# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # desktop.pm # - implementation of the 'desktop' plugin, which installs # all needed information for a displaymanager and for the desktop. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package OpenSLX::OSPlugin::desktop; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Base); use File::Basename; use File::Path; use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::Utils; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { name => 'desktop', }; return bless $self, $class; } sub getInfo { my $self = shift; return { description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), Sets a desktop and creates needed configs, theme can be set as well. End-of-Here mustRunAfter => [], }; } sub getAttrInfo { my $self = shift; return { 'desktop::active' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should the 'desktop'-plugin be executed during boot? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$}, content_descr => '1 means active - 0 means inactive', default => '1', }, 'desktop::precedence' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), the execution precedence of the 'desktop' plugin End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^\d\d$}, content_descr => 'allowed range is from 01-99', default => 40, }, 'desktop::manager' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), which display manager to start: gdm, kdm or xdm? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^(g|k|x)dm$}, content_descr => 'allowed: gdm, kdm, xdm', default => undef, }, 'desktop::kind' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), which desktop environment shall be used: gnome, kde, or xfce? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^(gnome,kde,xfce)$}, content_descr => 'allowed: gnome, kde, xfce', default => undef, }, 'desktop::mode' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), which type of operation mode shall be activated: workstattion, kiosk or chooser? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^(workstation|kiosk|chooser)$}, content_descr => 'allowed: workstation,kiosk,chooser', default => 'workstation', }, 'desktop::theme' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), name of the theme to apply to the desktop (unset for no theme) End-of-Here content_descr => 'one of the entries in "supported_themes"', default => 'openslx', }, 'desktop::supported_themes' => { applies_to_vendor_os => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), name of all themes that shall be installed in vendor-OS (such that they can be selected via 'desktop::theme' in stage 3). End-of-Here content_descr => 'a comma-separated list of theme names', default => 'openslx,blue,circles', }, 'desktop::gdm' => { applies_to_vendor_os => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should gdm be available (installed in vendor-OS)? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^0|1$}, content_descr => '"0", "1" or "-" (for unset)', default => undef, }, 'desktop::kdm' => { applies_to_vendor_os => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should kdm be available (installed in vendor-OS)? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^0|1$}, content_descr => '"0", "1" or "-" (for unset)', default => undef, }, 'desktop::xdm' => { applies_to_vendor_os => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should xdm be available (installed in vendor-OS)? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^0|1$}, content_descr => '"0", "1" or "-" (for unset)', default => undef, }, 'desktop::gnome' => { applies_to_vendor_os => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should gnome be available (installed in vendor-OS)? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^0|1$}, content_descr => '"0", "1" or "-" (for unset)', default => undef, }, 'desktop::kde' => { applies_to_vendor_os => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should kde be available (installed in vendor-OS)? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^0|1$}, content_descr => '"0", "1" or "-" (for unset)', default => undef, }, 'desktop::xfce' => { applies_to_vendor_os => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should xfce be available (installed in vendor-OS)? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^0|1$}, content_descr => '"0", "1" or "-" (for unset)', default => undef, }, }; } sub getDefaultAttrsForVendorOS { my $self = shift; my $vendorOSName = shift; my $attrs = $self->getAttrInfo(); if ($vendorOSName =~ m{kde}) { $attrs->{'desktop::manager'}->{default} = 'kdm'; $attrs->{'desktop::kind'}->{default} = 'kde'; } elsif ($vendorOSName =~ m{gnome}) { $attrs->{'desktop::manager'}->{default} = 'gdm'; $attrs->{'desktop::kind'}->{default} = 'gnome'; } elsif ($vendorOSName =~ m{xfce}) { $attrs->{'desktop::manager'}->{default} = 'xdm'; $attrs->{'desktop::kind'}->{default} = 'xcfe'; } else { # TODO: chroot into vendor-OS and determine the available desktop } return $attrs; } sub installationPhase { my $self = shift; $self->{pluginRepositoryPath} = shift; $self->{pluginTempPath} = shift; $self->{openslxPath} = shift; $self->{attrs} = shift; # We are going to change some of the stage1 attributes during installation # (basically we are filling the ones that are not defined). Since the result # of these changes might change between invocations, we do not want to store # the resulting values, but we want to store the original (undef). # In order to do so, we copy all stage1 attributes directly into the # object hash and change them there. $self->{gdm} = $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::gdm'}; $self->{kdm} = $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::kdm'}; $self->{xdm} = $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::xdm'}; $self->{gnome} = $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::gnome'}; $self->{kde} = $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::kde'}; $self->{xcfe} = $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::xfce'}; $self->_installRequiredPackages(); $self->_fillUnsetStage1Attrs(); $self->_ensureSensibleStage3Attrs(); # start to actually do something - according to current stage1 attributes if ($self->{gdm}) { $self->_setupGDM(); } if ($self->{kdm}) { $self->_setupKDM(); } if ($self->{xdm}) { $self->_setupXDM(); } return; } sub removalPhase { my $self = shift; my $pluginRepositoryPath = shift; my $pluginTempPath = shift; return; } sub copyRequiredFilesIntoInitramfs { my $self = shift; my $targetPath = shift; my $attrs = shift; my $makeInitRamFSEngine = shift; my $themeDir = "$openslxConfig{'base-path'}/share/themes"; my $desktopXdmcp = $attrs->{'desktop::xdmcp'} || ''; my $xdmcpConfigDir = "$openslxConfig{'base-path'}/lib/plugins/desktop/files/$desktopXdmcp"; my $desktopTheme = $attrs->{'desktop::theme'} || ''; if ($desktopTheme) { my $desktopThemeDir = "$themeDir/$desktopTheme/desktop/$desktopXdmcp"; if (-d $desktopThemeDir) { $makeInitRamFSEngine->addCMD( "mkdir -p $targetPath/usr/share/files" ); $makeInitRamFSEngine->addCMD( "mkdir -p $targetPath/usr/share/themes" ); $makeInitRamFSEngine->addCMD( "cp -a $desktopThemeDir $targetPath/usr/share/themes/" ); $makeInitRamFSEngine->addCMD( "cp -a $xdmcpConfigDir $targetPath/usr/share/files" ); } } else { $desktopTheme = ''; } vlog( 1, _tr( "desktop-plugin: desktop=%s", $desktopTheme ) ); return; } sub _installRequiredPackages { my $self = shift; my $engine = $self->{'os-plugin-engine'}; if ($self->{'gnome'} && !$self->{distro}->isGNOMEInstalled()) { $self->{distro}->installGNOME(); } if ($self->{'gdm'} && !$self->{distro}->isGDMInstalled()) { $self->{distro}->installGDM(); } if ($self->{'kde'} && !$self->{distro}->isKDEInstalled()) { $self->{distro}->installKDE(); } if ($self->{'kdm'} && !$self->{distro}->isKDMInstalled()) { $self->{distro}->installKDM(); } if ($self->{'xfce'} && !$self->{distro}->isXFCEInstalled()) { $self->{distro}->installXFCE(); } if ($self->{'xdm'} && !$self->{distro}->isXDMInstalled()) { $self->{distro}->installXDM(); } return 1; } sub _fillUnsetStage1Attrs { my $self = shift; if (!defined $self->{'gnome'}) { $self->{'gnome'} = $self->{distro}->isGNOMEInstalled(); } if (!defined $self->{'gdm'}) { $self->{'gdm'} = $self->{distro}->isGDMInstalled(); } if (!defined $self->{'kde'}) { $self->{'kde'} = $self->{distro}->isKDEInstalled(); } if (!defined $self->{'kdm'}) { $self->{'kdm'} = $self->{distro}->isKDMInstalled(); } if (!defined $self->{'xfce'}) { $self->{'xfce'} = $self->{distro}->isXFCEInstalled(); } if (!defined $self->{'xdm'}) { $self->{'xdm'} = $self->{distro}->isXDMInstalled(); } return 1; } sub _ensureSensibleStage3Attrs { my $self = shift; # check if current desktop kind is enabled at all and select another # one, if it isn't my $kind = $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::kind'} || ''; if (!$self->{$kind}) { my @desktops = map { $self->{$_} ? $_ : () } qw( gnome kde xfce ); if (!@desktops) { die _tr( "no desktop kind is possible, plugin 'desktop' wouldn't work!" ); } $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::kind'} = $desktops[0]; } # check if current desktop manager is enabled at all and select another # one, if it isn't my $manager = $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::manager'} || ''; if (!$self->{$manager}) { my @managers = map { $self->{$_} ? $_ : () } qw( gdm kdm xdm ); if (!@managers) { die _tr( "no desktop manager is possible, plugin 'desktop' wouldn't work!" ); } $self->{attrs}->{'desktop::manager'} = $managers[0]; } return 1; } sub _setupGDM { my $self = shift; my $attrs = shift; my $repoPath = $self->{pluginRepositoryPath}; mkpath([ "$repoPath/gdm/workstation", "$repoPath/gdm/kiosk", "$repoPath/gdm/chooser", ]); my $pathInfo = $self->{distro}->GDMPathInfo(); $self->_setupGDMScript($pathInfo); my $configHash = $self->{distro}->GDMConfigHashForWorkstation(); $self->_writeConfigHash($configHash, "$repoPath/gdm/workstation/gdm.conf"); $configHash = $self->{distro}->GDMConfigHashForKiosk(); $self->_writeConfigHash($configHash, "$repoPath/gdm/kiosk/gdm.conf"); $configHash = $self->{distro}->GDMConfigHashForChooser(); $self->_writeConfigHash($configHash, "$repoPath/gdm/chooser/gdm.conf"); return; } sub _setupGDMScript { my $self = shift; my $pathInfo = shift; my $repoPath = $self->{pluginRepositoryPath}; my $configFile = $pathInfo->{config}; my $paths = join( ' ', map { '/mnt' . $_ } ( dirname($configFile), @{$pathInfo->{paths}} ) ); my $script = unshiftHereDoc(<<" End-of-Here"); #!/bin/ash # written by OpenSLX-plugin 'desktop' mkdir -p $paths 2>/dev/null ln -sf $repoPath/gdm/\$desktop_mode/gdm.conf /mnt$configFile rllinker gdm 1 15 End-of-Here spitFile("$repoPath/gdm/desktop.sh", $script); return; } sub _setupKDM { my $self = shift; my $attrs = shift; } sub _setupXDM { my $self = shift; my $attrs = shift; } sub _writeConfigHash { my $self = shift; my $hash = shift || {}; my $file = shift; my $content = ''; for my $domain (sort keys %$hash) { $content .= "[$domain]\n"; for my $key (sort keys %{$hash->{$domain}}) { my $value = defined $hash->{$domain}->{$key} ? $hash->{$domain}->{$key} : ''; $content .= "$key=$value\n"; } $content .= "\n"; } spitFile($file, $content); } 1;