#!/bin/bash # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your feedback to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org # # Main script for generating the InitRamFS of OpenSLX clients, to constitute # the Stage3 boot stadium # debug level of script itself DEBUG=1 # debug level of the initramfs (to trigger the addition of specific # binaries and kernel modules) IRFSDEBUG=1 COMETCEXCL="XF86Config*\nissue*\nmtab*\nfstab*\n" COMDIRINDXS="/tmp/scratch /var/lib/nobody" # distro specific settings read from configuration file # D_SYSCONFDIR - system wide configuration settings in /etc - sysconfig in # SuSE and RedHat, default in Debian and Ubuntu, conf.d in Gentoo # D_ETCEXCL - list of files, wildcards to be excluded from /etc when using # bind mounts # D_DIRINBINDMNT - lists of directories to be created in bind mounted rw # part of the client filesystem # D_RODIRSINRW - ReadOnly Directories in RW part of filesystem to save on # TempFS usage # D_DIRINDXS - directories in client filesystem which should be present # anyhow # D_BINDMNT - any code which is specific in bind mount environment # D_RCDIRS - runlevel directories relative to /etc # D_HWMODTOIGNORE - # just ensure that variables are set and the user gets an idea if # something fails D_SYSCONFDIR="" D_ETCEXCL="" D_BINDMPTS="" D_DIRINBINDMNT="" D_RODIRSINRW="" D_DIRINDXS="" D_BINDMNT="" D_INITDIR="" D_INITBOOTD="" D_RCDIRS="" D_RCDIRSINRW="" D_INITSCRIPTS="" D_XF86CONFFILE="" D_XORGBIN="" D_XFONTPATH="" D_DEFAULTCOUNTRY="" # read in the global settings SLX_CONFIG_PATH=@@@SLX_CONFIG_PATH@@@ [ -f $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.default ] && \ . $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.default [ -f $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.local ] && \ . $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.local # read the common functions file [ -e ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/etc/functions ] && \ . ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/etc/functions ######################################################################### # End of global variable declaration, nothing needed to be changed at # default below that line usage() { echo -e "mkdxsinitrd [-dh] [-k kernel version] [-i path/file] \ [-f module(s)] [-n module(s)] [-m module(s)] [-r path] [-s theme]\n\ [-c machine-setup]" echo "OPTIONEN" echo " -c location of client configuration file (machine-setup)" echo " -d use ISC dhclient instead of udhcpcd of busybox" echo " -h show usage information" echo " -k kernel version" echo " -i path/file" echo " Optionale Angabe wo die erstellte ramdisk hingeschrieben werden" echo " soll." echo " -f list of blockdev/filesystem modules" echo " -n list of network adaptor modules" echo " -m list of misc modules not covered by -f or -n" echo " -r path" echo " Pfad zum Wurzelverzeichnis des Ausgangssystems (Vendor-OS)" echo " (z.B. /var/opt/openslx/stage1/suse-10.2)." echo " -s theme (for splash)" echo " -t tpm support (client security)" echo " -D Name" echo " Name der Distribution der Betriebsystemvorlage" echo " -v Version" echo " Versionskennung der Distribution der Betriebsystemvorlage" exit 0 } # check needed things for installation precheck() { # check if running as root if [ "`id -u`" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\nYou don't have the needed permission. Please rerun as root user!\n" exit 1 fi # Check for correct settings of SLX-Variables if [ "x" == "x$SLX_BASE_PATH" ]; then if [ "x$SLX_CONFIG_PATH" == "x@@@SLX_CONFIG_PATH@@@" ]; then echo "Please make sure you install the Open SLX Software properly," echo "i.e. install it using the provided Makefile. Thanks." else echo "Essential configuration is missing. Please verify" echo "existence and correctness of $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.default" fi exit 1 fi } # replaces which command to find executables inside ROOTDIR binfinder() { local PROGRAM="$1" local RET=1 for ELEMENT in bin sbin usr/bin usr/sbin usr/local/bin \ usr/local/sbin usr/bin/X11; do if [ -f "${ROOTDIR}/$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM" ] && \ [ -x "${ROOTDIR}/$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM" ]; then printf '%s\n' "${ROOTDIR}/$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM" RET=0 break fi done return $RET } # copy some binary to given destination. Takes binary in $1 and # destination in $2 cobi() { local DEST=$2 local FPTB=`binfinder $1` if [ -z ${FPTB} ] ; then return 1; elif [ -L ${FPTB} ] ; then # do not copy the link but the binary the link points to local LINKDEST=`ls -la ${FPTB} | sed -e "s,.* ,,"` case $LINKDEST in /*) FPTB=${ROOTDIR}${LINKDEST} ;; *) ;; esac cp ${FPTB} ${INSTDIR}/${DEST} else cp ${FPTB} ${INSTDIR}/${DEST} fi slxldd --root-path=${ROOTDIR} ${FPTB#${ROOTDIR}*} >>${INSTDIR}/tmp/libraries return 0 } # replace copy repco() { local FILENAME=$1 DATE=`date +%m-%d-%Y` # do not forget to define all variables which should be replaced within # the start and configuration scripts. All comment lines will be deleted. if [ -d ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/${FILENAME} ] ; then testmkd ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME} else if file ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/${FILENAME}| grep "ELF" &>/dev/null ; then cp ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/${FILENAME} ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME} elif [ -L ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/${FILENAME} ] ; then cp -a ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/${FILENAME} ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME%/*} else if [ -z ${SLX_VERSION} ] ; then SLX_VERSION=$(slxversion) fi sed -e "s,@@@INSTDIR@@@,${INSTDIR},g;s,@@@KERNVER@@@,${KERNVER},g" \ -e "s,@@@DISTRO@@@,${DISTRO}-${DISTRO_VER},g;s,@@@NETIF@@@,${NET_IF},g" \ -e "s,@@@NWMODULES@@@,${NWMODULES},g" \ -e "s,@@@COMDIRINDXS@@@,${COMDIRINDXS},g" \ -e "s,@@@COMETCEXCL@@@,${COMETCEXCL},g" \ -e "s,@@@DATE@@@,${DATE},g;/^#[^!].*/d" \ ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/${FILENAME} >> ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME} # ugly hack for creating a general slx config file instead of "patching" # the stage3 init - fixme: version string should be added in a more clever way echo -e "slxconf_date=${DATE}\nslxconf_kernver=${KERNVER}\n\ slxconf_listnwmod=\"${NWMODULES}\"\nslxconf_distro=${DISTRO}-${DISTRO_VER}\n\ slxconf_slxver=\"${SLX_VERSION}\"" > ${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/slxsystem.conf sed -e "s,^#!/bin/sh,#!/bin/ash," -i ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME} fi fi } copy_distro_stuff() { # copy first the default distro dependent configuration (variables) and # function files, then append to each the distro/version specific file # variables, functions set in default might that way be overwritten by # definitions in distro/version specific files cat ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/distro-specs/$1/config-default >${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/config cat ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/distro-specs/$1/config-$2 >>${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/config #[ -f $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.default ] && \ # cat $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.default >>${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/config #[ -f $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.local ] && \ # cat $SLX_CONFIG_PATH/settings.local >>${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/config cat ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/distro-specs/$1/functions-default >${INSTDIR}/etc/distro-functions cat ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/distro-specs/$1/functions-$2 >>${INSTDIR}/etc/distro-functions # would be cool not to copy .svn here ... # fixme!! works only for etc directories. If dir exists then next copy places # file into the existing dir cp -a distro-specs/$1/files-default ${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/files 2>/dev/null # ... so remove them afterwards ... find ${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/files \ -regex ".*/\..*" -exec rm -rf {} 2>/dev/null \; } # This function makes the directory of this script to the present working # directory # Does also work when called by symbolic links (even for nested links). goto_script_dir() { [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "Aufgerufen wurde $0, checking if it is a link" calleddetails=`ls -l $0` # get the file flags (e.g. lrwxrwxrwx) [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo $calleddetails calleddir=${0%/*} # Strip the filename from path [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "Wechsele ins Verzeichnis des aufgerufenen scripts/links ($calleddir)" cd $calleddir while index=`expr index "$calleddetails" "l"`; [ $index -eq 1 ]; do [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "It is a link" target=`echo $calleddetails | awk '{print $NF}'` [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "The target of the link is: $target" hasslash=`expr index "$target" "/"` if [ $hasslash -ne 0 ]; then targetpath=${target%/*} # extract the pathname [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "Following link to $targetpath" cd $targetpath else [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "It is in the same directory as the link" fi targetfile=`basename $target` [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "The target file of the link is: $targetfile" calleddetails=`ls -l $targetfile` # get the file flags (e.g. lrwxrwxrwx) [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo $calleddetails done [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && pwd } # add a bootsplash image to the initial ramdisk, only SuSE at the moment # theming add_theme() { theme="${theme}" splashsizes="640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1400x1050 1600x1200" splash_image= splash_bin=$(chroot $ROOTDIR which splash) themes_dir="${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/themes/openslx/bootsplash" if [ -d "${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/themes/${theme}/bootsplash" ]; then themes_dir="${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/themes/${theme}/bootsplash" elif [ -d "$ROOTDIR/etc/bootsplash/themes/${theme}" ]; then themes_dir="/etc/bootsplash/themes/${theme}" elif [ -d "$ROOTDIR/usr/share/splash/themes/${theme}" ]; then themes_dir="/usr/share/splash/themes/${theme}" fi #fixme: very ugly ;) mkdir -p $ROOTDIR/tmp/bootsplash cp -a $themes_dir/* $ROOTDIR/tmp/bootsplash themes=${themes_dir%bootsplash} echo -e "\n\tUsing ${themes} for themes.\n" themes_dir=$ROOTDIR/tmp/bootsplash if [ -n "$splashsizes" -a -n "$splash_bin" ]; then if [ -n "$themes_dir" -a \ -d "$themes_dir" -o -L "$themes_dir" ]; then for size in $splashsizes; do bootsplash_picture="$themes_dir/images/bootsplash-$size.jpg" cfgname="$themes_dir/config/bootsplash-$size.cfg" if [ ! -r $cfgname ] ; then echo " disabled for resolution $size " elif [ ! -r $bootsplash_picture ] ; then echo " no image for resolution $size " else echo -n "${splash_image:+, }$THEME ($size)" splash_image=" $splash_image ${cfgname#$ROOTDIR} " fi done echo else echo "no theme selected" fi fi # Include bootsplash image for image in $splash_image; do # fixme: ugly hack to have the splash binary chroot $ROOTDIR $splash_bin -s -f $image >> ${INSTDIR}/bootsplash done rm -rf $ROOTDIR/tmp/bootsplash # kdm/Xdialog theme cp -a ${themes}* ${INSTDIR}/usr/share/themes } ######################################################################### # End of function declaration while getopts :dhk:c:i:r:o:s:f:n:m:Sut:v:I:D:V:a: a ; do case $a in \:|\?) case $OPTARG in c) echo "-c requires location of machine-setup file";; k) echo "-k requires kernel version parameter";; i) echo "-i requires initrd path parameter";; f) echo "-f requires file system module list parameter";; n) echo "-n requires network module list parameter";; m) echo "-m requires misc module list parameter";; r) echo "-r requires root dir parameter";; s) echo "-s may require theme name";; D) echo "-D requires linux Distribution name";; v) echo "-v requires linux distribution version";; I) echo "-I requires network interface parameter";; V) echo "-V requires an executable to run inside linuxrc";; *) echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG" echo "Try mkinitrd -h";; esac exit 1 ;; c) CLCONFFILE=$OPTARG;; d) use_dhclient=1;; k) KERNVER=$OPTARG;; i) INITRD_PATH=$OPTARG ;; f) FSMODULES=$OPTARG;; n) NWMODULES=$OPTARG ;; m) MISCMODULES=$OPTARG ;; r) ROOTDIR=$OPTARG;; s) theme=$OPTARG;; t) use_tpm=1;; d) IRFSDEBUG=$OPTARG;; D) DISTRO=$OPTARG;; v) DISTRO_VER=$OPTARG;; l) local_init_script="$OPTARG";; # use for pre/postinit.local? h) usage;; esac done shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1) ######################################################################### # End of parameter, argument interpretation # Check for superuser id precheck #Change to the directory this script is located in goto_script_dir # set temporary setup directory, clean it and setup basic directory # structure if [ -z "$INSTDIR" ] ; then INSTDIR=/tmp/slx-tmpramfs fi rm -rf ${INSTDIR} mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/{dev,proc,tmp,mnt,root,bin,sys,lib} mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/var/{lib,run} ${INSTDIR}/var/lib/nfs/state ln -s /bin ${INSTDIR}/sbin mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/usr/share # needed for KNOPPIX hwsetup tool not to be confused with ${D_SYSCONFDIR} mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig # if still no distro name set, try to find it using significant files if [ -z "${DISTRO}" ] ; then if [ -e ${ROOTDIR}/etc/SuSE-release ] ; then DISTRO=suse DISTRO_VER=`grep "VERSION" ${ROOTDIR}/etc/SuSE-release | sed "s/.*= //"` elif [ -e ${ROOTDIR}/etc/lsb-release ] ; then . ${ROOTDIR}/etc/lsb-release DISTRO=${DISTRIB_ID} DISTRO_VER=${DISTRIB_RELEASE} elif [ -e ${ROOTDIR}/etc/debian_version ] ; then if [ $(grep Ubuntu /etc/issue | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then DISTRO=Ubuntu DISTRO_VER=`sed 's/[Uu]buntu \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/' /etc/issue` else DISTRO=debian DISTRO_VER=`cat ${ROOTDIR}/etc/debian_version` fi elif [ -e ${ROOTDIR}/etc/gentoo-release ] ; then DISTRO=gentoo # any idea on the versioning scheme?? DISTRO_VER="" else echo -e "Could not detect client distribution type and version. Please \ specify\nas command line argument (-d -v )" exit 1; fi fi # unify the description of distribution and its version case "${DISTRO}" in Debian*|debian*|Sarge*|sarge*) DISTRO=debian case "${DISTRO_VER}" in Sarge*|sarge*|3.1*|*) DISTRO_VER=3.1 mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/lib/udev cp -r ${ROOTDIR}/lib/udev/* ${INSTDIR}/lib/udev/ ;; esac ;; Ubuntu*|ubuntu*) DISTRO=ubuntu case "${DISTRO_VER}" in Breezy*|breezy*) DISTRO_VER=5.10 cp ${ROOTDIR}/lib/libnss_compat.so.2 ${INSTDIR}/lib ;; Dapper*|dapper*) DISTRO_VER=6.06 ;; Edgy*|edgy*) DISTRO_VER=6.10 ;; Feisty*|feisty*) DISTRO_VER=7.04 ;; esac ;; Gentoo*|gentoo*) DISTRO=gentoo case "${DISTRO_VER}" in 2005*) DISTRO_VER=2005.1 ;; 2006*) DISTRO_VER=2006.1 mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/lib/udev cp -r ${ROOTDIR}/lib/udev/* ${INSTDIR}/lib/udev/ cp ${ROOTDIR}/etc/group ${INSTDIR}/etc/ ;; 2007*|*) DISTRO_VER=2007.1 ;; esac ;; SuSE*|suse*|Suse*|SuSe*|SUSE*|*) DISTRO=suse case "${DISTRO_VER}" in 9*) DISTRO_VER=9.3 ;; 10.0) DISTRO_VER=10.0 ;; 10.1) DISTRO_VER=10.1 ;; 10.2) DISTRO_VER=10.2 ;; 10.3) DISTRO_VER=10.3 ;; esac ;; esac # at this point ${DISTRO} ${DISTRO_VER} should be fixed copy_distro_stuff ${DISTRO} ${DISTRO_VER} if [ -z "$NWMODULES" ] ; then #NWMODULES="forcedeth e1000 e100 tg3 via-rhine r8169 pcnet32 8139too 8139cp" NWMODULES="forcedeth e1000 e100 tg3 via-rhine r8169 pcnet32" fi # initial ramdisk scripts: init, functions, servconfig, hwautocfg, ... # copy and replace variable names for dirs in `find ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/initramfs/* ! -regex ".*/\..*"` ; do repco ${dirs##*initramfs/} done chmod 755 ${INSTDIR}/init \ ${INSTDIR}/bin/{servconfig,hwautocfg,screenres,dhcpmkconfig} # quickhack architecture detection of target system if [ -d ${ROOTDIR}/lib64 ] ; then ARCH=x86_64 else ARCH=i586 fi # copy the proper busybox depending on architecture (i586 for 32bit and # x86_64 for 64bit) # fixme: At the moment the busybox does not support ext2 filesystem tools cp ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/busybox/busybox.${ARCH} ${INSTDIR}/bin/busybox for bbins in [ ar arping ash bunzip2 cat chmod chown chroot cp cpio cut \ date dd df dmesg du echo env expr fdisk free grep gunzip hwclock \ insmod id ip kill killall ln ls lsmod mdev mkdir \ mknod mkswap modprobe mount mv nice ping printf ps rdate \ rm rmmod sed sleep sort swapoff swapon switch_root tar test tftp \ time touch tr udhcpc umount uptime usleep vconfig vi zcat zcip; do ln -fs /bin/busybox ${INSTDIR}/bin/$bbins done # fake the sh link in busybox environment echo -e "#!/bin/ash\n/bin/ash \$@" > ${INSTDIR}/bin/sh chmod a+x ${INSTDIR}/bin/sh # fixme: add ext2 stuff until busybox offers these tools again cobi mkfs.ext2 bin # binaries useful for debugging purposes if [ $IRFSDEBUG -gt 2 ] ; then for bbins in \ strace do cobi ${bbins} bin || echo "Program ${bbins} not found" done fi # one of the dhcp clients (do we really need any other dhcp client?) if [ -n "${use_dhclient}" ] ; then if binfinder $dhcp ; then cobi $dhcp bin else echo "dhclient is not available" fi fi # hotplug/udev type and related stuff / any need for that? # cp -a ${ROOTDIR}/etc/udev ${INSTDIR}/etc # type of hotplug/udev/dev (for etc directories see above!!) # for bbins in udev udevd udevstart udevtrigger udevsend ; do # cobi ${bbins} bin &>/dev/null || \ # echo "Program ${bbins} not found; could be most probably ignored" # done # if nbd or dnbd is used as clients root filesystem if [ -n "${FSMODULES}" ] ; then for i in ${FSMODULES}; do case "$i" in dnbd) cobi dnbd-client bin ;; nbd) cobi nbd-client bin ;; esac done fi # if tpm should be used within InitRamFS ... if [ -n "${use_tpm}" ] ; then MISCMODULES="${MISCMODULES} tpm" # copy the other stuff fi # if unionfs cobi unionctl bin &>/dev/null || \ echo "Program unionctl not found; could be ignored ..." # if cowloop cobi cowdev bin &>/dev/null || \ echo "Program cowdev not found; could be ignored ..." # if iscsi (or just with modules)?? # cobi iscsiadm iscsid bin &>/dev/null || \ # echo "Program iscsid not found; could be ignored ..." # distro specific additional stuff case "${DISTRO}" in debian*) cp ${ROOTDIR}/lib/libnss_compat.so.2 ${INSTDIR}/lib;; esac # copy all libraries that have been determined to be required: # first we handle all 64-bit libs... for lib in $(fgrep /lib64/ ${INSTDIR}/tmp/libraries 2>/dev/null|sort -u); do if ! [ -d ${INSTDIR}/lib64 ] ; then mkdir ${INSTDIR}/lib64 fi cp ${lib} ${INSTDIR}/lib64 done # ...now copy 32-bit libs: for lib in $(fgrep -v /lib64/ ${INSTDIR}/tmp/libraries 2>/dev/null|sort -u); do cp ${lib} ${INSTDIR}/lib done rm ${INSTDIR}/tmp/libraries # add kernel modules and dependency files if [ -z "$KERNVER" ] ; then KERNVER=$(ls -l ${ROOTDIR}/boot/vmlinuz | grep vmlinuz | sed "s/.*vmlinuz-//") fi if [ -z "$KERNVER" ] ; then KERNVER=$(ls -l ${ROOTDIR}/vmlinuz | grep vmlinuz | sed "s/.*vmlinuz-//") fi # if no vmlinuz found, go for vmlinuz-x.yz.uv... if [ -z "$KERNVER" ] ; then KERNVER=$(ls -lt ${ROOTDIR}/boot/vmlinuz* | grep vmlinuz | \ sed -n "1,1s/.*vmlinuz-//p") echo "No vmlinuz-link found. Using kernel version "$KERNVER fi if [ -z "$KERNVER" ] ; then echo "No kernel version set or detected - please use the -k flag! Exiting..." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$FSMODULES" ] ; then FSMODULES="nbd nfs" fi if [ -z "$INITRD_PATH" ] ; then INITRD_PATH="${ROOTDIR}/tmp/slxinitramfs.gz" fi # put all needed modules into initial ramdisk mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER} for module in af_packet unix ${NWMODULES} ${FSMODULES} ${MISCMODULES} \ ${DEBUGMODULES} usbcore usbhid uhci-hcd ohci-hcd; do mod=`cd /${ROOTDIR}; find "lib/modules/${KERNVER}" -name ${module}.ko \ 2>/dev/null` if [ -n "$mod" ] ; then mpath=${INSTDIR}/${mod%/*} mkdir -p ${mpath} cp ${ROOTDIR}/$mod ${mpath} # fixmee!! selection of dependent modules could be handled a little bit # more clever rdirprefix="${ROOTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER}/kernel" ddirprefix="${INSTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER}/kernel" case "$module" in e100|8139too|via-rhine|sis900|epic100|sundance|8139cp|eepro100|pcnet32) cp ${rdirprefix}/drivers/net/mii.ko \ ${ddirprefix}/drivers/net &>/dev/null ;; nfs) # create directory structure for modules needed and copy them # to the proper place (as expected by modprobe/modules.dep) mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/net/sunrpc mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/fs/lockd ${ddirprefix}/fs/nfs_common cp ${rdirprefix}/net/sunrpc/sunrpc.ko \ ${ddirprefix}/net/sunrpc &>/dev/null cp ${rdirprefix}/fs/lockd/lockd.ko \ ${ddirprefix}/fs/lockd &>/dev/null cp ${rdirprefix}/fs/nfs_common/nfs_acl.ko \ ${ddirprefix}/fs/nfs_common &>/dev/null ;; ext3) # needed for ext2 support mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/fs/jbd cp ${rdirprefix}/fs/jbd/jbd.ko \ ${ddirprefix}/fs/jbd ;; netloop) # needed for xen stuff cobi brctl bin &>/dev/null || \ echo "Program brctl not found; could be ignored ..." mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/drivers/xen/netback mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/net/bridge cp ${rdirprefix}/drivers/xen/netback/netloop.ko \ ${ddirprefix}/drivers/xen/netback &>/dev/null cp ${rdirprefix}/net/bridge/bridge.ko \ ${ddirprefix}/net/bridge &>/dev/null ;; iscsi_tcp) # iscsi modules # cobi cobi iscsiadm iscsid bin &>/dev/null #mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/drivers/scsi #for i in scsi_mod scsi_transport_iscsi libiscsi iscsi_tcp; do # cp ${rdirprefix}/drivers/scsi/$i.ko # ${ddirprefix}/drivers/scsi #done ;; tpm) # tpm module stuff ;; esac fi done cp ${ROOTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER}/modules.* \ ${INSTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER} # add the common default client configuration file - just to ensure to # have all major variables defined. !!These settings are most probably # are overwritten by fileget in stage3 within initramfs!! # fixme! it should be possible to provide the filename and location via # parameter echo "## common settings of machine-setup for clients sharing an InitRamFS" \ > ${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup if [ -n "${CLCONFFILE}" ] ; then cat ${CLCONFFILE} >>${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup echo "Using ${CLCONFFILE}" elif [ -f ${SLX_PRIVATE_PATH}/config/default/initramfs/machine-setup ] ; then cat ${SLX_PRIVATE_PATH}/config/default/initramfs/machine-setup \ >>${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup echo "Using ${SLX_PRIVATE_PATH}/config/default/initramfs/machine-setup" # use the installed default machine-setup.default elif [ -f ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/templates/machine-setup.default ] ; then cat ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/templates/machine-setup.default \ >>${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup echo "Using ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/templates/machine-setup.default" # just compatibility for older versions elif [ -f /etc/dxs/client.cfg/machine-setup.default ] ; then cat /etc/dxs/client.cfg/machine-setup.default \ >>${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup echo "Using /etc/dxs/client.cfg/machine-setup.default" # fixme: dirty hack if the installer does not creates a normal file elif [ -f /etc/dxs/client.cfg/machine-setup.default.new ] ; then cat /etc/dxs/client.cfg/machine-setup.default.new \ >>${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup elif [ -f ../installer/default_files/machine-setup.default ] ; then cat ../installer/default_files/machine-setup.default \ >>${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup echo "Warning: Using ../installer/default_files/machine-setup.default" else #inserted password for root for debugging purposes # fixme - set more default values?! echo -e "# default for machine-setup does not exist\n# root logins are \ disabled\nroot_pw='"'$1$T7VD/mmQ$aCP1WEaWplEsHe9khv4kK.'"'" \ >>${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup fi echo "## end of common machine-setup" >>${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup # custom hardware configuration files pcitable.local and Cards.local # fixme!! New source for these files (instead of templates)! if [ -f ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/templates/pcitable.local ] ; then cat ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/templates/pcitable.local >> \ ${INSTDIR}/usr/share/hwdata/pcitable fi if [ -f ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/templates/Cards.local ] ; then cat ${SLX_SHARE_PATH}/templates/Cards.local >> \ ${INSTDIR}/usr/share/hwdata/Cards fi # finally copy user-supplied preinit files. The client specific one # overwrites the system default one. postinit.local may be part of # fileget tgz (in stage3) for cfg in default/initramfs/preinit.local \ ${DISTRO}-${DISTRO_VER}/initramfs/preinit.local \ default/initramfs/postinit.local \ ${DISTRO}-${DISTRO_VER}/initramfs/postinit.local ; do test -f ${SLX_PRIVATE_PATH}/config/$cfg && \ cp ${SLX_PRIVATE_PATH}/config/$cfg ${INSTDIR}/bin done ######################################################################### # End of file copy procedures [ -n "${theme}" ] && add_theme # finally create the compressed initial ramdisk cpio archive pushd . > /dev/null 2>&1 cd ${INSTDIR} find . ! -name "*~" | cpio -H newc --create | gzip -9 > $INITRD_PATH popd > /dev/null 2>&1