#! /usr/bin/perl # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; my $abstract = q[ slxos-setup This script installs an operating system into a folder that can be used as a stage1 system for OpenSLX. ]; use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); use Pod::Usage; # add the folder this script lives in and the lib-folder to perl's # search path for modules: use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin"; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib"; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../config-db"; # development path to config-db use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::OSSetup::Engine; my ( $helpReq, $manReq, $verbose, $versionReq, ); GetOptions( 'help|?' => \$helpReq, 'man' => \$manReq, 'verbose' => \$verbose, 'version' => \$versionReq, ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $helpReq; if ($manReq) { $ENV{LANG} = 'en_EN'; # avoid dubious problem with perldoc in combination with UTF-8 that # leads to strange dashes and single-quotes being used pod2usage(-verbose => 2) } if ($versionReq) { system('slxversion'); exit 1; } if ($> != 0) { die _tr("Sorry, this script can only be executed by the superuser!\n"); } openslxInit(); my $action = shift @ARGV; # create ossetup-engine for given distro and start it: my $engine = OpenSLX::OSSetup::Engine->new; if ($action =~ m[^import]i) { my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; if (!defined $vendorOSName) { print STDERR _tr("You need to give the name of the vendor-os you'd like to import!\n"); pod2usage(2); } # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); $engine->initialize($vendorOSName, 'import'); if (!-e $engine->{'vendor-os-path'}) { die _tr("'%s' doesn't exist, giving up!\n", $engine->{'vendor-os-path'}); } $engine->addInstalledVendorOSToConfigDB(); } elsif ($action =~ m[^update]i) { my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; if (!defined $vendorOSName) { print STDERR _tr("You need to give the name of the vendor-os you'd like to update!\n"); pod2usage(2); } # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); $engine->initialize($vendorOSName, 'update'); $engine->updateVendorOS(); } elsif ($action =~ m[^shell]i) { my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; if (!defined $vendorOSName) { print STDERR _tr("You need to give the name of the vendor-os you'd like to start of shell for!\n"); pod2usage(2); } # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); $engine->initialize($vendorOSName, 'shell'); $engine->startChrootedShellForVendorOS(); } elsif ($action =~ m[^install]i) { my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; if (!defined $vendorOSName) { print STDERR _tr("You need to give the name of the vendor-os you'd like to install!\n"); pod2usage(2); } # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); $engine->initialize($vendorOSName, 'install'); $engine->installVendorOS(); } elsif ($action =~ m[^clone]i) { my $source = shift @ARGV; my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; if (!defined $source || !defined $vendorOSName) { print STDERR _tr("You need to specify exactly one source and one vendor-OS-name!\n"); pod2usage(2); } # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); $engine->initialize($vendorOSName, 'clone'); $engine->cloneVendorOS($source); } elsif ($action =~ m[^remove]i) { my $vendorOSName = shift @ARGV; if (!defined $vendorOSName) { print STDERR _tr("You need to specify exactly one vendor-OS-name!\n"); pod2usage(2); } # we chdir into the script's folder such that all relative paths have # a known starting point: chdir($FindBin::RealBin) or die _tr("can't chdir to script-path <%> (%s)", $FindBin::RealBin, $!); $engine->initialize($vendorOSName, 'remove'); $engine->removeVendorOS(); } elsif ($action =~ m[^list-su]i) { print _tr("List of supported distros:\n"); print join('', map { "\t$_" .(' 'x(20-length($_))) ."\t($supportedDistros{$_}->{support})\n" } sort keys %supportedDistros); } elsif ($action =~ m[^list-in]i) { print _tr("List of installed vendor-OSes:\n"); print join('', map { my $vendorOS = $_; $vendorOS =~ s[^.+/][]; "\t$vendorOS\n"; } sort <$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/stage1/*>); } else { print STDERR _tr("You need to specify exactly one action: clone import-into-db install list-supported list-installed remove shell update Try '%s --help' for more info.\n", $0); } =head1 NAME slxos-setup - OpenSLX-script to install a vendor-OS. =head1 SYNOPSIS slxos-setup [options] ... =head3 Options --help brief help message --man show full documentation --verbose show more information during execution --version show version =head3 Actions =over 8 =item B<< clone >> clones an existing operating system via rsync =item B<< import-into-db >> imports a vendor-OS into the openslx-db =item B<< install >> installs a vendor-OS into a folder =item B<< list-installed >> show installed vendor-OSes =item B<< list-supported >> show supported distros =item B<< remove >> removes an installed vendor-OS =item B<< shell >> starts a chrooted shell for an installed vendor-OS =item B<< update >> updates an installed vendor-OS =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B installs an operating system into a folder which will be used as a OpenSLX-stage1-system (a.k.a. a I). You can either install a vendor-OS from scratch (causing the required packages to be downloaded or copied from a local source). Installing is supported for several different LINUX distributions, but not for all of them. Alternatively, a locally installed operating system can be cloned into a vendor-OS. When invoking slxos-setup, you have to pass it the name of the vendor-OS you wish to create. =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--help> Prints a brief help message and exits. =item B<--man> Prints the manual page and exits. =item B<--verbose> Prints more information during execution of any action. =item B<--version> Prints the version and exits. =item B The vendor-os-name is the name of the vendor-OS that shall be installed, cloned, imported or updated. It corresponds to a folder in the OpenSLX- stage1-path (usually /var/opt/openslx/stage1). The general format of a vendor-os-name is: - or -- The distro-name is something like 'suse' or 'fedora', and the release-version is a numerical version, e.g. '10.1' or '6'. If you specify a selection, too, you state that you want all the packages that are provided by the specific selection (many distributions offer several different package selections for installation, like 'kde' or 'gnome'). If you do not specify any selection, you will get the default selection of that distribution. If you pass an unknown selection, you will see a list of the selections that are available. In clone-mode, it is a good idea to specify some unqiue string as the selection part of the vendor-os-name, such that you will easily recognize the vendor-OS at a later stage. We recommend something like '-cloned-from-'. =item B When cloning a vendor-OS, slxos-setup needs to know where to fetch the existing OS-files from. Please check the 'rsync' docs for what format an rsync-uri has. =back =head1 EXAMPLES =head3 Installing a Vendor-OS =over 8 =item B<< slxos-setup install suse-10.2 >> Installs the distro suse-10.2 as a new vendor-OS. =item B<< slxos-setup install suse-10.2-gnome >> Installs the 'gnome'-selection of distro suse-10.2 as a new vendor-OS. =back =head3 Cloning an Operating System to Make a New Vendor-OS =over 8 =item B<< slxos-setup clone my_server:/ suse-10.2-clone-my_server >> Clones the suse-10.2 system from server 'my_server' as a new vendor-OS, which will be named 'suse-10.2-clone-my_server'. =back =head3 Updating a Vendor-OS =over 8 =item B<< slxos-setup update suse-10.2 >> Updates the (existing) vendor-OS 'suse-10.2'. =back =head3 Importing an Existing Vendor-OS into the Config-DB =over 8 =item B<< slxos-setup import-into-db suse-10.2 >> Imports the (existing) vendor-OS 'suse-10.2' into the config-DB. =back =head3 Removing a Vendor-OS =over 8 =item B<< slxos-setup remove suse-10.2 >> Wipes the (existing) vendor-OS 'suse-10.2' from disk and removes it from the config-DB, too. =back =head1 SEE ALSO slxsettings, slxos-export, slxconfig, slxconfig-demuxer =head1 GENERAL OPENSLX OPTIONS Being a part of OpenSLX, this script supports several other options which can be used to overrule the OpenSLX settings: --db-name= name of database --db-spec= full DBI-specification of database --db-type= type of database to connect to --locale= locale to use for translations --logfile= file to write logging output to --private-path= path to private data --public-path= path to public (client-accesible) data --temp-path= path to temporary data --verbose-level= level of logging verbosity (0-3) Please refer to the C-manpage for a more detailed description of these options. =cut