# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH # # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. # See http://openslx.org/COPYING # # If you have any feedback please consult http://openslx.org/feedback and # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback@openslx.org # # General information about OpenSLX can be found at http://openslx.org/ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vmchooser.pm # - allows user to pick from a list of virtual machin images # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package OpenSLX::OSPlugin::vmchooser; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Base); use OpenSLX::Basics; use OpenSLX::Utils; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { name => 'vmchooser', }; return bless $self, $class; } sub getInfo { my $self = shift; return { description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), allows user to pick from a list of different virtual machine images based on xml-files, which tell about available images. End-of-Here precedence => 50, required => [ qw( vmware ) ], }; } sub getAttrInfo { my $self = shift; return { 'vmchooser::active' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), should the 'vmchooser'-plugin be executed during boot? End-of-Here content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$}, content_descr => '1 means active - 0 means inactive', default => '1', }, 'vmchooser::env' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), environment, seperates pools based on XML configuration End-of-Here #TODO: #content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$}, content_descr => 'name of environment', default => 'default', }, 'vmchooser::xmlpath' => { applies_to_systems => 1, applies_to_clients => 1, description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'), location of XML configuration for virtual images End-of-Here content_descr => 'path to xml files', # workaround till we wiped out vmconfigs/ folder default => '/var/lib/virt/vmware/vmconfigs/', }, }; } sub installationPhase { my $self = shift; my $info = shift; my $pluginRepoPath = $info->{'plugin-repo-path'}; my $openslxBasePath = $info->{'openslx-base-path'}; # copy all needed files now: my $pluginName = $self->{'name'}; my $pluginBasePath = "$openslxBasePath/lib/plugins/$pluginName/files"; foreach my $file ( qw( vmchooser printer.sh scanner.sh xmlfilter.sh default.desktop vmchooser.sh mesgdisp ) ) { copyFile("$pluginBasePath/$file", "$pluginRepoPath/"); chmod 0755, "$pluginRepoPath/$file"; } #copyFile("$pluginBasePath/default.desktop", "/usr/share/xsessions/"); return; } sub removalPhase { my $self = shift; my $info = shift; return; } 1;