetchExportIDsOfVendorOS { my $self = shift; my $vendorOSID = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchExportIDsOfVendorOS($vendorOSID); } sub fetchGlobalInfo { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGlobalInfo($id); } sub fetchSystemByFilter { my $self = shift; my $filter = shift; my $resultCols = shift; my @systems = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemByFilter($filter, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @systems : shift @systems; } sub fetchSystemByID { my $self = shift; my $ids = _aref(shift); my $resultCols = shift; my @systems = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemByID($ids, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @systems : shift @systems; } sub fetchSystemIDsOfExport { my $self = shift; my $exportID = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfExport($exportID); } sub fetchSystemIDsOfClient { my $self = shift; my $clientID = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($clientID); } sub fetchSystemIDsOfGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupID = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID); } sub fetchClientByFilter { my $self = shift; my $filter = shift; my @clients = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientByFilter($filter); return wantarray() ? @clients : shift @clients; } sub fetchClientByID { my $self = shift; my $ids = _aref(shift); my $resultCols = shift; my @clients = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientByID($ids, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @clients : shift @clients; } sub fetchClientIDsOfSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemID = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($systemID); } sub fetchClientIDsOfGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupID = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfGroup($groupID); } sub fetchGroupByFilter { my $self = shift; my $filter = shift; my $resultCols = shift; my @groups = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupByFilter($filter, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @groups : shift @groups; } sub fetchGroupByID { my $self = shift; my $ids = _aref(shift); my $resultCols = shift; my @groups = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupByID($ids, $resultCols); return wantarray() ? @groups : shift @groups; } sub fetchGroupIDsOfSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemID = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID); } sub fetchGroupIDsOfClient { my $self = shift; my $clientID = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($clientID); } ################################################################################ ### data manipulation interface ################################################################################ sub addVendorOS { my $self = shift; my $valRows = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->addVendorOS($valRows); } sub removeVendorOS { my $self = shift; my $vendorOSIDs = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeVendorOS($vendorOSIDs); } sub changeVendorOS { my $self = shift; my $vendorOSIDs = _aref(shift); my $valRows = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeVendorOS($vendorOSIDs, $valRows); } sub incrementExportCounterForVendorOS { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; $self->start_transaction(); my $vendorOS = $self->fetchVendorOSByID($id); return undef unless defined $vendorOS; my $exportCounter = $vendorOS->{export_counter}+1; $self->changeVendorOS($id, { 'export_counter' => $exportCounter }); $self->commit_transaction(); return $exportCounter; } sub incrementGlobalCounter { my $self = shift; my $counterName = shift; $self->start_transaction(); my $value = $self->fetchGlobalInfo($counterName); return undef unless defined $value; my $newValue = $value+1; $self->changeGlobalInfo($counterName, $newValue); $self->commit_transaction(); return $value; } sub addExport { my $self = shift; my $valRows = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->addExport($valRows); } sub removeExport { my $self = shift; my $exportIDs = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeExport($exportIDs); } sub changeExport { my $self = shift; my $exportIDs = _aref(shift); my $valRows = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeExport($exportIDs, $valRows); } sub changeGlobalInfo { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; my $value = shift; return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeGlobalInfo($id, $value); } sub addSystem { my $self = shift; my $valRows = _aref(shift); foreach my $valRow (@$valRows) { if (!length($valRow->{kernel})) { $valRow->{kernel} = 'vmlinuz'; } if (!length($valRow->{label})) { $valRow->{label} = $valRow->{name}; } } return $self->{'meta-db'}->addSystem($valRows); } sub removeSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemIDs = _aref(shift); foreach my $system (@$systemIDs) { $self->setGroupIDsOfSystem($system); $self->setClientIDsOfSystem($system); } return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeSystem($systemIDs); } sub changeSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemIDs = _aref(shift); my $valRows = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeSystem($systemIDs, $valRows); } sub setClientIDsOfSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemID = shift; my $clientIDs = _aref(shift); my @uniqueClientIDs = _unique(@$clientIDs); return $self->{'meta-db'}->setClientIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@uniqueClientIDs); } sub addClientIDsToSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemID = shift; my $newClientIDs = _aref(shift); my @clientIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($systemID); push @clientIDs, @$newClientIDs; return $self->setClientIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@clientIDs); } sub removeClientIDsFromSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemID = shift; my $removedClientIDs = _aref(shift); my %toBeRemoved; @toBeRemoved{@$removedClientIDs} = (); my @clientIDs = grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} } $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($systemID); return $self->setClientIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@clientIDs); } sub setGroupIDsOfSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemID = shift; my $groupIDs = _aref(shift); my @uniqueGroupIDs = _unique(@$groupIDs); return $self->{'meta-db'}->setGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@uniqueGroupIDs); } sub addGroupIDsToSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemID = shift; my $newGroupIDs = _aref(shift); my @groupIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID); push @groupIDs, @$newGroupIDs; return $self->setGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@groupIDs); } sub removeGroupIDsFromSystem { my $self = shift; my $systemID = shift; my $toBeRemovedGroupIDs = _aref(shift); my %toBeRemoved; @toBeRemoved{@$toBeRemovedGroupIDs} = (); my @groupIDs = grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} } $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID); return $self->setGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@groupIDs); } sub addClient { my $self = shift; my $valRows = _aref(shift); foreach my $valRow (@$valRows) { if (!length($valRow->{boot_type})) { $valRow->{boot_type} = 'pxe'; } } return $self->{'meta-db'}->addClient($valRows); } sub removeClient { my $self = shift; my $clientIDs = _aref(shift); foreach my $client (@$clientIDs) { $self->setGroupIDsOfClient($client); $self->setSystemIDsOfClient($client); } return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeClient($clientIDs); } sub changeClient { my $self = shift; my $clientIDs = _aref(shift); my $valRows = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeClient($clientIDs, $valRows); } sub setSystemIDsOfClient { my $self = shift; my $clientID = shift; my $systemIDs = _aref(shift); my @uniqueSystemIDs = _unique(@$systemIDs); return $self->{'meta-db'}->setSystemIDsOfClient($clientID, \@uniqueSystemIDs); } sub addSystemIDsToClient { my $self = shift; my $clientID = shift; my $newSystemIDs = _aref(shift); my @systemIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($clientID); push @systemIDs, @$newSystemIDs; return $self->setSystemIDsOfClient($clientID, \@systemIDs); } sub removeSystemIDsFromClient { my $self = shift; my $clientID = shift; my $removedSystemIDs = _aref(shift); my %toBeRemoved; @toBeRemoved{@$removedSystemIDs} = (); my @systemIDs = grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} } $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($clientID); return $self->setSystemIDsOfClient($clientID, \@systemIDs); } sub setGroupIDsOfClient { my $self = shift; my $clientID = shift; my $groupIDs = _aref(shift); my @uniqueGroupIDs = _unique(@$groupIDs); return $self->{'meta-db'}->setGroupIDsOfClient($clientID, \@uniqueGroupIDs); } sub addGroupIDsToClient { my $self = shift; my $clientID = shift; my $newGroupIDs = _aref(shift); my @groupIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($clientID); push @groupIDs, @$newGroupIDs; return $self->setGroupIDsOfClient($clientID, \@groupIDs); } sub removeGroupIDsFromClient { my $self = shift; my $clientID = shift; my $toBeRemovedGroupIDs = _aref(shift); my %toBeRemoved; @toBeRemoved{@$toBeRemovedGroupIDs} = (); my @groupIDs = grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} } $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($clientID); return $self->setGroupIDsOfClient($clientID, \@groupIDs); } sub addGroup { my $self = shift; my $valRows = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->addGroup($valRows); } sub removeGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupIDs = _aref(shift); foreach my $group (@$groupIDs) { $self->setSystemIDsOfGroup($group, []); $self->setClientIDsOfGroup($group, []); } return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeGroup($groupIDs); } sub changeGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupIDs = _aref(shift); my $valRows = _aref(shift); return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeGroup($groupIDs, $valRows); } sub setClientIDsOfGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupID = shift; my $clientIDs = _aref(shift); my @uniqueClientIDs = _unique(@$clientIDs); return $self->{'meta-db'}->setClientIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@uniqueClientIDs); } sub addClientIDsToGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupID = shift; my $newClientIDs = _aref(shift); my @clientIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfGroup($groupID); push @clientIDs, @$newClientIDs; return $self->setClientIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@clientIDs); } sub removeClientIDsFromGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupID = shift; my $removedClientIDs = _aref(shift); my %toBeRemoved; @toBeRemoved{@$removedClientIDs} = (); my @clientIDs = grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} } $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfGroup($groupID); return $self->setClientIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@clientIDs); } sub setSystemIDsOfGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupID = shift; my $systemIDs = _aref(shift); my @uniqueSystemIDs = _unique(@$systemIDs); return $self->{'meta-db'}->setSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@uniqueSystemIDs); } sub addSystemIDsToGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupID = shift; my $newSystemIDs = _aref(shift); my @systemIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID); push @systemIDs, @$newSystemIDs; return $self->setSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@systemIDs); } sub removeSystemIDsFromGroup { my $self = shift; my $groupID = shift; my $removedSystemIDs = _aref(shift); my %toBeRemoved; @toBeRemoved{@$removedSystemIDs} = (); my @systemIDs = grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} } $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID); return $self->setSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@systemIDs); } sub emptyDatabase { # clears all user-data from the database my $self = shift; my @groupIDs = map { $_->{id} } $self->fetchGroupByFilter(); $self->removeGroup(\@groupIDs); my @clientIDs = map { $_->{id} } grep { $_->{id} > 0 } $self->fetchClientByFilter(); $self->removeClient(\@clientIDs); my @sysIDs = map { $_->{id} } grep { $_->{id} > 0 } $self->fetchSystemByFilter(); $self->removeSystem(\@sysIDs); my @exportIDs = map { $_->{id} } grep { $_->{id} > 0 } $self->fetchExportByFilter(); $self->removeExport(\@exportIDs); my @vendorOSIDs = map { $_->{id} } grep { $_->{id} > 0 } $self->fetchVendorOSByFilter(); $self->removeVendorOS(\@vendorOSIDs); } ################################################################################ ### data aggregation interface ################################################################################ sub mergeDefaultAttributesIntoSystem { # merge default system attributes into given system # and push the default client attributes on top of that my $self = shift; my $system = shift; my $defaultSystem = $self->fetchSystemByID(0); mergeAttributes($system, $defaultSystem); my $defaultClient = $self->fetchClientByID(0); pushAttributes($system, $defaultClient); } sub mergeDefaultAndGroupAttributesIntoClient { # merge default and group configurations into given client my $self = shift; my $client = shift; # step over all groups this client belongs to # (ordered by priority from highest to lowest): my @groupIDs = $self->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($client->{id}); my @groups = sort { $b->{priority} <=> $a->{priority} } $self->fetchGroupByID(\@groupIDs); foreach my $group (@groups) { # merge configuration from this group into the current client: vlog 3, _tr('merging from group %d:%s...', $group->{id}, $group->{name}); mergeAttributes($client, $group); } # merge configuration from default client: vlog 3, _tr('merging from default client...'); my $defaultClient = $self->fetchClientByID(0); mergeAttributes($client, $defaultClient); } sub aggregatedSystemIDsOfClient { # return aggregated list of system-IDs this client should offer # (as indicated by itself, the default client and the client's groups) my $self = shift; my $client = shift; # add all systems directly linked to client: my @systemIDs = $self->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($client->{id}); # step over all groups this client belongs to: my @groupIDs = $self->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($client->{id}); my @groups = $self->fetchGroupByID(\@groupIDs); foreach my $group (@groups) { # add all systems that the client inherits from the current group: push @systemIDs, $self->fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($group->{id}); } # add all systems inherited from default client push @systemIDs, $self->fetchSystemIDsOfClient(0); return _unique(@systemIDs); } sub aggregatedClientIDsOfSystem { # return aggregated list of client-IDs this system is linked to # (as indicated by itself, the default system and the system's groups). my $self = shift; my $system = shift; # add all clients directly linked to system: my @clientIDs = $self->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($system->{id}); if (grep { $_ == 0; } @clientIDs) { # add *all* client-IDs if the system is being referenced by # the default client, as that means that all clients should offer #this system for booting: push @clientIDs, map { $_->{id} } $self->fetchClientByFilter(undef, 'id'); } # step over all groups this system belongs to: my @groupIDs = $self->fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($system->{id}); my @groups = $self->fetchGroupByID(\@groupIDs); foreach my $group (@groups) { # add all clients that the system inherits from the current group: push @clientIDs, $self->fetchClientIDsOfGroup($group->{id}); } # add all clients inherited from default system push @clientIDs, $self->fetchClientIDsOfSystem(0); return _unique(@clientIDs); } sub aggregatedSystemFileInfoFor { # return aggregated information about the kernel and initialramfs # this system is using my $self = shift; my $system = shift; my $info = { %$system }; my $export = $self->fetchExportByID($system->{export_id}); if (!defined $export) { die _tr("DB-problem: system '%s' references export with id=%s, but that doesn't exist!", $system->{name}, $system->{export_id}); } $info->{'export'} = $export; my $vendorOS = $self->fetchVendorOSByID($export->{vendor_os_id}); if (!defined $vendorOS) { die _tr("DB-problem: export '%s' references vendor-OS with id=%s, but that doesn't exist!", $export->{name}, $export->{vendor_os_id}); } $info->{'vendor-os'} = $vendorOS; my $kernelPath = "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/stage1/$vendorOS->{name}/boot"; $info->{'kernel-file'} = "$kernelPath/$system->{kernel}"; my $exportURI = $export->{'uri'}; if ($exportURI !~ m[\w]) { # auto-generate export_uri if none has been given: my $type = $export->{'type'}; my $osExportEngine = instantiateClass("OpenSLX::OSExport::Engine"); $osExportEngine->initializeFromExisting($export->{name}); $exportURI = $osExportEngine->generateExportURI($export, $vendorOS); } $info->{'export-uri'} = $exportURI; return $info; } ################################################################################ ### support interface ################################################################################ sub isAttribute { # returns whether or not the given key is an exportable attribute my $key = shift; return $key =~ m[^attr_]; } sub mergeAttributes { # copies all attributes of source that are unset in target over my $target = shift; my $source = shift; foreach my $key (grep { isAttribute($_) } keys %$source) { if (length($source->{$key}) > 0 && length($target->{$key}) == 0) { vlog 3, _tr("merging %s (val=%s)", $key, $source->{$key}); $target->{$key} = $source->{$key}; } } } sub pushAttributes { # copies all attributes that are set in source into the target my $target = shift; my $source = shift; foreach my $key (grep { isAttribute($_) } keys %$source) { if (length($source->{$key}) > 0) { vlog 3, _tr("pushing %s (val=%s)", $key, $source->{$key}); $target->{$key} = $source->{$key}; } } } sub externalIDForSystem { # returns given system's name as the external ID, worked into a # state that is usable as a filename: my $system = shift; return "default" if $system->{id} == 0; my $name = $system->{name}; $name =~ tr[/][_]; return $name; } sub externalIDForClient { # returns given client's MAC as the external ID, worked into a # state that is usable as a filename: my $client = shift; return "default" if $client->{id} == 0; my $mac = lc($client->{mac}); # PXE seems to expect MACs being all lowercase $mac =~ tr[:][-]; return "01-$mac"; } sub externalConfigNameForClient { # returns given client's name as the external ID, worked into a # state that is usable as a filename: my $client = shift; return "default" if $client->{id} == 0; my $name = $client->{name}; $name =~ tr[/][_]; return $name; } sub externalAttrName { my $attr = shift; return substr($attr, 5); } sub generatePlaceholderFor { my $varName = shift; return '@@@'.$varName.'@@@'; } 1;