use Test::More qw(no_plan); use lib '/opt/openslx/lib'; # basic init use OpenSLX::ConfigDB; my $configDB = OpenSLX::ConfigDB->new; $configDB->connect(); # fetch global-info 'next-nbd-server-port' ok( $globalInfo = $configDB->fetchGlobalInfo('next-nbd-server-port'), 'fetch global-info' ); is($globalInfo, '5000', 'global-info - value'); # try to fetch a couple of non-existing global-infos is( $configDB->fetchGlobalInfo(-1), undef, 'global-info with id -1 should not exist' ); is($configDB->fetchGlobalInfo('xxx'), undef, 'global-info with id xxx should not exist'); # change value of global-info and then fetch and check the new value ok($configDB->changeGlobalInfo('next-nbd-server-port', '5050'), 'changing global-info'); is( $configDB->fetchGlobalInfo('next-nbd-server-port'), '5050', 'fetching changed global-info' ); # changing a non-existing global-info should fail ok( ! eval { $configDB->changeGlobalInfo('xxx', 'new-value') }, 'changing unknown global-info should fail' ); $configDB->disconnect();