#! /usr/bin/perl # # slxsetup - Simple OpenSLX test data generator # # (c) 2006 - OpenSLX.com # # Oliver Tappe # use strict; my $abstract = q[ slxsetup This script will generate a very simple OpenSLX test-dataset, useful for testing and/or trying things out. If the OpenSLX configuration database already contains data, the script will ask for confirmation before clobbering that database. ]; use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); use Pod::Usage; # add the lib-folder and the folder this script lives in to perl's search # path for modules: use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib"; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin"; # development path to config-db stuff use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::ConfigDB qw(:access :manipulation); my ( $clobber, $helpReq, $manReq, $versionReq, ); GetOptions( 'clobber' => \$clobber, # clobber causes this script to overwrite the database without asking 'help|?' => \$helpReq, 'man' => \$manReq, 'version' => \$versionReq, ); pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $helpReq; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $manReq; if ($versionReq) { system('slxversion'); exit 1; } openslxInit() or pod2usage(2); my $openslxDB = connectConfigDB(); my @systems = fetchSystemsByFilter($openslxDB); my $systemCount = scalar(@systems)-1; # ignore default system my @clients = fetchClientsByFilter($openslxDB); my $clientCount = scalar(@clients)-1; # ignore default client if ($systemCount && $clientCount && !$clobber) { my $yes = _tr('yes'); my $no = _tr('no'); print _tr(qq[This will overwrite the current OpenSLX-database with an example dataset. All your data (%s systems and %s clients) will be lost! Do you want to continue(%s/%s)? ], $systemCount, $clientCount, $yes, $no); my $answer = <>; if ($answer !~ m[^\s*$yes]i) { print "no - stopping\n"; exit 5; } print "yes - starting...\n"; } emptyDatabase($openslxDB); my $vendorOs1Id = addVendorOS($openslxDB, { 'name' => "suse-10", 'comment' => "SuSE 10.0 Default-Installation", 'path' => "suse-10.0", }); my $vendorOs2Id = addVendorOS($openslxDB, { 'name' => "suse-10.1", 'comment' => "SuSE 10.1 Default-Installation", 'path' => "suse-10.1", }); my @systems; my $system1Id = addSystem($openslxDB, { 'name' => "suse-10.0", 'label' => "SUSE LINUX 10.0", 'comment' => "Testsystem für openslx", 'vendor_os_id' => $vendorOs1Id, 'ramfs_debug_level' => 0, 'ramfs_use_glibc' => 0, 'ramfs_use_busybox' => 0, 'ramfs_nicmods' => '', 'ramfs_fsmods' => '', 'kernel' => "boot/vmlinuz-2.6.13-15-default", 'kernel_params' => "", 'export_type' => 'nfs', 'attr_start_xdmcp' => 'kdm', }); my $system2Id = addSystem($openslxDB, { 'name' => "suse-10.1", 'label' => "SUSE LINUX 10.1", 'comment' => "Testsystem für openslx", 'vendor_os_id' => $vendorOs2Id, 'ramfs_debug_level' => 0, 'ramfs_use_glibc' => 0, 'ramfs_use_busybox' => 0, 'ramfs_nicmods' => '', 'ramfs_fsmods' => '', 'kernel' => "boot/vmlinuz-", 'kernel_params' => "debug=0", 'export_type' => 'nfs', 'attr_start_xdmcp' => 'kdm', }); my $client1Id = addClient($openslxDB, { 'name' => "Client-1", 'mac' => "00:50:56:0D:03:38", 'boot_type' => 'pxe', }); my $client2Id = addClient($openslxDB, { 'name' => "Client-2", 'mac' => "00:16:41:55:12:92", 'boot_type' => 'pxe', }); addSystemIDsToClient($openslxDB, $client1Id, [$system1Id, $system2Id]); addSystemIDsToClient($openslxDB, $client2Id, [$system2Id]); disconnectConfigDB($openslxDB); if ($openslxConfig{'db-type'} =~ m[^\s*csv\s*$]i) { my $csvFolder = "$openslxConfig{'db-basepath'}/$openslxConfig{'db-name'}-csv"; print "The test-database with the CSV-files has been created in\n"; print "\t$csvFolder\n"; print "You can change the dataset with a simple editor or using\n"; print "a spreadsheet software like 'OpenOffice Calc' or 'Gnumeric'.\n"; } __END__ =head1 NAME slxsetup - interactive OpenSLX setup =head1 SYNOPSIS slxsetup [options] Script Options: --clobber overwrites config-db without asking OpenSLX Options: --base-path= basic path to project files --bin-path= path to binaries and scripts --config-path= path to configuration files --db-basepath= basic path to openslx database --db-datadir= data folder created under db-basepath --db-name= name of database --db-spec= full DBI-specification of database --db-type= type of database to connect to --export-path= path to root of all exported filesystems --locale= locale to use for translations --logfile= file to write logging output to --private-path= path to private data --public-path= path to public (client-accesible) data --share-path= path to sharable data --temp-path= path to temporary data --tftpboot-path= path to root of tftp-server --verbose-level= level of logging verbosity (0-3) General Options: --help brief help message --man full documentation --version show version =head1 OPTIONS =head3 Script Options =over 8 =item B<--clobber> Runs the script without asking for confirmation, B =back =head3 OpenSLX Options =over 8 =item B<--base-path=> Sets basic path to project files. Default is $SLX_BASE_PATH (usually F). =item B<--bin-path=> Sets path to binaries and scripts. Default is $SLX_BASE_PATH/bin (usually F). =item B<--config-path=> Sets path to configuration files. Default is $SLX_CONFIG_PATH (usually F). =item B<--db-basepath=> Sets basic path to openslx database. Default is $SLX_DB_PATH (usually F). =item B<--db-datadir=> Sets data folder created under db-basepath. Default is $SLX_DB_DATADIR (usually empty as it depends on db-type whether or not such a directory is required at all). =item B<--db-name=> Gives the name of the database to connect to. Default is $SLX_DB_NAME (usually C). =item B<--db-spec=> Gives the full DBI-specification of database to connect to. Content depends on the db-type. Default is $SLX_DB_SPEC (usually empty as it will be built automatically). =item B<--db-type=> Sets the type of database to connect to (CSV, SQLite, mysql, ...). Default $SLX_DB_TYPE (usually C). =item B<--export-path=> Sets path to root of all exported filesystems. For each type of export (NFS, NBD, ...) a separate folder will be created in here. Default is $SLX_EXPORT_PATH (usually F. =item B<--locale=> Sets the locale to use for translations. Defaults to the system's standard locale. =item B<--logfile=> Specifies a file where logging output will be written to. Default is to log to STDERR. =item B<--private-path=> Sets path to private data, where the config-db, vendor_oses and configurational extensions will be stored. Default is $SLX_PRIVATE_PATH (usually F. =item B<--public-path=> Sets path to public (client-accesible) data. Default is $SLX_PUBLIC_PATH (usually F. =item B<--share-path=> Sets path to sharable data, where distro-specs and functionality templates will be stored. Default is $SLX_SHARE_PATH (usually F. =item B<--temp-path=> Sets path to temporary data. Default is $SLX_TEMP_PATH (usually F. =item B<--tftpboot-path=> Sets path to root of tftp-server from which clients will access their files. Default is $SLX_TFTPBOOT_PATH (usually F. =item B<--verbose-level=> Sets the level of logging verbosity (0-3). Default is $SLX_VERBOSE_LEVEL (usually 0, no logging). =back =head3 General Options =over 8 =item B<--help> Prints a brief help message and exits. =item B<--man> Prints the manual page and exits. =item B<--version> Prints the version and exits. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B executes an interactive setup process (a questionnaire), after which an OpenSLX database will be created according to the results of the questionnaire. If the OpenSLX configuration database already contains data, the script will ask for confirmation before clobbering that database. =cut