#! /usr/bin/perl # add the folder this script lives in to perl's search path for modules: use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::ConfigDB qw(:access :manipulation); use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); my $clobber; GetOptions( 'clobber' => \$clobber # clobber causes this script to overwrite the database without asking ); openslxInit(); my $openslxDB = connectConfigDB(); if (!$clobber) { my $yes = _tr('yes'); my $no = _tr('no'); my @systems = fetchSystemsByFilter($openslxDB); my @clients = fetchClientsByFilter($openslxDB); print _tr(qq[This will overwrite the current OpenSLX-database with an example dataset. All your data (%s systems and %s clients) will be lost! Do you want to continue(%s/%s)? ], scalar(@systems), scalar(@clients), $yes, $no); my $answer = <>; if ($answer !~ m[^\s*$yes]i) { print "no - stopping\n"; exit 5; } print "yes - starting...\n"; } emptyDatabase($openslxDB); my $vendorOs1Id = addVendorOS($openslxDB, { 'name' => "suse-10", 'comment' => "SuSE 10.0 Default-Installation", 'path' => "suse-10.0", }); my $vendorOs2Id = addVendorOS($openslxDB, { 'name' => "suse-10.1", 'comment' => "SuSE 10.1 Default-Installation", 'path' => "suse-10.1", }); my @systems; my $system1Id = addSystem($openslxDB, { 'name' => "suse-10.0", 'label' => "SUSE LINUX 10.0", 'comment' => "Testsystem für openslx", 'vendor_os_id' => $vendorOs1Id, 'ramfs_debug_level' => 0, 'ramfs_use_glibc' => 0, 'ramfs_use_busybox' => 0, 'ramfs_nicmods' => '', 'ramfs_fsmods' => '', 'kernel' => "boot/vmlinuz-2.6.13-15-default", 'kernel_params' => "", 'export_type' => 'nfs', 'attr_start_xdmcp' => 'kdm', }); my $system2Id = addSystem($openslxDB, { 'name' => "suse-10.1", 'label' => "SUSE LINUX 10.1", 'comment' => "Testsystem für openslx", 'vendor_os_id' => $vendorOs2Id, 'ramfs_debug_level' => 0, 'ramfs_use_glibc' => 0, 'ramfs_use_busybox' => 0, 'ramfs_nicmods' => '', 'ramfs_fsmods' => '', 'kernel' => "boot/vmlinuz-", 'kernel_params' => "debug=3", 'export_type' => 'nfs', 'attr_start_xdmcp' => 'kdm', }); my $client1Id = addClient($openslxDB, { 'name' => "Client-1", 'mac' => "00:50:56:0D:03:38", 'boot_type' => 'pxe', }); my $client2Id = addClient($openslxDB, { 'name' => "Client-2", 'mac' => "00:16:41:55:12:92", 'boot_type' => 'pxe', }); addSystemIDsToClient($openslxDB, $client1Id, [$system1Id, $system2Id]); addSystemIDsToClient($openslxDB, $client2Id, [$system2Id]); disconnectConfigDB($openslxDB);