# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # desktop/OpenSLX/Distro/Base.pm # - provides base implementation of the Distro API for the desktop plugin. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package desktop::OpenSLX::Distro::Base; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = 1.01; # API-version . implementation-version use File::Basename; use Scalar::Util qw( weaken ); use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::Utils; ################################################################################ ### interface methods ################################################################################ sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; return bless $self, $class; } sub initialize { my $self = shift; $self->{engine} = shift; weaken($self->{'engine'}); # avoid circular reference between distro and its engine return 1; } sub getDefaultDesktopManager { my $self = shift; # the default implementation prefers GDM over KDM over XDM return $self->isGDMInstalled() ? 'gdm' : $self->isKDMInstalled() ? 'kdm' : $self->isXDMInstalled() ? 'xdm' : undef; } sub getDefaultDesktopKind { my $self = shift; # the default implementation prefers GNOME over KDE over XFCE return $self->isGNOMEInstalled() ? 'gnome' : $self->isKDEInstalled() ? 'kde' : $self->isXFCEInstalled() ? 'xfce' : undef; } sub isGNOMEInstalled { my $self = shift; return isInPath('gnome-session'); } sub installGNOME { my $self = shift; $self->{engine}->installPackages( $self->{engine}->getInstallablePackagesForSelection('gnome') ); return 1; } sub isGDMInstalled { my $self = shift; return isInPath('gdm'); } sub installGDM { my $self = shift; $self->{engine}->installPackages('gdm'); return 1; } sub GDMPathInfo { my $self = shift; my $pathInfo = { config => '/etc/gdm/gdm.conf', paths => [ '/var/lib/gdm', '/var/log/gdm', ], }; return $pathInfo; } sub setupGDMScript { my $self = shift; my $repoPath = shift; my $pathInfo = $self->GDMPathInfo(); my $configFile = $pathInfo->{config}; my $paths = join( ' ', map { '/mnt' . $_ } ( dirname($configFile), @{$pathInfo->{paths}} ) ); my $script = unshiftHereDoc(<<" End-of-Here"); # written by OpenSLX-plugin 'desktop' for i in $paths; do testmkd \$i done cp /mnt$repoPath/gdm/\$desktop_mode/gdm.conf /mnt$configFile # activate theme only if the corresponding xml file is found # (otherwise fall back to default theme of vendor-OS) if [ -n "\$desktop_theme" ]; then thdir=/opt/openslx/plugin-repo/desktop/themes/gdm theme=\$desktop_theme if [ -e /mnt\$thdir/\$theme/*.xml ]; then sed -i "s,\\[greeter\\],[greeter]\\nGraphicalThemedColor=," \\ /mnt$configFile sed -i "s,\\[greeter\\],[greeter]\\nGraphicalThemeDir=\$thdir," \\ /mnt$configFile sed -i "s,\\[greeter\\],[greeter]\\nGraphicalTheme=\$theme," \\ /mnt$configFile fi fi case "\${desktop_allowshutdown}" in none) ;; root) sed "s|AllowShutdown.*|AllowShutdown=true|;\\ s|SecureShutdown.*|SecureShutdown=true|" \\ -i /mnt$configFile ;; users) sed "s|AllowShutdown.*|AllowShutdown=true|;\\ s|SecureShutdown.*|SecureShutdown=false|" \\ -i /mnt$configFile ;; esac [ "\${desktop_rootlogin}" -ne 0 ] && \\ sed "s|AllowRoot.*|AllowRoot=true|" -i /mnt$configFile End-of-Here return $script; } sub GDMConfigHashForWorkstation { my $self = shift; return { 'chooser' => { }, 'daemon' => { AutomaticLoginEnable => 'false', Group => 'gdm', User => 'gdm', DefaultSession => 'default.desktop', }, 'debug' => { Enable => 'false', }, 'greeter' => { AllowShutdown => 'false', Browser => 'false', MinimalUID => '500', SecureShutdown => 'false', ShowDomain => 'false', DefaultWelcome => 'false', Welcome => 'OpenSLX Workstation (%n)', }, 'gui' => { }, 'security' => { AllowRoot => 'false', AllowRemoteRoot => 'false', DisallowTCP => 'true', SupportAutomount => 'true', }, 'server' => { }, 'xdmcp' => { Enable => 'false', }, }; } sub GDMConfigHashForKiosk { my $self = shift; my $configHash = $self->GDMConfigHashForWorkstation(); $configHash->{daemon}->{AutomaticLoginEnable} = 'true'; $configHash->{daemon}->{AutomaticLogin} = 'nobody'; return $configHash; } sub GDMConfigHashForChooser { my $self = shift; my $configHash = $self->GDMConfigHashForWorkstation(); $configHash->{xdmcp}->{Enable} = 'true'; return $configHash; } sub isKDEInstalled { my $self = shift; return isInPath('startkde'); } sub installKDE { my $self = shift; $self->{engine}->installPackages( $self->{engine}->getInstallablePackagesForSelection('kde') ); return 1; } sub isKDMInstalled { my $self = shift; return isInPath('kdm'); } sub installKDM { my $self = shift; $self->{engine}->installPackages('kdm'); return 1; } sub KDMPathInfo { my $self = shift; my $pathInfo = { config => '/etc/opt/kdm/kdmrc', paths => [ '/var/lib/kdm', ], }; return $pathInfo; } sub setupKDMScript { my $self = shift; my $repoPath = shift; my $pathInfo = $self->KDMPathInfo(); my $configFile = $pathInfo->{config}; my $paths = join( ' ', map { '/mnt' . $_ } ( dirname($configFile), @{$pathInfo->{paths}} ) ); my $script = unshiftHereDoc(<<" End-of-Here"); #!/bin/ash # written by OpenSLX-plugin 'desktop' for i in $paths; do testmkd \$i done cp /mnt$repoPath/kdm/\$desktop_mode/kdmrc /mnt$configFile # activate theme only if the corresponding xml file is found # (otherwise fall back to default theme of vendor-OS) if [ -n "\$desktop_theme" ]; then theme=\$desktop_theme thdir=/opt/openslx/plugin-repo/desktop/themes/kdm/\$theme if [ -e /mnt\$thdir/*.xml ]; then sed -i "s,\\[X-\\*-Greeter\\],[X-*-Greeter]\\nUseBackground=false," \\ /mnt$configFile sed -i "s,\\[X-\\*-Greeter\\],[X-*-Greeter]\\nTheme=\$thdir," \\ /mnt$configFile sed -i "s,\\[X-\\*-Greeter\\],[X-*-Greeter]\\nUseTheme=true," \\ /mnt$configFile fi fi case "\${desktop_allowshutdown}" in none) sed "s|AllowShutdown.*|AllowShutdown=None|" \\ -i /mnt$configFile ;; root) sed "s|AllowShutdown.*|AllowShutdown=Root|" \\ -i /mnt$configFile ;; users) sed "s|AllowShutdown.*|AllowShutdown=All|" \\ -i /mnt$configFile ;; esac [ "\${desktop_rootlogin}" -ne 0 ] && \\ sed "s|AllowRootLogin.*|AllowRootLogin=true|" -i /mnt$configFile End-of-Here return $script; } sub KDMConfigHashForWorkstation { my $self = shift; return { # 'General' => { # StaticServers => ':0', # ReserveServers => ':1,:2,:3', # ServerVTs => '-7', # ConsoleTTYs => 'tty1,tty2,tty3,tty4,tty5,tty6', # }, 'X-:0-Core' => { AutoLoginEnable => 'false', AllowRootLogin => 'false', AllowShutdown => 'All', }, 'X-*-Greeter' => { GreetString => 'OpenSLX Workstation (%h)', SelectedUsers => '', UserList => 'false', }, 'X-:*-Greeter' => { AllowClose => 'false', UseAdminSession => 'true', }, 'X-:0-Greeter' => { LogSource => '/dev/xconsole', UseAdminSession => 'false', PreselectUser => 'None', }, 'xdmcp' => { Enable => 'false', }, }; } sub KDMConfigHashForKiosk { my $self = shift; my $configHash = $self->KDMConfigHashForWorkstation(); $configHash->{'X-:0-Core'}->{AutoLoginEnable} = 'true'; $configHash->{'X-:0-Core'}->{AutoLoginUser} = 'nobody'; return $configHash; } sub KDMConfigHashForChooser { my $self = shift; my $configHash = $self->KDMConfigHashForWorkstation(); $configHash->{xdmcp}->{Enable} = 'true'; return $configHash; } sub isXFCEInstalled { my $self = shift; return isInPath('startxfce4'); } sub installXFCE { my $self = shift; $self->{engine}->installPackages( $self->{engine}->getInstallablePackagesForSelection('xfce') ); return 1; } sub isXDMInstalled { my $self = shift; return isInPath('xdm'); } sub installXDM { my $self = shift; $self->{engine}->installPackages('xdm'); return 1; } 1;