ERROR = ""; } # Ist "dotted quad IPAddress" in gueltigem Bereich? true or false # Ueberprueft Format, fuehrende Nullen, und Werte > 255 # # Ueberprueft nicht nach reservierten oder nicht-route-baren IPs. # function check_ip_syntax($IP) { if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error();} $len = strlen($IP); if( $len > 15 ){ $this->ERROR = "check_ip_syntax: too long [$IP][$len]"; return false; } $badcharacter = eregi_replace("([0-9\.]+)","",$IP); if(!empty($badcharacter)){ $this->ERROR = "check_ip_syntax: Bad data in IP address [$badcharacter]"; return false; } $chunks = explode(".",$IP); $count = count($chunks); if ($count != 4){ $this->ERROR = "check_ip_syntax: not a dotted quad [$IP]"; return false; } while ( list ($key,$val) = each ($chunks) ){ if(ereg("^0",$val)){ $this->ERROR = "check_ip_syntax: Invalid IP segment [$val]"; return false; } $Num = $val; settype($Num,"integer"); if($Num > 255){ $this->ERROR = "check_ip_syntax: Segment out of range [$Num]"; return false; } } return true; } # Netzwerkaddresse function check_netip_syntax($IP) { if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error();} if ( !($this->check_ip_syntax($IP)) ){ return false; } $chunks = explode(".",$IP); if ( $chunks[3] != "0" ){ return false; } return true; } # MAC Adresse function check_mac_syntax($MAC) { if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error();} $len = strlen($MAC); if( $len != 17 ){ $this->ERROR = "check_mac_syntax: too long [$MAC][$len]"; return false; } $badcharacter = eregi_replace("([0-9a-fA-F\:]+)","",$MAC); if(!empty($badcharacter)){ $this->ERROR = "check_mac_syntax: Bad data in MAC address [$badcharacter]"; return false; } $chunks = explode(":",$MAC); $count = count($chunks); if ($count != 6){ $this->ERROR = "check_mac_syntax: not in format hx:hx:hx:hx:hx:hx [$MAC]"; return false; } foreach ($chunks as $chunk){ $chunklen = strlen($chunk); if( $len != 2 ){ $this->ERROR = "check_mac_syntax: too long [$MAC][$len]"; return false; } } return true; } # Domainname # Hostname function is_hostname ($hostname = ""){ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); } $web = false; if(empty($hostname)) { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: No hostname submitted"; return false; } // Only a-z, 0-9, and "-" or "." are permitted in a hostname // Patch for POSIX regex lib by Sascha Schumann $Bad = eregi_replace("[-A-Z0-9\.]","",$hostname); if(!empty($Bad)) { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: invalid chars [$Bad]"; return false; } // See if we're doing www.hostname.tld or hostname.tld if(eregi("^www\.",$hostname)) { $web = true; } // double "." is a not permitted if(ereg("\.\.",$hostname)) { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Double dot in [$hostname]"; return false; } if(ereg("^\.",$hostname)) { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: leading dot in [$hostname]"; return false; } $chunks = explode(".",$hostname); if( (gettype($chunks)) != "array") { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Invalid hostname, no dot seperator [$hostname]"; return false; } $count = ( (count($chunks)) - 1); if($count < 1) { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Invalid hostname [$count] [$hostname]\n"; return false; } // Bug that can't be killed without doing an is_host, // something.something will return TRUE, even if it's something // stupid like NS.SOMETHING (with no tld), because SOMETHING is // construed to BE the tld. The is_bigfour and is_country // checks should help eliminate this inconsistancy. To really // be sure you've got a valid hostname, do an is_host() on it. if( ($web) and ($count < 2) ) { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Invalid hostname [$count] [$hostname]\n"; return false; } $tld = $chunks[$count]; if(empty($tld)) { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: No TLD found in [$hostname]"; return false; } if(!$this->is_bigfour($tld)) { if(!$this->is_country($tld)) { $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Unrecognized TLD [$tld]"; return false; } } return true; } # Syntax Check für die Eingaben: Uhrzeit, Wochentag, Monatstag, Monatstag.Monat function check_timerange_syntax($mcday,$mcbeg,$mcend){ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error();} $badcharacter = eregi_replace("([a-z0-9\.]+)","",$mcday); if(!empty($badcharacter)){ $this->ERROR = "check_ip_syntax: Bad data in MC Day [$badcharacter]"; return false; } $badcharacter = eregi_replace("([x0-9]+)","",$mcbeg); if(!empty($badcharacter)){ $this->ERROR = "check_ip_syntax: Bad data in MC Begin [$badcharacter]"; return false; } $badcharacter = eregi_replace("([x0-9]+)","",$mcend); if(!empty($badcharacter)){ $this->ERROR = "check_ip_syntax: Bad data in MC End [$badcharacter]"; return false; } $lenmcday = strlen($mcday); if (eregi("([a-z]+)",$mcday)){ if ($lenmcday > 2){$this->ERROR = "WOTAG > 2"; return false;} if (eregi("([0-9\.]+)",$mcday)){$this->ERROR = "WOTAG enthaelt (0-9.)"; return false;} #if (!(eregi("[mdsfx][aiorx]",$mcday))){return false;} if (!(eregi("(m[io]|d[io]|s[ao]|fr|x)",$mcday))){$this->ERROR = "WOTAG falscher String"; return false;} } if (eregi("([0-9]+)",$mcday)){ if (eregi("[\.]",$mcday)){ preg_match("/[\.]/",$mcday,$treffer); if (count($treffer) > 1){$this->ERROR = "mehr als 2 Punkte"; return false;}; $exp = explode('.',$mcday); $day = $exp[0]; $lenday = strlen($day); if ($lenday > 2){$this->ERROR = "TAG > 2"; return false;} if (!(eregi("(0[1-9]|[0-2][0-9]|3[01])",$day))){$this->ERROR = "TAG nicht korrekt"; return false;} $month = $exp[1]; $lenmonth = strlen($month); if ($lenmonth > 2){$this->ERROR = "MONAT > 2"; return false;} if (!(eregi("(0[0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-2])",$month))){$this->ERROR = "Monat nicht korrekt"; return false;} } else{ if ($lenmcday > 2){$this->ERROR = "TAG > 2"; return false;} if (!(eregi("(0[0-9]|[0-2][0-9]|3[01])",$mcday))){$this->ERROR = "Tag nicht korrekt"; return false;} } } $lenmcbeg = strlen($mcbeg); if ($lenmcbeg == 2){ if (!(eregi("(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]|x)",$mcbeg))){$this->ERROR = "Uhrzeit nicht korrekt"; return false;} } if ($lenmcbeg == 1){ if (!(eregi("([0-9]|x)",$mcbeg))){$this->ERROR = "Uhrzeit nicht korrekt"; return false;} } $lenmcend = strlen($mcend); if ($lenmcend == 2){ if (!(eregi("(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]|x)",$mcend))){$this->ERROR = "Uhrzeit nicht korrekt"; return false;} } if ($lenmcend == 1){ if (!(eregi("([0-9]|x)",$mcend))){$this->ERROR = "Uhrzeit nicht korrekt"; return false;} } return true; } # Überprüft ob Menuposition ein Zahl ist function check_menuposition($menpos){ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error();} $badcharacter = eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$menpos); if(!empty($badcharacter)){ $this->ERROR = "check_menupostion: Bad data in Menu Position [$badcharacter]"; return false; } } } ?>